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Number of items: 44.


Nicholson, Dennis (2010) Non-eliminative reductionism : the basis of a science of conscious experience? Philosophical Psychology. ISSN 0951-5089 (Unpublished)


Nicholson, Dennis and Dobreva, Milena; (2009) Beyond OAIS : towards a reliable and consistent digital preservation implementation framework. In: 2009 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. IEEE, Santorini, Greece. ISBN 978-1-4244-3298-1

Nicholson, Dennis and Joseph, Anu and McCulloch, E. (2009) HILT IV : subject interoperability through building and embedding pilot terminology web services. World Digital Libraries, 2 (1). pp. 1-22.

Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma and Joseph, Anu (2009) HILT : High-Level Thesaurus Project. Phase IV and Embedding Project Extension : Final Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Nicholson, Dennis (2008) A common research and development agenda for subject interoperability services? Signum, 36 (5). ISSN 0355-0036


Macgregor, G. and McCulloch, E. and Nicholson, D. (2007) Terminology server for improved resource discovery: analysis of model and functions. In: Second International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 2007-10-11 - 2007-10-12.

Macgregor, George and Joseph, Anu and Nicholson, Dennis; Prasad, A.R.D and Madalli, Devika P., eds. (2007) A SKOS Core approach to implementing an M2M terminology mapping server. In: International Conference on Semantic Web & Digital Libraries (ICSD 2007). Documentation Research & Training Centre, Bangalore, India, pp. 109-120.

Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma and Macgregor, George (2007) High-level Thesaurus (HILT) Phase III : Completion Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma and Macgregor, George (2007) High-level Thesaurus (HILT) Phase III [Project] : Final Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Macgregor, George and McCulloch, Emma and Nicholson, Dennis; Isaac, A. and Phipps, J. and Rubin, D., eds. (2007) High-level Thesaurus (HILT) : edited use case, Semantic Web Deployment. In: SKOS Use Cases and Requirements. W3C, Cambridge, MA..


Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma and Macgregor, George (2006) High-level Thesaurus (HILT) Phase III [Final Report] : Evaluation Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma (2006) Investigating the feasibility of a distributed, mapping-based, approach to solving subject interoperability problems in a multi-scheme, cross-service, retrieval environment. In: International Conference on Digital Libraries, 2006-12-05 - 2006-12-08.

Nicholson, Dannis M. and Dawson, Alan and Shiri, Ali (2006) HILT : a terminology mapping service with a DDC spine. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42 (3/4). pp. 187-200. ISSN 0163-9374

Nicholson, D. and McCulloch, E. (2006) HILT Phase III : design requirements of an SRW-compliant terminologies mapping pilot. In: 5th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, 2006-09-21.

Nicholson, Dennis and Macgregor, George (2006) Ensuring Interoperable Digital Object Management Metadata in Scotland : Report of the SLIC-funded CMS Metadata Interoperability Project : Findings, Conclusions, and Guidelines for Best Practice. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Nicholson, Dennis (2006) Interpretive journeys and METS : determining requirements for the effective management of complex digital objects in a national park. Journal of Documentation, 62 (2). pp. 271-290. ISSN 0022-0418

Nicholson, Dennis and Dunsire, Gordon and Macgregor, George (2006) SPEIR: developing a common information environment in Scotland. Electronic Library, 24 (1). pp. 94-107. ISSN 0264-0473


Nicholson, D. and McCulloch, E. (2005) Interoperable subject retrieval in a distributed multi-scheme environment : new developments in the HILT project. In: IBERSID 2005, 2005-11-02 - 2005-11-04.

Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma and Dawson, Alan and Joseph, Anu and Macgregor, George and Dunsire, Gordon and Rees, Christine and Medyckyj-Scott, David and Boyle, Edward G and Soares, Ben and Stickland, Tim and Parkinson, Bob and McKay, Donald and Heery, Rachel and Powell, Andy and Hutchison, Bill and Peacock, Dave and Will, Leonard (2005) HILT : High-Level Thesaurus Project M2M Feasibility Study : [Final Report]. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McCulloch, Emma and Shiri, Ali and Nicholson, Dennis (2005) Challenges and issues in terminology mapping : a digital library perspective. Electronic Library, 23 (6). pp. 671-677. ISSN 0264-0473


SLIC (Scottish Library and Information Council) (Funder); Nicholson, D. and Dunsire, G. and Dawson, A. and Macgregor, G. and Shiri, A. and Joseph, A. and Williamson, A. and Jones, E.. (2004) SPEIR: Scottish Portals for Education, Information and Research. Final Project Report: Elements and Future Development Requirements of a Common Information Environment for Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McCulloch, E. and Shiri, A. and Nicholson, D. (2004) Subject searching requirements : the HILT II experience. Library Review, 53 (8). pp. 408-414. ISSN 0024-2535

