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Law, Derek G. (2022) [Book review] : A History of the Modern Chinese Navy, 1840–2020 (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia). [Review]
Law, Derek; Dobreva, Milena and O'Dwyer, Andy and Feliciati, Pierluigi, eds. (2012) User studies in libraries. In: User studies for digital library development. Facet, London, pp. 191-198. ISBN 9781856047654
Law, D. (2011) Churchill's pirates : the royal navy patrol service in world war II. [Review]
Law, D. (2011) Fighting admirals of world war II. [Review]
Law, Derek; Baker, David and Evans, Wendy, eds. (2011) Library landscapes: digital developments. In: Libraries and Society: Role, Responsibility and Future in an Age of Change. Chandos Publishing, Plymouth, UK. ISBN 9781843341314
Law, Derek (2011) Surviving the flood : Antediluvian libraries and the ark. Uncommon Culture, 2 (1). ISSN 2082-6923
Law, Derek; (2010) Digital libraries in higher education. In: Business Planning for Digital Libraries: International Approaches. Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 33-43. ISBN 9789058678379
Law, Derek; (2010) Sink or swim: digital dilemma in higher education. In: Visionary Leaders for Information. Centre for Information Studies, Wagga Wagga, NSW, pp. 114-120. ISBN 9781876938857
Law, Derek; (2010) Waiting for the barbarians : seeking solutions or awaiting answers? In: Envisioning Future Academic Library Services. Facet, London. ISBN 1856046915
Law, Derek; (2010) The changing roles and identities of library and information services staff. In: Academic and Professional Identities in Higher Education. International Studies In Higher Education . Routledge, New York, pp. 185-198. ISBN 9780415990905
Law, Derek (2009) Waiting for the (digital) barbarians. Information Outlook, 13 (8).
Law, Derek (2009) Academic digital libraries of the future : an environment scan. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 15 (1). pp. 53-67. ISSN 1361-4533
Law, Derek; (2009) Digital library economics : aspects and prospects. In: Digital Library Economics. Chandos, Oxford, pp. 71-85. ISBN 9781843344049
Law, Derek (2009) An awfully big adventure : Strathclyde's digital library plan. Ariadne (58). ISSN 1361-3200
Law, D. (2008) The Pacific campaign in World War II: from Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal. [Review]
Law, Derek (2008) A blue water navy: the official operational history of the royal canadian navy in the second world war, 1943-1945, volume 2, part 2. [Review]
Law, Derek and Lisgarten, Linda and McSean, Tony (2008) A backwards look at the future. Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries, 4 (2). pp. 10-13. ISSN 1841-0715
Law, Derek (2008) Counter culture. Legal Information Management, 8 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 1472-6696
Law, Derek; (2007) Beyond the hybrid library : libraries in a Web 2.0 world. In: Digital Convergence - Libraries of the Future. Springer, Berlin. ISBN 1846289025
Law, Derek (2007) Blessed are the cheesemakers : evidence based policy versus the oral tradition. Library and Information Research News, 31 (97). pp. 4-13. ISSN 0141-6561
Law, Derek (2007) Making science count: open access and its impact on the visibility of science. In: Institutional Archives for Research: Experiences and Projects in Open Access, 2006-11-30 - 2006-12-01.
Law, Derek G. (2006) Back to basics : A-literacy, the Boolean gene, convergence and the long tail. Electronic Library, 24 (6). pp. 729-733. ISSN 0264-0473
Law, Derek (2006) Remembering history : the work of the information services sub-committee of the Joint Information Services Committee in the UK. Program, 40 (4). pp. 315-324. ISSN 0033-0337
Law, Derek (2006) Wonders never cease. Information Scotland, 4 (3). pp. 12-13. ISSN 1479-8441
Law, Derek (2006) Delivering open access: from promise to practice. Ariadne (46). ISSN 1361-3200
Law, Derek; Sica, G., ed. (2006) Open Access : national policy initiatives as an alternative to personal commitment. In: Open Access : Open Problems. Polimetrica, Monza, Italy, pp. 21-32. ISBN 8876990534
Berners-Lee, Tim and De Roure, Dave and Harnad, Stevan and Law, Derek and Murray-Rust, Peter and Shadbolt, Nigel and Wilks, Yorick and Oppenheim, Charles (2005) Journal publishing and author self-archiving : peaceful co-existence and fruitful collaboration. Open Access Archivangelism: Maximizing Research Impact by Maximizing Research Access, UK.
