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Number of items: 18.


Ronald, K. and Speirs, D.C. and King, M. and Heelis, T. and McConville, S.L. and Gillespie, K.M. and Bingham, R. and Robertson, C.W. and Cross, A.W. and Phelps, A.D.R. (2017) Laboratory experiments simulating electron cyclotron masers in space. EPJ Web of Conferences, 149. 03015. ISSN 2100-014X


Speirs, D. C. and Bingham, R. and Ronald, K. and Phelps, A.D.R. and McConville, S.L. and Gillespie, K.M. and Cairns, R. A. and Kellett, B.J. and Vorgul, I. and Cross, A.W.; (2016) Numerical simulations of astrophysical cyclotron-maser emission. In: 42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2015. European Physical Society (EPS), PRT. ISBN 9781510829466


Gillespie, K. M. and McConville, S. L. and Speirs, D. C. and Ronald, K. and Phelps, A. D R and Bingham, R. and Cross, A. W. and Robertson, C. W. and Whyte, C. G. and He, W. and Vorgul, I. and Cairns, R. A. and Kellett, B. J. (2014) 3D PiC code investigations of auroral kilometric radiation mechanisms. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1). 012051. ISSN 1742-6588

Speirs, D. C. and Gillespie, K. M. and Ronald, K. and McConville, S. L. and Phelps, A. D R and Cross, A. W. and Bingham, R. and Kellett, B. J. and Cairns, R. A. and Vorgul, I. (2014) Numerical simulation of unconstrained cyclotron resonant maser emission. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1). 012052. ISSN 1742-6588

McConville, S. L. and Ronald, K. and Speirs, D. C. and Gillespie, K. M. and Phelps, A. D R and Cross, A. W. and Bingham, R. and Robertson, C. W. and Whyte, C. G. and He, W. and King, M. and Bryson, R. and Vorgul, I. and Cairns, R. A. and Kellett, B. J. (2014) Scaled experiment to investigate auroral kilometric radiation mechanisms in the presence of background electrons. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1). 012061. ISSN 1742-6588

King, M. and Bryson, Ross and Ronald, K. and Cairns, R. Alan and McConville, S.L. and Speirs, D.C. and Phelps, A.D.R. and Bingham, R. and Gillespie, K.M. and Cross, A.W. and Vorgul, Irena and Trines, Raoul (2014) Progress towards numerical and experimental simulations of fusion relevant beam instabilities. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1). pp. 1-5. 012047. ISSN 1742-6588


Speirs, D. C. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, K. M. and Phelps, A.D.R. and Cross, A. W. and Ronald, K.; (2013) Numerical simulation of astrophysical cyclotron-maser emission. In: 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, Mainz, Germany, 2013. IEEE, DEU. ISBN 9781467347174

Speirs, David C. D.C. and Gillespie, K. M. K.M. and Ronald, Kevin K. and Mcconville, S. L. S.L. and Phelps, Alan D R A.D.R. and Cross, Adrian W. A.W. and Bingham, Robert J. R.J. and Kellett, Barry J. B.J. and Cairns, R. Alan R.A. and Vorgul, Irena Yu I.Y. (2013) Propagation and escape of astrophysical cyclotron-maser radiation. In: 2013 19th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2013-06-16 - 2013-06-21.

Speirs, D. C. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, K. M. and Phelps, A. D. R. and Ronald, K. (2013) Numerical simulations of unbounded cyclotron-maser emissions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 79 (6). pp. 999-1001. ISSN 0022-3778

King, M. and Speirs, D. C. and Bingham, R. and McConville, S. L. and Bryson, R. and Gillespie, K. M. and Phelps, A. D R and Cross, A. W. and Whyte, C. G. and Cairns, R. A. and Vorgul, I. and Trines, R. M. G. M. and Ronald, K.; Naulin, V. and Angioni, C. and Borghesi, M. and Ratynskaia, S. and Poedts, S. and Donné, T. and Kurki-Suonio, T. and Äkäslompolo, S. and Hakola, A. and Airila, M., eds. (2013) Computational and experimental study of beam-plasma instabilities relevant to fast-ignition inertial confinement fusion. In: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013. Europhysics Conference Abstract, 1 . European Physical Society (EPS), FIN, pp. 533-536. ISBN 9782914771849

Bryson, R. and Speirs, D. C. and King, M. and Vorgul, I. and Cairns, R. A. and Phelps, A. D. R. and Bingham, R. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, K. M. and Ronald, K.; Naulin, V. and Angioni, C. and Borghesi, M. and Ratynskaia, S. and Poedts, S. and Donné, T. and Kurki-Suonio, T. and Äkäslompolo, S. and Hakola, A. and Airila, M., eds. (2013) Modelling of the anomalous Doppler resonance for a laboratory experiment. In: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 2 . European Physical Society (EPS), FIN, pp. 1590-1593. ISBN 9782914771849

Speirs, D. C. and Bingham, R. and Cairns, R. A. and Kellett, B. J. and Gillespie, K. M. and Ronald, K. and McConville, S. L. and Phelps, A. D. R. and Vorgul, I. and Cross, A. W.; (2013) Generation, propagation and escape of astrophysical cyclotron-maser emission. In: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013. European Physical Society (EPS), FIN, pp. 125-128. ISBN 9781632663108


McConville, Sandra and Koepke, Mark E and Gillespie, Karen and Matheson, Kathleen and Whyte, Colin and Robertson, Craig and Speirs, David (2011) Characterization of a Penning discharge for investigation of auroral radio wave generation mechanisms. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53 (12). 124020. ISSN 0741-3335

Ronald, K. and Speirs, D. C. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, Karen and Phelps, A. D. R. and Bingham, R. and Vorgul, I. and Cairns, R. A. and Cross, A. W. and Robertson, Craig and Whyte, C. G. and He, W. and Kellett, B. J. (2011) Auroral magnetospheric cyclotron emission processes : numerical and experimental simulations. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53 (7). 074015. ISSN 0741-3335

Cairns, R. A. and Vorgul, I. and Bingham, R. and Ronald, K. and Speirs, D. C. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, K. M. and Bryson, R. and Phelps, A. D. R. and Kellett, B. J. and Cross, A. W. and Robertson, Craig and Whyte, C. G. and He, W. (2011) Cyclotron maser radiation from inhomogeneous plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 18 (2). 022902. ISSN 1070-664X


Ronald, K. and Speirs, D. C. and McConville, S. L. and Gillespie, K. M. and Phelps, A. D. R. and Bingham, R. and Cross, A. W. and Robertson, C. W. and Whyte, C. G. and He, W. and Cairns, R. A. and Vorgul, I. and Kellett, B. J. (2010) A laboratory study of mechanisms for auroral kilometric radiation generation. In: 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-10.


Ronald, K. and McConville, S.L. and Speirs, David and Phelps, A.D.R. and Robertson, C.W. and Whyte, C.G. and He, Wenlong and Gillespie, Karen and Cross, A.W. and Bingham, Robert (2008) Electron beam measurements for a laboratory simulation of auroral kilometric radiation. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 17 (3). ISSN 0963-0252


Phelps, A.D.R. and Speirs, David and McConville, S.L. and Gillespie, K.M. and Ronald, K. and Cross, A.W. and Bingham, R.; (2007) Experimental and numerical investigation of auroral cyclotron maser processes. In: Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference. IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC . IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., pp. 429-430. ISBN 1-4244-0633-1

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