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Number of items: 59.


Porter, Robert and Welch, Vicki and Mitchell, Fiona (2019) Adversarialism in informal, collaborative, and 'soft' inquisitorial settings : lawyer roles in child welfare legal environments. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 41 (4). pp. 425-444. ISSN 1469-9621


McIver, Leanne and Welch, Vicki (2018) Just Out Having a Good Time? Evaluation of the Pilot National Partnership Agreement for Looked After Children Who Go Missing From Residential and Foster Care in Scotland. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki and Fowler, Nadine and Ross, Ewan and Withington, Richard and McGhee, Kenny (2018) In and Beyond the Care Setting : Relationships Between Young People and Care Workers: A Literature Review. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Turner-Halliday, Fiona and Welch, Vicki and Bryce, Graham and Forde, Matt and Cotmore, Richard and Wilson, Phil and Fitzpatrick, Bridie and Watson, Nicholas and Minnis, Helen (2018) Partnership approaches to the evaluation of complex policy initiatives : qualitative research as key to building effective relationships. International Journal of Social Welfare. ISSN 1369-6866

Welch, Vicki (2018) Annex to : Supporting Kinship Families: Bibliography from the Evaluation of the Notre Dame Centre’s Support Programme for Kinship Families. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki (2018) Supporting Kinship Families : Final Report from the Evaluation of the Notre Dame Centre's Support Programme for Kinship Families. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Fowler, Nadine and Welch, Vicki and Plunkett, Charlene (2018) Moving on from Care : The Need for, and Purpose of, Mentoring and Coaching Relationships with Supportive Adults: An Annotated Bibliography. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Plunkett, Charlene and Welch, Vicki (2018) Aberlour Lifeworks Service : A Qualitative Evaluation. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki (2018) Talking back to 'family', 'family troubles', and 'the looked-after child'. Sociological Research Online, 23 (1). 197–218. ISSN 1360-7804

Welch, Vicki and McGhee, Kenny (2018) Initial Evaluation of the ‘Why Not?’ Initiative Developed by Care Visions. CELCIS, Glasgow.


Mattu, Leanne and O'Neill, Linda and Withington, Richard and Welch, Vicki (2017) Encouraging parent and carer involvement at transition to secondary school : exploring a novel school-based programme in three Scottish schools. In: Scottish Education Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference, 2017-11-22 - 2017-11-24, University of the West of Scotland.

O'Neill, Linda and Mattu, Leanne and Withington, Richard and Welch, Victoria (2017) Parents in Partnership 2016 Evaluation. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Hill, Malcolm and Welch, Vicki and Gadda, Andressa (2017) Contested views of expertise in children's care and permanence proceedings. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 39 (1). pp. 42-66. ISSN 1469-9621


McMeeking, Joanne and Mossman, Fiona and Soliman, Francesca and Welch, Victoria (2016) Residential Child Care Workforce Qualifications Summary. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Porter, Robert and Welch, Vicki and Mitchell, Fiona (2016) The Role of the Solicitor in the Children's Hearings System : A Study Commissioned by the Scottish Legal Aid Board. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Wassell, Carol and Porter, Robert and Welch, Victoria (2016) Changing the way we think about kinship care. In: XIV International Conference EUSARF 2016, 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16.

Porter, Robert and Welch, Victoria and Wassell, Carol (2016) Legal representation in the Scottish Children’s Hearing System. In: XIV International Conference EUSARF 2016, 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16.

Welch, Victoria (2016) Compulsory supervision in Scotland : the unique case of children looked after at home. In: Third ISA Forum of Sociology, 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14.

Welch, Vicki and Turner-Halliday, Fiona and Watson, Nicholas and Wilson, Phil and Fitzpatrick, Bridie and Cotmore, Richard and Minnis, Helen (2016) Randomisation before consent : avoiding delay to time-critical intervention and ensuring informed consent. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20 (4). pp. 357-371. ISSN 1364-5579


