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Number of items: 55.


Micallef, Daniel and Camilleri, Duncan and Toumpis, Athanasios and Galloway, Alexander and Arbaoui, Larbi (2016) Local heat generation and material flow in friction stir welding of mild steel assemblies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 230 (2). pp. 586-602. ISSN 1464-4207


Toumpis, Athanasios and Galloway, Alexander and Camilleri, Duncan and Arbaoui, Larbi; (2015) Recent developments in steel friction stir welding : Project HILDA. In: ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASME, USA. ISBN 978-0-7918-5736-6

Camilleri, Duncan and Micallef, Daniel and Arbaoui, Larbi and Toumpis, Athanasios and Galloway, Alexander (2015) Numerical modelling techniques applicable for the prediction of residual stresses and distortion due to mild steel DH36 frictions stir welding. In: 4th International Conference on Friction Stir Welding, FSWP2015, 2015-10-01 - 2015-10-02.


Campbell, Stuart and Galloway, Alexander and McPherson, Norman and Camilleri, Duncan and Micallef, Daniel (2014) Modelling magnetohydrodynamics to investigate variation of shielding gases on arc characteristics in the GTAW process. In: International Conference on Materials and Product Technology, ICMPT14, 2014-08-07 - 2014-08-08, Loden Hotel.

Toumpis, Athanasios and Galloway, Alexander and Cater, Stephen R. and Micallef, Daniel and Camilleri, Duncan and Poletz, Nicolas and Arbaoui, Larbi (2014) Advances in friction stir welding of steel : Project HILDA. In: Transport Research Arena (TRA2014), 2014-04-14 - 2014-04-17, CNIT, La Défense.

Gray, Thomas and Camilleri, Duncan and McPherson, Norman (2014) Control of welding distortion in thin plate fabrication : Design support exploiting computational simulation. Welding and Other Joining Technologies . Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780857090478

Ellul, B and Camilleri, Duncan and Betts, J (2014) A progressive failure analysis applied to fibre-reinforced composite plates subject to out-of-plane bending. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 49 (6). pp. 605-620. ISSN 0191-5665


Micallef, Daniel and Camilleri, Duncan and Mollicone, Pierluigi (2013) Simplified thermo-elastoplastic numerical modelling techniques applied to friction stir welding of mild steel. In: ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expositi, 2013-11-15 - 2013-11-21, California.

Camilleri, Duncan and McPherson, Norman and Gray, Thomas (2013) The applicability of using low transformation temperature welding wire to minimize unwanted residual stresses and distortions. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 110. pp. 2-8. ISSN 0308-0161

Muscat, Martin and Camilleri, Duncan (2013) Comparison between different design approaches to prevent buckling of torispherical heads under internal pressure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 108-109. pp. 61-66. ISSN 0308-0161

Gauci, Thomas and Sant, Tonio and Muscat, Martin and Camilleri, Duncan and Mollicone, Pierluigi (2013) An investigation of different offshore wind turbine jacket support foundation models designed for central Mediterranean deep waters. Wind Engineering, 37 (3). pp. 229-242. ISSN 0309-524X


Gauci, Thomas and Sant, Tonio and Muscat, Martin and Mollicone, Pierluigi and Camilleri, Duncan (2012) An investigation of different offshore wind turbine jacket support foundation models designed for Central Mediterranean Deep Waters. In: OWEMES 2012, Offshore Wind & Other Marine Renewable Energies in Mediterranean & European Seas Conference, 2012-09-05 - 2012-09-07, Hortensia Hall, Conference Centre, “Fiera di Roma”.

Ellul, B and Camilleri, Duncan and Betts, J (2012) Progressive failure analysis applied to e-glass fibre reinforced polymers. In: XVII International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2012-05-28 - 2012-06-01.

Muscat, Martin and Camilleri, Duncan (2012) Comparison between different design approaches to prevent buckling of torispherical heads under internal pressure. In: 13th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology (ICPVT-13), 2012-05-20 - 2012-05-23.

Camilleri, Duncan and McPherson, Norman and Gray, Thomas (2012) The applicability of using low transformation temperature welding wire to minimise unwanted residual stresses and distortion. In: 13th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology (ICPVT-13), 2012-05-20 - 2012-05-23.

