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Penman, Lewis T. and Johnston, Zak M. and Edwards, Paul R. and Oshima, Yuichi and McAleese, Clifford and Mazzolini, Piero and Bosi, Matteo and Seravalli, Luca and Fornari, Roberto and Martin, Robert W. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. (2025) Comparative study of the optical properties of α-, β-, and κ-Ga2O3. Physica Status Solidi B. ISSN 0370-1972
Reynolds, Steve and Nicol, David and Smith, Matthew and Nandi, Arpit and Vanjali, Sai Charan and Kuball, Martin and Massabuau, Fabien (2025) Carrier transport and electronic defects in gallium oxide studied by photoconductivity techniques. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2952 (1). 012001. ISSN 1742-6588
Maruzane, Mugove and Oshima, Yuichi and Makydonska, Olha and Edwards, Paul R and Martin, Robert W and Massabuau, Fabien C-P (2025) Luminescence properties of dislocations in α-Ga2O3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 58 (3). 03LT02. ISSN 1361-6463
Mullen, Ross and Roberts, Joseph W. and Chalker, Paul R. and Oliver, Rachel A. and Hourahine, Ben and Massabuau, Fabien C.P. (2024) Atomic scale observation of threading dislocations in α-Ga2O3. AIP Advances, 14 (11). 115018. ISSN 2158-3226
Hunter, Daniel A. and Naresh-Kumar, Gunasekar and Edwards, Paul R. and Makydonska, Olha and Massabuau, Fabien C. P. and Hatipoglu, Isa and Mukhopadhyay, Partha and Schoenfeld, Winston V. and Martin, Robert W. (2024) Tin gallium oxide epilayers on different substrates : optical and compositional analysis. Physica Status Solidi B, 261 (10). 2400137. ISSN 0370-1972
Nicol, David and Reynolds, Stephen and Barr, Kristopher and Roberts, Joseph W. and Jarman, John J. and Chalker, Paul R. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. (2024) Constant photocurrent method to probe the sub-bandgap absorption in wide bandgap semiconductor films : the case of α-Ga2O3. Physica Status Solidi B, 261 (5). 2300470. ISSN 0370-1972
Sarkar, Maruf and Adams, Francesca and Dar, Sidra A. and Penn, Jordan and Ji, Yihong and Gundimeda, Abhiram and Zhu, Tongtong and Liu, Chaowang and Hirshy, Hassan and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and O'Hanlon, Thomas and Kappers, Menno J. and Ghosh, Saptarsi and Kusch, Gunnar and Oliver, Rachel A. (2024) Sub-surface imaging of porous GaN distributed Bragg reflectors via backscattered electrons. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30 (2). pp. 208-225. ISSN 1431-9276
Zhu, Huimin and Turkevych, Ivan and Lohan, Hugh and Liu, Pengjun and Martin, Robert W. and Massabuau, Fabien C. P. and Hoye, Robert L. Z. (2024) Progress and applications of (Cu–)Ag–Bi–I semiconductors, and their derivatives, as next-generation lead-free materials for photovoltaics, detectors and memristors. International Materials Reviews, 69 (1). pp. 19-62. ISSN 0950-6608
Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Adams, Francesca and Nicol, David and Jarman, John C. and Frentrup, Martin and Roberts, Joseph W. and O'Hanlon, Thomas J. and Kovács, Andras and Chalker, Paul R. and Oliver, R. A. (2023) Ni/Au contacts to corundum α-Ga2O3. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62 (SF). SF1008. ISSN 0021-4922
Kluth, Elias and Fay, Michael and Parmenter, Christopher and Roberts, Joseph and Smith, Emily and Stoppiello, Craig and Massabuau, Fabien and Goldhahn, Rüdiger and Feneberg, Martin (2023) Redshift and amplitude increase in the dielectric function of corundum-like α-(TixGa1-x)2O3. Applied Physics Letters, 122 (9). 092101. 092101. ISSN 0003-6951
Nicol, D. and Oshima, Y. and Roberts, J. W. and Penman, L. and Cameron, D. and Chalker, P. R. and Martin, R. W. and Massabuau, F. C.-P. (2023) Hydrogen-related 3.8 eV UV luminescence in α-Ga2O3. Applied Physics Letters, 122 (6). 062102. ISSN 0003-6951
Kusch, Gunnar and Comish, Ella J. and Loeto, Kagiso and Hammersley, Simon and Kappers, Menno J. and Dawson, Phil and Oliver, Rachel A. and Massabuau, Fabien C-P. (2021) Carrier dynamics at trench defects in InGaN/GaN quantum wells revealed by time-resolved cathodoluminescence. Nanoscale, 14 (2). pp. 402-409. ISSN 2040-3372
