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Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003
Number of items: 144.


Heine, Hendrik and Arnold, Aidan S. and Le Gonidec, Melanie S. and Griffin, Paul F. and Riis, Erling and Herr, Waldemar and Rasel, Ernst M. (2025) A compact high-flux grating chip cold atom source. New Journal of Physics, 27 (3). 033019. ISSN 1367-2630


Kumar, Rakesh Y and Sabui, Ratul and Gopal, R and Li, Feiyu and Sarkar, Soubhik and Trickey, William and Anand, M and Pasley, John and Sheng, Z-M and Trines, R M G M and Scott, R H H and Robinson, A P L and Sharma, V and Krishnamurthy, M (2024) Tailored mesoscopic plasma accelerates electrons exploiting parametric instability. New Journal of Physics, 26 (3). 033027. ISSN 1367-2630


La Rooij, A and Ulm, C and Haller, E and Kuhr, S (2023) A comparative study of deconvolution techniques for quantum-gas microscope images. New Journal of Physics, 25 (8). 083036. ISSN 1367-2630

Cameron, Robert P and McArthur, Duncan and Yao, Alison M (2023) Strong chiral optical force for small chiral molecules based on electric-dipole interactions, inspired by the asymmetrical hydrozoan Velella velella. New Journal of Physics, 25 (8). 083006. ISSN 1367-2630


Werren, Nicholas and Gauger, Erik M and Kirton, Peter (2022) A quantum model of lasing without inversion. New Journal of Physics, 24 (9). 093027. ISSN 1367-2630

Fan, H C and Liu, X Y and Li, X F and Qu, J F and Yu, Q and Kong, Q and Weng, S M and Chen, M and Büscher, M and Gibbon, P and Kawata, S and Sheng, Z M (2022) Control of electron beam polarization in the bubble regime of laser-wakefield acceleration. New Journal of Physics, 24 (8). 083047. ISSN 1367-2630

Schöbel, Susanne and Pausch, Richard and Chang, Yen-Yu and Corde, Sébastien and Couperus Cabadağ, Jurjen and Debus, Alexander and Ding, Hao and Döpp, Andreas and Foerster, F Moritz and Gilljohann, Max and Haberstroh, Florian and Heinemann, Thomas and Hidding, Bernhard and Karsch, Stefan and Köhler, Alexander and Kononenko, Olena and Kurz, Thomas and Nutter, Alastair and Steiniger, Klaus and Ufer, Patrick and Martinez de la Ossa, Alberto and Schramm, Ulrich and Irman, Arie (2022) Effect of driver charge on wakefield characteristics in a plasma accelerator probed by femtosecond shadowgraphy. New Journal of Physics, 24 (8). 083034. ISSN 1367-2630

Qin, Zhiyong and Li, Wentao and Liu, Jiaqi and Liu, Jiansheng and Wang, Wentao and Yu, Changhai and Zhang, Zhijun and Wang, Xinliang and Li, Jinfeng and Leng, Yuxin and Liang, Xiaoyan and Li, Ruxin and Xu, Zhizhan (2022) Multi-GeV cascaded laser wakefield acceleration in a hybrid capillary discharge waveguide. New Journal of Physics, 24 (7). 073048. ISSN 1367-2630

Brougham, Thomas and Oi, Daniel K L (2022) Modelling efficient BB84 with applications for medium-range, terrestrial free-space QKD. New Journal of Physics, 24 (7). 075002. ISSN 1367-2630

Dolier, E J and King, M and Wilson, R and Gray, R J and McKenna, P (2022) Multi-parameter Bayesian optimisation of laser-driven ion acceleration in particle-in-cell simulations. New Journal of Physics, 24 (7). 073025. ISSN 1367-2630

Goodman, J and King, M and Wilson, R and Gray, R J and McKenna, P (2022) Optimisation of multi-petawatt laser-driven proton acceleration in the relativistic transparency regime. New Journal of Physics, 24 (5). 053016. ISSN 1367-2630

Zhao, Yao and Sheng, Zhengming and Cui, Zijian and Ren, Lei and Zhu, Jianqiang (2022) Polychromatic drivers for inertial fusion energy. New Journal of Physics, 24 (4). 043025. ISSN 1367-2630

Ferri, Francesco and La Rooij, Arthur and Lebouteiller, Claire and Bourdel, Pierre-Antoine and Baghdad, Mohamed and Schwartz, Sylvain and Garcia, Sébastien and Reichel, Jakob and Long, Romain (2022) An optical elevator for precise delivery of cold atoms using an acousto-optical deflector. New Journal of Physics, 24 (4). 043013. ISSN 1367-2630

Maitrallain, A and Brunetti, E and Streeter, M J V and Kettle, B and Spesyvtsev, R and Vieux, G and Shahzad, M and Ersfeld, B and Yoffe, S R and Kornaszewski, A and Finlay, O and Ma, Y and Albert, F and Bourgeois, N and Dann, S J D and Lemos, N and Cipiccia, S and Cole, J M and González, I G and Willingale, L and Higginbotham, A and Hussein, A E and Šmid, M and Falk, K and Krushelnick, K and Lopes, N C and Gerstmayr, E and Lumsdon, C and Lundh, O and Mangles, S P D and Najmudin, Z and Rageev, P P and Symes, D R and Thomas, A G R and Jaroszynski, D A (2022) Parametric study of high-energy ring-shaped electron beams from a laser wakefield accelerator. New Journal of Physics, 24 (1). 013017. ISSN 1367-2630


Noble, Adam and Burton, David A and Docherty, Lauren and Jaroszynski, Dino A (2021) Self-force on a charged particle in an external scalar field. New Journal of Physics, 23 (11). 115007. ISSN 1367-2630

