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Reynolds, Steve and Nicol, David and Smith, Matthew and Nandi, Arpit and Vanjali, Sai Charan and Kuball, Martin and Massabuau, Fabien (2025) Carrier transport and electronic defects in gallium oxide studied by photoconductivity techniques. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2952 (1). 012001. ISSN 1742-6588
Nicol, David and Reynolds, Stephen and Barr, Kristopher and Roberts, Joseph W. and Jarman, John J. and Chalker, Paul R. and Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. (2024) Constant photocurrent method to probe the sub-bandgap absorption in wide bandgap semiconductor films : the case of α-Ga2O3. Physica Status Solidi B, 261 (5). 2300470. ISSN 0370-1972
Massabuau, Fabien C.-P. and Adams, Francesca and Nicol, David and Jarman, John C. and Frentrup, Martin and Roberts, Joseph W. and O'Hanlon, Thomas J. and Kovács, Andras and Chalker, Paul R. and Oliver, R. A. (2023) Ni/Au contacts to corundum α-Ga2O3. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62 (SF). SF1008. ISSN 0021-4922
Nicol, D. and Oshima, Y. and Roberts, J. W. and Penman, L. and Cameron, D. and Chalker, P. R. and Martin, R. W. and Massabuau, F. C.-P. (2023) Hydrogen-related 3.8 eV UV luminescence in α-Ga2O3. Applied Physics Letters, 122 (6). 062102. ISSN 0003-6951
Massabuau, F and Nicol, D and Adams, F and Jarman, J and Roberts, J and Kovács, A and Chalker, P and Oliver, R (2021) Study of Ti contacts to corundum α-Ga2O3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (38). 384001. ISSN 1361-6463
Massabuau, F. C.-P. and Roberts, J. W. and Nicol, D. and Edwards, P. R. and McLelland, M. and Dallas, G. L. and Hunter, D. A. and Nicolson, E. A. and Jarman, J. C. and Kovács, A. and Martin, R. W. and Oliver, R. A. and Chalker, P. R.; Rogers, David J. and Look, David C. and Teherani, Ferechteh H., eds. (2021) Progress in atomic layer deposited α-Ga2O3 materials and solar-blind detectors. In: Proceedings Volume 11687, Oxide-based Materials and Devices. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering . Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, United States. ISBN 9781510642096