Practitioner views on financial reporting for smaller entities
Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia A. (2007) Practitioner views on financial reporting for smaller entities. Discussion paper. Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm (CRIEFF), St Andrews, United Kingdom. (
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This paper has four purposes. First, to establish the policy background leading to a special financial reporting standard for small firms (FRSSE), aimed at reducing compliance costs. An indirect policy implication of this was that small firms would be stimulated, for example, in terms of start-up rate, performance (including survival rate, and profitability, and growth), and contribution to employment and innovation within the economy. Second, to consider the implications for FRSSE itself on compliance costs, and to ask what forms they may take. Third, to analyse new evidence on adopters and non-adopters of the FRSSE. Fourth, to cast this new evidence into a cost effectiveness framework, to judge whether adopters who engage in upgrading of skills to implement the FRSSE had attained a net benefit as compared to non-adopters. The conclusion, based on this preliminary evidence, is that upgrading of skills to implement the FRSSE has indeed led to a significant net benefit.
Reid, Gavin C. ORCID: and Smith, Julia A. ORCID:;-
Item type: Monograph(Discussion paper) ID code: 2846 Dates: DateEventJanuary 2007PublishedSubjects: Social Sciences > Social Sciences (General)
Social Sciences > Commerce > Accounting
Social Sciences > StatisticsDepartment: Strathclyde Business School > Accounting and Finance Depositing user: Dr Julia A. Smith Date deposited: 01 Feb 2007 Last modified: 01 Sep 2024 01:49 URI: