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Debnath, Sisir and Roy, Sangita and Abul‐Haija, Yousef M. and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Ramalhete, Susana M. and Hirst, Andrew R. and Javid, Nadeem and Hunt, Neil T. and Kelly, Sharon M. and Angulo, Jesús and Khimyak, Yaroslav Z. and Ulijn, Rein V. (2019) Tunable supramolecular gel properties by varying thermal history. Chemistry - A European Journal, 25 (33). pp. 7881-7887. ISSN 0947-6539
Alakpa, Enateri V. and Jayawarna, Vineetha and Lampel, Ayala and Burgess, Karl V. and West, Christopher C. and Bakker, Sanne C.J. and Roy, Sangita and Javid, Nadeem and Fleming, Scott and Lamprou, Dimitris A. and Yang, Jingli and Miller, Angela and Urquhart, Andrew J. and Frederix, Pim W.J.M. and Hunt, Neil T. and Péault, Bruno and Ulijn, Rein V. and Dalby, Matthew J. (2016) Tunable supramolecular hydrogels for selection of lineage-guiding metabolites in stem cell cultures. Chem, 1 (2). pp. 298-319. ISSN 2451-9294
Shaw, Daniel J. and Adamczyk, Katrin and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Simpson, Niall and Robb, Kirsty and Greetham, Gregory M. and Towrie, Michael and Parker, Anthony W. and Hoskisson, Paul A. and Hunt, Neil T. (2015) Multidimensional infrared spectroscopy reveals the vibrational and solvation dynamics of isoniazid. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142 (21). 212401. ISSN 0021-9606
Pappas, Charalampos G. and Mutasa, Tapiwa and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Fleming, Scott and Bia, Shuo and Debnath, Sisir and Kelly, Sharon M. and Gachagan, Anthony and Ulijn, Rein V. (2015) Transient supramolecular reconfiguration of peptide nanostructures using ultrasound. Materials Horizons, 2 (2). pp. 198-202. ISSN 2051-6355
Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Scott, Gary G. and Abul-Haija, Yousef M. and Kalafatovic, Daniela and Pappas, Charalampos G. and Javid, Nadeem and Hunt, Neil T. and Ulijn, Rein V. and Tuttle, Tell (2015) Exploring the sequence space for (tri-)peptide self-assembly to design and discover new hydrogels. Nature Chemistry, 7 (1). pp. 30-37. ISSN 1755-4330
Pappas, Charalampos G. and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Mutasa, Tapiwa and Fleming, Scott and Abul-Haija, Yousef M. and Kelly, Sharon M. and Gachagan, Anthony and Kalafatovic, Daniela and Trevino, Jacob and Ulijn, Rein V. and Bai, Shuo (2015) Alignment of nanostructured tripeptide gels by directional ultrasonication. Chemical Communications, 51 (40). pp. 8465-8468. ISSN 1359-7345
Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Adamczyk, Katrin and Wright, Joseph A. and Tuttle, Tell and Ulijn, Rein V. and Pickett, Christopher J. and Hunt, Neil T. (2014) Investigation of the ultrafast dynamics occurring during unsensitized photocatalytic H2 evolution by an [FeFe]-hydrogenase subsite analogue. Organometallics, 33 (20). 5888–5896. ISSN 0276-7333
Nalluri, Siva Krishna Mohan and Shivarova, Nadezhda and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and Zelzer, Mischa and Gupta, Swati and Frederix, Pim and Skabara, Peter J. and Gleskova, Helena and Ulijn, Rein V. (2014) Conducting nanofibers and organogels derived from the self-assembly of tetrathiafulvalene-appended dipeptides. Langmuir, 30 (41). pp. 12429-12437. ISSN 0743-7463
Pappas, Charalampos G and Abul-Haija, Yousef M and Flack, Angela and Frederix, Pim W J M and Ulijn, Rein V (2014) Tuneable Fmoc–Phe–(4-X)–Phe–NH2 nanostructures by variable electronic substitution. Chemical Communications, 50 (73). pp. 10630-10633. ISSN 1359-7345
Bai, Shuo and Debnath, Sisir and Javid, Nadeem and Frederix, Pim W J M and Fleming, Scott and Pappas, Charalampos and Ulijn, Rein V (2014) Differential self-assembly and tunable emission of aromatic peptide bola-amphiphiles containing perylene bisimide in polar solvents including water. Langmuir, 30 (25). 7576–7584. ISSN 0743-7463
