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Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 98.


Çelik, Cihad and Özsayan, Selahattin and Köksal, Çağatay Sabri and Danışman, Devrim Bülent and Atlar, Mehmet and Korkut, Emin (2025) Powering extrapolation approaches of ship model tests with the gate rudder system. Ocean Engineering, 321. 120347. ISSN 0029-8018


Sabri Köksal, Çağatay and Çelik, Cihad and Özsayan, Selahattin and Korkut, Emin and Atlar, Mehmet (2024) Evaluation of the powering extrapolation of a ship with a gate rudder system, including ageing and fouling effects. Ocean Engineering, 313 (Part 2). 119503. ISSN 0029-8018

Köksal, Çağatay Sabri and Aktas, Batuhan and Gürkan, Ahmet Yusuf and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet (2024) Experimental assessment of hull, propeller, and the gate rudder system interaction in calm water and oblique waves. Ocean Engineering, 312 (Pt. 2). 119144. ISSN 0029-8018

Uyan, Eren and Atlar, Mehmet and Gürsoy, Osman (2024) Energy use and carbon footprint assessment in retrofitting a novel energy saving device to a ship. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12 (10). 1879. ISSN 2077-1312

İlter, Yasin Kaan and Ünal, Uğur Oral and Shi, Weichao and Tokgöz, Sedat and Atlar, Mehmet (2024) An experimental investigation into the drag reduction performance of dimpled plates in a fully turbulent channel flow. Ocean Engineering, 307. 118198. ISSN 0029-8018

Sabri Köksal, Çağatay and Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Korkut, Emin (2024) A study on the hydroacoustic characterisation of a cavitating propeller by dynamic adaptive mesh refinement technique. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 582. 118422. ISSN 0022-460X

Gürkan, Ahmet Yusuf and Ünal, Uğur Oral and Aktaş, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet (2024) An investigation into the gate rudder system design for propulsive performance using design of experiment method. Ship Technology Research, 71 (2). pp. 199-212. ISSN 0937-7255


Uyan, Eren and Atlar, Mehmet and Ölçer, Aykut I. (2023) Improving the energy efficiency of lighting systems for a marine equipment manufacturing plant through retrofitting, daylighting, and behaviour change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 413. 137216. ISSN 0959-6526

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet (2023) Marine propeller underwater radiated noise prediction with the FWH acoustic analogy part 1 : assessment of model scale propeller hydroacoustic performance under uniform and inclined flow conditions. Ocean Engineering, 279. 114552. ISSN 0029-8018

Kalikatzarakis, Miltiadis and Coraddu, Andrea and Atlar, Mehmet and Gaggero, Stefano and Tani, Giorgio and Oneto, Luca (2023) Physically plausible propeller noise prediction via recursive corrections leveraging prior knowledge and experimental data. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 118. 105660. ISSN 0952-1976

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet (2023) Marine propeller underwater radiated noise prediction with the FWH acoustic analogy Part 2 : assessment of model scale propeller hydroacoustic performance under non-uniform flow conditions. Ocean Engineering, 270. 113443. ISSN 0029-8018


Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet (2022) Marine propeller underwater radiated noise prediction with the FWH acoustic analogy part 3 : assessment of full-scale propeller hydroacoustic performance versus sea trial data. Ocean Engineering, 266 (2). 112712. ISSN 0029-8018

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet (2022) Numerical investigation into the effects of tip vortex cavitation on propeller underwater radiated noise (URN) using a hybrid CFD method. Ocean Engineering, 266 (Part 1). 112658. ISSN 0029-8018

Ravenna, Roberto and Ingham, Ryan and Song, Soonseok and Johnston, Clifton and De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Atlar, Mehmet and Demirel, Yigit Kemal; (2022) Predicting the effect of hull roughness on ship resistance using a fully turbulent flow channel and CFD. In: 4th International Meeting Proceedings. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, pp. 109-118.