Gratus, Jonathan and Seviour, Rebecca and Kinsler, Paul and Jaroszynski, Dino A (2021) Temporal boundaries in electromagnetic materials. New Journal of Physics, 23 (8). 083032. ISSN 1367-2630

Flannigan, S and Madail, L and Dias, R G and Daley, A J (2021) Hubbard models and state preparation in an optical Lieb lattice. New Journal of Physics, 23 (8). 083014. ISSN 1367-2630

Song, Huai Hang and Wang, Wei Min and Li, Yan Fei and Li, Bing Jun and Li, Yu Tong and Sheng, Zheng Ming and Chen, Li Ming and Zhang, Jie (2021) Spin and polarization effects on the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production in laser-plasma interaction. New Journal of Physics, 23 (7). 075005. ISSN 1367-2630

Iñigo Gamiz, Lucas I and Ersfeld, Bernhard and Brunetti, Enrico and Yoffe, Samuel R and Cairns, R Alan and Noble, Adam and Holt, George K and Jaroszynski, Dino A (2021) Microstructure formation in radially counterstreaming electron flows. New Journal of Physics, 23 (4). 043017. ISSN 1367-2630


Capdessus, R and Gremillet, L and McKenna, P (2020) High-density electron-ion bunch formation and multi-GeV positron production via radiative trapping in extreme-intensity laser-plasma interactions. New Journal of Physics, 22. 113003. ISSN 1367-2630

Qu, J. F. and Liu, P. and Liu, X. Y. and Gray, R. J. and McKenna, P. and Li, X. F. and Kawata, S. and Kong, Q. (2020) Relativistic mid-wavelength infrared pulses generated in intense-laser mass-limited target interactions. New Journal of Physics, 22 (9). 093007. ISSN 1367-2630

Sarkar, S and McEndoo, S and Schneble, D and Daley, A J (2020) Interspecies entanglement with impurity atoms in a lattice gas. New Journal of Physics, 22. 083017. ISSN 1367-2630

Campbell, L T and Freund, H P and Henderson, J R and McNeil, B W J and Traczykowski, P and van der Slot, P J M (2020) Analysis of ultra-short bunches in free-electron lasers. New Journal of Physics, 22 (7). 073031. ISSN 1367-2630

Morgan, Jenny and Hemsing, Erik and McNeil, Brian W J and Yao, Alison (2020) Free electron laser generation of X-ray Poincaré beams. New Journal of Physics, 22 (July). 072001. ISSN 1367-2630

Williamson, S D R and Gray, R J and King, M and Wilson, R and Dance, R J and Armstrong, C and Rusby, D R and Brabetz, C and Wagner, F and Zielbauer, B and Bagnoud, V and Neely, D and McKenna, P (2020) Energy absorption and coupling to electrons in the transition from surface- to volume-dominant intense laser-plasma interaction regimes. New Journal of Physics, 22 (5). 053044. ISSN 1367-2630

Bailly-Grandvaux, M and Kim, J and Krauland, C M and Zhang, S and Dozières, M and Wei, M S and Theobald, W and Grabowski, P E and Santos, J J and Nicolai, Ph and McKenna, P and Desjarlais, M P and Beg, F N (2020) Transport of kJ-laser-driven relativistic electron beams in cold and shock-heated vitreous carbon and diamond. New Journal of Physics, 22 (3). 033031. ISSN 1367-2630

Alotaibi, Badriah Mesfer and Al tuijri, Reem and Habib, Ahmad and Hala, Ahmad and Hidding, Bernhard and Khalil, Sherif Mohamed and McNeil, Brian and Traczykowski, Piotr (2020) Plasma wakefield accelerator driven coherent spontaneous emission from an energy chirped electron pulse. New Journal of Physics, 22 (1). 013037. ISSN 1367-2630


Callison, Adam and Chancellor, Nicholas and Mintert, Florian and Kendon, Viv (2019) Finding spin glass ground states using quantum walks. New Journal of Physics, 21. 123022. ISSN 1367-2630

Damanet, Francois and Mascarenhas, Eduardo and Pekker, David and Daley, Andrew J (2019) Reservoir engineering of Cooper-pair-assisted transport with cold atoms. New Journal of Physics, 21. 115001. ISSN 1367-2630

Di Carli, A and Colquhoun, C D and Kuhr, S and Haller, E (2019) Interferometric measurement of micro-g acceleration with levitated atoms. New Journal of Physics, 21 (5). 053028. ISSN 1367-2630

Peaudecerf, B and Andia, M and Brown, M and Haller, E and Kuhr, S (2019) Microwave preparation of two-dimensional fermionic spin mixtures. New Journal of Physics, 21. 013020. ISSN 1367-2630


Sainz, A B and Aolita, L and Piani, M and Hoban, M J and Skrzypczyk, P (2018) A formalism for steering with local quantum measurements. New Journal of Physics, 20. 083040. ISSN 1367-2630

Acín, Antonio and Bloch, Immanuel and Buhrman, Harry and Calarco, Tommaso and Eichler, Christopher and Eisert, Jens and Esteve, Daniel and Gisin, Nicolas and Glaser, Steffen J. and Jelezko, Fedor and Kuhr, Stefan and Lewenstein, Maciej and Riedel, Max F. and Schmidt, Piet O. and Thew, Rob and Wallraff, Andreas and Walmsley, Ian and Wilhelm, Frank K. (2018) The quantum technologies roadmap : a European community view. New Journal of Physics, 20 (8). 080201. ISSN 1367-2630

Zhu, Xing-Long and Yu, Tong-Pu and Chen, Min and Weng, Su-Ming and Sheng, Zheng-Ming (2018) Generation of GeV positron and γ-photon beams with controllable angular momentum by intense lasers. New Journal of Physics, 20. 083013. ISSN 1367-2630