Welch, Victoria and Gadda, Andressa and Jones, Christine and Young, Emma and Lerpiniere, Jennifer (2015) Chance4Change Evaluation : Supporting birth mothers after adoption. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Harris, Rachel and Welch, Vicki (2015) Measuring Children and Young People's Outcomes in Residential Education. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Stalker, Kirsten and Welch, Vicki and Jones, Chris (2015) Achieving Permanence for Disabled Children and Young People in Foster Care and Adoption : Review of Literature. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Gadda, Andressa and Welch, Victoria and Hill, Malcolm and Young, Emma (2015) Early Years Assessment Team (Scottish Borders) : Evaluation Report. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki and Jones, Christine and Stalker, Kirsten and Stewart, Alasdair (2015) Permanence for disabled children and young people through foster care and adoption : a selective review of international literature. Children and Youth Services Review, 53. pp. 137-146. ISSN 0190-7409

Gadda, Andressa and Hill, Malcolm and Young, Emma and Welch, Victoria (2015) Safeguarders Research Summary Report : Executive Summary and Action Plan [Summary Version]. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Victoria and Stalker, Kirsten and Jones, Christine and Stewart, Alasdair (2015) Permanence achieved through adoption or foster care : a review of international literature regarding disabled children’s experiences and outcomes. In: NNDR 13th Research Conference, 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-08, Radisson Blu Royal Hotel.

Gadda, Andressa and Hill, Malcolm and Young, Emma and Welch, Vicki (2015) The Appointment of Safeguarders in the Children's Hearings System : Research Report and Action Plan. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Stalker, Kirsten and Jones, Chris and Welch, Vicki (2015) Finding the right place for Scotland's disabled children. Children in Scotland (164). p. 18.

Stephen, Jim and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Young, Emma and Welch, Vicki (2015) Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland : Potential Impact on Children's Services [Report Two: Study Findings]. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Stephen, Jim and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Young, Emma and Welch, Vicki (2015) Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland : Potential Impact on Children's Services - Report Two : Study Findings. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Hawthorn, Moyra and Young, Emma and Milligan, Ian and Welch, Vicki (2015) Every Person is Worthwhile : Evaluation of Camphill St Andrew's Project. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Young, Emma and Welch, Vicki (2015) From Act to Practice : Phase 2 : Supporting the Implementation of the Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 Evaluation Report. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Sadler, Sue and Fitzpatrick, John Paul and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Young, Emma and Welch, Vicki (2015) Overseen but Often Overlooked : Children and Young People 'Looked after at Home' in Scotland - Annex 3a : The Service Studies. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Sadler, Sue and Young, Emma (2015) Overseen but Often Overlooked : Children and Young People 'Looked after at Home' in Scotland - Report 1: Reviewing the Literature. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Welch, Vicki and Young, Emma and Sadler, Sue and Fitzpatrick, John Paul (2015) Overseen but Often Overlooked : Children and Young People 'Looked after at Home' in Scotland - Report 2 : Identifying Needs and Outcomes. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Young, Emma and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Welch, Vicki and Sadler, Sue and Fitzpatrick, John Paul (2015) Overseen but Often Overlooked : Children and Young People 'Looked after at Home' in Scotland - Report 3 : Exploring Service Provision. CELCIS, Glasgow.


Welch, Vicki and Collins, Michelle and Hatton, Chris and Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Wells, Emma and Langer, Susanne (2014) Short break and respite services for disabled children in England : comparing children's and parents' perspectives of their impact on children. Children and Society, 28 (6). pp. 478-494. ISSN 0951-0605

Hennessy, Alison and Connelly, Graham and Welch, Vicki (2014) Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : The Perspectives of Designated Managers for Looked after Children. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki and Hawthorn, Moyra and Young, Emma (2014) Perth and Kinross Council Transitions within the Community Project : Evaluation Report. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki and McCormack, Maire and Stephen, Jim and Lerpiniere, Jennifer (2014) Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland : Potential Impact on Children's Services - Report One : A Review of Literature. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Victoria and Stephen, Jim (2014) Integrated health and social care in Scotland : potential impact on children’s services. In: ADSW Annual Conference, 2014-06-12.

Welch, Vicki and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Young, Emma (2014) Scottish First-line Managers' Views of Newly Qualified Social Workers' Preparedness for Practice : Findings from an Online Delphi Study. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Victoria and McCormack, Marie and Stephen, Jim and Lerpiniere, Jennifer (2014) Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland : Potential Impact on Children's services [Report One: a Review of Literature]. CELCIS, Glasgow.

