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Number of items: 81.


Li, Jiafan and Smith, Julia A. (2025) The transition of leadership via accounting practices : the case of a Chinese entrepreneurial firm. Meditari Accountancy Research. ISSN 2049-3738


Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia (2024) Decision-support and visualising tools for making good accounting decisions. In: British Accounting & Finance Association Annual Conference with Doctoral Masterclasses 2024, 2024-04-08 - 2024-04-10, University of Portsmouth.


Reid, Gavin C and Smith, Julia A and Xu, Zhibin (2023) Managing intangible assets for small firm growth. Journal of Applied Financial Econometrics, 4 (1). pp. 61-87. ISSN 2583-374X

Sabsombat, Nuthawut and Smith, Julia and Tang, Leilei (2023) Board of director's diversity and earnings management : the moderating effect of the board's roles. In: British Accounting & Finance Association, 2023-04-17 - 2023-04-19, University of Sheffield.

Cui, Dan and Smith, Julia and McColgan, Patrick (2023) An exploratory study on the socially responsible investment (SRI) awareness among Chinese retail investors. In: British Accounting & Finance Association, 2023-04-17 - 2023-04-19, University of Sheffield.


Andriana, Denny and Smith, Julia A and Reid, Gavin C (2022) How to Rejuvenate Traditional Markets. Other. Research Square, Durham, NC.

Elmahgoub, Mohamed and Smith, Julia and Elamer, Ahmed and Abdelfattah, Tarek (2022) Extended audit reporting and goodwill impairment quality : UK evidence. In: European Accounting Association Annual Conference, 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13, NHH Norwegian School of Economics.


Cardao-Pito, Tiago and Smith, Julia A. and da Silva Ferreira, Joao (2021) Using accounting measures of (in)tangibility for organizational classifications. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 5 (2). pp. 325-351. ISSN 2573-0134

Reid, Gavin C and Smith, Julia A and Hsu, Yu-Lin (2021) Choices of financial reporting regimes and techniques and underlying decision-making processes : a case study analysis of a port authority. National Accounting Review, 3 (2). pp. 137-151. ISSN 2689-3010


Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia and Xu, Zhibin (2020) The impact of strategy, technology, size and business environment on the organizational form of small firms in China. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 20 (4). pp. 15-32. ISSN 2456-639X

Smith, Julia and Tian, Yuqi (2020) Empirical insights into supervisory boards of listed companies in China. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 19 (4). pp. 19-37. ISSN 2456-639X

Smith, Julia A. and Doolan, Elena (2020) The social impact of accounting processes on benefit claimants in the UK. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 5 (2). pp. 64-77. ISSN 2365-1792

Denny Andriana, D and Smith, Julia and Reid, Gavin (2020) Accountability in hybrid organizations : the indigenous markets of Indonesia. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference - Cancelled, 2020-03-30 - 2020-04-01, University of Southampton.


Smith, Julia and Neal, Thomas (2019) Trusting an entrepreneurial orientation in the third sector. In: CNPR 2019 Conference, 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-04, Queen's University.

Binti Puasa, Sharinah and Smith, Julia and Milda Amirul, Sharifah (2019) Accounting information system effectiveness : multiple methods. In: Seminar Penyelidikan Perakaunan 2019, 2019-07-29 - 2019-07-29, University of Malaysia Sabah.

Puasa, Sharinah and Smith, Julia and Amirul, Sharifah Milda (2019) Perceptions of accounting information effectiveness : preliminary findings from the Malaysian Federal Government. Labuan e-Journal of Muamalat and Society, S1. pp. 48-59.

Andriana, Denny and Smith, Julia and Reid, Gavin (2019) Stakeholders and accountability in a traditional indigenous market : the case of pasar in Indonesia. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA), 2019-04-08 - 2019-04-10, Birmingham University.