Zhao, Q and Weng, S M and Sheng, Z M and Chen, M and Zhang, G B and Mori, W B and Hidding, B and Jaroszynski, D A and Zhang, J (2018) Ionization injection in a laser wakefield accelerator subject to a transverse magnetic field. New Journal of Physics, 20. 063031. ISSN 1367-2630

Yang, Xue and Brunetti, Enrico and Jaroszynski, Dino A. (2018) High-energy coherent terahertz radiation emitted by wide-angle electron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator. New Journal of Physics, 20. 043046. ISSN 1367-2630

Gray, R J and Wilson, R and King, M and Williamson, S D R and Dance, R J and Armstrong, C and Brabetz, C and Wagner, F and Zielbauer, B and Bagnoud, V and Neely, D and McKenna, P (2018) Enhanced laser-energy coupling to dense plasmas driven by recirculating electron currents. New Journal of Physics, 20. 033021. ISSN 1367-2630

Burton, David A and Noble, Adam (2018) Plasma-based wakefield accelerators as sources of axion-like particles. New Journal of Physics, 20. 033022. ISSN 1367-2630

Del Sorbo, D and Blackman, D R and Capdessus, R and Small, K and Slade-Lowther, C and Lou, W and Duff, M J and Robinson, A P L and McKenna, P and Sheng, Z-M and Pasley, J and Ridgers, C P (2018) Efficient ion acceleration and dense electron-positron plasma creation in ultra-high intensity laser-solid interactions. New Journal of Physics, 20. 033014. ISSN 1367-2630

Regula, Bartosz and Piani, Marco and Cianciaruso, Marco and Bromley, Thomas R. and Streltsov, Alexander and Adesso, Gerardo (2018) Converting multilevel nonclassicality into genuine multipartite entanglement. New Journal of Physics. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1367-2630

Kirton, Peter and Keeling, Jonathan (2018) Superradiant and lasing states in driven-dissipative Dicke models. New Journal of Physics, 20. 015009. ISSN 1367-2630


Strathearn, A and Lovett, B W and Kirton, P (2017) Efficient real-time path integrals for non-Markovian spin-boson models. New Journal of Physics, 19 (9). 093009. ISSN 1367-2630

Scott, G G and Brenner, C M and Bagnoud, V and Clarke, R J and Gonzalez Izquierdo, B and Green, J S and Heathcote, R I and Powell, H W and Rusby, D R and Zielbauer, B and McKenna, P and Neely, D (2017) Diagnosis of Weibel instability evolution in the rear surface scale lengths of laser solid interactions via proton acceleration. New Journal of Physics, 19. 043010. ISSN 1367-2630

Campbell, L.T. and Maier, A. R. (2017) Velocity dispersion of correlated energy spread electron beams in the free electron laser. New Journal of Physics, 19. 033037. ISSN 1367-2630


Fischer, Kevin A and Müller, Kai and Lagoudakis, Konstantinos G and Vučković, Jelena (2016) Dynamical modeling of pulsed two-photon interference. New Journal of Physics, 18 (11). p. 113053. ISSN 1367-2630

Henderson, J R and Campbell, L T and Freund, H P and McNeil, B W J (2016) Modelling elliptically polarised free electron lasers. New Journal of Physics, 18. 062003. ISSN 1367-2630

Eliasson, Bengt and Liu, Chuan-Sheng (2016) Nonlinear plasmonics in a two-dimensional plasma layer. New Journal of Physics, 18 (5). 053007. ISSN 1367-2630

Kar, S and Green, A and Ahmed, H and Alejo, A and Robinson, A P L and Cerchez, M and Clarke, R and Doria, D and Dorkings, S and Fernandez, J and Mirfayzi, S R and Mckenna, P and Naughton, K and Neely, D and Norreys, P and Peth, C and Powell, H and Ruiz, J A and Swain, J and Willi, O and Borghesi, M (2016) Beamed neutron emission driven by laser accelerated light ions. New Journal of Physics, 18. ISSN 1367-2630

Lagoudakis, Konstantinos G and McMahon, Peter L and Fischer, Kevin A and Puri, Shruti and Müller, Kai and Dalacu, Dan and Poole, Philip J and Reimer, Michael E and Zwiller, Val and Yamamoto, Yoshihisa and Vučković, Jelena (2016) Initialization of a spin qubit in a site-controlled nanowire quantum dot. New Journal of Physics, 18 (5). 053024. ISSN 1367-2630

Jang, Jae K and Erkintalo, Miro and Luo, Kathy and Oppo, Gian-Luca and Coen, Stéphane and Murdoch, Stuart G (2016) Controlled merging and annihilation of localized dissipative structures in an AC-driven damped nonlinear Schrödinger system. New Journal of Physics, 18. 033034. ISSN 1367-2630

Jang, Jae K and Erkintalo, Miro and Luo, Kathy and Oppo, Gian-Luca and Coen, Stéphane and Murdoch, Stuart G (2016) Controlled merging and annihilation of localised dissipative structures in an AC-driven damped nonlinear Schrödinger system. New Journal of Physics, 18 (3). 033034. ISSN 1367-2630

Henderson, V A and Griffin, P F and Riis, E and Arnold, A S (2016) Comparative simulations of Fresnel holography methods for atomic waveguides. New Journal of Physics, 18. 025007. ISSN 1367-2630

Joo, Jaewoo and Elliott, Matthew and Oi, Daniel K L and Ginossar, Eran and Spiller, Timothy P. (2016) Deterministic amplification of Schrödinger cat states in circuit quantum electrodynamics. New Journal of Physics, 18 (2). 023028. ISSN 1367-2630

