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Group by: Publication Date | Item type | No Grouping
Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Number of items: 40.


Wang, Zhengjian and Luo, Xichun and Hasan, Rashed Md Murad and Xie, Wenkun and Chang, Wenlong and Liu, Qi (2024) Design of a low-cost, high-precision rolling nanoelectrode lithography machine for manufacturing nanoscale products. In: 24th Euspen International Conference & Exhibition, 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-14, University College Dublin.


Cai, Yukui and Luo, Xichun and Sun, Jining and Chang, Wenlong (2022) Editorial for the special issue on ultra precision technologies for micromachining, volume II. Micromachines, 13 (11). 1975. ISSN 2072-666X

Kundu, Pradeep and Luo, Xichun and Qin, Yi and Chang, Wenlong and Kumar, Anil (2022) A novel current sensor indicator enabled WAFTR model for tool wear prediction under variable operating conditions. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 82. pp. 777-791. ISSN 1526-6125

Gao, Jian and Luo, Xichun and Chang, Wenlong and Wang, Zhengjian and Yan, Yongda and Geng, Yanquan (2022) Insight into atomic-scale adhesion at the C-Cu interface during the initial stage of nanoindentation. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 5 (3). pp. 250-258. 6. ISSN 2520-8128

Gao, Jian and Luo, Xichun and Chang, Wenlong and Qin, Yi and Xie, Wenkun and Fan, Pengfei and Hasan, Rashed Md. Murad and Geng, Yanquan and Yan, Yongda (2022) Three-dimensional nanostructures enabled by customised voltage waveform-induced local anodic oxidation lithography. In: 22nd EUSPEN International Conference and Exhibition, 2022-05-30 - 2022-06-03, Hilton Geneva Hotel.

Wang, Zhengjian and Luo, Xichun and Sun, Jining and Seib, Philipp and Phuagkhaopong, Suttinee and Chang, Wenlong and Gao, Jian and Mir, Amir and Cox, Andrew (2022) Investigation of chip formation mechanism in ultra-precision diamond turning of silk fibroin film. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 74. pp. 14-27. ISSN 1526-6125


Wang, Zhengjian and Luo, Xichun and Liu, Haitao and Ding, Fei and Chang, Wenlong and Yang, Liang and Zhang, Jianguo and Cox, Andrew (2021) A high-frequency non-resonant elliptical vibration-assisted cutting device for diamond turning microstructured surfaces. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 112. pp. 3247-3261. ISSN 1433-3015


Luo, Xichun and Li, Zhipeng and Chang, Wenlong and Cai, Yukui and Sun, Jining and Ding, Fei and Zhang, Feihu and Liu, Haitao and Sun, Yazhou (2020) Laser-assisted grinding of reaction-bonded SiC. Journal of Micromanufacturing, 3 (2). pp. 93-98. ISSN 2516-5992

Yang, Liang and Luo, Xichun and Chang, Wenlong and Tian, Yankang and Wang, Zhengjian and Gao, Jian and Cai, Yukui and Qin, Yi and Duxbury, Mark (2020) Manufacturing of anti-fogging super-hydrophilic microstructures on glass by nanosecond laser. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 59. pp. 557-565. ISSN 0924-0136

Ding, Fei and Luo, Xichun and Cai, Yukui and Chang, Wenlong (2020) Acceleration feedback control for enhancing dynamic stiffness of fast tool servo system considering the sensor imperfections. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 141. 106429. ISSN 0888-3270


Ding, Fei and Luo, Xichun and Chang, Wenlong and Wang, Zhengjian (2019) In situ measurement of spindle radial and tilt error motions by complementary multi-probe method. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. ISSN 2520-8128

Cai, Yukui and Luo, Xichun and Tian, Yankang and Hasan, Rashed Md Murad and Chang, Wenlong and Qin, Yi (2019) Dynamic behaviours of water droplets impacting on laser ablated surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 580. 123743. ISSN 0927-7757

Zhong, Wen-Bin and Luo, Xi-Chun and Chang, Wen-Long and Cai, Yu-Kui and Ding, Fei and Liu, Hai-Tao and Sun, Ya-Zhou (2019) Toolpath interpolation and smoothing for computer numerical control machining of freeform surfaces : a review. International Journal of Automation and Computing. ISSN 1476-8186

Ding, Fei and Luo, Xichun and Zhong, Wenbin and Chang, Wenlong (2019) Design of a new fast tool positioning system and systematic study on its positioning stability. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 142. pp. 54-65. ISSN 0890-6955

Li, Zhipeng and Zhang, Feihu and Luo, Xichun and Chang, Wenlong and Cai, Yukui and Zhong, Wenbin and Ding, Fei (2019) Material removal mechanism of laser-assisted grinding of RB-SiC ceramics and process optimization. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (4). pp. 705-717. ISSN 0955-2219

Cai, Yukui and Luo, Xichun and Liu, Zhanqiang and Qin, Yi and Chang, Wenlong and Sun, Yanzhou (2019) Product and process fingerprint for nanosecond pulsed laser ablated superhydrophobic surface. Micromachines. ISSN 2072-666X (In Press)


Zeng, Quanren and Qin, Yi and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun (2018) Correlating and evaluating the functionality-related properties with surface texture parameters and specific characteristics of machined components. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 149. pp. 62-72. ISSN 0020-7403

Cai, Yukui and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun and Qin, Yi (2018) Superhydrophobicity of micro-structured surfaces on zirconia by nanosecond pulsed laser. Journal of Micromanufacturing. ISSN 2516-5992 (In Press)