O'Hanlon, T.J. and Zhu, T. and Massabuau, F.C.-P. and Oliver, R.A. (2021) Dislocations at coalescence boundaries in heteroepitaxial GaN/sapphire studied after the epitaxial layer has completely coalesced. Ultramicroscopy, 231. 113258. ISSN 0304-3991
O'Hanlon, T.J. and Massabuau, F C-P. and Bao, A. and Kappers, M.J. and Oliver, R.A. (2021) Directly correlated microscopy of trench defects in InGaN quantum wells. Ultramicroscopy, 231. 113255. ISSN 0304-3991
Massabuau, F and Nicol, D and Adams, F and Jarman, J and Roberts, J and Kovács, A and Chalker, P and Oliver, R (2021) Study of Ti contacts to corundum α-Ga2O3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (38). 384001. ISSN 1361-6463
Holmes, M. J. and Zhu, T. and Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Jarman, J. and Oliver, R. A. and Arakawa, Y. (2021) Pure single photon emission from an InGaN/GaN quantum dot. APL Materials, 9 (6). 061106. ISSN 2166-532X
Vacek, Petr and Frentrup, Martin and Lee, Lok Yi and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Kappers, Menno J. and Wallis, David J. and Groger, Roman and Oliver, Rachel A. (2021) Defect structures in (001) zincblende GaN/3CSiC nucleation layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 129 (15). 155306. ISSN 0021-8979
Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Roberts, J. W. and Nicol, D. and Edwards, P. R. and McLelland, M. and Dallas, G. L. and Hunter, D. A. and Nicolson, E. A. and Jarman, J. C. and Kovács, A. and Martin, R. W. and Oliver, R. A. and Chalker, P. R.; Rogers, David J. and Look, David C. and Teherani, Ferechteh H., eds. (2021) Progress in atomic layer deposited α-Ga2O3 materials and solar-blind detectors. In: Proceedings Volume 11687, Oxide-based Materials and Devices. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering . Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, United States. ISBN 9781510642096
Barthel, Armin and Roberts, Joseph and Napari, Mari and Frentrup, Martin and Huq, Tahmida and Kovács, András and Oliver, Rachel and Chalker, Paul and Sajavaara, Timo and Massabuau, Fabien (2020) Ti alloyed α-Ga2O3 : route towards wide band gap engineering. Micromachines, 11 (12). 1128. ISSN 2072-666X
Field, Daniel E. and Cuenca, Jerome A. and Smith, Matthew and Fairclough, Simon M. and Massabuau, Fabien C-P and Pomeroy, James W. and Williams, Oliver and Oliver, Rachel A. and Thayne, Iain and Kuball, Martin (2020) Crystalline interlayers for reducing the effective thermal boundary resistance in GaN-on-diamond. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12 (48). pp. 54138-54145. ISSN 1944-8252
Cuenca, Jerome A. and Smith, Matthew D. and Field, Daniel E. and Massabuau, Fabien C-P. and Mandal, Soumen and Pomeroy, James and Wallis, David J. and Oliver, Rachel A. and Thayne, Iain and Kuball, Martin and Williams, Oliver A. (2020) Thermal stress modelling of diamond on GaN/III-Nitride membranes. Carbon. ISSN 0008-6223
Burton, Oliver J. and Massabuau, Fabien C-P. and Veigang-Radulescu, Vlad-Petru and Brennen, Barry and Pollard, Andrew J. and Hofmann, Stephan (2020) Integrated wafer scale growth of single crystal metal films and high quality graphene. ACS Nano, 14 (10). pp. 13593-13601. ISSN 1936-0851
Smith, E.J.W. and Piracha, A.H. and Fields, D. and Pomeroy, J.W. and Mackenzie, G.R. and Abdallah, Z. and Massabuau, F. C-P. and Hinz, A.M. and Wallis, D.J. and Oliver, R.A. and Kuball, M. and May, P.W. (2020) Mixed-size diamond seeding for low-thermal-barrier growth of CVD diamond onto GaN and AlN. Carbon, 167. pp. 620-626. ISSN 0008-6223
Walther, Thomas and Calahorra, Yonatan and Massabuau, Fabien (2020) Preface for the special issue on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2019. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 35 (12). 120201. ISSN 0268-1242
Massabuau, F.C-P. and Springbett, H.P. and Divitini, G. and Griffin, P.H. and Zhu, T. and Oliver, R.A. (2020) Sequential plan-view imaging of sub-surface structures in the transmission electron microscope. Materialia, 12. 100798. ISSN 2589-1529