Dover, N P and Palmer, C A J and Streeter, M J V and Ahmed, H and Albertazzi, B and Borghesi, M and Carroll, D C and Fuchs, J and Heathcote, R and Hilz, P and Kakolee, K F and Kar, S and Kodama, R. and Kon, A and MacLellan, D A and McKenna, P and Nagel, S R and Neely, D and Notley, M M and Nakatsutsumi, M and Prasad, R and Scott, G and Tampo, M and Zepf, M and Schreiber, J and Najmudin, Z (2016) Buffered high charge spectrally-peaked proton beams in the relativistic-transparency regime. New Journal of Physics, 18. 013038. ISSN 1367-2630


Powell, H W and King, M and Gray, R J and MacLellan, D A and Izquierdo, Bruno and Stockhausen, L C and Hicks, G and Dover, N P and Rusby, D R and Carroll, D C and Padda, H and Torres, R and Kar, S and Clarke, R J and Musgrave, I O and Najmudin, Z. and Borghesi, M and Neely, D and McKenna, P (2015) Proton acceleration enhanced by a plasma jet in expanding foils undergoing relativistic transparency. New Journal of Physics, 17. 103033. ISSN 1367-2630

Tanttu, Tuomo and Rossi, Alessandro and Tan, Kuan Yen and Huhtinen, Kukka Emilia and Chan, Kok Wai and Möttönen, Mikko and Dzurak, Andrew S. (2015) Electron counting in a silicon single-electron pump. New Journal of Physics, 17 (10). 103030. ISSN 1367-2630

Raj, G. and Ersfeld, B. and Vieux, G. and Yoffe, S. and Hur, Min Sup and Cairns, R. A. and Jaroszynski, D. A. (2015) Raman backscattering saturation due to coupling between ωp and 2ωp modes in plasma. New Journal of Physics, 17. 103026. ISSN 1367-2630

Islam, M R and Brunetti, E and Shanks, R P and Ersfeld, B and Issac, R C and Cipiccia, S and Anania, M P and Welsh, G H and Wiggins, S M and Noble, A and Cairns, R A and Raj, G and Jaroszynski, D A (2015) Near-threshold electron injection in the laser-plasma wakefield accelerator leading to femtosecond bunches. New Journal of Physics, 17. 093033. ISSN 1367-2630

Robinson, A P L and Schmitz, H and McKenna, P (2015) Resistivity of non-crystalline carbon in the 1-100eV range. New Journal of Physics, 17. 083045. ISSN 1367-2630

Henderson, J R and Campbell, L T and McNeil, B W J (2015) Free electron laser using 'beam by design'. New Journal of Physics, 17 (8). 083017. ISSN 1367-2630

Yoffe, Samuel R and Kravets, Yevgen and Noble, Adam and Jaroszynski, Dino A (2015) Longitudinal and transverse cooling of relativistic electron beams in intense laser pulses. New Journal of Physics, 17 (5). pp. 1-13. 053025. ISSN 1367-2630

Brunetti, E and Becker, W and Bryant, H C and Jaroszynski, D A and Chou, W (2015) Laser stripping of hydrogen atoms by direct ionization. New Journal of Physics, 17. 053008. ISSN 1367-2630

Cho, M-H and Kim, Y-K and Suk, H and Ersfeld, B and Jaroszynski, D A and Hur, M S (2015) Strong terahertz emission from electromagnetic diffusion near cutoff in plasma. New Journal of Physics, 17 (4). 043045. ISSN 1367-2630

Eliasson, B (2015) Instability of a thin conducting foil accelerated by a finite wavelength intense laser. New Journal of Physics, 17 (3). 033026. ISSN 1367-2630

Scott, G G and Bagnoud, V and Brabetz, C and Clarke, R J and Green, J S and Heathcote, R I and Powell, H W and Zielbauer, B and Arber, T D and McKenna, P and Neely, D (2015) Optimization of plasma mirror reflectivity and optical quality using double laser pulses. New Journal of Physics. 033027. ISSN 1367-2630

Liu, Tung-Chang and Shao, Xi and Liu, Chuan-Sheng and Eliasson, Bengt and Hill III, W T and Wang, Jyhpyng and Chen, Shih-Hung (2015) Laser acceleration of protons using multi-ion plasma gaseous targets. New Journal of Physics, 17 (2). 023018. ISSN 1367-2630

Roga, Wojciech and Buono, Daniela and Illuminati, Fabrizio (2015) Device-independent quantum reading and noise-assisted quantum transmitters. New Journal of Physics, 17 (013031). 013031. ISSN 1367-2630


Gray, R J and Carroll, D C and Yuan, X H and Brenner, C M and Burza, M and Coury, M and Lancaster, K L and Lin, X X and Li, Y T and Neely, D and Quinn, M N and Tresca, O and Wahlström, C-G and McKenna, P (2014) Laser pulse propagation and enhanced energy coupling to fast electrons in dense plasma gradients. New Journal of Physics, 16 (11). 113075. ISSN 1367-2630

Piani, Marco and Narasimhachar, Varun and Calsamiglia, John (2014) Quantumness of correlations, quantumness of ensembles and quantum data hiding. New Journal of Physics, 16 (11). 113001. ISSN 1367-2630

Campbell, Lawrence and McNeil, Brian and Reiche, Sven (2014) Two-colour free electron laser with wide frequency separation using a single monoenergetic electron beam. New Journal of Physics, 16. 103019. ISSN 1367-2630