McGhee, Kenny and Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Welch, Vicki and Graham, Pamela and Harkin, Bruce (2014) Throughcare and Aftercare Services in Scotland's Local Authorities : a National Study. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Collins, Michelle and Langer, Susanne and Welch, Victoria and Wells, Emma and Hatton, Chris and Robertson, Janet and Emerson, Eric (2014) A break from caring for a disabled child : parent perceptions of the uses and benefits of short break provision in England. British Journal of Social Work, 44 (5). pp. 1180-1196. ISSN 0045-3102


Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Hawthorn, Moyra and Smith, Iain and Connelly, Graham and Kendrick, Andrew and Welch, Vicki (2013) The Sexual Exploitation of Looked After Children in Scotland : A scoping study to inform methodology for inspection - ANNEX 1. CELCIS.

Welch, Vicki and Connelly, Graham (2013) Enhanced Residential Care in Glasgow : An Initial Evaluation. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Lerpiniere, Jennifer and Hawthorn, Moyra and Smith, Iain and Connelly, Graham and Kendrick, Andrew and Welch, Vicki (2013) The Sexual Exploitation of Looked After Children in Scotland : a study conducted for the Care Inspectorate. CELCIS, Glasgow.


Welch, Victoria and Hatton, Chris and Emerson, Eric and Collins, Michelle and Robertson, Janet and Langer, Susanne and Wells, Emma (2012) Using direct payments to fund short breaks for families with a disabled child. Child: Care, Health and Development, 38 (6). 900–909. ISSN 0305-1862

Welch, Victoria Carolyn (2012) Experiences of Sure Start Children's Centre Teachers : emerging roles and identities in a collaborative setting. PhD thesis, Cardiff University.

Welch, Victoria and Hatton, Chris and Emerson, Eric and Robertson, Janet and Collins, Michelle and Langer, Susanne and Wells, Emma (2012) Do short break and respite services for families with a disabled child in England make a difference to siblings? A qualitative analysis of sibling and parent responses. Children and Youth Services Review, 34 (2). pp. 451-459. ISSN 0190-7409

Emerson, Eric and Glover, Gyles and Turner, Sue and Greig, Rob and Hatton, Chris and Baines, Susie and Copeland, Alison and Evison, Felicity and Roberts, Hazel and Robertson, Janet and Welch, Victoria (2012) Improving health and lives : the learning disabilities public health observatory. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 6 (1). 26 - 32. ISSN 2044-1282


Hatton, Chris and Collins, Michelle and Welch, Victoria and Robertson, Janet and Emerson, Eric and Langer, Susanne and Wells, Emma (2011) The impact of short breaks on families with a disabled child : the second report from the quantitative study. Department for Education. London. UK., https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/DFE-RR173.pdf.

Robertson, Janet and Hatton, Chris and Wells, Emma and Collins, Michelle and Langer, Susanne and Welch, Victoria and Emerson, Eric (2011) The impacts of short break provision on families with a disabled child : an international literature review. Health and Social Care in the Community, 19 (4). pp. 337-371.

Emerson, Eric and Baines, Susie and Allerton, Lindsay and Welch, Victoria (2011) Health Inequalities and People with Learning Disabilities in the UK. Improving Health and Lives: Learning Disability Observatory.

Allerton, Lindsay and Welch, Victoria and Emerson, Eric (2011) Health inequalities experienced by children and young people with intellectual disabilities : a review of literature from the United Kingdom. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 15 (4). pp. 269-278. ISSN 1744-6295


Welch, Victoria and Hatton, Chris and Wells, Emma and Collins, Michelle and Langer, Susanne and Robertson, Janet and Emerson, Eric (2010) The Impact of Short Breaks on Families with a Disabled Child: Report One of the Quantitative Phase. Department for Education. London. UK..

Robertson, Janet and Hatton, Chris and Emerson, Eric and Wells, Emma and Collins, Michelle and Langer, Susanne and Welch, Victoria (2010) The impacts of short break provision on disabled children and families: an international literature review. Department for Education. London. UK., DfE Publications Website.

Langer, Susanne and Collins, Michelle and Welch, Victoria and Wells, Emma and Hatton, Chris and Robertson, Janet and Emerson, Eric (2010) A report on themes emerging from qualitative research into the impact of short break provision on families with disabled children. Department for Education. London. UK., DfE publications website.

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