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Number of items: 57.


Baihaqi, Imam and Lazakis, Iraklis and Kurt, Rafet Emek (2024) Development of a novel integrated value engineering and risk assessment (VENRA) framework for shipyard performance measurement : a case study for an Indonesian shipyard. Ships and Offshore Structures, 19 (8). pp. 1118-1133. ISSN 1754-212X

Aung, Myo Zin and Nazemian, Amin and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Wang, Haibin and Duman, Suleyman and Xu, Xue (2024) Establishment of a design study for comprehensive hydrodynamic optimisation in the preliminary stage of the ship design. Ships and Offshore Structures, 19 (6). pp. 793-806. ISSN 1754-212X

Reid, Patrick and Terziev, Momchil and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2024) The effect of flow stratification on ship performance : a numerical study. Ships and Offshore Structures, 19 (11). pp. 1827-1839. ISSN 1754-212X


Ogbeifun, Achoyamen and Oterkus, Selda and Race, Julia and Naik, Harit and Moorthy, Dakshina and Bhowmik, Subrata and Ingram, Julie (2023) Simulation stage-based seabed pre-trenching technique for steel catenary riser touchdown fatigue analysis. Ships and Offshore Structures, 18 (10). pp. 1380-1396. ISSN 1754-212X

Kurt, Ismail and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Pachakis, Dimitrios (2023) Comparative technical-economic evaluation of offshore container port systems. Ships and Offshore Structures, 18 (10). pp. 1367-1379. ISSN 1754-212X

Cheng, Lu and Du, Peng and Hu, Haibao and Yuan, Zhiming and Kaidi, Sami (2023) Control of underwater suspended vehicle to avoid "falling deep" under the influence of internal solitary waves. Ships and Offshore Structures, 19 (9). pp. 1349-1367. ISSN 1754-212X

Iqbal, Muhammad and Terziev, Momchil and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2023) Operability analysis of traditional small fishing boats in indonesia with different loading conditions. Ships and Offshore Structures, 18 (7). pp. 1060-1079. ISSN 1754-212X


Cheliotis, Michail and Lazakis, Iraklis and Cheliotis, Angelos (2022) Bayesian and machine learning-based fault detection and diagnostics for marine applications. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (12). pp. 2686-2698. ISSN 1754-212X

Pollalis, Christos and Mourkogiannis, Dimitrios and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2022) Numerical simulation of a vessel's manoeuvring performance in regular waves. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (11). pp. 2498-2507. ISSN 1754-212X

Fariya, Siti and Gunbeyaz, Sefer Anil and Kurt, Rafet Emek and Turan, Osman (2022) Determining the effects of implementing IMO's Hong Kong Convention's requirements on the productivity of a ship recycling yard by using discrete event simulation. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (11). pp. 2508-2519. ISSN 1754-212X

Li, Liang and Liu, Yuanchuan (2022) Short-crestedness effect on the dynamic response of offshore floating wind turbines. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (10). pp. 2272-2281. ISSN 1754-212X

Velasco-Gallego, Christian and Lazakis, Iraklis (2022) A novel framework for imputing large gaps of missing values from time series sensor data of marine machinery systems. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (8). pp. 1802-1811. ISSN 1754-212X

Navas de Maya, Beatriz and Kurt, R. E. (2022) Marine accident learning with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps : a method to model and weight human-related contributing factors into maritime accidents. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (3). pp. 555-563. ISSN 1754-212X

Navas de Maya, Beatriz and Arslan, Ozcan and Akyuz, Emre and Kurt, Rafet Emek and Turan, Osman (2022) Application of data-mining techniques to predict and rank maritime non-conformities in tanker shipping companies using accident inspection reports. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (3). pp. 687-694. ISSN 1754-212X

Vassalos, Dracos (2022) The role of damaged ship dynamics in addressing the risk of flooding. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (2). pp. 279-303. ISSN 1754-212X

Louvros, Panagiotis and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Coraddu, Andrea and Vassalos, Dracos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos (2022) Multi-objective optimisation as an early design tool for smart ship internal arrangement. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (6). pp. 1392-1402. ISSN 1754-212X

Karolius, Kristian Bertheussen and Psarros, George Ad. and Astrup, Ole Christian and Liang, Qin and Van Welter, Clayton and Vassalos, Dracos (2022) Maritime operational risk management using dynamic barriers. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (5). pp. 1099-1113. ISSN 1754-212X

Conti, Fabien and Le Sourne, Hervé and Vassalos, Dracos and Kujala, Pentti and Lindroth, Daniel and Kim, Sang Jin and Hirdaris, Spyros (2022) A comparative method for scaling SOLAS collision damage distributions based on ship crashworthiness - application to probabilistic damage stability analysis of a passenger ship. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (7). pp. 1498-1514. ISSN 1754-212X