Manahan, Grace and Brunetti, Enrico and Aniculaesei, Constantin and Anania, Maria Pia and Cipiccia, Silvia and Islam, Mohammad and Grant, David William and Subiel, Anna and Shanks, Richard and Issac, Riju and Welsh, Gregor H. and Wiggins, Mark and Jaroszynski, Dino (2014) Characterization of laser-driven single and double electron bunches with a permanent magnet quadrupole triplet and pepper-pot mask. New Journal of Physics, 16 (10). 103006. ISSN 1367-2630

Daley, A J and Rigol, M and Weiss, D S (2014) Focus on out-of-equilibrium dynamics in strongly interacting one-dimensional systems. New Journal of Physics, 16. 095006. ISSN 1367-2630

Gray, Ross and MacLellan, David and Izquierdo, Bruno and Powell, Haydn and Carroll, David and Murphy, C.D. and Stockhausen, L.C. and Rusby, Dean and Scott, G. and Wilson, R. and Booth, Nicola and Symes, Dan and Hawkes, S. and Torres, R and Borghesi, M. and McKenna, Paul (2014) Azimuthal asymmetry in collective electron dynamics in relativistically transparent laser-foil interactions. New Journal of Physics, 16. 093027. ISSN 1367-2630

Ersfeld, Bernhard and Bonifacio, Rodolfo and Chen, Sijia and Islam, Mohammad and Smorenburg, Peter W. and Jaroszynski, Dino (2014) The ion channel free-electron laser with varying betatron amplitude. New Journal of Physics, 16 (9). 093025. ISSN 1367-2630

Pirozhkov, Alexander and Kando, Masaki and Esirkepov, Timur and Gallegos, Pablo and Ahmed, Hamad and Ragozin, Eugene and Pikuz, Tatiana and Kawachi, Tetsuya and Sagisaka, Akito and Koga, James and Coury, Mireille and Green, J. and Foster, P.S. and Brenner, Ceri Mae and Symes, Dan and Mori, Michiaki and Kawase, Keigo and Kameshima, Takashi and Fukuda, Yuji and Chen, Liming and Daito, Izuru and Ogura, Koichi and Hayashi, Yukio and Kotaki, Hideyuki and Kiriyama, Hiromitsu and Okada, Hajime and Nishimori, Nobuyuki and Imazono, Takashi and Kondo, Kiminori and Tajima, Toshiki and Daido, Hiroyuki and Pattahil, Rajeev and McKenna, Paul and Borghesi, Marco and Neely, David and Kato, Yoshiaki and Bulanov, Sergei (2014) High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes. New Journal of Physics, 16. 093003. ISSN 1367-2630

Edward Bruschi, David and Sabín, Carlos and White, Angela and Baccetti, Valentina and Oi, Daniel K L and Fuentes, Ivette (2014) Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments. New Journal of Physics, 16. 053041. ISSN 1367-2630

Barnett, Stephen M. and Cresser, James D. and Jeffers, John and Pegg, David T. (2014) Quantum probability rule : a generalization of the theorems of Gleason and Busch. New Journal of Physics, 16. 043025. ISSN 1367-2630

Cameron, Robert and Barnett, Steve and Yao, Alison (2014) Discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules. New Journal of Physics, 16 (Januar). 013020. ISSN 1367-2630

Ferrus, T. and Rossi, A. and Andreev, A. and Kodera, T. and Kambara, T. and Lin, W. and Oda, S. and Williams, D. A. (2014) GHz photon-activated hopping between localized states in a silicon quantum dot. New Journal of Physics, 16. 013016. ISSN 1367-2630


Clerici, M and Faccio, D and Caspani, L and Peccianti, M and Yaakobi, O and Schmidt, B E and Shalaby, M and Vidal, F and Légaré, F and Ozaki, T and Morandotti, R (2013) Spectrally resolved wave-mixing between near- and far-infrared pulses in gas. New Journal of Physics, 15. 125011. ISSN 1367-2630

Pichler, Hannes and Bonnes, Lars and Daley, Andrew J and Läuchli, Andreas M and Zoller, Peter (2013) Thermal versus entanglement entropy : a measurement protocol for fermionic atoms with a quantum gas microscope. New Journal of Physics, 15. 063003. ISSN 1367-2630

Iubini, Stefano and Franzosi, Roberto and Livi, Roberto and Oppo, Gian-Luca and Politi, Antonio (2013) Discrete breathers and negative-temperature states. New Journal of Physics, 15 (2). 023032. ISSN 1367-2630

Liu, Tung-Chang and Shao, Xi and Liu, Chuan-Sheng and He, Minqing and Eliasson, Bengt and Tripathi, Vipin and Su, Jao-Jang and Wang, Jyhpung and Chen, Shih-Hung (2013) Generation of quasi-monoenergetic protons from thin multi-ion foils by a combination of laser radiation pressure acceleration and shielded Coulomb repulsion. New Journal of Physics, 15. 025026. ISSN 1367-2630

Higson, E. and Trines, R. and Jiang, J. and Bingham, R. and Lancaster, K. L. and Davies, J. R. and Norreys, P. A. (2013) The effect of phase front deformation on the growth of the filamentation instability in laser–plasma interactions. New Journal of Physics, 15. 015027. ISSN 1367-2630

Romero, J and Giovannini, D and Tasca, D S and Barnett, S M and Padgett, M J (2013) Tailored two-photon correlation and fair-sampling : a cautionary tale. New Journal of Physics, 15 (8). 083047. ISSN 1367-2630


Cameron, Robert P. and Barnett, Stephen M. (2012) Electric-magnetic symmetry and Noether's theorem. New Journal of Physics, 14. 123019. ISSN 1367-2630

Saunders, Dylan J. and Palsson, Matthew S. and Pryde, Geoff J. and Scott, Andrew J. and Barnett, Stephen M. and Wiseman, Howard M. (2012) The simplest demonstrations of quantum nonlocality. New Journal of Physics, 14. 113020. ISSN 1367-2630