Ravenna, Roberto and Ingham, Ryan and Song, Soonseok and Johnston, Clifton and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Atlar, Mehmet and Demirel, Yigit Kemal (2022) Predicting the effect of hull roughness on ship resistance using a fully turbulent flow channel. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (12). 1863. ISSN 2077-1312

Troll, Moritz and Shi, Weichao and Stark, Callum and Atlar, Mehmet (2022) Vortex dynamics impact on the wake flow of a marine rudder with leading-edge tubercles. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 8 (4). pp. 553-571. ISSN 2198-6452

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet (2022) Mitigation of hub vortex cavitation with application of roughness. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (10). 1426. ISSN 2077-1312

Ravenna, Roberto and Marino, Alessandro and Song, Soonseok and Atlar, Mehmet and Turan, Osman and Day, Sandy and Demirel, Yigit Kemal (2022) Experimental study on the effect of biomimetic tubercles on the drag of a flat plate. Ocean Engineering, 255. 111445. ISSN 0029-8018

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet (2022) An alternative vorticity based adaptive mesh refinement (V-AMR) technique for tip vortex cavitation modelling of propellers using CFD methods. Ship Technology Research, 69 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0937-7255


Sezen, Savas and Uzun, Dogancan and Turan, Osman and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) Influence of roughness on propeller performance with a view to mitigating tip vortex cavitation. Ocean Engineering, 239. 109703. ISSN 0029-8018

Uzun, Dogancan and Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet and Turan, Osman (2021) Effect of biofouling roughness on the full-scale powering performance of a submarine. Ocean Engineering, 238. 109773. ISSN 0029-8018

Stark, Callum and Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) A numerical investigation into the influence of bio-inspired leading-edge tubercles on the hydrodynamic performance of a benchmark ducted propeller. Ocean Engineering, 237. 109593. ISSN 0029-8018

Sezen, Savas and Delen, Cihad and Dogrul, Ali and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) An investigation of scale effects on the self-propulsion characteristics of a submarine. Applied Ocean Research, 113. 102728. ISSN 0141-1187

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick (2021) Prediction of cavitating propeller underwater radiated noise using RANS & DES-based hybrid method. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (S1). pp. 93-105. ISSN 1754-212X

Sezen, Savas and Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick (2021) Numerical investigation of full-scale cavitating propeller underwater radiated noise. In: 11th International Symposium on Cavitation, 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-13, Online.

Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Zoet, Pepijn and Troll, Moritz and Stark, Callum and Sezen, Savas and Shi, Weichao and Aktas, Batuhan and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Turkmen, Serkan and Taylor, David (2021) Underwater noise measurements with a ship retrofitted with PressurePoresTM noise mitigation technology and using HyDroneTM system. In: 11th International Symposium on Cavitation, 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-13, Online.

Uzun, Dogancan and Sezen, Savas and Ozyurt, Refik and Atlar, Mehmet and Turan, Osman (2021) A CFD study : influence of biofouling on a full-scale submarine. Applied Ocean Research, 109. 102561. ISSN 0141-1187

Song, Soonseok and Dai, Saishuai and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet and Day, Sandy and Turan, Osman (2021) Experimental and theoretical study of the effect of hull roughness on ship resistance. Journal of Ship Research, 65 (1). pp. 62-71. ISSN 0022-4502

Song, Soonseok and Ravenna, Roberto and Dai, Saishuai and DeMarco Muscat-Fenech, Claire and Tani, Giorgio and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet and Day, Sandy and Incecik, Atilla (2021) Experimental investigation on the effect of heterogeneous hull roughness on ship resistance. Ocean Engineering, 223 (1). 108590. ISSN 0029-8018

Sezen, Savas and Uzun, Dogancan and Ozyurt, Refik and Turan, Osman and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) Effect of biofouling roughness on a marine propeller's performance including cavitation and underwater radiated noise (URN). Applied Ocean Research, 107. 102491. ISSN 0141-1187

Carchen, Alessandro and Turkmen, Serkan and Piaggio, Benedetto and Shi, Weichao and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) Investigation of the manoeuvrability characteristics of a Gate Rudder system using numerical, experimental, and full-scale techniques. Applied Ocean Research, 106. 102419. ISSN 0141-1187

Sezen, Savas and Cosgun, Taner and Yurtseven, Ahmet and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) Numerical investigation of marine propeller underwater radiated noise using acoustic analogy part 1 : the influence of grid resolution. Ocean Engineering, 220. 108448. ISSN 0029-8018