Terziev, Momchil and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2021) Modelling the hydrodynamic effect of abrupt water depth changes on a ship travelling in restricted waters using CFD. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (10). pp. 1087-1103. ISSN 1754-212X

Nguyen, Cong Tien and Oterkus, Selda (2021) Brittle damage prediction for corroded stiffened structures under static loading conditions by using peridynamics. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (S1). pp. 153-170. ISSN 1754-212X

Sezen, Savas and Atlar, Mehmet and Fitzsimmons, Patrick (2021) Prediction of cavitating propeller underwater radiated noise using RANS & DES-based hybrid method. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (S1). pp. 93-105. ISSN 1754-212X

Jaen-Sola, P. and Oterkus, E. and McDonald, A. S. (2021) Parametric lightweight design of a direct-drive wind turbine electrical generator supporting structure for minimising dynamic response. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (S1). pp. 266-274. ISSN 1754-212X

Li, Shen and Kim, Do Kyun and Benson, Simon (2021) An adaptable algorithm to predict the load shortening curves of stiffened panels in compression. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (S1). pp. 122-139. ISSN 1754-212X

Coraddu, Andrea and Oneto, Luca and Cipollini, Francesca and Kalikatzarakis, Miltos and Meijn, Gert-Jan and Geertsma, Rinze (2021) Physical, data-driven and hybrid approaches to model engine exhaust gas temperatures in operational conditions. Ships and Offshore Structures. ISSN 1754-212X

Yang, Renyou and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) CFD modelling and numerical investigation of a large marine two-stroke dual fuel direct injection engine. Ships and Offshore Structures. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1754-212X


Gunbeyaz, Sefer Anil and Kurt, Rafet Emek and Turan, Osman (2020) Investigation of different cutting technologies in a ship recycling yard with simulation approach. Ships and Offshore Structures, n/a. n/a. ISSN 1754-212X

Heo, Jeeyeon and Yang, Zhenghao and Xia, Wenxuan and Oterkus, Selda and Oterkus, Erkan (2020) Free vibration analysis of cracked plates using peridynamics. Ships and Offshore Structures, 15 (sup1). S220-S229. ISSN 1754-212X

Raptodimos, Yiannis and Lazakis, Iraklis (2020) Application of NARX neural network for predicting marine engine performance parameters. Ships and Offshore Structures, 15 (4). pp. 443-452. ISSN 1754-212X

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) Risk-based, sensor-fused detection of flooding casualties for emergency response. Ships and Offshore Structures, n/a. n/a. ISSN 1754-212X

Babaleye, Ahmed O. and Kurt, Rafet E. (2020) Safety analysis of offshore decommissioning operation through Bayesian network. Ships and Offshore Structures, 15 (1). pp. 99-109. ISSN 1754-212X


Li, Shen and Benson, Simon D. (2019) A re-evaluation of the hull girder shakedown limit states. Ships and Offshore Structures, 14 (sup1). pp. 239-250. ISSN 1754-212X

Terziev, Momchil and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2019) Application of eddy-viscosity turbulence models to problems in ship hydrodynamics. Ships and Offshore Structures. ISSN 1754-212X

Lazakis, Iraklis and Gkerekos, Christos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos (2019) Investigating an SVM-driven, one-class approach to estimating ship systems condition. Ships and Offshore Structures, 14 (5). pp. 432-441. ISSN 1754-212X


Arabatzis, Ioannis and Skordas, Ioannis and Skordas, Dimitrios and Nikolopoulos, Lampros and Kousiounelos, Petros and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2018) Multi-criteria decision-making methodology for the selection of cargo hold coating for bulk carriers. Ships and Offshore Structures. ISSN 1754-212X

Li, Liang and Yuan, Zhi-Ming and Ji, Chunyan and Gao, Yan (2018) Ultimate structural and fatigue damage loads of a spar-type floating wind turbine. Ships and Offshore Structures. ISSN 1754-212X

Gu, Yue and Day, Alexander and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Dai, Saishuai (2018) Experimental investigation on stability of intact and damaged combatant ship in beam sea. Ships and Offshore Structures. ISSN 1754-212X

Park, Sayyoon and Jeong, Byongug and Yoon, Joon Young and Paik, Jeom Kee (2018) A study on factors affecting the safety zone in ship-to-ship LNG bunkering. Ships and Offshore Structures, 13 (Supp 1). pp. 312-321. ISSN 1754-212X