Pritchard, J. D. and Dinkelaker, A. N. and Arnold, A. S. and Griffin, P. F. and Riis, E. (2012) Demonstration of an inductively coupled ring trap for cold atoms. New Journal of Physics, 14. 103047. ISSN 1367-2630

Giovannini, D. and Miatto, F. M. and Romero, J. and Barnett, S. M. and Woerdman, J. P. and Padgett, M. J. (2012) Determining the dimensionality of bipartite orbital-angular-momentum entanglement using multi-sector phase masks. New Journal of Physics, 14 (7). 073046. ISSN 1367-2630

Cameron, Robert and Barnett, Stephen and Yao, Alison (2012) Optical helicity, optical spin and related quantities in electromagnetic theory. New Journal of Physics, 14 (5). 053050. ISSN 1367-2630


Brown, Katherine L and De, Suvabrata and Kendon, Vivien M and Munro, William J (2011) Ancilla-based quantum simulation. New Journal of Physics, 13. 095007. ISSN 1367-2630

Mark, Manfred J and Haller, Elmar and Danzl, Johann G and Lauber, Katharina and Gustavsson, Mattias and Naegerl, Hanns-Christoph (2011) Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves. New Journal of Physics, 13. 085008. ISSN 1367-2630

Kur, E and Dunning, D J and McNeil, B W J and Wurtele, J and Zholents, A A (2011) A wide bandwidth free-electron laser with mode locking using current modulation. New Journal of Physics, 13. 063012. ISSN 1367-2630

Vieux, Gregory and Lyachev, Andrey and Yang, Xue and Ersfeld, Bernhard and Farmer, John Patrick and Brunetti, Enrico and Issac, Riju and Raj, Gaurav and Welsh, Gregor H. and Wiggins, Mark and Jaroszynski, Dino (2011) Chirped pulse Raman amplification in plasma. New Journal of Physics, 13. 063042. ISSN 1367-2630

Yao, Alison M (2011) Angular momentum decomposition of entangled photons with an arbitrary pump. New Journal of Physics, 13. 053048. ISSN 1367-2630

Aad, G and Abbott, B. and Abdallah, J. and Abdelalim, A .A. and Abdesselam, A. and Abdinov, O. and Abi, B. and Abolins, M. and Bell, William, The ATLAS collaboration (2011) Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. New Journal of Physics, 13 (053033). 053033. ISSN 1367-2630

Paterek, T and Kurzyński, P and Oi, D K L and Kaszlikowski, D (2011) Reference frames for Bell inequality violation in the presence of superselection rules. New Journal of Physics, 13. 043027. ISSN 1367-2630

Smith, Jason M and Grazioso, Fabio and Patton, Brian R and Dolan, Philip R and Markham, Matthew L and Twitchen, Daniel J (2011) Optical properties of a single-colour centre in diamond with a green zero-phonon line. New Journal of Physics, 13. 045005. ISSN 1367-2630

Coecke, Bob and Duncan, Ross (2011) Interacting quantum observables : categorical algebra and diagrammatics. New Journal of Physics, 13 (April). 043016. ISSN 1367-2630

Štefaňák, M. and Barnett, S M and Kollár, B and Kiss, T and Jex, I (2011) Directional correlations in quantum walks with two particles. New Journal of Physics, 13. 033029. ISSN 1367-2630

Titvinidze, I and Privitera, A and Chang, S-Y and Diehl, S and Baranov, M A and Daley, A and Hofstetter, W (2011) Magnetism and domain formation in SU(3)-symmetric multi-species Fermi mixtures. New Journal of Physics, 13. 035013. ISSN 1367-2630

Streeter, M. J. V. and Foster, P. S. and Cameron, F. H. and Borghesi, M. and Brenner, C. and Carroll, D. C. and Divall, E. and Dover, N. P. and Dromey, B. and Gallegos, P. and Green, J. S. and Hawkes, S. and Hooker, C. J. and Kar, S. and McKenna, P. and Nagel, S. R. and Najmudin, Z. and Palmer, C. A. J. and Prasad, R. and Quinn, K. E. and Rajeev, P. P. and Robinson, A. P. L. and Romagnani, L. and Schreiber, J. and Spindloe, C. and Ter-Avetisyan, S. and Tresca, O. and Zepf, M. and Neely, D. (2011) Relativistic plasma surfaces as an efficient second harmonic generator. New Journal of Physics, 13. ISSN 1367-2630

Burza, M and Gonoskov, A and Genoud, G and Persson, A and Svensson, K and Quinn, M and McKenna, P and Marklund, M and Wahlström, C-G (2011) Hollow microspheres as targets for staged laser-driven proton acceleration. New Journal of Physics, 13. 013030. ISSN 1367-2630

Hamilton, Craig S and Gábri, Aurél and Jex, Igor and Barnett, Stephen M (2011) Quantum walk with a four-dimensional coin. New Journal of Physics, 13. 013015. ISSN 1367-2630


Leung, Godfrey and Knott, Paul and Bailey, Joe and Kendon, Viv (2010) Coined quantum walks on percolation graphs. New Journal of Physics, 12. 123018. ISSN 1367-2630

Romero, J. and Leach, J. and Jack, B. and Barnett, S. M. and Padgett, M. J. and Franke-Arnold, S. (2010) Violation of Leggett inequalities in orbital angular momentum subspaces. New Journal of Physics, 12. 123007. ISSN 1367-2630

Schachenmayer, J. and Lesanovsky, I. and Micheli, A. and Daley, A.J. (2010) Dynamical crystal creation with polar molecules or Rydberg atoms in optical lattices. New Journal of Physics, 12 (10). 103044. ISSN 1367-2630