Sezen, Savas and Cosgun, Taner and Yurtseven, Ahmet and Atlar, Mehmet (2021) Numerical investigation of marine propeller underwater radiated noise using acoustic analogy part 2 : the influence of eddy viscosity turbulence models. Ocean Engineering, 220. 108353. ISSN 0029-8018


Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet (2020) Propeller performance penalty of biofouling : computational fluid dynamics prediction. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 142 (6). 061901. ISSN 0892-7219

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Atlar, Mehmet (2020) Fouling effect on the resistance of different ship types. Ocean Engineering, 216. 107736. ISSN 0029-8018

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet and Shi, Weichao (2020) Prediction of the fouling penalty on the tidal turbine performance and development of its mitigation measures. Applied Energy, 276. 115498. ISSN 0306-2619

Tani, Giorgio and Viviani, Michele and Felli, Mario and Lafeber, Frans Hendrik and Lloyd, Thomas and Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Turkmen, Serkan and Seol, Hanshin and Hallander, Jan and Sakamoto, Nobuaki (2020) Noise measurements of a cavitating propeller in different facilities : results of the round robin test programme. Ocean Engineering, 213. pp. 1-13. 107599. ISSN 0029-8018

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Tani, Giorgio and Yilmaz, Naz and Aktas, Batuhan (2020) Numerical cavitation noise prediction of a benchmark research vessel propeller. Ocean Engineering, 211. 107549. ISSN 0029-8018

Rosli, R. and Shi, W. and Aktas, B. and Norman, R. and Atlar, M. (2020) Cavitation observations, underwater radiated noise measurements and full-scale predictions of the hydro-spinna turbine. Ocean Engineering, 210. 107536. ISSN 0029-8018

Rosli, Roslynna and Norman, Rosemary and Atlar, Mehmet (2020) The influence of the pitch to diameter ratio (P/D) on a novel tidal turbine performance. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 893. 12008. ISSN 1757-899X

Hou, Hongbo and Krajewski, Mateusz and Ilter, Y. Kaan and Day, Sandy and Atlar, Mehmet and Shi, Weichao (2020) An experimental investigation of the impact of retrofitting an underwater stern foil on the resistance and motion. Ocean Engineering, 205. 107290. ISSN 0029-8018

Turkmen, Serkan and Atlar, Mehmet and Yeginbayeva, Irma and Benson, Simon and Finlay, John A and Clare, Anthony S (2020) Frictional drag measurements of large-scale plates in an enhanced plane channel flowcell. Biofouling, 36 (2). pp. 169-182. ISSN 1029-2454

Turkmen, Serkan and Atlar, Mehmet and Yeginbayeva, Irma and Benson, Simon and Finlay, John A and Clare, Anthony S. (2020) Frictional drag measurements of large-scale plates in an enhanced plane channel flowcell. Biofouling, 36 (2). pp. 169-182. ISSN 1029-2454

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet and Dai, Saishuai and Day, Sandy and Turan, Osman (2020) Validation of the CFD approach for modelling roughness effect on ship resistance. Ocean Engineering, 200. 107029. ISSN 0029-8018

Aktas, Batuhan and Yilmaz, Naz and Atlar, Mehmet and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Taylor, David (2020) Suppression of tip vortex cavitation noise of propellers using PressurePoresTM technology. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (3). 158. ISSN 2077-1312

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet (2020) Penalty of hull and propeller fouling on ship self-propulsion performance. Applied Ocean Research, 94. 102006. ISSN 0141-1187

Sasaki, Noriyuki and Kuribayashi, S. and Fukazawa, M. and Atlar, Mehmet (2020) Towards a realistic estimation of the powering performance of a ship with a gate rudder system. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (1). 43. ISSN 2077-1312


Troll, Moritz and Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Cocard, Margot and Day, Sandy (2019) Retrofitting leading-edge tubercles onto a sailing dinghy hydrofoil using 3D printing technology. In: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry, 2019-10-09 - 2019-10-11.

Marino, Alessandro and Ilter, Y. Kaan and Song, Soonseok and Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Demirel, Yigit K. (2019) Design specification, commission and calibration of the University of Strathclyde's Fully Turbulent Flow Channel (FTFC) facility. In: 6th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurements Technologies for The Maritime Industry (AMT'19), 2019-10-09 - 2019-10-11.