Raptodimos, Yiannis and Lazakis, Iraklis (2018) Using artificial neural network-self-organising map for data clustering of marine engine condition monitoring applications. Ships and Offshore Structures, 13 (6). pp. 649-656. ISSN 1754-212X

Zhang, Shenglong and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Zhang, Baoji and Xu, Leping and Lai, Yuyang (2018) Hull form optimization in waves based on CFD technique. Ships and Offshore Structures, 13 (2). pp. 149-164. ISSN 1754-212X


Yang, Nana and Das, Purnendu K. and Yao, Xiongliang (2015) Application of response surface method for reliability analysis of stiffened laminated plates. Ships and Offshore Structures, 10 (6). pp. 653-659. ISSN 1754-212X


Elosta, Hany and Huang, Shan and Incecik, Atilla (2014) Wave loading fatigue reliability and uncertainty analyses for geotechnical pipeline models. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9 (4). pp. 450-463. ISSN 1754-212X

Konovessis, Dimitris and Chua, Kie Hian and Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Stability of floating offshore structures. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9 (2). pp. 125-133. ISSN 1754-212X

Collu, M. and Brennan, F. P. and Patel, M. H. (2014) Conceptual design of a floating support structure for an offshore vertical axis wind turbine : the lessons learnt. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9 (1). pp. 3-21. ISSN 1754-212X


Vassalos, Dracos (2013) Damage stability and survivability - 'nailing' passenger ship safety problems. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9 (3). pp. 237-256. ISSN 1754-212X


Lee, Yongwon and Chan, Hoi-Sang and Pu, Yongchang and Incecik, Atilla and Dow, Robert S. (2012) Global wave loads on a damaged ship. Ships and Offshore Structures, 7 (3). pp. 237-268. ISSN 1754-212X

Subin, Kelangath and Das, Purnendu and Quigley, John and Hirdaris, Spyros (2012) Risk analysis of damaged ships : a data-driven Bayesian approach. Ships and Offshore Structures. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1754-212X


Yang, N. N. and Das, P. K. and Yao, X. L. (2011) Ultimate strength and reliability assessment of laminated composite plates under axial compression. Ships and Offshore Structures, 6 (1-2). pp. 105-113. ISSN 1754-212X

Lazakis, I. and Turan, O. and Aksu, S. and Incecik, A. (2011) Erratum : Increasing ship operational reliability through the implementation of a holistic maintenance management strategy (vol 5, pg 337, 2010). Ships and Offshore Structures, 6 (1-2). p. 175. ISSN 1754-212X


Turan, O. and Helvacioglu, I. H. and Insel, M. and Khalid, Hassan and Kurt, R. E. (2010) Crew noise exposure on board ships and comparative study of applicable standards. Ships and Offshore Structures, 6 (4). pp. 323-338. ISSN 1754-212X

Lazakis, Iraklis and Turan, Osman and Aksu, Seref (2010) Increasing ship operational reliability through the implementation of a holistic maintenance management strategy. Ships and Offshore Structures, 5 (4). 337–357. ISSN 1754-212X


Blake, J.I.R. and Shenoi, R.A. and Das, P.K. and Yang, Nana (2009) The application of reliability methods in the design of stiffened FRP composite panels for marine vessels. Ships and Offshore Structures, 4 (3). pp. 287-297. ISSN 1754-212X

Turan, O. and Olcer, A.I. and Lazakis, I. and Rigo, P. and Caprace, J.D. (2009) Maintenance/repair and production-oriented life cycle cost/earning model for ship structural optimisation during conceptual design stage. Ships and Offshore Structures, 4 (2). pp. 107-125. ISSN 1754-212X

Chaithanya, Pretheesh Paul and Das, Purnendu K. and Crow, Anthony and Hunt, Stuart (2009) Effect of distortion on the buckling strength of stiffened panels. Ships and Offshore Structures, 5 (2). pp. 141-153. ISSN 1754-212X


Vassalos, Dracos and Xie, Nan and Jasionowski, Andrzej and Konovessis, Dimitris (2008) Stability and safety analysis of the air-lifted catamaran. Ships and Offshore Structures, 3 (2). pp. 91-98. ISSN 1754-212X

Varyani, K. and Pham, X.P. (2008) Whaleback forecastle for reducing green water loading on high-speed container vessels. Ships and Offshore Structures, 3 (3). pp. 229-237. ISSN 1754-212X


Turkmen, B.S. and Turan, O. (2007) A new integrated multi-objective optimisation algorithm and its application to ship design. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2 (1). pp. 21-37. ISSN 1754-212X

Zheng, Y. and Aksu, S. and Vassalos, D. and Tuzcu, C. (2007) Study on side structure resistance to ship-ship collisions. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2 (3). 273 - 293. ISSN 1754-212X

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