Browse by Author or creator
Papini, Nicola and Scorzoni, Andrea and Placidi, Pisana and Cecconi, Manuela and Villani Delle Vergini, Carmine and Tarantino, Alessandro (2025) Measurement-based model for water content estimation in sustainable granular materials using an IoT custom device. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 74. pp. 1-9. 9001209. ISSN 1557-9662
Coppola, Lucia and Reder, Alfredo and Rianna, Guido and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pagano, Luca (2024) Effects of Wooden Embers Cover on thermo-hydrological response of silty volcanic cover and implications to post-wildfire slope stability. Engineering Geology, 341. 107724. ISSN 0013-7952
Di Donna, Alice and Casarella, Angela and Tarantino, Alessandro (2024) A micro-mechanical insight into the thermo-mechanical behaviour of clays. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 38. 100549. ISSN 2352-3808
Papini, Nicola and Cecconi, Manuela and Placidi, Pisana and Scorzoni, Andrea and Tarantino, Alessandro; (2024) Effect of physical properties of granular sustainable-porous materials on water content measurements by using a low-cost sensor. In: 2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference . IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9798350380903
Casarella, Angela and Tarantino, Alessandro and Richefeu, Vincent and Di Donna, Alice (2024) Evaluation and improvement of Gay-Berne interaction potential to simulate 3D DLVO interaction of clay particles. Computers and Geotechnics, 170. 106221. ISSN 0266-352X
Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro and Annese, Antonio and Cotecchia, Federica and Vitone, Claudia (2024) A microstructural insight into the compression behaviour of scaly clays. Géotechnique. pp. 1-40. ISSN 0016-8505
Pedrotti, Matteo and Xu, Long and Murray, Ian William and Tarantino, Alessandro (2024) Drying-induced volumetric behaviour of clays interpreted via binary pore-scale modelling. Computers and Geotechnics, 165. 105911. ISSN 0266-352X
Casarella, Angela and Tarantino, Alessandro and di Donna, Alice (2024) Revisiting DLVO theory to inform particle-scale modelling of clays. Computers and Geotechnics, 165. 105876. ISSN 0266-352X
Roberts-Self, Eve and Tarantino, Alessandro (2023) Physically-based reduction function to model unsaturated flow associated with plant transpiration. E3S Web of Conferences, 382. 20003. ISSN 2555-0403
Tarantino, Alessandro and Roberts-Self, Eve (2023) Transpiration in the water-limited regime : soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. E3S Web of Conferences, 382. 13001. ISSN 2555-0403
Roberts-Self, Eve and Tarantino, Alessandro (2023) An experimental setup to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on plant water uptake in unsaturated soils. E3S Web of Conferences, 382. 20004. ISSN 2555-0403
Beber, Raniero and Tarantino, Alessandro and Becker, Patrick (2023) Climate change adaptation of Elbe River flood embankments via suction-based design. International Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (3). ISSN 1532-3641
Coudert, Elodie and Deneele, Dimitri and Russo, Giacomo and Tarantino, Alessandro (2022) Mechanical behaviour of compacted Kaolin clay stabilised via alkali activated calcium-rich fly ash binder. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 32. 100404. ISSN 2352-3808
Coppola, L. and Reder, A. and Tarantino, A. and Mannara, G. and Pagano, L. (2022) Pre-failure suction-induced deformation to inform early warning of shallow landslides : proof of concept at slope model scale. Engineering Geology, 309. 106834. ISSN 0013-7952
Salifu, Emmanuel and El Mountassir, Graínne and Minto, James and Tarantino, Alessandro (2022) Hydraulic behaviour of fungal treated sand. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 30. 100258. ISSN 2352-3808
Dainese, Roberta and de C.F.L. Lopes, Bruna and Tedeschi, Giuseppe and Lamarque, Laurent J. and Delzon, Sylvain and Fourcaud, Thierry and Tarantino, Alessandro (2022) Cross-validation of the high-capacity tensiometer and thermocouple psychrometer for continuous monitoring of xylem water potential in saplings. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73 (1). pp. 400-412. erab412. ISSN 1460-2431
De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Tarantino, Alessandro (2021) Stability analysis of a cave excavated in granular cohesionless material. Géotechnique, 71 (12). pp. 1085-1098. ISSN 0016-8505
de Morais, L. P. and Tarantino, A. and Cordão-Neto, M. P. (2021) Investigation on the attractive forces controlling clay particles' interactions. Geotechnique Letters, 11 (4). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2045-2543