Nalluri, Siva Krishna Mohan and Berdugo, Cristina and Javid, Nadeem and Frederix, Pim W J M and Ulijn, Rein V (2014) Biocatalytic self-assembly of supramolecular charge-transfer nanostructures based on n-type semiconductor-appended peptides. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
Fleming, Scott and Debnath, Sisir and Frederix, Pim and Hunt, Neil and Ulijn, Rein (2014) Insights into the coassembly of hydrogelators and surfactants based on aromatic peptide amphiphiles. Biomacromolecules, 15 (4). pp. 1171-1184. ISSN 1526-4602
Abul-Haija, Yousef M and Roy, Sangita and Frederix, Pim W J M and Javid, Nadeem and Jayawarna, Vineetha and Ulijn, Rein V (2014) Biocatalysis : biocatalytically triggered co-assembly of two-component core/shell nanofibers. Small, 10 (5). p. 1028. ISSN 1613-6810
Simpson, Niall and Shaw, Daniel J. and Frederix, Pim W J M and Gillies, Audrey H. and Adamczyk, Katrin and Greetham, Gregory M. and Towrie, Michael and Parker, Anthony William and Hoskisson, Paul A. and Hunt, Neil T. (2013) Infrared spectroscopy of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides in one and two dimensions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117 (51). pp. 16468-16478. ISSN 1520-6106
Fleming, Scott and Debnath, Sisir and Frederix, Pim W J M and Tuttle, Tell and Ulijn, Rein V (2013) Aromatic peptide amphiphiles: significance of the Fmoc moiety. Chemical Communications, 49 (90). pp. 10587-10589.
Abul-Haija, Yousef M and Roy, Sangita and Frederix, Pim W J M and Javid, Nadeem and Jayawarna, Vineetha and Ulijn, Rein V (2013) Biocatalytically triggered co-assembly of two-component core/shell nanofibers. Small.
Fleming, Scott and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Sasselli, Ivan Ramos and Hunt, Neil T. and Ulijn, Rein V. and Tuttle, Tell (2013) Assessing the utility of infrared spectroscopy as a structural diagnostic tool for β-sheets in self-assembling aromatic peptide amphiphiles. Langmuir, 29 (30). pp. 9510-9515. ISSN 0743-7463
Frederix, Pim and Kania, Rafal and Wright, Joseph A. and Lamprou, Dimitrios and Ulijn, Rein and Pickett, Christopher J. and Hunt, Neil (2012) Encapsulating [FeFe]-hydrogenase model compounds in peptide hydrogels dramatically modifies stability and photochemistry. Dalton Transactions, 41 (42). pp. 13112-13119. ISSN 1477-9234
Roy, Sangita and Javid, Nadeem and Frederix, Pim and Lamprou, Dimitrios and Urquhart, Andrew and Hunt, Neil and Halling, Peter and Ulijn, Rein (2012) Dramatic specific ion effect in supramolecular hydrogels. Chemistry - A European Journal, 18 (37). pp. 11723-11731. ISSN 1521-3765
Kania, Rafal and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Wright, Joseph A. and Ulijn, Rein V. and Pickett, Christopher J. and Hunt, Neil T. (2012) Solution-phase photochemistry of a [FeFe]hydrogenase model compound: evidence of photoinduced isomerisation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (4). -. 044521. ISSN 0021-9606
Hughes, Meghan and Frederix, Pim W. J. M. and Raeburn, Jaclyn and Birchall, Louise S. and Sadownik, Jan and Coomer, Fiona C. and Lin, I-Hsin and Cussen, Edmund J. and Hunt, Neil T. and Tuttle, Tell and Webb, Simon J. and Adams, Dave J. and Ulijn, Rein V. (2012) Sequence/structure relationships in aromatic dipeptide hydrogels formed under thermodynamic control by enzyme-assisted self-assembly. Soft Matter, 8 (20). pp. 5595-5602. ISSN 1744-6848
Hughes, M. and Xu, haixia and Frederix, Pim and Smith, A.M. and Hunt, Neil and Tuttle, Tell and Kinloch, I.A. and Ulijn, Rein Vincent (2011) Biocatalytic self-assembly of 2D peptide-based nanostructures. Soft Matter, 7 (21). pp. 10032-10038. ISSN 1744-6848
Frederix, Pim and Ulijn, Rein Vincent and Hunt, Neil and Tuttle, Tell (2011) Virtual screening for dipeptide aggregation : toward predictive tools for peptide self-assembly. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2 (19). pp. 2380-2384.