Ravenna, Roberto and Marino, Alessandro and Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet and Turan, Osman (2019) Experimental investigation on the effect of biomimetic tubercles on the hydrodynamics of a flat plate. In: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry, 2019-10-09 - 2019-10-11.

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet and Dai, Saishuai and Day, Sandy and Turan, Osman (2019) Validation of the CFD approach for modelling roughness effect on ship resistance. In: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry, 2019-10-09 - 2019-10-11.

Coraddu, Andrea and Oneto, Luca and Baldi, Francesco and Cipollini, Francesca and Atlar, Mehmet and Savio, Stefano (2019) Data-driven ship digital twin for estimating the speed loss caused by the marine fouling. Ocean Engineering, 186. 106063. ISSN 0029-8018

Rosli, Roslynna and Shi, Weichao and Aktas, Batuhan and Norman, Rose and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) Underwater radiated noise characteristic of the hydro-spinna tidal turbine under induced cavitation. International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, 8 (4). pp. 415-421. ISSN 2373-3594

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) An investigation into the effect of biofouling on full-scale propeller performance using CFD. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Marino, Alessandro and Atlar, Mehmet and Demirel, Yigit K. (2019) An investigation of the effect of biomimetic tubercles on a flat plate. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) Scale effect of Gate Rudder. In: Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-30.

Song, Soonseok and Shi, Weichao and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) The effect of biofouling on the tidal turbine performance. In: Applied Energy Symposium, 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24, MIT.

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) An investigation into the effect of biofouling on the ship hydrodynamic characteristics using CFD. Ocean Engineering, 175. pp. 122-137. ISSN 0029-8018

Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Norman, Rosemary and Day, Sandy and Aktas, Batuhan (2019) Effect of waves on the leading-edge undulated tidal turbines. Renewable Energy, 131. pp. 435-447. ISSN 0960-1481

Tani, Giorgio and Aktas, Batuhan and Viviani, Michele and Yilmaz, Naz and Miglianti, Fabiana and Ferrando, Marco and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) Cavitation tunnel tests for "The Princess Royal" model propeller behind a 2-dimensional wake screen. Ocean Engineering, 172. pp. 829-843. ISSN 0029-8018

Maasch, Matthias and Mizzi, Kurt and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Turan, Osman (2019) A generic wake analysis tool and its application to the Japan Bulk Carrier test case. Ocean Engineering, 171. pp. 575-589. ISSN 0029-8018

Yilmaz, Naz and Atlar, Mehmet and Khorasanchi, Mahdi (2019) An improved mesh adaption and refinement approach to cavitation simulation (MARCS) of propellers. Ocean Engineering, 171. pp. 139-150. ISSN 0029-8018


Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Shi, Weichao (2018) An advanced joint time-frequency analysis procedure to study cavitation-induced noise by using standard series propeller data. Ocean Engineering, 170. pp. 329-350. ISSN 0029-8018

Yeginbayeva, I. A. and Atlar, M. (2018) An experimental investigation into the surface and hydrodynamic characteristics of marine coatings with mimicked hull roughness ranges. Biofouling. ISSN 1029-2454

Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet (2018) Investigation into the propulsive efficiency characteristics of a ship with the Gate Rudder propulsion. In: A. Yücel Odabaşı Colloquium Series 3rd International Meeting on Progress in Propeller Cavitation And its Consequences: Experimental and Computational Methods for Predictions, 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-16.

Yilmaz, Naz and Turkmen, Serkan and Aktas, Batuhan and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet (2018) Tip vortex cavitation simulation of a propeller in a Gate Rudder® system. In: A. Yücel Odabaşı Colloquium Series 3rd International Meeting on Progress in Propeller Cavitation And its Consequences: Experimental and Computational Methods for Predictions, 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-16.

Fan, Michael and Aktas, Batuhan and Shi, Weichao and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Atlar, Mehmet; (2018) Remedial solutions to control excessive propeller induced hull vibrations on a landing craft. In: Proceedings 14th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition. IMarEST, London.

