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Jump to: 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2016
Number of items: 29.


Tarantino, Alessandro and Roberts-Self, Eve (2023) Transpiration in the water-limited regime : soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. E3S Web of Conferences, 382. 13001. ISSN 2555-0403

Roberts-Self, Eve and Tarantino, Alessandro (2023) Physically-based reduction function to model unsaturated flow associated with plant transpiration. E3S Web of Conferences, 382. 20003. ISSN 2555-0403

Roberts-Self, Eve and Tarantino, Alessandro (2023) An experimental setup to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on plant water uptake in unsaturated soils. E3S Web of Conferences, 382. 20004. ISSN 2555-0403


Zalizar, Lili and Rahmawati, Khusnul and Yaro, Abubakar (2021) Fasciolosis infection level of various breed cattle in Batu and Pujon district, East Java, Indonesia. E3S Web of Conferences, 226. 00029. ISSN 2555-0403

Asmawati, Asmawati and Marianah, Marianah and Yaro, Abubakar and Hendroko Setyobudi, Roy (2021) The potential of cashew apple Juice as anti hypercholesterol agent on whistar rats (rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769). E3S Web of Conferences, 226. 00009. ISSN 2555-0403

Susanto, Herry and Setyobudi, Roy Hendroko and Sugiyanto, Didik and Chan, Yefri and Yandri, Erkata and Wahono, Satriyo Krido and Abdullah, Kamaruddin and Burlakovs, Juris and Widodo, Wahyu and Nugroho, Yogo Adhi and Yaro, Abubakar and Setyobudi, Roy Hendroko (2021) Design of rotary dryer for sand drying using biomass energy sources. E3S Web of Conferences, 226. 00024. ISSN 2555-0403

Purba, Washington and Yandri, Erkata and Setyobudi, Roy Hendroko and Susanto, Hery and Wahono, Satriyo Krido and Siregar, Kiman and Nugroho, Yogo Adhi and Yaro, Abubakar and Abdullah, Kamaruddin and Jani, Yahya and Faturahman, Danny (2021) Potentials of gas emission reduction (GHG) by the glass sheet industry through energy conservation. E3S Web of Conferences, 226. 00047. ISSN 2555-0403


Akhmetbayev, Dauren S. and Dzhandigulov, Abdigali R. and Berdygozhin, Ansar (2020) Topological algorithm to form power of compensating devices of distribution networks. E3S Web of Conferences, 216. 01088. ISSN 2267-1242

Beber, Raniero and Becker, Patrick and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Suction as an untapped natural soil reinforcement to reduce embodied carbon in geotechnical structures : the case study of flood embankments in Hamburg area. E3S Web of Conferences, 205. 12001. ISSN 2555-0403

Casarella, Angela and Tarantino, Alessandro and Di Donna, Alice (2020) Micromechanical interpretation of thermo-plastic behaviour of clays. E3S Web of Conferences, 205. 09003. ISSN 2555-0403

Tarantino, Alessandro and El Mountassir, Grainne and Wheeler, Simon and Gallipoli, Domenico and Russo, Giacomo and Augarde, Charles and Urciuoli, Gianfranco and Pirone, Marianna and Stokes, Alexia and van de Kuilen, Jan Willem and Gard, Wolfgang and Fourcaud, Thierry and Romero, Enrique and Priegue, Angel and Smith, Colin C and Larrey-Lassalle, Pyrène and Becker, Patrick and Ferrari, Alessio and Dainese, Roberta and Salifu, Emmanuel and Beber, Raniero and Scarfone, Riccardo and Cuccurullo, Alessia and Coudert, Elodie and Dias, Sofia and Mmuguda-Viswanath, Sravan and Rossi, Lorenzo MW and Kamath, Abhijith and Fraccica, Alessandro and Karagianni, Pavlina and González Castejón, Javier and Ouakka, Slimane and Zannin, Jacopo and Speranza, Gianluca (2020) TERRE project : interplay between unsaturated soil mechanics and low-carbon geotechnical engineering. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 01002. ISSN 2267-1242