Green, J. S. and Carroll, D. C. and Brenner, C. and Dromey, B. and Foster, P. S. and Kar, S. and Li, Y. T. and Markey, K. and McKenna, P. and Neely, D. and Robinson, A. P. L. and Streeter, M. J. V. and Tolley, M. and Wahlstrom, C-G and Xu, M. H. and Zepf, M. (2010) Enhanced proton flux in the MeV range by defocused laser irradiation. New Journal of Physics, 12. 085012. ISSN 1367-2630

Wunderlich, Harald and Virmani, Shashank and Plenio, Martin B. (2010) Highly efficient estimation of entanglement measures for large experimentally created graph states via simple measurements. New Journal of Physics, 12. 083026. ISSN 1367-2630

Bellei, C. and Nagel, S. R. and Kar, S. and Henig, A. and Kneip, S. and Palmer, C. and Saevert, A. and Willingale, L. and Carroll, D. and Dromey, B. and Green, J. S. and Markey, K. and Simpson, P. and Clarke, R. J. and Lowe, H. and Neely, D. and Spindloe, C. and Tolley, M. and Kaluza, M. C. and Mangles, S. P. D. and McKenna, P. and Norreys, P. A. and Schreiber, J. and Zepf, M. and Davies, J. R. and Krushelnick, K. and Najmudin, Z. (2010) Micron-scale fast electron filaments and recirculation determined from rear-side optical emission in high-intensity laser-solid interactions. New Journal of Physics, 12. 073016. ISSN 1367-2630

Gustavsson, Mattias and Haller, Elmar and Mark, Manfred J. and Danzl, Johann G. and Hart, Russell and Daley, Andrew J. and Nägerl, Hanns-Christoph (2010) Interference of interacting matter waves. New Journal of Physics, 12. 065029. ISSN 1367-2630

Yuan, X. H. and Robinson, A. P. L. and Quinn, M. N. and Carroll, D. C. and Borghesi, M. and Clarke, R. J. and Evans, R. G. and Fuchs, J. and Gallegos, P. and Lancia, L. and Neely, D. and Quinn, K. and Romagnani, L. and Sarri, G. and Wilson, P. A. and McKenna, P. (2010) Effect of self-generated magnetic fields on fast-electron beam divergence in solid targets. New Journal of Physics, 12. 063018. ISSN 1367-2630

Trines, R.M.G.M. and Bingham, R. and Najmudin, Z. and Mangles, S. and Silva, L.O. and Fonseca, R. and Norreys, P.A. (2010) Electron trapping and acceleration on a downward density ramp: a two-stage approach. New Journal of Physics, 12. 045027. ISSN 1367-2630

Ledingham, Kenneth and Galster, Wilfried (2010) Laser-driven particle and photon beams and some applications. New Journal of Physics, 12 (April). 045005. ISSN 1367-2630

Batani, D. and Jafer, R. and Veltcheva, M. and Dezulian, R. and Lundh, O. and Lindau, F. and Persson, A. and Osvay, K. and Wahlström, C-G and Carroll, D. C. and McKenna, P. and Flacco, A. and Malka, V. (2010) Effects of laser prepulses on laser-induced proton generation. New Journal of Physics, 12. 045018. ISSN 1367-2630

Carroll, D. C. and Tresca, O. and Prasad, R. and Romagnani, L. and Foster, P. S. and Gallegos, P. and Ter-Avetisyan, S. and Green, J. S. and Streeter, M. J. V. and Dover, N. and Palmer, C. A. J. and Brenner, C. M. and Cameron, F. H. and Quinn, K. E. and Schreiber, J. and Robinson, A. P. L. and Baeva, T. and Quinn, M. N. and Yuan, X. H. and Najmudin, Z. and Zepf, M. and Neely, D. and Borghesi, M. and McKenna, P. (2010) Carbon ion acceleration from thin foil targets irradiated by ultrahigh-contrast, ultraintense laser pulses. New Journal of Physics, 12. 045020. ISSN 1367-2630

Plenio, M B and Virmani, S. (2010) Upper bounds on fault tolerance thresholds of noisy Clifford-based quantum computers. New Journal of Physics, 12. 033012. ISSN 1367-2630


Jack, B. and Leach, J. and Ritsch, H. and Barnett, S.M. and Padgett, M.J. and Franke-Arnold, S. (2009) Precise quantum tomography of photon pairs with entangled orbital angular momentum. New Journal of Physics, 11. 103024. ISSN 1367-2630

Robinson, A.P.L. and Foster, P. and Adams, D. and Carroll, D.C. and Dromey, B. and Hawkes, S. and Kar, S. and Li, Y.T. and Markey, K. and Mckenna, Paul and Spindloe, C. and Streeter, M. and Wahlström, C-G and Xu, M. H. and Zepf, M. and Neely, D. (2009) Spectral modification of laser-accelerated proton beams by self-generated magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 11. 83018. ISSN 1367-2630

Mendonça, J T and Shukla, P K and Bingham, R (2009) Nonlinear excitation of zonal flows by rossby wave turbulence. New Journal of Physics, 11. 073038. ISSN 1367-2630

Abbott, B. and Abbott, R. and Adhikari, R. and Ajith, P. and Allen, B. and Allen, G. and Amin, R. and Anderson, S.B. and Lockerbie, N.A. and Tokmakov, K. V., LIGO Scientific Collaboration (2009) Observation of a kilogram-scale oscillator near its quantum ground state. New Journal of Physics, 11 (7). 073032. ISSN 1367-2630

Eliasson, Bengt and Liu, Chuan S. and Shao, Xi and Sagdeev, Roald Z. and Shukla, Padma K. (2009) Laser acceleration of monoenergetic protons via a double layer emerging from an ultra-thin foil. New Journal of Physics, 11 (7). 073006. ISSN 1367-2630