Atlar, M. and Yeginbayeva, I.A. and Turkmen, S. and Demirel, Y.K. and Carchen, A. and Marino, A. and Williams, D. (2018) A rational approach to predicting the effect of fouling control systems on 'in-service' ship performance. GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, 24 (213). pp. 5-36. ISSN 1300-1973

Marino, A. and Atlar, M. and Demirel, Y. K. (2018) An investigation of the effect of biomimetic tubercles on the drag of a flat plate. In: 3rd UK Fluids Conference 2018, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06, University Of Manchester.

Li, Chang and Atlar, Mehmet and Haroutunian, Maryam and Anderson, Colin and Turkmen, Serkan (2018) An experimental investigation into the effect of Cu2O particle size on antifouling roughness and hydrodynamic characteristics by using a turbulent flow channel. Ocean Engineering, 159. pp. 481-495. ISSN 0029-8018

Yilmaz, Naz and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick A. (2018) An improved tip vortex cavitation model for propeller-rudder interaction. In: 10th International Cavitation Symposium (CAV2018), 2018-05-13 - 2018-05-16, Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel.

Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Norman, Rosemary; Ölçer, Aykut I. and Kitada, Momoko and Dalaklis, Dimitrios and Ballini, Fabio, eds. (2018) Learning from humpback whales for improving the energy capturing performance of tidal turbine blades. In: Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management. WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs . Springer, Cham, pp. 479-497. ISBN 9783319745756

Yilmaz, Naz and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick A. and Sasaki, Noriyuki (2018) Computational fluid dynamic investigations of propeller cavitation in the presence of a rudder. In: 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Martime (INT-NAM 2018), 2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25, Yildaz Technical University.

Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Leivadaros, Spyridon and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Fitzsimmons, Patrick (2018) Hydropod : an on-board deployed acoustic-visual device for propeller cavitation and noise investigations. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. ISSN 0364-9059


Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Norman, Rosemary (2017) Detailed flow measurement of the field around tidal turbines with and without biomimetic leading-edge tubercles. Renewable Energy, 111. pp. 688-707. ISSN 0960-1481

Shi, Weichao and Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Vasiljev, Denis and Seo, Kwangcheol (2017) Stereoscopic PIV aided wake simulation of a catamaran research vessel using a dummy-hull model in a medium size cavitation tunnel. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. ISSN 0948-4280

Usta, Onur and Koksal, Cagatay Sabri and Aktas, Batuhan and Fitzsimmons, Patrick and Atlar, Mehmet and Korkut, Emin; Atlar, Mehmet and Marino, Alessandro and Aktas, Batuhan and Shi, Weichao, eds. (2017) An experimental study to detect cavitation erosion for different coated surfaces. In: The 5th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’17). University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, pp. 612-632.

Tani, Giorgio and Aktas, Batuhan and Viviani, Michele and Atlar, Mehmet (2017) Two medium size cavitation tunnel hydro-acoustic benchmark experiment comparisons as part of a round robin test campaign. Ocean Engineering, 138. pp. 179-207. ISSN 0029-8018

Yilmaz, Naz and Khorasanchi, Mahdi and Atlar, Mehmet (2017) An investigation into computational modelling of cavitation in a propeller's slipstream. In: Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion, 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-15.

Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Norman, Rosemary (2017) Humpback whale inspired design for tidal turbine blades. In: Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion, 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-15.

Usta, Onur and Aktas, Batuhan and Maasch, Matthias and Turan, Osman and Atlar, Mehmet and Korkut, Emin; Sánchez-Caja, Antonio, ed. (2017) A study on the numerical prediction of cavitation erosion for propellers. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - SMP'17 12 - 15 June 2017, Espoo, Finland. VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd, FIN. ISBN 978-951-38-8606-6

Mizzi, Kurt and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Banks, Charlotte and Turan, Osman and Kaklis, Panagiotis and Atlar, Mehmet (2017) Design optimisation of Propeller Boss Cap Fins for enhanced propeller performance. Applied Ocean Research, 62. 210–222. ISSN 0141-1187

Turkmen, Serkan and Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Sampson, Rod and Shi, Weichao (2017) On-board measurement techniques to quantify underwater radiated noise level. Ocean Engineering, 130. pp. 166-175. ISSN 0029-8018


Carchen, Alessandro and Shi, Weichao and Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet; Sariöz, Kadir and Solak, Hayriye Pehlivan, eds. (2016) A prediction program of manoeuvrability for a ship with a gate rudder system. In: 2nd International Meeting - Recent Advances in Prediction Techniques for Safe Manoeuvring of Ships and Submarines. Istanbul Technical University, TUR.