Ibeh, Christopher U. and Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro and Lunn, Rebecca (2021) PLATYMATCH- A particle-matching algorithm for the analysis of platy particle kinematics using X-ray Computed Tomography. Computers and Geotechnics, 138. 104367. ISSN 0266-352X
Dainese, Roberta and de Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Fourcaud, Thierry and Tarantino, Alessandro (2021) Evaluation of instruments for monitoring the soil–plant continuum. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 30. 100256. ISSN 2352-3808
Ibeh, Christopher U. and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pedrotti, Matteo and Lunn, Rebecca J. (2021) An experimental investigation into the use of mica as a material for the stabilisation of marginal clays in construction. Construction and Building Materials. 123971. ISSN 0950-0618
Ibeh, Christopher U. and Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro and Lunn, Rebecca J. (2021) On the utilization of mica waste : the pore-fluid chemistry of mica soils and its implication for erosion susceptibility. Geoderma. 115256. ISSN 0016-7061
Dainese, Roberta and Tarantino, Alessandro (2021) Measurement of plant xylem water pressure using the high-capacity tensiometer and implications for the modelling of soil–atmosphere interaction. Géotechnique, 71 (5). pp. 441-454. ISSN 0016-8505
Coudert, Elodie and Deneele, Dimitri and Russo, Giacomo and Vitale, Enza and Tarantino, Alessandro (2021) Microstructural evolution and mechanical behaviour of alkali activated fly ash binder treated clay. Construction and Building Materials, 285. 122917. ISSN 0950-0618
Capotosto, Anastasia and De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Tarantino, Alessandro (2021) Proof-of-concept for a probe to measure pore water pressure in oil-water saturated porous rock. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 198. 108183. ISSN 0920-4105
Tarantino, Alessandro and Casarella, A. and Pedrotti, M. and Di Donna, Alice and Pagano, A. and de Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, B. and Magnanimo, Vanessa; Barla, Marco and Di Donna, Alice and Sterpi, Donatella, eds. (2021) Clay micromechanics : an analysis of elementary mechanisms of clay particle interactions to gain insight into compression behaviour of clay. In: Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 1. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 183-201. ISBN 9783030645144
Amabile, Alessia and Pozzato, Annarita and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Instability of flood embankments due to pore water pressure build-up at the toe : lesson learned from the Adige river case study. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57 (12). pp. 1844-1853. ISSN 0008-3674
Amabile, Alessia and de Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Pozzato, Annarita and Benes, Vojtech and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) An assessment of ERT as a method to monitor water content regime in flood embankments : the case study of the Adige River embankment. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Parts A/B/C, 120. 102930. ISSN 1474-7065
Mendes, J. and Gallipoli, D. and Boeck, F. and Tarantino, A. (2020) A comparative study of high capacity tensiometer designs. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Parts A/B/C, 120. 102901. ISSN 1474-7065
Casarella, Angela and Tarantino, Alessandro and Di Donna, Alice (2020) Micromechanical interpretation of thermo-plastic behaviour of clays. E3S Web of Conferences, 205. 09003. ISSN 2555-0403
Beber, Raniero and Becker, Patrick and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Suction as an untapped natural soil reinforcement to reduce embodied carbon in geotechnical structures : the case study of flood embankments in Hamburg area. E3S Web of Conferences, 205. 12001. ISSN 2555-0403
Dainese, Roberta and Tedeschi, Giuseppe and Fourcaud, Thierry and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Measurement of xylem water pressure using high-capacity tensiometer and benchmarking against pressure chamber and thermocouple psychrometer. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 03014. ISSN 2555-0403
Amabile, Alessia and De Polo, Fabio and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Probabilistic analysis of flood embankment stability : the case study of the Adige River embankment in Italy. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 01003. ISSN 2555-0403