Shiri, Ali and Nicholson, Dennis and McCulloch, Emma (2004) User evaluation of a pilot terminologies server for a distributed multi-scheme environment. Online Information Review, 28 (4). pp. 273-283. ISSN 1468-4527


Nicholson, D. and Macgregor, G. (2003) Developing the Scottish cooperative infrastructure: the what, who, where, when and why of SPEIR. WIDWISAWN, 1 (2). ISSN 1478-8055

Nicholson, D. (2003) The European Open Archives Forum. OCLC Systems and Services, 19 (4). ISSN 1065-075X

Nicholson, D. (2003) Ghosts in the machine : people and organisation level issues in distributed digital libraries. OCLC Systems and Services, 19 (1). pp. 17-22. ISSN 1065-075X

Nicholson, D. and Shiri, A. (2003) Interoperability in subject searching and browsing. OCLC Systems and Services, 19 (2). pp. 58-61. ISSN 1065-075X

Nicholson, Dennis and Macgregor, George (2003) 'NOF-Digi' : putting UK culture online. OCLC Systems and Services, 19 (3). pp. 96-99. ISSN 1065-075X

Nicholson, D. (2003) Subject-based interoperability: issues from the high level thesaurus (HILT) project. International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 32 (1). ISSN 1011-8829


Nicholson, Dennis and Macgregor, George (2002) Learning lessons holistically in the Glasgow Digital Library. D-Lib Magazine, 8 (7/8). ISSN 1082-9873

Nicholson, D. and Dawson, A. and Macgregor, G. (2002) GDL: a model infrastructure for a regional digital library. WIDWISAWN, 1 (1). ISSN 1478-8055

Nicholson, D. and Dunsire, G. and Neill, S. (2002) HILT: moving towards interoperability in subject terminologies. Journal of Internet Cataloging, 5 (4). pp. 97-111. ISSN 1937-5034

Law, Derek and Nicholson, Dennis and Dunsire, Gordon (2002) Whole environment research on distributed and collaborative digital and non-digital networked libraries in Scotland. BIBLIO THEK Forschung und Praxis, 26 (2). pp. 113-123. ISSN 0341-4183


Law, Derek and Nicholson, Dennis (2001) Digital Scotland, the relevance of library research and the Glasgow Digital Library Project. Program, 35 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0033-0337

Wake, Susannah and Nicholson, Dennis (2001) HILT: High-Level Thesaurus Project. Building consensus for interoperable subject access across communities. D-Lib Magazine, 7 (9). ISSN 1082-9873

Nicholson, D.; Chen, C.C., ed. (2001) High-level thesaurus project: investigating the problem of subject cross-searching and browsing between communities. In: Global Digital Library Development in the New Millennium. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. ISBN 7302044732

Nicholson, D. and Neill, S. (2001) Interoperability in subject terminologies : the HILT project. New Review of Information Networking, 7. pp. 147-158. ISSN 1361-4576


Nicholson, D. (2000) Researching and developing Virtual Scotland : a perspective from the Centre for Digital Library Research. Electronic Library, 18 (1). pp. 51-62. ISSN 0264-0473

Nicholson, D. (2000) From information technology to information culture : the CATRIONA II project and Strathclyde University's Digital Information Office. Russian Digital Libraries Journal, 3 (3). ISSN 1562-5419


Nicholson, D. (1999) Clumping towards a UK National catalogue? Ariadne, 22. ISSN 1361-3200

Nicholson, D. and Dawson, A.; Wells, A.T. and Calcari, S. and Koplow, T., eds. (1999) BUBL Information Service (BUBL). In: The Amazing Internet Challenge : How Leading Projects Use Library Skills to Organize the Web. American Library Association, Chicago, IL., pp. 53-75. ISBN 9780838907665

Nicholson, D. (1999) University management of locally-created electronic resources: the CATRIONA II project. Electronic Library, 17 (4). pp. 247-255. ISSN 0264-0473


Nicholson, D. and Steele, M. (1996) CATRIONA: a distributed, locally-oriented Z39.50 OPAC-based approach to cataloguing the Internet. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 22 (3/4). pp. 127-141. ISSN 0163-9374


Nicholson, Dennis (1988) Applications of the Psion organiser at Strathclyde University Library. Program, 22 (4). pp. 391-398. ISSN 0033-0337

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