Yao, A. M. and Keen, S. A. J. and Burnham, D. R. and Leach, J. and Di Leonardo, R. and McGloin, D. and Padgett, M. J. (2009) Underdamped modes in a hydrodynamically coupled microparticle system. New Journal of Physics, 11. 053007. ISSN 1367-2630

Danzl, Johann G. and Mark, Manfred J. and Haller, Elmar and Gustavsson, Mattias and Hart, Russell and Liem, Andreas and Zellmer, Holger and Nägerl, Hanns-Christoph (2009) Deeply bound ultracold molecules in an optical lattice. New Journal of Physics, 11. 055036. ISSN 1367-2630

Moslem, W.M. and Sabry, R. and Abdelsalam, U.M. and Kourakis, I. and Shukla, P.K. (2009) Solitary and blow-up electrostatic excitations in rotating magnetized electron-positron-ion plasmas. New Journal of Physics, 11. 033028. ISSN 1367-2630


Shaikh, Dastgeer and Shukla, P K (2008) 3d electron fluid turbulence at nanoscales in dense plasmas. New Journal of Physics, 10. 083007. ISSN 1367-2630

Spohr, K M and Shaw, M and Galster, W and Ledingham, K W D and Robson, L and Yang, J M and McKenna, P and McCanny, T and Melone, J J and Amthor, K-U and Ewald, F and Liesfeld, B and Schwoerer, H and Sauerbrey, R (2008) Study of photo-proton reactions driven by bremsstrahlung radiation of high-intensity laser generated electrons. New Journal of Physics, 10. 043037. ISSN 1367-2630

Plenio, M B and Virmani, S. (2008) Many-body physics and the capacity of quantum channels with memory. New Journal of Physics, 10. 043032. ISSN 1367-2630

Pfotenhauer, S.M. and Jäckel, O. and Sachtleben, A. and Polz, J. and Ziegler, W. and Schlenvoigt, H.P. and Amthor, K.U. and Kaluza, M. C. and Ledingham, K.W.D. and Sauerbrey, R. and Gibbon, P. and Robinson, A. P. L. and Schwoerer, H. (2008) Spectral shaping of laser generated proton beams. New Journal of Physics, 10. 033034. ISSN 1367-2630


Devitt, Simon J. and Schirmer, Sonia G. and Oi, Daniel K.L. and Cole, Jared H. and Hollenberg, Lloyd C.L. (2007) Subspace confinement : how good is your qubit? New Journal of Physics, 9 (Oct). ISSN 1367-2630

Kivotides, D and Mee, A J and Barenghi, C F (2007) Magnetic field generation by coherent turbulence structures. New Journal of Physics, 9. 291. ISSN 1367-2630

McNeil, B W J and Thompson, N R and Dunning, D J and Karssenberg, J G and van der Slot, P J M and Boller, K-J (2007) A design for the generation of temporally-coherent radiation pulses in the VUV and beyond by a self-seeding high-GaIn free electron laser amplifier. New Journal of Physics, 9. 239. ISSN 1367-2630

Eliasson, B and Shukla, P K (2007) Simulation study of magnetic holes at the Earth's collisionless bow shock. New Journal of Physics, 9 (6). 168. ISSN 1367-2630

Virmani, Shashank (2007) Entanglement and local information access for graph states. New Journal of Physics, 9 (194). ISSN 1367-2630

Maloyer, Olivier and Kendon, Viv (2007) Decoherence versus entanglement in coined quantum walks. New Journal of Physics, 9. 87. ISSN 1367-2630

Shukla, P K and Eliasson, B (2007) Nonlinear instability and dynamics of polaritons in quantum systems. New Journal of Physics, 9 (4). 98. ISSN 1367-2630

McNeil, B W J and Clarke, J A and Dunning, D J and Hirst, G J and Owen, H L and Thompson, N R and Sheehy, B and Williams, P H (2007) An XUV-FEL amplifier seeded using high harmonic generation. New Journal of Physics, 9. 82. ISSN 1367-2630


Pritchard, Matthew J. and Arnold, Aidan S. and Cornish, Simon L. and Hallwood, David W. and Pleasant, Chris V.S. and Hughes, Ifan G. (2006) Transport of launched cold atoms with a laser guide and pulsed magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 8 (Decemb). pp. 1-21. 309. ISSN 1367-2630

Jeffers, J. (2006) Retrodictive fidelities for pure state postselectors. New Journal of Physics, 8 (268). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1367-2630

Eliasson, B and Shukla, P K and Dieckmann, M E (2006) Theoretical and simulation studies of relativistic ion holes in astrophysical plasmas. New Journal of Physics, 8 (4). 55. ISSN 1367-2630

Arnold, Aidan S. and Pritchard, Matthew J. and Smith, David A. and Hughes, Ifan G. (2006) Double-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms. New Journal of Physics, 8 (53). ISSN 1367-2630


Carneiro, Ivens and Loo, Meng and Xu, Xibai and Girerd, Mathieu and Kendon, Viv and Knight, Peter L (2005) Entanglement in coined quantum walks on regular graphs. New Journal of Physics, 7. 156. ISSN 1367-2630

Pegg, D T and Barnett, S M and Zambrini, R and Franke-Arnold, S and Padgett, M (2005) Minimum uncertainty states of angular momentum and angular position. New Journal of Physics, 7. -. ISSN 1367-2630


Tregenna, Ben and Flanagan, Will and Maile, Rik and Kendon, Viv (2003) Controlling discrete quantum walks : coins and initial states. New Journal of Physics, 5. 83. ISSN 1367-2630

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