Smith, Julia A. and England, Claire (2019) An ethnographic study of culture and performance in the UK lingerie industry. British Accounting Review, 51 (3). pp. 241-258. ISSN 0890-8389

Andriana, Denny and Smith, Julia and Reid, Gavin C. (2019) Stakeholders and accountability in a traditional indigenous market : the case of pasar in Indonesia. In: European Accounting Association, 2019-05-29 - 2019-05-31, Aliathon Holiday Village. (In Press)


Puasa, Sharinah and Smith, Julia and Milda Amirul, Sharifah (2018) Accounting Information System (AIS) users' perception towards the system effectiveness : preliminary findings in the context of the Malaysian Federal Government. In: 3rd Applied International Business Conference, 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-24.

Puasa, Sharinah and Smith, Julia and Milda Amirul, Sharifah (2018) Accounting Information System (AIS) users' perception towards the system effectiveness : preliminary findings in the context of the Malaysian Federal Government. In: 3rd Applied International Business Conference, 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-24.

Andriana, Denny and Smith, Julia A. (2018) Accountability policy & practice in hybrid organisations : primary source evidence from indigenous markets in Indonesia. In: Accounting and Accountability in Emerging Economies (AAEE) Conference 2018, 2018-06-28 - 2018-06-29, Essex Business School.

Smith, Julia and Miller, Lesley (2018) Accountability in the Scottish charitable context : managing disparate masters. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference 2018, 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-11, Central Hall Westminster.

Smith, Julia and Miller, Lesley (2018) Accountability in the Scottish charitable context : managing disparate masters. In: European Accounting Association Annual Conference 2018, 2018-05-30 - 2018-06-01, Bocconi University. (In Press)


Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia and Xu, Zhibin (2017) Intangible assets and determinants of firm growth in China. In: European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Conference 2017, 2017-05-10 - 2017-05-12, University of Valencia.

Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia and Xu, Zhibin (2017) Intangible assets and determinants of firm growth in China. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference 2017, 2017-04-10 - 2017-04-12, Heriot Watt University.

Elmahgoub, Mohamed and Smith, Julia (2017) The effect of auditors' geographic distance and industry specialization on the reporting of goodwill impairment. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference 2017, 2017-04-10 - 2017-04-12, Heriot Watt University.


Smith, Julia and Reid, Gavin and HSU, Yu-Lin (2016) Choices of financial reporting regimes and techniques and underlying decision-making processes : a case study analysis of a port authority. In: British Accounting & Finance Association Annual Conference 2016, 2016-03-21 - 2016-03-23, University of Bath. (Unpublished)

Smith, Julia and Reid, Gavin and HSU, Yu-Lin (2016) Choices of financial reporting regimes and techniques and underlying decision-making processes : a case study analysis of a port authority. In: 39th European Accounting Association Annual Congress 2016, 2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13, Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre. (In Press)

Smith, Julia and Binti Puasa, Sharinah (2016) Critical factors of accounting information systems (AIS) effectiveness : a qualitative study of the Malaysian federal government. In: British Accounting & Finance Association Annual Conference 2016, 2016-03-21 - 2016-03-23, University of Bath. (In Press)


Smith, Julia and Cordina, Renzo (2015) Patenting and the early-stage high-technology investor : evidence from the field. R&D Management, 45 (5). pp. 589-605. ISSN 0033-6807

Smith, Julia (2015) Applying the stated preference approach to the study of financial reports. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Dunfermline. (Unpublished)


Smith, Julia A. and Cordina, Renzo (2014) The role of accounting in high-technology investments. British Accounting Review, 46 (3). 309–322. ISSN 0890-8389

Smith, Julia and Miller, Lesley (2014) Accounting and accountability in charitable SMEs. In: European Accounting Association (EAA) annual conference 2014, 2014-05-20 - 2014-05-23, Estonia. (Unpublished)

Smith, Julia and Miller, Lesley (2014) Accounting and accountability in charitable SMEs. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference, 2014-04-14 - 2014-04-16, London School of Economics. (Unpublished)

Smith, Julia and Azri Bin Abdul Rahman, Syamsul (2014) Performance measurement systems and the impact of extra-role behaviour : the case of a Malaysian SME. In: British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference, 2014-04-14 - 2014-04-16, London School of Economics. (Unpublished)


Smith, Julia and Cordina, Renzo (2013) Reporting of intangible assets : views from venture capitalists. In: British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference, 2013-04-09 - 2013-04-11.