Mollicone, Pierluigi and Gray, Thomas and Camilleri, Duncan (2012) Experimental investigation and finite element analysis of welding induced residual stresses. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 47 (3). pp. 140-152. ISSN 0309-3247

Camilleri, Duncan (2012) Thermo-mechanical behaviour of DBC substrate assemblies subject to soldering fabrication processes. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 24 (2). pp. 100-111. ISSN 0954-0911


Gauci, Thomas and Muscat, Martin and Sant, Tonio and Mollicone, Pierluigi and Camilleri, Duncan (2011) Ultimate state design of a deep water offshore wind turbine support structure for the central Mediterranean region. In: European Offshore Wind Conference 2011, 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01.

Gray, Thomas and Camilleri, Duncan (2011) Using computationally efficient, reduced-solution methods to understand welding distortion. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780857092908


Camilleri, Duncan and Gray, Thomas and McPherson, Norman (2010) Optimizing tack welding fabrication procedures using numerical finite element models. Journal of Ship Production and Design, 26 (2). pp. 117-134. ISSN 2158-2866


Camilleri, Duncan and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2009) Shakedown of a thick cylinder with a radial crosshole. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131 (1). 011203. ISSN 0094-9930


Mollicone, P. and Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. (2008) Procedural influences on non-linear distortions in welded thin-plate fabrication. Thin-Walled Structures, 46 (7-9). pp. 1021-1034. ISSN 0263-8231

Mackenzie, Donald and Camilleri, Duncan and Hamilton, Robert (2008) Design by analysis of ductile failure and buckling in torispherical pressure vessel heads. Thin-Walled Structures, 46 (7-9). pp. 963-974. ISSN 0263-8231

Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. and Nash, D.H.; (2008) Mitigation of welding distortion and residual stresses via cryogenic CO2 cooling - a numerical investigation. In: 17th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing: Proceedings of Conference Held at Cranfield University in June 2008. TWI Ltd. ISBN 9781903761076

Camilleri, Duncan and Gray, Thomas and McPherson, Norman (2008) Numerical modelling of MIG welded multiply-stiffened plate structures to optimise fabrication procedure. In: 17th International Conference and Tutorial Workshop on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing, 2008-06-17 - 2008-06-19, Cranfield.

Camilleri, Duncan (2008) Integrating finite element analysis in design and manufacture of welded structures. In: 17th Annual Conference on Marine Engineering: Beyond Our Shores, 2008-04-17 - 2008-04-17, Malta.

Camilleri, D. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2008) Evaluating plastic loads in torispherical heads using a new criterion of collapse. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 130 (1). 011202. ISSN 0094-9930


Camilleri, D. and Mollicone, P. and Gray, T.G.F. (2007) Computational methods and experimental validation of welding distortion models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 221 (4). pp. 235-249. ISSN 1464-4207

Camilleri, D. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2007) Material strain hardening in pressure vessel design by analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 221 (2). pp. 89-100. ISSN 0954-4089

Camilleri, D. and Naruse, T. and Mackenzie, D. (2007) Gross plastic deformation of a hemispherical head with cylindrical nozzle: a comparative study. In: Pressure Vessel Technologies for the Power and Process Industries (PVP2007/CREEP8), 2007-07-01.

Camilleri, D. and Naruse, T. and Mackenzie, D.; (2007) An investigation of allowable static loads calculated by design by analysis. In: Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASME. ISBN 0791842800


Camilleri, D. and Mollicone, P. and Gray, T.G.F. (2006) Alternative simulation techniques for distortion of thin plate due to fillet-welded stiffeners. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 14 (8). pp. 1307-1327. ISSN 0965-0393

Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. and Mollicone, P. (2006) Computational methods and experimental validation of welding distortion simulation. In: Modelling of Manufacturing Processes Seminar, 2006-12-01.

Mollicone, P. and Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. (2006) Numerical and experimental investigation on the effects of tack welds on thin plate structures. In: Simulation Versus Testing, NAFEMS Workshop, 2006-11-08.

Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. (2006) Optimization of welded lightweight multiple-stiffener plate structures to minimise unwanted shape distortion. Welding and Cutting, 7 (6). pp. 320-327. ISSN 1612-3433

Gray, T.G.F. and Camilleri, D. and Mollicone, P. (2006) Experimental validation of computational methods for welding distortion prediction. In: 22nd Symposium on Experimental Mechanics of Solids, 2006-10-18 - 2006-10-21.

