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Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
Number of items: 58.


Manatura, Kanit and Klinkesorn, Supaporn and Chalermsinsuwan, Benjapon and Samsalee, Namfon and Wongrerkdee, Sutthipoj and Jaojaruek, Kitipong and Pattiya, Adisak and Li, Jun (2024) Multi-objective optimization of pelletized coffee silver skin in flue gas torrefaction for producing premium solid fuel. BioEnergy Research, 18 (1). 7. ISSN 1939-1242

Al-Ajmi, Fahad and Li, Jun (2024) Crystal structure of asphaltene under mechanical stress of ball milling. Fuel Processing Technology, 263. 108119. ISSN 0378-3820

Asuquo, Asuquo Jackson and Zhang, Xiaolei and Lin, Leteng and Li, Jun (2024) Green heterogeneous catalysts derived from fermented kola nut pod husk for sustainable biodiesel production. International Journal of Green Energy, 21 (10). pp. 2218-2227. ISSN 1543-5083

Mularski, Jakub and Li, Jun (2024) Assessment of biomass ignition potential and behavior using a cost-effective CFD approach. Fuel, 361. 130637. ISSN 0016-2361


Price, Robert and MacDonald, Lewis and Gillies, Norman and Day, Alasdair and Brightman, Edward and Li, Jun (2023) Utilisation and valorisation of distillery whisky waste streams via biomass electrolysis : electrosynthesis of hydrogen. Faraday Discussions, 247. pp. 270-290. ISSN 1359-6640

Mularski, Jakub and Lue, Leo and Li, Jun (2023) Development of a numerical method for the rapid prediction of ignition performance of biomass particles. Fuel, 348. 128520. ISSN 0016-2361

Atsonios, Konstantinos and Li, Jun and Inglezakis, Vassilis J. (2023) Process analysis and comparative assessment of advanced thermochemical pathways for e-kerosene production. Energy, 278 (Part A). 127868. ISSN 1873-6785

Mularski, Jakub and Li, Jun (2023) A review on biomass ignition : fundamental characteristics, measurements, and predictions. Fuel, 340. 127526. ISSN 0016-2361

Johansson, Wanja and Li, Jun and Lin, Leteng (2023) Module-based simulation model for prediction of convective and condensational heat recovery in a centrifugal wet scrubber. Applied Thermal Engineering, 219 (Part A). 119454. ISSN 1359-4311


Zhang, Jixiang and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Zhang, Xiaolei and Li, Jun (2022) Sustainable production of lignocellulosic bioethanol towards zero waste biorefinery. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53 (Part C). 102627. ISSN 2213-1388

Zhang, Jixiang and Zhang, Xiaolei and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Dong, Changqing and Li, Jun (2022) Optimisation of logistic model using geographic information systems : a case study of biomass-based combined heat & power generation in China. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 10. 100060. ISSN 2666-352X

Iwube, Pamela and Li, Jun and Brightman, Edward (2022) Hydrogen production from biomass : a comparison of gasification and electrolysis pathways. In: H2FC Supergen : Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Conference 2022, 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09, University of St Andrews.

Cao, Wenhan and Li, Jun and Zhang, Xiaolei (2022) Evaluation of the effects and interactions of initial chlorine and sulphur contents on the release of potassium compounds during biomass combustion. Journal of the Energy Institute, 101. pp. 178-186. ISSN 1746-0220


Mukamwi, M. and Somorin, T. and Li, J. and Zhang, X. (2021) Development of a carbon-based catalyst for syngas reforming to maximise hydrogen production. In: 28th Annual SCI-CSCST Conference, 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10.

Asuquo, Asuquo and Li, Jun and Zhang, Xiaolei (2021) Waste carica papaya oil seed extraction : a potential feed stock for biodiesel production to achieve net zero. In: 28th Annual SCI-CSCST Conference, 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10.

McGarvey, S. and Carruthers, A. and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2021) An integrated kinetic model to estimate the quality and composition of syngas from the supercritical water gasification of biomass. In: 28th Annual SCI-CSCST Conference, 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10.

Zhang, Jixiang and Li, Jun and Dong, Changqing and Zhang, Xiaolei and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Shen, Delong (2021) Comprehensive assessment of sustainable potential of agricultural residues for bioenergy based on geographical information system : a case study of China. Renewable Energy, 173. pp. 466-478. ISSN 0960-1481

Martí Rosselló, Teresa and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo and Kärlstrom, Oskar and Brink, Anders (2021) Comprehensive assessment of particle-scale modeling for biomass pyrolysis : one-dimensional versus three-dimensional models. Energy and Fuels, 35 (12). pp. 9937-9949. ISSN 0887-0624

Martí-Rosselló, Teresa and Ray, Paul and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2021) Numerical model for the combustion of a thermal lance. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60 (21). pp. 7788-7801. ISSN 0888-5885

Cao, Wenhan and Li, Jun and Lin, Leteng and Zhang, Xiaolei (2021) Release of potassium in association with structural evolution during biomass combustion. Fuel, 287. 119524. ISSN 0016-2361