Law, Derek; Hanson, Terry, ed. (2005) The place of useful learning : convergence at the University of Strathclyde. In: Managing Academic Support Services in Universities: the convergence experience. Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 96-105. ISBN 1-85604-525-0
Law, Derek and Macgregor, George and McCulloch, Emma and Wallis, Jake (2005) Developing a national information strategy in Scotland. Cadernos de Biblioteconomia, Arquivística e Documentação, 1. pp. 49-53.
Law, Derek; Renwick, Shamin and Kochar, Jaishree, eds. (2005) Lightning rod or seismograph? The acid test for librarians. In: Electronic Information Resources in the Caribbean. The University of the West Indies, TTO, pp. 3-7.
Law, Derek (2005) Tilting at Windmills : BLDSC and the UK Higher Education Community. Interlending and Document Supply, 33 (2). pp. 85-89. ISSN 0264-1615
Burnhill, Peter and Law, Derek (2005) SUNCAT Rising : UK serials union catalogue to assist document access. Interlending and Document Supply, 33 (4). pp. 203-207. ISSN 0264-1615
Law, Derek; Bothma, T J D and Kaniki, A M, eds. (2004) Research, relativity and relevance : can universal truths answer local questions. In: ProLISSA2004. Infuse, ZAF, pp. 1-10. ISBN 0620330694
Law, Derek; (2004) Bibliographes spécialisés et bibliothécaires de référence : questions actuelles au Royaume-Uni. In: Bibliothecaire, quel metier. Cercle de la Librairie, Paris, France, pp. 53-60. ISBN 2765408904
Law, Derek (2004) Bridging the digital divide : a review of current progress. Library Management, 25 (1/2). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0143-5124
Law, Derek; (2004) Content and services issues for digital libraries. In: Digital Libraries. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 53-62. ISBN 0754634485
Law, D. (2004) Digital libraries: policies, planning and practice. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 0754634485
Law, D.; (2004) Simplifying access to electronic resources. In: British Computer Society Review 2004. British Computer Society Review . British Computer Society.
Thornbury, Helyn and Law, Derek and Henderson, Brian; Brown, David G., ed. (2003) Case study : the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. In: Ubiquitous Computing. Anker, Bolton, Massachusetts, pp. 71-87. ISBN 9781882982523
Law, D. (2003) Are Librarians still under pressure? How to deal with it? Policies at national, institutional and individual level. In: Knowing to decide: Scientific and technical information for health decisions - 6th Regional Conference for Information in Health Sciences, 2003-05-06 - 2003-05-09.
Law, Derek (2002) Building the Glasgow Digital Library and its components. In: Knowledge Navigation and Library Services: Proceedings of the First Shanghai International Library Forum, 2002-07-15 - 2002-07-18.
Law, Derek; (2002) Developments in information technology, networks and services. In: Advocating Libraries: Essays in Honour of Robert Craig. CILIPS, Hamilton, pp. 65-76. ISBN 095411602X
Law, Derek (2002) Electrical storms: electronic information management issues and their impact on libraries. In: LIANZA Conference 2002: Winds of Change, Libraries in the 21st century, 2002-11-17 - 2002-11-20.
Law, D. (2002) The Library in the Market: information arbitrage as the new face of an old service. International Association of Technological University Libraries Proceedings, 11. ISSN 0966-4769
Law, D. (2002) Shooting the pianist: the RSLG report and JISC. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 8. pp. 167-174. ISSN 1361-4533
Law, Derek and Nicholson, Dennis and Dunsire, Gordon (2002) Whole environment research on distributed and collaborative digital and non-digital networked libraries in Scotland. BIBLIO THEK Forschung und Praxis, 26 (2). pp. 113-123. ISSN 0341-4183
Law, Derek (2002) An apology of a life: [a Presidential address]. Scottish Libraries, 17. pp. 7-11.