Camilleri, Duncan and Hamilton, Robert and Mackenzie, Donald (2006) Gross plastic deformation of axisymmetric pressure vessel heads. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 41 (6). pp. 427-441. ISSN 0309-3247

Camilleri, Duncan and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2006) Evaluating plastic loads in torispherical heads using a new criterion of collapse. In: Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2006-07-23 - 2006-07-27.

Camilleri, Duncan and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2006) Shakedown of a thick cylinder with a radial crosshole. In: Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2006-07-23 - 2006-07-27.

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2006) Simple thermo-elastic-plastic models for welding distortion simulations. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 176 (1-3). pp. 77-86. ISSN 0924-0136

Camilleri, D. and Mollicone, P. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F.; Armstrong, Cecil, ed. (2006) Computational methods for the prediction of out-of-plane deformation in thin plate welded structures. In: Computational Mechanics in the UK: Proceedings of a Joint Conference of The Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (UK) and the Irish Society for Scientific and Engineering Computation. Queen's University Belfast, pp. 7-10.

Camilleri, D. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R.; Armstrong, Cecil, ed. (2006) Evaluating pressure vessel static design loads by plastic analysis and a new criterion of collapse. In: Computational Mechanics in the UK. Queen's University Belfast, pp. 183-186.

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2006) Thermal distortion of stiffened plate due to fillet welds : computational and experimental investigation. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 29 (2). pp. 111-137. ISSN 0149-5739


Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. (2005) Computationally efficient welding distortion simulation techniques. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 13 (8). pp. 1365-1382. ISSN 0965-0393

Saliba, M.A. and Camilleri, D. and Farrugia, M.J. (2005) Development of an anthropomorphic robot hand and wrist for teleoperation applications. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2005-12-15 - 2005-12-18.

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2005) Design support tool for prediction of welding distortion in multiply-stiffened plate structures experimental and computational investigation. Journal of Ship Production, 21 (4). pp. 219-234. ISSN 8756-1417

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2005) Computationally efficient welding simulation for out-of-plane distortion in double-sided fillet welding. In: 2005 International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering and Computational Technologies for Industry, 2005-10-05 - 2005-10-08.

Mollicone, P. and Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2005) Thermo-elastic-plastic finite element models for gas-shielded metal-arc welding fabrication. In: 2005 International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering and Computational Technologies for Industry, 2005-10-05 - 2005-10-08.

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2005) The development of procedural benchmarks for modelling common fabrication details in plate/shell structures. In: 2005 International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering and Computational Technologies for Industry, 2005-10-05 - 2005-10-08.

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F.; (2005) Finite element analysis of out-of-plane distortion in plates due to double-sided fillet-welded attachments. In: Engineering Simulation: Best Practices and Visions of the Future, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress 2005, Malta. NAFEMS, p. 88. ISBN 1-874376-03-4

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Gray, T.G.F. (2005) Computational prediction of out-of-plane welding distortion and experimental investigation - Awarded Central Electricity Generating Board Prize. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 40 (2). pp. 161-176. ISSN 0309-3247


Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F. and Comlekci, T.; (2004) Use of thermography to calibrate fusion welding procedures in virtual fabrication applications. In: InfraMation 2004. Infrared Training Centre.


Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Lee, C.K. and Tan, H.C.P. and Gray, T.G.F. (2003) Investigation of temperature transients during flux-cored CO2 butt welding of CMn steel plates. In: International Conference on Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology and European Symposium on Manufacturing and Modelling of Fabricated Structural Components, 2003-09-16 - 2003-09-18, University of Nottingham.

Comlekci, T. and Camilleri, D. and Gray, T.G.F.; (2003) Finite element representation on experimental surface deformation data from fusion welded plates. In: Computational Mechanics in the UK : proceedings of the 11th ACME-UK 2003 Conference. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, pp. 33-36.

Camilleri, D. and Comlekci, T. and Lee, C.K. and Gray, T.G.F. (2003) Out-of-plane distortion of CMn steel plates during flux-cored CO2 automatic butt welding. In: International Conference on Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology and European Symposium on Manufacturing and Modelling of Fabricated Structural Components, 2003-09-16 - 2003-09-18, University of Nottingham.

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