Tarantino, Alessandro and El Mountassir, Grainne and Wheeler, Simon and Gallipoli, Domenico and Russo, Giacomo and Augarde, Charles and Urciuoli, Gianfranco and Pirone, Marianna and Stokes, Alexia and van de Kuilen, Jan Willem and Gard, Wolfgang and Fourcaud, Thierry and Romero, Enrique and Priegue, Angel and Smith, Colin C and Larrey-Lassalle, Pyrène and Becker, Patrick and Ferrari, Alessio and Dainese, Roberta and Salifu, Emmanuel and Beber, Raniero and Scarfone, Riccardo and Cuccurullo, Alessia and Coudert, Elodie and Dias, Sofia and Mmuguda-Viswanath, Sravan and Rossi, Lorenzo MW and Kamath, Abhijith and Fraccica, Alessandro and Karagianni, Pavlina and González Castejón, Javier and Ouakka, Slimane and Zannin, Jacopo and Speranza, Gianluca (2020) TERRE project : interplay between unsaturated soil mechanics and low-carbon geotechnical engineering. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. 01002. ISSN 2267-1242
Maroni, Andrea and Tubaldi, Enrico and Ferguson, Neil and Tarantino, Alessandro and McDonald, Hazel and Zonta, Daniele (2020) Electromagnetic sensors for underwater scour monitoring. Sensors, 20 (15). 4096. ISSN 1424-8220
Martini, Michela and Tarantino, Alessandro and Sloan, Andy (2020) Suction drain as a low carbon ground improvement technique : proof-of-concept at the laboratory scale. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 99. 103361. ISSN 0886-7798
Martini, Michela and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Evaporation-induced soil water flux to design suction drain for low-carbon ground stabilisation : experimental investigation and modelling. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 99. 103292. ISSN 0886-7798
Pagano, Arianna Gea and Magnanimo, Vanessa and Weinhart, Thomas and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Exploring the micromechanics of non-active clays by way of virtual DEM experiments. Geotechnique, 70 (4). pp. 303-316. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Di Donna, Alice (2019) Mechanics of unsaturated soils : simple approaches for routine engineering practice. Italian Geotechnical Journal (4). ISSN 0557-1405
Balzano, Brunella and Tarantino, Alessandro and Ridley, Andrew (2019) Preliminary analysis on the impacts of the rhizosphere on occurrence of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. Landslides, 16 (10). pp. 1885-1901. ISSN 1612-5118
Zhang, Yue and Ye, Weimin and Tarantino, Alessandro (2019) 含盐遗址重塑土的吸力测定及土水特征曲线拟合. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 41 (9). pp. 1661-1669. ISSN 1000-4548
Murray, Ian and Tarantino, Alessandro (2019) Mechanisms of failure in saturated and unsaturated clayey geomaterials subjected to (total) tensile stress. Géotechnique, 69 (8). pp. 701-712. ISSN 0016-8505
Pagano, Arianna Gea and Tarantino, Alessandro and Magnanimo, Vanessa (2019) A microscale-based model for small-strain stiffness in unsaturated granular geomaterials. Géotechnique, 69 (8). pp. 687-700. ISSN 0016-8505
Maurer, Hansruedi and Manukyan, Edgar and Koskova, Lenka and Hokr, Milan and Korkealaakso, Juhani and Bohner, Edgar and De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Tarantino, Alessandro; (2019) Geophysical monitoring of high-level radioactive waste repositories. In: Modern2020 Final Conference Proceedings. European Commission, FRA, pp. 154-164.
De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and Dick, Pierre and Bertrand, Johan and García-Siñeriz, José Luis and Tarantino, Alessandro; (2019) Non-intrusive geo-electrical ERT monitoring of high-level radioactive waste experiments in Tournemire URL. In: Modern2020 Final Conference Proceedings. European Commission, FRA, pp. 198-212.
De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna and de Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Laís and Tarantino, Alessandro (2019) Indirect measurements of water content using TDR-inferred dielectric permittivity and electrical resistivity. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 02005. ISSN 2267-1242
Ibeh, Christopher and Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro and Lunn, Rebecca (2019) An X-ray CT study of miniature clay sample preparation techniques. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 01004. ISSN 2267-1242
Beber, Raniero and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pedrotti, Matteo and Lunn, Rebecca (2019) The effect of clay water content in the Jet Erosion Test. E3S Web of Conferences, 92. 02016. ISSN 2267-1242
Ibeh, Christopher and Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro and Lunn, Rebecca J. (2019) Initiation and propagation of strain localization in cohesive soil using a novel miniature triaxial cell and X-ray Computed Tomography. In: InterPore2019, 2019-05-06 - 2019-07-10, Valencia.