Law, Derek; (2002) e-cooperation. In: Co-operation in action : collaborative initiatives in the world of information. Facet, London, pp. 109-120. ISBN 1856044246
Law, Derek and Nicholson, Dennis (2001) Digital Scotland, the relevance of library research and the Glasgow Digital Library Project. Program, 35 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0033-0337
Law, Derek (2000) Regional and cross-sectoral approaches to library provision. Serials, 13 (3). pp. 157-160. ISSN 0953-0460
Law, Derek and Dempsey, Lorcan (2000) A policy context - eLib and the emergence of the subject gateways. Ariadne, 25. ISSN 1361-3200
Law, D. (2000) Information policy for a new millennium. Library Review, 49 (7). pp. 322-330. ISSN 0024-2535
Law, Derek (2000) The Mickey Mouse world of humanities scholarship. In: Digital Resources for the Humanities 1999, 1999-09-01.
Law, Derek and Weedon, Ralph and Sheen, M.R. (2000) Universities and article copyright. Learned Publishing, 13 (3). pp. 141-150. ISSN 0953-1513
Joint, N. and Law, D. (2000) The electronic library : a review. Library Review, 49 (9). pp. 428-435. ISSN 0024-2535
Law, Derek (1999) The British Library and the impact of research. Information Services and Use, 19 (2). pp. 127-133.
Law, Derek (1999) Networks without wires: Human networks in the Information Society. In: Open Meeting of the Sri Lanka Library Association, 1999-01-31. (Unpublished)
Law, D. (1999) Scholarly communication in an electronic environment: problems and challenges. Alexandria, 11. pp. 135-142. ISSN 0955-7490
Law, Derek (1998) Access to the world's literature : the global strategy. Library Review, 47 (5/6). pp. 296-300. ISSN 0024-2535
Law, D. (1998) Metropolitan Area Networks and the future of networking in the UK. Advances in Librarianship, 22. pp. 77-85. ISSN 0065-2830
Law, Derek and McSean, Tony (1998) Net-knitting: the library paradigm and the new environment. In: 6th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, 1998-06-22 - 1998-06-27.
Law, Derek (1998) Resource sharing and hybrid libraries: the MALIBU Project. International Conference on New Missions of Academic Libraries in the 21st Century . Beijing University Press, Beijing. ISBN 7301038593
Elkin, Judith and Law, Derek (1997) The 1996 research assessment exercise : the library and information management panel. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 29 (3). pp. 131-141. ISSN 0961-0006
Law, Derek (1997) Parlour games : the real nature of the Internet. Serials, 10 (2). pp. 195-201. ISSN 0953-0460
Law, Derek (1997) National Library initiatives : the UK Higher Education experience. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23 (2). pp. 127-131. ISSN 0099-1333
Brindley, Lynne and Law, Derek (1997) Digital library developments - a realistic future? Inspel, 31 (4). pp. 195-203. ISSN 0019-0217
Law, Derek (1995) Scholarly Publishers and Scholarly Publishing in an Electronic World. In: British Computer Society: Electronic Publishing Specialist Group, 1995-06-08. (Unpublished)
Law, Derek (1995) Free of charge: an impossible principle in the digital world? In: Scandinavian Conference, 1995-05-01. (Unpublished)
Law, Derek (1994) Beyond CD-ROM : wider horizons in the provision of electronic information. Health Libraries Review, 11 (1). pp. 52-56. ISSN 0265-6647
Law, Derek (1994) And another thing...dress codes for book people: L- Librarians. Logos, 5 (2). pp. 105-109. ISSN 0957-9656
Law, Derek (1994) The impact of CD-ROM on the end user and librarian. In: Computers and the History of Art Conference, 1994-01-01. (Unpublished)
Law, Derek (1992) Diary of a revolution. University of Edinburgh Journal, 35. pp. 155-159.