O'Hanlon, T.J. and Bao, A. and Massabuau, F.C.-P. and Kappers, M.J. and Oliver, R.A. (2020) Cross-shaped markers for the preparation of site-specific transmission electron microscopy lamellae using focused ion beam techniques. Ultramicroscopy, 212. 112970. ISSN 0304-3991
Palomares Garcia, Carla Maria and Di Bernardo, Angelo and Kimbell, Graham and Vickers, Mary E. and Massabuau, Fabien C-P. and Komori, Sachio and Divitini, Giorgio and Yasui, Yuuki and Gyeol Lee, Han and Kim, Jinkwon and Kim, Bongju and Blamire, Mark G. and Vecchione, Antonio and Fittipaldi, Rosalba and Maeno, Yoshiteru and Won Noh, Tae and Robinson, Jason W. A. (2020) Pair suppression caused by mosaic-twist defects in superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin-films prepared using pulsed laser deposition. Communications Materials, 1. 23. ISSN 2662-4443
Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Griffin, Peter H. and Springbett, Helen P. and Liu, Yingjun and Kumar, R. Vasant and Zhu, Tongtong and Oliver, Rachel A. (2020) Dislocations as channels for the fabrication of sub-surface porous GaN by electrochemical etching. APL Materials, 8 (3). 031115. ISSN 2166-532X
Smith, Matthew D. and Cuenca, Jerome A. and Field, Daniel E. and Fu, Yen-chun and Yuan, Chao and Massabuau, Fabien and Mandal, Soumen and Pomeroy, James W. and Oliver, Rachel A. and Uren, Michael J. and Elgaid, Khaled and Williams, Oliver A. and Thayne, Iain and Kuball, Martin (2020) GaN-on-diamond technology platform : bonding-free membrane manufacturing process. AIP Advances, 10 (3). 035306. ISSN 2158-3226
Roberts, J.W. and Chalker, P.R. and Ding, B. and Oliver, R.A. and Gibbon, J.T. and Jones, L.A.H. and Dhanak, V.R. and Phillips, L.J. and Major, J.D. and Massabuau, F.C.-P. (2019) Low temperature growth and optical properties of α-Ga2O3 deposited on sapphire by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition. Journal of Crystal Growth, 528. 125254. ISSN 0022-0248
Lee, Lok Yi and Frentrup, Martin and Vacek, Petr and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Kappers, Menno J. and Wallis, David J. and Oliver, Rachel A. (2019) Investigation of MOVPE-grown zincblende GaN nucleation layers on 3CSiC/Si substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth, 524. 125167. ISSN 0022-0248
Mandal, Soumen and Yuan, Chao and Massabuau, Fabien and Pomeroy, James W. and Cuenca, Jerome and Bland, Henry and Thomas, Evan and Wallis, David and Batten, Tim and Morgan, David and Oliver, Rachel and Kuball, Martin and Williams, Oliver A. (2019) Thick adherent diamond films on AlN with low thermal barrier resistance. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11 (43). pp. 40826-40834. ISSN 1944-8252
Roble, A. A. and Patra, S. K. and Massabuau, F. and Frentrup, M. and Leontiadou, M. A. and Dawson, P. and Kappers, M. J. and Oliver, R. A. and Graham, D. M. and Schulz, S. (2019) Impact of alloy fluctuations and Coulomb effects on the electronic and optical properties of c-plane GaN/AlGaN quantum wells. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322 (In Press)
Massabuau, Fabien C.-P and Bruckbauer, Jochen and Trager-Cowan, Carol and Oliver, Rachel A; Tuomisto, Filip, ed. (2019) Microscopy of defects in semiconductors. In: Characaterisation and Control of Defects in Semiconductors. Materials, Circuits and Devices . IET, [S.I.]. ISBN 978-1-78561-655-6
Moloney, J and Tesh, O and Singh, M and Roberts, J W and Jarman, J C and Lee, L C and Huq, T N and Brister, J and Karboyan, S and Kuball, M and Chalker, P R and Oliver, R A and Massabuau, F C-P (2019) Atomic layer deposited α-Ga2O3 solar-blind photodetectors. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52 (47). 475101. ISSN 1361-6463
Massabuau, F.C-P. and Horton, M.K. and Pearce, E. and Hammersley, S. and Chen, P. and Zielinski, M.S. and Weatherley, T. and Divitini, G. and Edwards, P.R. and Kappers, M.J. and McAleese, C. and Moram, M.A. and Humphreys, C.J. and Dawson, P. and Oliver, R.A. (2019) Optical and structural properties of dislocations in InGaN. Journal of Applied Physics, 125 (16). 165701. ISSN 0021-8979