Rosli, R. and Norman, R. and Atlar, M. (2016) Experimental investigations of the Hydro-Spinna turbine performance. Renewable Energy, 99. 1227–1234. ISSN 0960-1481

Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Norman, Rosemary and Aktas, Batuhan and Turkmen, Serkan (2016) Numerical optimization and experimental validation for a tidal turbine blade with leading-edge tubercles. Renewable Energy, 96 (A). pp. 42-55. ISSN 0960-1481

Trodden, D.G. and Woodward, M.D. and Atlar, M. (2016) Accounting for ship manoeuvring motion during propeller selection to reduce CO2 emissions. Ocean Engineering, 123. pp. 346-356. ISSN 0029-8018

Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Rosli, Roslynna and Aktas, Batuhan and Norman, Rosemary (2016) Cavitation observations and noise measurements of horizontal axis tidal turbines with biomimetic blade leading-edge designs. Ocean Engineering, 121. pp. 143-155. ISSN 0029-8018

Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Turkmen, Serkan and Shi, Weichao and Sampson, Roderick and Korkut, Emin and Fitzsimmons, Patrick (2016) Propeller cavitation noise investigations of a research vessel using medium size cavitation tunnel tests and full-scale trials. Ocean Engineering, 120. 122–135. ISSN 0029-8018

Aktas, Batuhan and Atlar, Mehmet and Turkmen, Serkan and Korkut, Emin and Fitzsimmons, Patrick (2016) Systematic cavitation tunnel tests of a propeller in uniform and inclined flow conditions as part of a round robin test campaign. Ocean Engineering, 120. 136–151. ISSN 0029-8018

Sasaki, Noriyuki and Atlar, Mehmet and Kuribayashi, Sadotomo (2016) Advantages of twin rudder system with asymmetric wing section aside a propeller : the new hull form with twin rudders utilizing duct effects. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21 (2). pp. 297-308. ISSN 0948-4280

Shi, Weichao and Atlar, Mehmet and Seo, Kwangcheol and Norman, Rosemary and Rosli, Roslynna; (2016) Numerical simulation of a tidal turbine based hydrofoil with leading-edge tubercles. In: Proceedings of the ASME 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2016. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), KOR. ISBN 978-0-7918-4997-2

Shi, Weichao and Rosli, Roslynna and Atlar, Mehmet and Norman, Rosemary and Wang, Dazheng and Yang, Wenxian (2016) Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles. Ocean Engineering, 117. pp. 246-253. ISSN 0029-8018


Butterworth, Jamie and Atlar, Mehmet and Shi, Weichao (2015) Experimental analysis of an air cavity concept applied on a ship hull to improve the hull resistance. Ocean Engineering, 110 (B). pp. 2-10. ISSN 0029-8018

Bagley, Frank and Atlar, Mehmet and Charles, Alasdair and Anderson, Colin (2015) The use of copper-based antifoulings on aluminium ship hulls. Ocean Engineering, 109. 595–602. ISSN 0029-8018

Shi, Weichao and Wang, Dazheng and Atlar, Mehmet and Guo, Bin and Seo, Kwang-Cheol (2015) Optimal design of a thin-wall diffuser for performance improvement of a tidal energy system for an AUV. Ocean Engineering, 108. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0029-8018

Shi, W. and Rosli, R. and Atlar, M. and Norman, R. and Wang, D. and Yang, W. (2015) Hydrodynamic performance of a biomimetically improved tidal turbine blade. In: The 4th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry, 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30, Istanbul Technical University.

Sampson, R. and Turkmen, S. and Aktas, B. and Shi, W. and Fitzsimmons, P. and Atlar, M.; (2015) On the full scale and model scale cavitation comparisons of a Deep-V catamaran research vessel. In: Proceedings of the second Workshop on Cavitation and Propeller Performance. SMP, USA. ISBN 9780996459433

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