Coudert, Elodie and Paris, Michael and Deneele, Dimitri and Russo, Giacomo and Tarantino, Alessandro (2019) Use of alkali activated high-calcium fly ash binder for kaolin clay soil stabilisation : physicochemical evolution. Construction and Building Materials, 201. 539–552. ISSN 0950-0618
Pedrotti, M. and Tarantino, A. (2019) A conceptual constitutive model unifying slurried (saturated), compacted (unsaturated) and dry states. Geotechnique, 69 (3). pp. 217-233. ISSN 0016-8505
Balzano, Brunella and Tarantino, Alessandro and Nicotera, Marco Valerio and Forte, Giovanni and de Falco, Melania and Santo, Antonio (2018) Building physically-based models for assessing rainfall-induced shallow landslide hazard at the catchment scale : the case study of the Sorrento Peninsula (Italy). Canadian Geotechnical Journal. ISSN 0008-3674
Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro (2018) Effective stresses for unsaturated states stemming from clay microstructure. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 15. pp. 74-84.
Lopes, Bruna de Carvalho Faria Lima and Sachet, Cédric and Sentenac, Phillippe and Beneš, Vojtěch and Dick, Pierre and Bertrand, Johan and Tarantino, Alessandro (2018) Preliminary non-intrusive geophysical electrical resistivity tomography surveys of a mock-up scale monitoring of EBS at URL Tournemire. Geological Society Special Publications, 482. pp. 331-345. ISSN 0305-8719
Dainese, R. and Belli, A. and Fourcaud, T. and Tarantino, A. (2018) An infiltration column to investigate experimentally the response of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. In: 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 2018-08-03 - 2018-08-05, HKUST.
Pedrotti, M. and Tarantino, A. (2018) An experimental investigation into the micromechanics of non-active clays. Géotechnique, 68 (8). pp. 666-683. ISSN 0016-8505
Zwanenburg, Cor and López-Acosta, Norma Patricia and Tourment, Rémy and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pozzato, Annarita and Pinto, Alexandre (2018) Lessons learned from dike failures in recent decades. International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, 4 (3). pp. 203-229.
Mendes, J. and Gallipoli, D. and Tarantino, A. and Toll, D. (2018) On the development of an Ultra-High Capacity Tensiometer capable of measuring water tensions to 7 MPa. Géotechnique. ISSN 0016-8505
Murray, I. and Tarantino, A. and Francescon, F. (2018) A tensile strength apparatus with the facility to monitor negative pore-water pressure. Geotechnical Testing Journal. ISSN 0149-6115 (In Press)
Mendes, J. and Gallipoli, D. and Toll, D.G. and Tarantino, A.; Hoyos, Laureano R. and McCartney, John S. and Houston, Sandra L. and Likos, William J., eds. (2018) First saturation and resaturation of high capacity tensiometers with 1.5 MPa high air entry value (HAEV) ceramic filters. In: PanAm Unsaturated Soils 2017. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), USA, pp. 514-522. ISBN 9780784481684
Jing, Fan and Xiao-Zhao, Li and Tarantino, Alessandro and Zhen, Huang and De Carvalho Faria Lima Lopes, Bruna; (2018) Research on relationship between electrical resistance tomography and the multiple scales size and depth of rock fractures. In: 31st Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP 2018. J and N Group, Ltd., Denver, CO..