Wang, Ruizhi and Purdie, David G. and Fan, Ye and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Braeuninger-Weimer, Philipp and Burton, Oliver J. and Blume, Raoul and Schloegl, Robert and Lombardo, Antonio and Weatherup, Robert S. and Hofmann, Stephan (2019) A peeling approach for integrated manufacturing of large monolayer h‑BN crystals. ACS Nano, 13 (2). pp. 2114-2126. ISSN 1936-0851
Weatherley, Thomas F. K. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Kappers, Menno J. and Oliver, Rachel A. (2018) Characterisation of InGaN by photoconductive atomic force microscopy. Materials, 11 (10). 1794. ISSN 1996-1944
Christian, George and Kappers, Menno and Massabuau, Fabien and Humphreys, Colin and Oliver, Rachel and Dawson, Philip (2018) Effects of a Si-doped InGaN underlayer on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures with different numbers of QuantumWells. Materials, 11 (1736). 1736. ISSN 1996-1944
Humphreys, Colin J. and Massabuau, Fabien C-P. and Rhode, Sneha L. and Horton, Matthew K. and O'Hanlon, Thomas J. and Kovacs, Andras and Zielinski, Marcin S. and Kappers, Menno J. and Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. and Oliver, Rachel A. (2018) Atomic resolution imaging of dislocations in algan and the efficiency of UV LEDs. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 (S1). pp. 4-5. ISSN 1431-9276
Church, S. A. and Hammersley, S. and Mitchell, P. W. and Kappers, M. J. and Lee, L. Y. and Massabuau, F. and Sahonta, S. L. and Frentrup, M. and Shaw, L. J. and Wallis, D. J. and Humphreys, C. J. and Oliver, R. A. and Binks, D. J. and Dawson, P. (2018) Effect of stacking faults on the photoluminescence spectrum of zincblende GaN. Journal of Applied Physics, 123. 185705. ISSN 0021-8979
Roberts, J.W. and Jarman, J.C. and Johnstone, D.N. and Midgley, P.A. and Chalker, P.R. and Oliver, R.A. and Massabuau, F.C-P. (2018) α-Ga2O3 grown by low temperature atomic layer deposition on sapphire. Journal of Crystal Growth, 487. pp. 23-27. ISSN 0022-0248
Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Chen, P. and Rhode, S. L. and Horton, M. K. and O'Hanlon, T. J. and Kovács, A. and Zielinski, M. S. and Kappers, M. J. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. and Humphreys, C. J. and Oliver, R. A.; (2018) Alloy fluctuations at dislocations in III-nitrides : dentification and impact on optical properties. In: Proceedings Volume 10532, Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XIII. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10532 . Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, USA, pp. 301-306.
Frentrup, Martin and Lee, Lok Ye and Sahonta, Suman-Lata and Kappers, Menno J. and Massabuau, Fabien and Gupta, Priti and Oliver, Rachel A. and Humphreys, Colin J. and Wallis, David J. (2017) X-ray diffraction analysis of cubic zincblende III-nitrides. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (433002). pp. 1-13. 433002. ISSN 1361-6463
Massabuau, Fabien C-P. and Rhode, Sneha L. and Horton, Matthew K. and O'Hanlon, Thomas J. and Kovacs, Andras and Zielinski, Marcin S. and Kappers, Menno J. and Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. and Humphreys, Colin J. and Oliver, Rachel A. (2017) Dislocations in AlGaN: core structure, atom segregation, and optical properties. Nano Letters, 17 (8). pp. 4846-4852. ISSN 1530-6992
Massabuau, Fabien and Kappers, Menno and Humphreys, Colin and Oliver, Rachel (2017) Mechanisms preventing trench defect formation in InGaN/GaN quantum well structures using hydrogen during GaN barrier growth. Physica Status Solidi B, 254 (8). ISSN 0370-1972
Massabuau, Fabien and Piot, Nicolas and Frentrup, Martin and Wang, Xiuze and Avenas, Quentin and Kappers, Menno and Humphreys, Colin and Oliver, Rachel (2017) X-ray reflectivity method for the characterization of InGaN/GaN quantum well interface. Physica Status Solidi B, 254 (8). 1600664. ISSN 0370-1972
Massabuau, F. C-P. and Chen, P. and Horton, M. K. and Rhode, S. L. and Ren, C. X. and O'Hanlon, T. J. and Kovács, A. and Kappers, M. J. and Humphreys, C. J. and Dunin-Borkowski, R. E. and Oliver, R. A. (2017) Carrier localization in the vicinity of dislocations in InGaN. Journal of Applied Physics, 121 (1). 013104. ISSN 0021-8979