Li, Zhipeng and Zhang, Feihu and Luo, Xichun and Guo, XiaoGuang and Cai, Yukui and Chang, Wenlong and Sun, Jining (2018) A new grinding force model for micro grinding RB-SiC ceramics with grinding wheel topography as an input. Micromachines, 9 (8). 368. ISSN 2072-666X

Luo, Xichun and Zhong, Wenbin and Chang, Wenlong (2018) A generic control architecture for hybrid micro-machines. Micromachines, 9 (6). 305. ISSN 2072-666X

Cai, Yukui and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun and Sousa, Ana M.L. and Lau, King Hang Aaron and Qin, Yi (2018) Superhydrophobic structures on 316L stainless steel surfaces machined by nanosecond pulsed laser. Precision Engineering, 52. pp. 266-275. ISSN 0141-6359

Zhong, Wenbin and Luo, Xichun and Chang, Wenlong and Ding, Fei and Cai, Yukui (2018) A real-time interpolator for parametric curves. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 125. pp. 133-145. ISSN 0890-6955


Zeng, Quanren and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun and Qin, Yi (2017) Burr formation and prediction in slot milling of titanium alloy. In: EUSPEN SIG Workshop on Micro/Nano Manufacturing, 2017-11-08. (Unpublished)

Sharma, S. and Micheli, L. and Chang, W. and Tahir, A.A. and Reddy, K.S. and Mallick, T.K. (2017) Nano-enhanced phase change material for thermal management of BICPV. Applied Energy. ISSN 0306-2619

Cai, Yukui and Sousa, Ana M. L. and Lau, King Hang Aaron and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun (2017) Fabrication of hydrophobic structures by nanosecond pulse laser. In: 15th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, 2017-09-05 - 2017-09-07, University of Greenwich.

Cai, Yukui and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun and Qin, Yi (2017) Hydrophobicity of pyramid structures fabricated by micro milling. In: 2017 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, 2017-03-27 - 2017-03-30, Garden Villa.

Chang, Wenlong and Zhong, Wenbin and Ding, Fei and Wardie, Frank and Luo, Xichun (2017) Development of a compact ultra-precision six-axis hybrid micro-machine. In: 2017 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, 2017-03-27 - 2017-03-30, Garden Villa.


Zhong, Wenbin and Chang, Wenlong and Rubio, Luis and Luo, Xichun (2016) A local tool path smoothening scheme for micromachining. In: 16th euspen International Conference, 2016-05-30 - 2016-06-02, East Midland Conference Centre.


Hao, Guangbo and Hand, Ronan and Kong, Xianwen and Chang, Wenlong and Luo, Xichun (2015) Design of compliant parallel grippers using the position space concept for manipulating submillimeter objects. In: IEEE 15th International Conference in Automation and Computing (ICAC'15), 2015-09-11 - 2015-09-12.

Zhong, Wenbin and Chang, Wenlong and Rubio, Luis and Luo, Xichun; (2015) Reconfigurable software architecture for a hybrid micro machine tool. In: 21st International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2015. IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9780992680107


Rubio, Luis and Chang, Wenlong and Zhong, Wenbin and Zare Chavoshi, Saeed and Luo, Xichun (2014) Novel control architecture for 6-axis hybrid micro machine tool. In: 3rd EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference, 2014-09-17 - 2014-09-18.


Luo, X. and Sun, J. and Chang, W. and Ritchie, J.M.; Lee, W.B. and Cheung, C.F. and To, S., eds. (2012) Single point diamond turning of calcium fluoride optics. In: Key Engineering Materials. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 408-413. ISBN 9783037854280

Chang, Wenlong and Luo, X. and Sun, J. and Zhao, Q. and Zhao, Y.; Morgan, Michael N. and Shaw, Andrew and Mgaloblishvili, Otar, eds. (2012) Laser assisted micro grinding of high strength materials. In: Precision Machining VI. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 44-49. ISBN 9783037852972

Sun, J. and Luo, Xichun and Ritchie, J. M. and Chang, Wenlong and Wang, W. (2012) An investigation of redeposition effect for deterministic fabrication of nanodots by Focused Ion Beam. Precision Engineering, 36 (1). pp. 31-36. ISSN 0141-6359

Sun, J. and Luo, X. and Chang, W. and Ritchie, J.M.; (2012) Fabrication of freeform micro optics by focused ion beam. In: Key Engineering Materials. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 414-419. ISBN 9783037854280


Luo, X. and Sun, J. and Ritchie, J.M. and Chang, W. and Wang, W. (2011) Deterministic fabrication of nanostructures for plasmonic lens by focused ion beam. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 57 (9-12). pp. 1003-1009. ISSN 1433-3015

Chang, Wenlong and Luo, X. and Ritchie, J.M. and Sun, J. and Mack, C. (2011) Laser deburring process for structured edges on precision moulds. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 7 (3-4). pp. 327-335. ISSN 1746-9392

Chang, Wenlong and Sun, J. and Luo, X. and Ritchie, J.M. and Mack, C. (2011) Investigation of microstructured milling tool for deferring tool wear. Wear, 271 (9-10). pp. 2433-2437. ISSN 0043-1648

Chang, Wenlong and Luo, X-C and Ritchie, J. M. and Sun, J.-N. and Mark, C. (2011) Fabrication of microfluidic injection moulds by a hybrid micromachining process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 225 (3). pp. 458-462. 6. ISSN 2041-2975


Sun, Jining and Luo, Xichun and Ritchie, James and Chang, Wenlong (2010) Deterministic fabrication of nanostructures in plasmonics lens by focused ion beam (FIB). In: 10th euspen International Conference, 2010-05-31 - 2010-06-04.

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