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Number of items: 4.


Aad, G and Abbott, B. and Abdallah, J. and Abdelalim, A .A. and Abdesselam, A. and Abdinov, O. and Abi, B. and Abolins, M. and Bell, William, The ATLAS collaboration (2012) Measurement of the top quark pair production cross-section with ATLAS in the single lepton channel. Physics Letters B, 711 (3-4). pp. 244-263. ISSN 0370-2693


Aad, G and Abbott, B. and Abdallah, J. and Abdelalim, A .A. and Abdesselam, A. and Abdinov, O. and Abi, B. and Abolins, M. and Bell, William, The ATLAS collaboration (2011) Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. New Journal of Physics, 13 (053033). 053033. ISSN 1367-2630

Aad, G and Abbott, B. and Abdallah, J. and Abdelalim, A .A. and Abdesselam, A. and Abdinov, O. and Abi, B. and Abolins, M. and Bell, William, The ATLAS collaboration (2011) Measurements of underlying-event properties using neutral and charged particles in pp collisions at 900 GeV and 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European Physical Journal C, C71 (1636). 1636. ISSN 1434-6044


Aad, G and Abat, E. and Abbott, B. and Abdallah, J. and Abdelalim, A .A. and Abdesselam, A. and Abdinov, O. and Abi, B. and Bell, William, The ATLAS collaboration (2010) Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at √s = 900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 688 (1). pp. 21-42. ISSN 0370-2693

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