Christian, George M. and Hammersley, Simon and Davies, Matthew J. and Dawson, Philip and Kappers, Menno J. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Oliver, Rachel A. and Humphreys, Colin J. (2016) Room temperature PL efficiency of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures with prelayers as a function of number of quantum wells. Physica Status Solidi C, 13 (5-6). pp. 248-251. ISSN 1610-1642
Hammersley, Simon and Daswson, Phil and Kappers, Menno J. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Frentrup, Martin and Oliver, Rachel A. and Humphreys, Colin J. (2016) Effect of electron blocking layers on the conduction and valence band profiles of InGaN/GaN LEDs. Physica Status Solidi C, 13 (5-6). pp. 262-265. ISSN 1610-1642
Davies, M. J. and Hammersley, S and Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Dawson, P and Oliver, R. A. and Kappers, M. J. and Humphreys, C. J. (2016) A comparison of the optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures grown with and without Si-doped InGaN prelayers. Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (5). 055708. ISSN 0021-8979
Hammersley, Simon and Kappers, Menno J. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Sahonta, Suman-Lata and Dawson, Phil and Oliver, Rachel A. and Humphreys, Colin J. (2016) Effect of QW growth temperature on the optical properties of blue and green InGaN/GaN QW structures. Physica Status Solidi C, 13 (5-6). pp. 209-213. ISSN 1610-1642
Hammersley, S and Kappers, M. J. and Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Sahonta, S and Dawson, P and Oliver, R. A. and Humphreys, C. J. (2015) Effects of quantum well growth temperature on the recombination efficiency of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells that emit in the green and blue spectral regions. Applied Physics Letters, 107 (132106). 132106. ISSN 0003-6951
Davies, Matthew J. and Dawson, Philip and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Le Fol, Adrian and Oliver, Rachel A. and Kappers, Menno J. and Humphreys, Colin J. (2015) A study of the inclusion of prelayers in InGaN/GaN single- and multiple-quantum-well structures. Physica Status Solidi B, 252 (5). pp. 866-872. ISSN 0370-1972
Tang, Fengzai and Zhu, Tongtong and Oehler, Fabrice and Fu, Wai Yuen and Griffiths, James T. and Massabuau, Fabien C. -P. and Kappers, Menno J. and Martin, Tomas L. and Bagot, Paul A. J. and Moody, Michael P. and Oliver, Rachel A. (2015) Indium clustering in a-plane InGaN quantum wells as evidenced by atom probe tomography. Applied Physics Letters, 106 (7). 072104. ISSN 0003-6951
Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Davies, M. J. and Blenkhorn, W. E. and Hammersley, S and Kappers, M. J. and Humphreys, C. J. and Dawson, P and Oliver, R. A. (2014) Investigation of unintentional indium incorporation into GaN barriers of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures. Physica Status Solidi B, 252 (5). pp. 928-935. ISSN 0370-1972
Bruckbauer, Jochen and Edwards, Paul R and Sahonta, Suman-Lata and Massabuau, Fabien C-P and Kappers, Menno J and Humphreys, Colin J and Oliver, Rachel A and Martin, Robert W (2014) Cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging of trench-like defects in InGaN/GaN quantum well structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (13). p. 135107. ISSN 1361-6463
Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Tartan, C. C. and Traynier, R and Blenkhorn, W. E. and Kappers, M. J. and Dawson, P and Humphreys, C. J. and Oliver, R. A. (2014) The impact of substrate miscut on the microstructure and photoluminescence efficiency of (0001) InGaN quantum wells grown by a two-temperature method. Journal of Crystal Growth, 386 (88). pp. 88-93. ISSN 0022-0248
Massabuau, F C-P and Trinh-Xuan, L and Lodié, D and Sahonta, S-L and Rhode, S and Thrush, E J and Oehler, F and Kappers, M J and Humphreys, C J and Oliver, R A (2013) Towards a better understanding of trench defects in InGaN/GaN quantum wells. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 471. 012042. ISSN 1742-6588