Iyer, Kannan K. R and Joseph, Jeevan and Lopes, B. C. F. L and Singh, D. N. and Tarantino, Alessandro (2017) Water retention characteristics of swelling clays in different compaction states. Geomechanics and Geoengineering. ISSN 1748-6033
Lekshmi, Susha S. U and Singh, D. N. and Tarantino, Alessandro and Baghini, M. Shojaei (2017) Evaluation of the performance of TDR and capacitance techniques for soil moisture measurement. Geotechnical Testing Journal. ISSN 0149-6115 (In Press)
Pagano, Arianna Gea and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pedrotti, Matteo and Magnanimo, Vanessa and Windows-Yule, Kit and Weinhart, Thomas (2017) Micromechanics of non-active clays in saturated state and DEM modelling. EPJ Web of Conferences, 140. 15023. ISSN 2100-014X
Yang, Wenbin and Lunn, Rebecca J and Tarantino, Alessandro and El Mountassir, Grainne (2017) Laboratory testing of a MEMS sensor system for in-situ monitoring of the engineered barrier in a geological disposal facility. Geosciences, 7 (38). ISSN 2076-3263
Tarantino, Alessandro and Gallipoli, Domenico and Jommi, Cristina and Mendes, Joao and Capotosto, Anastasia and Amabile, Alessia and Pedrotti, Matteo and Pozzato, Annarita and Beneš, Vojtěch and Bottaro, Fabio and Denzer, Heiner and Boeck, Fabian (2016) Advances in the monitoring of geo-structure subjected to climate loading. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 04001. ISSN 2267-1242
Balzano, Brunella and Tarantino, Alessandro and Ridley, Andrew (2016) Analysis of a rainfall-triggered landslide at rest and be thankful in Scotland. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. pp. 1-6. 15009. ISSN 2267-1242
Mendes, Joao and Gallipoli, Domenico and Boeck, Fabian and Von Unold, Georg and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Building the UPPA high capacity tensiometer. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 10001. ISSN 2267-1242
Nazer, Nor Shahidah Mohd and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Creep response in shear of clayey geo-materials under saturated and unsaturated conditions. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 14023. ISSN 2267-1242
Amabile, Alessia and Cordão-Neto, Manoel P. and Polo, Fabio De and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Reliability analysis of flood embankments taking into account a stochastic distribution of hydraulic loading. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. ISSN 2267-1242
Pagano, Arianna and Tarantino, Alessandro and Bagheri, Meghdad and Rezania, Mohammad and Sentenac, Phillippe (2016) An experimental investigation of the independent effect of suction and degree of saturation on very small-strain stiffness of unsaturated sand. E3S Web of Conferences, 9. 14015. ISSN 2267-1242
Salifu, Emmanuel and MacLachlan, Erica and Iyer, Kannan R. and Knapp, Charles W. and Tarantino, Alessandro (2016) Application of microbially induced calcite precipitation in erosion mitigation and stabilization of sandy soil foreshore slopes : a preliminary investigation. Engineering Geology, 201. pp. 96-105. ISSN 0013-7952
Leung, A. K. and Anastasopoulos, I. X. and Augarde, C. and Barreto, D. and Brennan, A. J. and Brown, M. J. and Connolly, D. and Coombs, W. M. and Davies, T. and Gao, Z. and Ivanovic, A. and Kenny, M. J. and Knappett, J. A. and Lombardi, D. and McDougall, J. and Medero, G. M. and Wood, D. M. and El Mountassir, G. and Osman, A. S. and Pytharouli, S. and Sentenac, P. and Stewart, B. and Switzer, C. and Tarantino, A. and Wheeler, S. J. and Woodward, P. K. and Zielinski, M.; Winter, M G and Smith, D M and Eldred, P J L and Toll, D G, eds. (2015) An overview of research activities and achievement in geotechnics from the Scottish Universities Geotechnics Network (SUGN). In: Parameter Selection and Monitoring; Developments in Education and Practice. ICE Publishing, GBR, pp. 4289-4294. ISBN 9780727760678
Michalis, Panagiotis and Tarantino, Alessandro and Tachtatzis, Christos and Judd, Martin D (2015) Wireless monitoring of scour and re-deposited sediment evolution at bridge foundations based on soil electromagnetic properties. Smart Materials and Structures, 24 (12). 125029. ISSN 0964-1726
Yang, Wenbin and Lunn, Rebecca and Tarantino, Alessandro (2015) MEMS sensor-based monitoring system for engineered geological disposal facilities. Mineralogical Magazine, 79 (6). pp. 1475-1483. ISSN 0026-461X
Reid, Christopher and Lunn, Rebecca and El Mountassir, Grainne and Tarantino, Alessandro (2015) A mechanism for bentonite buffer erosion in a fracture with a naturally varying aperture. Mineralogical Magazine, 79 (6). pp. 1485-1494. ISSN 0026-461X
D'Onza, F. and Wheeler, S. J. and Gallipoli, D. and Barrera Bucio, M. and Hofmann, M. and Lloret-Cabot, M. and Lloret Morancho, A. and Mancuso, C. and Pereira, J. M. and Romero Morales, E. and Sánchez, M. and Sołowski, W. and Tarantino, A. and Toll, D. G. and Vassallo, R. (2015) Benchmarking selection of parameter values for the Barcelona basic model. Engineering Geology, 196. pp. 99-118. ISSN 0013-7952
Switzer, Christine and Zihms, Stephanie and Tarantino, Alessandro (2015) Effects of high temperatures on soil properties : lessons to share from smouldering remediation experience. Flamma, 6 (1). pp. 5-7. ISSN 2171-665X
Gerard, Pierre and Murray, Ian William and Tarantino, Alessandro and Francescon, Fernando (2015) On the mechanism for desiccation cracks initiation in clayey materials. In: Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics - 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2014, 2014-09-22 - 2014-09-25.