Smith, Julia and Cordina, Renzo (2013) Reporting of intangible assets : views from venture capitalists. In: 9th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Property and Extra-Financial Information, 2013-09-26 - 2013-09-27.


Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia and Xu, Zhibin (2012) Extending contingency: explaining organizational form by environment, strategy, size and technology for Chinese small firms. In: 48th British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, 2012-04-17. (Unpublished)

Smith, Julia and Cordina, Renzo (2012) Patenting and the early stage hi-tech investor: a preliminary analysis. In: 48th British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, 2012-04-17. (Unpublished)

Smith, Julia and Cordina, Renzo (2012) The use of financial statements by the early stage hi-tech investor. In: 48th British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, 2012-04-17. (Unpublished)


Cardao-Pito, Tiago and Smith, Julia and da Silva Ferreira, Joao (2011) Investigating industries and refuting the industry homogeneity assumption. In: American Accounting Association annual meeting, 2011-08-06 - 2011-08-10. (Unpublished)

Cardao-Pito, Tiago and Smith, Julia and da Silva Ferreira, Joao (2011) Investigating industries and refuting the industry homogeneity assumption. In: British Accounting and Finance Association annual conference, 2011-04-12 - 2011-04-14. (Unpublished)

Cardao-Pito, Tiago and Smith, Julia and da Silve Ferreira, Joao (2011) Investigating industries and refuting the industry homogeneity assumption. In: European Accounting Association annual conference, 2011-04-20 - 2011-04-22. (Unpublished)

Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia (2011) A stated preference analysis of accounting standards adoption, with applications to the FRSSE. In: British Accounting and Finance Association annual conference, 2011-04-12 - 2011-04-14. (Unpublished)

Smith, Julia and Maclaren, Jade (2011) Some thoughts on the decline of pension schemes. Management Research Review, 34 (12). pp. 1296-1308.


Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia (2010) Accounting and innovation: models and methods applied to high technology ventures. In: British Accounting Association annual conference, 2010-03-30 - 2010-04-01. (Unpublished)


Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia A. (2009) A coevolutionary analysis of organisational systems and processes : quantitative applications to information system dynamics in small entrepreneurial firms. Critical Perspectives On Accounting, 20 (6). pp. 762-781. ISSN 1045-2354

Smith, Julia; Bhimani, A, ed. (2009) Case study of outsourcing and management accounting as facilitator. In: Handbook of Management Accounting. CCH Walters Kluwer, pp. 695-706. ISBN 978-1847982056

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A.; Jolly, A, ed. (2009) Managing growth in high-risk enterprises. In: The Growing Business Handbook: Inspiration and Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs and Fast Growing UK Companies. Kogan Page, pp. 21-24. ISBN 9780749455484


Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia (2008) Why is it so hard to value intangibles? Discussion paper. University of St Andrews, St Andrews.


Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2007) Risk Appraisal and Venture Capital in High Technology New Ventures. Routledge Studies in Global Competition . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-59554-4

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2007) Practitioner views on financial reporting for smaller entities. Discussion paper. Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm (CRIEFF), St Andrews, United Kingdom.


Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2006) I'm gonna live forever: realities of long-term post investment performance for venture-backed enterprises. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Babson College, Massachusetts, Untited States of America. ISBN 0910897263

Ezzamel, Mahmoud and Morris, Jonathan and Smith, Julia A. (2006) Accounting for new organisational forms : the case of subcontracting and outsourcing. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London, UK.

Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2006) Contingency and information system development. In: Foundations of Small Business Enterprise: an entrepreneurial analysis of small firm inception and growth. Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 174-184. ISBN 0415338778

Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2006) Performance and business stragegy. In: Foundations of Small Business Enterprise: an entrepreneurial analysis of small firm inception and growth. Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 130-142. ISBN 0415338778

Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2006) Small firm type, organisational form and contingency. In: Foundations of Small Business Enterprise: an entrepreneurial analysis of small firm inception and growth. Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 185-198. ISBN 0415338778

Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2006) Performance rankings and cluster analysis. In: Foundations of Small Business Enterprise: an entrepreneurial analysis of small firm inception and growth. Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 118-129. ISBN 0415338778

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2006) Investment strategy. Financial Management, February. pp. 27-28. ISSN 1471-9185

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A.; (2006) Realities of Long-Term Post Investment Performance for Venture-Backed Enterprises. In: Venture Capital and the Changing World of Entrepreneurship. Research in entrepreneurship and management . Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, Connecticut, USA. ISBN 1593114346


Smith, Julia A. and Morris, Jonathan and Ezzamel, Mahmoud (2005) Organisational change, outsourcing and the impact of management accounting. British Accounting Review, 37 (4). pp. 415-441. ISSN 0890-8389

Essamel, M. and Morris, J. and Smith, J.A. (2005) Accounting for new organisational forms: the case of subcontracting and outsourcing. CIMA Research Executive Summaries Series, 2 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1744-702X

Smith, J.A. (2005) Empirical study of a venture capital relationship. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 18 (6). pp. 756-783. ISSN 0951-3574

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2005) Venture capital investor behaviour in the backing of UK high technology firms : financial reporting and the level of investment. Discussion paper. Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm (CRIEFF), St Andrews, UK.


Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2004) When our chip comes in ... how do venture capitalists make informed decisions when appraising investments in high-tech firms whose inventions are still in the early stages of development? Financial Management, May. pp. 30-32. ISSN 1471-9185

Morris, J. and Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J.A. (2004) Trim figures: on organisational change. Financial Management, November. pp. 34-36. ISSN 1471-9185

Foreman-Peck, James and Smith, Julia A. (2004) Business and social mobility into the British elite 1870-1914. Journal of European Economic History, 33 (3). pp. 485-518. ISSN 0391-5115

Reid, G.C. and Smith, J.A. (2004) Investor and investee conduct in the risk appraisal of high technology new ventures in the UK. Problemy Teorii i Praktiki Upravleniya (Problems of Management Theory and Practice), 1. pp. 48-56. ISSN 0234-4505

Smith, J.A.; Innes, J., ed. (2004) Strategic management accounting in the small business. In: Handbook of Management Accounting. CMA, Oxford, UK, pp. 21-46. ISBN 0750665181


Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2003) Venture capital and risk in high-technology enterprises. International Journal of Business and Economics, 2 (3). pp. 227-244. ISSN 1607-0704

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2003) Crystal Clearance: EU price transparency. Financial Management, April. pp. 26-27. ISSN 1471-9185

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2003) Co-evolution of information systems in fast-growing small firms. Discussion paper. Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm, St Andrews, Scotland.

Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2003) Is there an industry consensus on risk? evidence from UK venture capital contracting in high-technology. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Babson College, Massachusetts, USA. ISBN 0910897247

Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2003) Post-investment performance appraisal: the impact of venture capital investment on small firm performance. Journal of Private Equity, 7 (1). pp. 36-49. ISSN 1096-5572


Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2002) The bigger picture: feature on information management systems. Financial Management, January. pp. 24-26. ISSN 1471-9185

Ezzamel, M. and Smith, J.A. and White, A. (2002) Accounting for new organisational forms: initial findings on sub-contracting and outsourcing in the UK. Management Research News, 25. pp. 54-57. ISSN 0140-9174

Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A.; (2002) Post-investment performance appraisal (PIPA): the impact of venture capital investment on small firm performance. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Babson College, Massachusetts, Untited States of America. ISBN 0910897239


Reid, J.G.C. and Smith, J.A. (2001) How do venture capitalists handle risk in high technology ventures? Discussion paper. Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm.


Reid, Gavin and Smith, Julia (2000) The impact of contingencies on management accounting system development. Management Accounting Research, 11 (4). pp. 427-450. ISSN 1044-5005


Reid, Gavin and Terry, N.G. and Smith, Julia (1997) Risk management in venture capital investor-investee relations. European Journal of Finance, 3 (1). pp. 27-47. ISSN 1351-847X

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