Shaw, Alexander and Zhang, Xiaolei and Kabalan, Lara and Li, Jun (2021) Mechanistic and kinetic investigation on maximizing the formation of levoglucosan from cellulose during biomass pyrolysis. Fuel, 286 (2). 119444. ISSN 0016-2361

Zhang, Jiajun and Zhang, Xiaolei and Osatiashtiani, Amin and Luo, Kai Hong and Shen, Dekui and Li, Jun and Bridgwater, Anthony (2021) The mechanism of hydrogen donation by bio-acids over metal supported on nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes. Molecular Catalysis, 499. 111289. ISSN 2468-8231


Ho, Minh Tuan and Li, Jun and Su, Wei and Wu, Lei and Borg, Matthew K. and Li, Zhihui and Zhang, Yonghao (2020) Rarefied flow separation in microchannel with bends. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 901. A26. ISSN 0022-1120

Mukamwi, M. and Li, J. and Zhang, X. and Somorin, T. (2020) Catalytic steam reforming of syngas hydrocarbons to maximise hydrogen production - a thermodynamic study. In: 27th CSCST SCI Annual Conference: Sustainable Energy and Manufacturing the Future, 2020-09-11 - 2020-09-12, Online.

Buentello-Montoya, David and Zhang, Xiaolei and Li, Jun and Ranade, Vivek and Marques, Simão and Geron, Marco (2020) Performance of biochar as a catalyst for tar steam reforming : effect of the porous structure. Applied Energy. 114176. ISSN 0306-2619


Cao, Wenhan and Li, Jun and Martí-Rosselló, Teresa and Zhang, Xiaolei (2019) Experimental study on the ignition characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and their mixtures. Journal of the Energy Institute. ISSN 1746-0220

Cao, Wenhan and Martí-Rosselló, Teresa and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2019) Prediction of potassium compounds released from biomass during combustion. Applied Energy, 250. pp. 1696-1705. ISSN 0306-2619

Martí-Rosselló, Teresa and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo and Kärlstrom, Oskar and Brink, Anders (2019) Heat transfer behaviour of a wheat straw pellet undergoing pyrolysis. In: ICAE2019: The 11th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2019-08-12 - 2019-08-15.

Zhang, Jixiang and Li, Jun and Dong, Changqing and Zheng, Zongming and Liu, Hao (2019) Supply chain optimization of agricultural biomass waste for centralized power generation. In: ICAE2019: The 11th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2019-08-12 - 2019-08-15.

Buentello-Montoya, D.A. and Zhang, X. and Li, J. (2019) The use of gasification solid products as catalysts for tar reforming. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 107. pp. 399-412. ISSN 1879-0690

Cao, Wenhan and Peshkur, Tanya and Lue, Leo and Li, Jun (2019) Experimental study on the influences of operating parameters on the retention of potassium during the biomass combustion. Energy Procedia, 158. pp. 1033-1038. ISSN 1876-6102


Martí-Rosselló, Teresa and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2018) Quantitatively modelling kinetics through a visual analysis of the derivative thermogravimetric curves : application to biomass pyrolysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 172. pp. 296-305. ISSN 0196-8904

Cao, Wenhan and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2018) Study on the ignition behavior and kinetics of combustion of biomass. Energy Procedia, 142. pp. 136-141. ISSN 1876-6102


Marti Rossello, Teresa and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2017) Kinetic analysis of biomass pyrolysis with a peak temperature method. In: The 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-15.


Martí Rosselló, Teresa and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo (2016) Kinetic models for biomass pyrolysis. Archives of Industrial Biotechnology, 1 (1). pp. 4-7.

Sepe, Angelo Maria and Li, Jun and Paul, Manosh C. (2016) Assessing biomass steam gasification technologies using a multi-purpose model. Energy Conversion and Management, 129. pp. 216-226. ISSN 0196-8904

Cao, Wenhan and Li, Jun and Lue, Leo and Zhang, Xiaolei (2016) Release of alkali metals during biomass thermal conversion. Archives of Industrial Biotechnology, 1 (1). pp. 1-3.

Rentizelas, Athanasios A. and Li, Jun (2016) Techno-economic and carbon emissions analysis of biomass torrefaction downstream in international bioenergy supply chains for co-firing. Energy, 114. pp. 129-142. ISSN 1873-6785

Zhang, Xiaolei and Li, Jun and Jain, Siddharth and Verma, Deepak; (2016) Natural fibers for the production of green composites. In: Green Approaches to Biocomposite Materials Science and Engineering. IGI Global, Hershey, PA., pp. 1-23. ISBN 9781522504252

Li, Jun and Paul, Manosh C. and Czajka, Krzysztof M. (2016) Studies of ignition behaviour of biomass particles in a down-fire reactor for improving co-firing performance. Energy and Fuels, 30 (7). pp. 5870-5877. ISSN 0887-0624

Rentizelas, Athanasios and Li, Jun (2016) Co-firing torrefied biomass for power generation : assessing the trade-offs of downstream torrefaction from a whole system's perspective. In: 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09.