Pedrotti, Matteo and Tarantino, Alessandro (2014) Physicochemical conceptual model on reversible and non-reversible volumetric variations in non-swelling clays. In: International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (IS-Cambridge 2014), 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-03.
Michalis, P. and Judd, M. D. and Tarantino, A. (2014) Real-time monitoring of scour and sedimentation evolution with a new developed prototype sensor. In: 12th International Conference of Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 2014-06-29 - 2014-07-04.
Pozzato, A. and Tarantino, A. and De Polo, F.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalib, Arman, eds. (2014) Analysis of the effects of the partial saturation on the Adige river embankment stability. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 1367-1372. ISBN 9781138001503
Pozzato, A. and Tarantino, A.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) Characterisation of the hydraulic behaviour of coarse-grained flood embankment materials. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 1061-1066. ISBN 9781138001503
Murray, I. and Tarantino, A. and Francescon, F.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) Crack formation in clayey geomaterials subjected to tensile (total) stress. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 823-828. ISBN 9781138001503
Murray, I. and Tarantino, A. and Gérard, P. and Francescon, F.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) Desiccation cracking in clay forms subjected to non-uniform hydraulic and mechanical boundary conditions. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 829-834. ISBN 9781138001503
Pedrotti, M. and Tarantino, A. and Boeck, F.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Koshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) Experience gained from the conditioning of high-capacity tensiometers. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 1651-1657. ISBN 9781138001503
McIntyre, D. and Tarantino, A.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) Exploiting suction to reduce embodied carbon in geotechnical structures. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 185-190. ISBN 9781138001503
Pedrotti, M. and Tarantino, A.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) Microstructural interpretation of compression behaviour of compacted kaolin clay. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 739-745. ISBN 9781138001503
Lopes, B.C.F.L. and Cordão-Neto, M.P. and Tarantino, A.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) An approach to detect micro- and macro-porosity from MIP data. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS. ISBN 9781138001503
Amabile, A. and Balzano, B. and Caruso, M. and Tarantino, A.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) A conceptual model for water-limited evapotranspiration taking into account root depth, root density, and vulnerability to xylem cavitation. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 1047-1052. ISBN 9781138001503
Balzano, B. and Amabile, A. and Caruso, M. and Tarantino, A.; Khalili, Nasser and Russell, Adrian and Khoshghalb, Arman, eds. (2014) A numerical study of hydrological effects of vegetation on slope stability. In: Unsaturated Soils. CRC Press, AUS, pp. 1249-1255. ISBN 9781138001503
Michalis, Panagiotis and Tarantino, Alessandro and Judd, Martin (2014) Electromagnetic sensors for monitoring of scour and deposition processes at bridges and offshore wind turbines. In: European Geosciences Union, 2014-04-27 - 2014-05-02.