Dainese, Roberta and Tedeschi, Giuseppe and Fourcaud, Thierry and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Measurement of xylem water pressure using high-capacity tensiometer and benchmarking against pressure chamber and thermocouple psychrometer. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 03014. ISSN 2555-0403

Amabile, Alessia and De Polo, Fabio and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Probabilistic analysis of flood embankment stability : the case study of the Adige River embankment in Italy. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 01003. ISSN 2555-0403

Shariatmadari, Nader and Reza, Mohammad and Tasuji, Amiri and Ghadir, Pooria and Javadi, A. Akbar (2020) Experimental study on the effect of chitosan biopolymer on sandy soil stabilization. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 06007. ISSN 2555-0403

Kersken, Matthias and Strachan, Paul and Mantesi, Eirini and Flett, Graeme (2020) Whole building validation for simulation programs including synthetic users and heating systems : experimental design. E3S Web of Conferences, 172. 22003. ISSN 2555-0403


Lyden, Andrew and Tuohy, Paul (2019) A methodology for designing decentralised energy systems with predictive control for heat pumps and thermal storage. E3S Web of Conferences, 111. 06014. ISSN 2555-0403

Beber, Raniero and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pedrotti, Matteo and Lunn, Rebecca (2019) The effect of clay water content in the Jet Erosion Test. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 02016. ISSN 2267-1242

Ibeh, Christopher and Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro and Lunn, Rebecca (2019) An X-ray CT study of miniature clay sample preparation techniques. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 01004. ISSN 2267-1242

De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and de Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Laís and Tarantino, Alessandro (2019) Indirect measurements of water content using TDR-inferred dielectric permittivity and electrical resistivity. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 02005. ISSN 2267-1242

Rodrigues Borges, Camilla and De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Porfirio Cordão-Neto, Manoel (2019) Pore size distribution of Brasilia tropical soil in 3 different initial states. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 01009. ISSN 2267-1242

de Oliveira Kühn, Vinícius and Porfírio Cordão-Neto, Manoel and De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna (2019) The effect of aggregations on bimodal kaolinite soils. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 03003. ISSN 2267-1242

Banks, David and Burnside, Neil and Westaway, Rob and Zimmermann, Günter and Hofmann, Hannes (2019) Exponential trends in flowback chemistry from a hydraulically stimulated deep geothermal borehole in granite; Pohang, South Korea. E3S Web of Conferences, 98. 08001. ISSN 2555-0403

Burnside, Neil M. and Montcoudiol, Nelly and Boyce, Adrian J. (2019) Surface and groundwater hydrochemistry in the mid-Gregory Rift, Kenya : First impressions and potential implications for geothermal systems. E3S Web of Conferences, 98. 07004. ISSN 2555-0403


Balzano, Brunella and Tarantino, Alessandro and Ridley, Andrew (2016) Analysis of a rainfall-triggered landslide at rest and be thankful in Scotland. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. pp. 1-6. 15009. ISSN 2267-1242

Amabile, Alessia and Cordão-Neto, Manoel P. and Polo, Fabio De and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Reliability analysis of flood embankments taking into account a stochastic distribution of hydraulic loading. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. ISSN 2267-1242

Nazer, Nor Shahidah Mohd and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Creep response in shear of clayey geo-materials under saturated and unsaturated conditions. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 14023. ISSN 2267-1242

Pagano, Arianna and Tarantino, Alessandro and Bagheri, Meghdad and Rezania, Mohammad and Sentenac, Phillippe (2016) An experimental investigation of the independent effect of suction and degree of saturation on very small-strain stiffness of unsaturated sand. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 14015. ISSN 2267-1242

Mendes, Joao and Gallipoli, Domenico and Boeck, Fabian and Von Unold, Georg and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Building the UPPA high capacity tensiometer. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 10001. ISSN 2267-1242

Tarantino, Alessandro and Gallipoli, Domenico and Jommi, Cristina and Mendes, Joao and Capotosto, Anastasia and Amabile, Alessia and Pedrotti, Matteo and Pozzato, Annarita and Beneš, Vojtěch and Bottaro, Fabio and Denzer, Heiner and Boeck, Fabian (2016) Advances in the monitoring of geo-structure subjected to climate loading. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 04001. ISSN 2267-1242

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