Li, Jun and Paul, Manosh C. and Younger, Paul L. and Watson, Ian and Hossain, Mamdud and Welch, Stephen (2016) Prediction of high-temperature rapid combustion behaviour of woody biomass particles. Fuel, 165. pp. 205-214. ISSN 0016-2361


Li, Jun and Paul, Manosh C. and Younger, Paul L. and Watson, Ian and Hossain, Mamdud and Welch, Stephen (2015) Characterization of biomass combustion at high temperatures based on an upgraded single particle model. Applied Energy, 156. pp. 749-755. ISSN 0306-2619

Tang, Yuquan and Sun, Miao and Li, Jun and Yang, Shuang and Culshaw, Brian and Dong, Fengzhong; Kalinowski, Hypolito J. and Fabris, José Luís and Bock, Wojtek J., eds. (2015) Temperature calibration of optical fiber attenuation differences induced measurement error of raman distributed temperature sensor. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. SPIE, BRA. ISBN 9781628418392

Zhang, Hanfei and Lv, Caixia and Li, Jun and Qin, Wu and Hu, Yukun and Dong, Changqing (2015) Solid waste mixtures combustion in a circulating fluidized bed : emission properties of NOx, dioxin, and heavy metals. Energy Procedia, 75. pp. 987-992. ISSN 1876-6102

Li, Jun and Paul, Manosh C. and Younger, Paul L. and Watson, Ian and Hossain, Mamdud and Welch, Stephen (2015) Combustion modelling of pulverized biomass particles at high temperatures. Energy Procedia, 66. pp. 273-276. ISSN 1876-6102

Li, Jun and Bonvicini, Giorgio and Biagini, Enrico and Yang, Weihong and Tognotti, Leonardo (2015) Characterization of high-temperature rapid char oxidation of raw and torrefied biomass fuels. Fuel, 143. pp. 492-498. ISSN 0016-2361


Li, Jun and Zhang, Xiaolei and Pawlak-Kruczek, Halina and Yang, Weihong and Kruczek, Pawel and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2014) Process simulation of co-firing torrefied biomass in a 220 MWe coal-fired power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 84. pp. 503-511. ISSN 0196-8904

Li, Jun and Bonvicini, Giorgio and Tognotti, Leonardo and Yang, Weihong and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2014) High-temperature rapid devolatilization of biomasses with varying degrees of torrefaction. Fuel, 122. pp. 261-269. ISSN 0016-2361

Li, Jun and Bonvicini, Giorgio and Zhang, Xiaolei and Yang, Weihong and Tognotti, Leonardo (2014) Char oxidation of torrefied biomass at high temperatures and high heating rates. Energy Procedia, 61. pp. 582-586. ISSN 1876-6102


Li, Jun and Biagini, Enrico and Yang, Weihong and Tognotti, Leonardo and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2013) Flame characteristics of pulverized torrefied-biomass combusted with high-temperature air. Combustion and Flame, 160 (11). pp. 2585-2594. ISSN 1556-2921

Li, Jun and Zhang, Xiaolei and Yang, Weihong and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2013) Effects of flue gas internal recirculation on NOx and SOx emissions in a co-firing boiler. International Journal of Clean Coal and Energy, 2 (2). pp. 13-21. ISSN 2168-1538

Li, Jun and Yang, Weihong and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz; (2013) Torrefaction for fuel switching from coal to pure biomass in power plants. In: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA. ISBN 9780791856055


Li, Jun and Yang, Weihong and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz and Ponzio, Anna (2012) Volumetric combustion of biomass for CO 2 and NOx reduction in coal-fired boilers. Fuel, 102. pp. 624-633. ISSN 0016-2361

Li, Jun and Brzdekiewicz, Artur and Yang, Weihong and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2012) Co-firing based on biomass torrefaction in a pulverized coal boiler with aim of 100% fuel switching. Applied Energy, 99. pp. 344-354. ISSN 0306-2619

Li, Jun and Jankowski, Radosław and Kotecki, Michal and Yang, Weihong and Szewczyk, Dariusz and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz and Brzdekiewicz, Artur; Qi, Haiying and Zhao, Bo, eds. (2012) Numerical analysis of loads effect on combustion performance and NO x emissions of a 220 MW pulverized coal boiler. In: Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World. Springer, CHN, pp. 1019-1029. ISBN 9783642304446

Li, Jun and Jankowski, Radosław and Kotecki, Michał and Yang, Weihong and Szewczyk, Dariusz and Brzdekiewicz, Artur and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2012) CFD approach for unburned carbon reduction in pulverized coal boilers. Energy and Fuels, 26 (2). pp. 926-937. ISSN 0887-0624


Zhang, Xiaolei and Li, Jun and Yang, Weihong and Blasiak, Wlodzimierz (2011) Formation mechanism of levoglucosan and formaldehyde during cellulose pyrolysis. Energy and Fuels, 25 (8). pp. 3739-3746. ISSN 0887-0624

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