Stanier, Samuel A and Tarantino, Alessandro (2013) An approach for predicting the stability of vertical cuts in cohesionless soils above the water table. Engineering Geology, 158. pp. 98-108. ISSN 0013-7952
Tarantino, Alessandro and El Mountassir, Grainne (2013) Making unsaturated soil mechanics accessible for engineers : preliminary hydraulic-mechanical characterisation and stability assessment. Engineering Geology, 165. pp. 89-104. ISSN 0013-7952
Sentenac, Phillippe and Jones, Gareth and Zielinski, Marcin and Tarantino, Alessandro (2012) An approach for the geophysical assessment of fissuring of estuary and river flood embankments : validation against two case studies in England and Scotland. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69 (6). pp. 1939-1949. ISSN 1866-6280
Tarantino, Alessandro and Gallipoli, D. and Augarde, C.E. and De Gennaro, V. and Gomez, R. and Laloui, L. and Mancuso, C. and El Mountassir, Grainne and Munoz, J. and Pereira, J-M. and Peron, H and Pisoni, G. and Romero, E. and Raveendiraraj, A and Rojas, J.C. and Toll, D.G. and Tombolato, S. and Wheeler, S. (2011) Benchmark of experimental techniques for measuring and controlling suction. Geotechnique, 61 (4). 303 –312. ISSN 0016-8505
Toll, D.G. and Lourenco, S.D.N. and Mendes, J. and Gallipoli, D. and Evans, F.D. and Augarde, C.E. and Cui, Y.J. and Tang, A.M. and Rojas, J.C. and Pagano, L. and Mancuso, C. and Zingariello, C. and Tarantino, Alessandro (2011) Soil suction monitoring for landslides and slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 44. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1470-9236
Tarantino, Alessandro; Laloui, Lyesse, ed. (2010) Basic concepts in the mechanics and hydraulics of unsaturated geomaterials. In: Mechanics of unsaturated geomaterials. ISTE - John Wiley & Sons, London, pp. 3-28. ISBN 1848212666
Tarantino, Alessandro; Laloui, Lyesse, ed. (2010) Field measurement of suction, water content and water permeability. In: Mechanics of unsaturated geomaterials. ISTE - John Wiley & Sons, pp. 129-154. ISBN 9781848212664
Tarantino, Alessandro (2010) Unsaturated soils : compacted versus reconstituted states. In: 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soil, 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-08.
Tarantino, Alessandro (2009) A water retention model for deformable soils. Geotechnique, 59 (9). pp. 751-762. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and De Col, E. (2009) Discussion: Compaction behaviour of clay. A. Tarantino and E. De Col (2008). Géotechnique 58, No, 3, 199–213. Geotechnique, 59 (1). pp. 75-77. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Ridley, A.M. and Toll, D.G. (2008) Field measurement of suction, water content, and water permeability. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 26 (6). pp. 751-782. ISSN 0960-3182
Marinho, F.A.M. and Take, W.A. and Tarantino, Alessandro (2008) Measurement of matric suction using tensiometric and axis translation techniques. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 26 (6). pp. 615-631. ISSN 0960-3182
Tarantino, Alessandro and Romero, E. and Cui, Y.J. (2008) Preface: special issue on laboratory and field testing of unsaturated soils. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 26 (6). pp. 613-614. ISSN 0960-3182
Tarantino, Alessandro and De Col, E. (2008) Compaction behaviour of clay. Geotechnique, 58 (3). pp. 199-213. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro (2007) A possible critical state framework for unsaturated compacted soils. Geotechnique, 57 (4). pp. 385-389. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Hyde, Adrian FL (2005) An experimental investigation of work dissipation in crushable materials. Geotechnique, 55 (8). 575 –584. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Tombolato, Sara (2005) Coupling of hydraulic and mechanical behaviour in unsaturated compacted clay. Geotechnique, 55 (4). 307 –317. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Mongiovì, Luigi (2005) Development of an apparatus to investigate the stress variables governing unsaturated soil behaviour. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 28 (2). pp. 151-160. 10. ISSN 0149-6115
Caruso, Marco and Tarantino, Alessandro (2004) A shearbox for testing unsaturated soils from medium to high degrees of saturation. Geotechnique, 54 (4). 281 –284. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro (2004) Discussion on 'Tensiometer saturation and the reliable measurement of soil suction' by W.A. Take and M. D. Bolton. Geotechnique, 54 (3). 229 –232. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Mongiovì, Luigi (2003) Calibration of tensiometer for direct measurement of matric suction. Geotechnique, 53 (1). 137 –141. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Mongiovì, Luigi (2001) Experimental procedures and cavitation mechanisms in tensiometer measurements. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 19 (3). pp. 189-210. ISSN 0960-3182
Tarantino, Alessandro and Mongiovì, Luigi and Bosco, Giovanni (2000) An experimental investigation on the independent isotropic stress variables for unsaturated soils. Geotechnique, 50 (3). 275 –282. ISSN 0016-8505
Tarantino, Alessandro and Mancuso, Claudio (2000) Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Approaches in Unsaturated Soils : Proceedings of an international workshop on unsaturated soils. In: International Workshop on Unsaturated Soils: Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Approaches, 2012-04-10 - 2012-04-12.