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Number of items: 33.


Lough Dennell, Brandi Lee and Porter, Robert B. and Anderson, Micky (2024) Non-compulsory care for children and young people : learning from research on Section 25 arrangements. What next for Scotland? Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 23 (2). pp. 73-85. ISSN 1478-1840

Soraghan, Joanna and Porter, Robert Benjamin (2024) Growing Up in Kinship Care. SCADR.

Porter, Robert Benjamin and Lough Dennell, Brandi Lee and Anderson, Micky (2024) Non-compulsory care of children and young people in Scotland : Learning from experience of section 25. CELCIS.

Porter, Robert and Fowler, Nadine (2024) Evaluation of the Lifelong Links trial in Scotland. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Soraghan, Joanna and Porter, Robert Benjamin (2024) Exploring the Experiences of Children in Kinship Care in Scotland: A Sequence Analysis of Care Journeys, Characteristics and Outcomes. International Journal of Population Data Science, 9 (5). 117. ISSN 2399-4908


Ottaway, Heather and McTier, Alex and Manole, Mihaela and Anderson, Micky and Porter, Robert and Scott, Jane and Young, Emma and Fowler, Nadine and Soraghan, Joanna and McIver, Leanne and Anderson, Carol Ann and Mackinnon, Kate (2023) Children's Services Reform Research : Learning and Implications for Scotland: Concluding Report. CELCIS, Glasgow.

McTier, Alex and Manole, Mihaela and Scott, Jane and Young, Emma and Fowler, Nadine and McIver, Leanne and Anderson, Carol Ann and Porter, Robert and Ottaway, Heather (2023) Children's Services Reform Research : Scotland's Children's Services Landscape: The Views and Experiences of the Children's Services Workforce. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Soraghan, Joanna and Porter, Robert Benjamin (2023) Outcomes for children and young people growing up in kinship care in Scotland : a population-level data linkage study. International Journal of Population Data Science, 8 (2). 026. ISSN 2399-4908

Porter, Robert and Young, Emma and Scott, Jane and McIver, Leanne and Mackinnon, Kate and Fowler, Nadine and Ottaway, Heather (2023) Children's Services Reform Research Study : Rapid Evidence Review. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Porter, Robert and Young, Emma and Scott, Jane and McIver, Leanne and Mackinnon, Kate and Fowler, Nadine and Ottaway, Heather (2023) Children's Services Reform Research Study : Rapid Evidence Review : Summary Report. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Soraghan, Joanna and Raab, Gillian and Troncoso, Patricio and Treanor, Morag and Porter, Robert (2023) The Impact of Covid-19 on Children's Care Journeys in Scotland : An Analysis of the Administrative Data on 'Looked After' Children. Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research, [Edinburgh].


Giraldi, Miriana and Mitchell, Fiona and Porter, Robert Benjamin and Reed, Douglas and Jans, Valérie and McIver, Leanne and Manole, Mihaela and McTier, Alexander (2022) Residential care as an alternative care option : a review of literature within a global context. Child & Family Social Work, 27 (4). pp. 825-837. ISSN 1365-2206

Lough Dennell, Brandi Lee and McGhee, Kenny and Porter, Robert (2022) Continuing Care : An Exploration of Implementation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Giraldi, Miriana and McTier, Alexander and Porter, Robert Benjamin (2021) Quality is everyone's responsibility : applying implementation science to residential child care. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 20 (2). pp. 115-139. ISSN 2976-9353

Porter, Robert Benjamin and Gillon, Fern Rebecca Louise and Mitchell, Fiona and Vaswani, Nina and Young, Emma (2021) Childen's rights in children's hearings : the impact of Covid-19. International Journal of Children's Rights, 29 (2). pp. 426-446. ISSN 1571-8182

Porter, Robert Benjamin and Giraldi, Miriana (2021) Function, quality and outcomes of residential care : findings from a rapid evidence review. In: CELCIS/SOS Children's Villages International Seminar, 2021-03-18 - 2021-03-18.

Porter, Robert and Mitchell, Fiona and Giraldi, Miriana (2021) Function, Quality and Outcomes of Residential Care : Rapid Evidence Review. SOS Children's Villages International, Austria.


Porter, Robert and Gillon, Fern (2020) Children's rights in children's hearings : the impact of Covid-19. In: Covid 19 and Children’s Rights Research, 2020-12-01 - 2020-12-01, Virtual.

Anderson, Micky and Lough Dennell, Brandi Lee and Porter, Robert Benjamin (2020) Voluntary Accommodation of Infants, Children, and Young People in Scotland (Section 25) : an initial exploration. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Porter, Robert and Mitchell, Fiona and Gillon, Fern and Young, Emma and Vaswani, Nina (2020) Experiences of Virtual Children's Hearings: : A Rapid Consultation. CELCIS, Glasgow.


Porter, Robert Benjamin (2019) Recording of children and young people's views in contact decision making. British Journal of Social Work. ISSN 0045-3102

Porter, Robert and Welch, Vicki and Mitchell, Fiona (2019) Adversarialism in informal, collaborative, and 'soft' inquisitorial settings : lawyer roles in child welfare legal environments. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 41 (4). pp. 425-444. ISSN 1469-9621

Hill, Louise and Fowler, Nadine and Porter, Robert (2019) Supporting Families : a Review of the Implementation of Part 12 : Children at Risk of Becoming Looked After as Set Out in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Porter, Robert (2019) Book review : Daly, A., (2018). Children, Autonomy and the Courts: Beyond the Right to be Heard. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 18 (1). ISSN 1478-1840


Porter, Robert (2017) Contact Decisions in the Children's Hearings System. CELCIS, Glasgow.


Porter, Robert and Welch, Vicki and Mitchell, Fiona (2016) The Role of the Solicitor in the Children's Hearings System : A Study Commissioned by the Scottish Legal Aid Board. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Wassell, Carol and Porter, Robert and Welch, Victoria (2016) Changing the way we think about kinship care. In: XIV International Conference EUSARF 2016, 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16.

Porter, Robert and Welch, Victoria and Wassell, Carol (2016) Legal representation in the Scottish Children’s Hearing System. In: XIV International Conference EUSARF 2016, 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16.

Porter, Robert (2016) I know what to expect : the impact of prior experience on legal empowerment. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 17 (2). pp. 191-205. ISSN 1945-2829


Gramatikov, Martin and Barendrecht, Maurits and Kokke, Margot and Porter, Robert and Frishman, Morly and Morales, Andrea (2015) Impact assessment of the Faclitadores Judiciales programme in Nicaragua. International Peacekeeping, 22 (4). pp. 398-418. ISSN 1743-906X


Porter, Robert B. (2014) Measurement of legal empowerment through the subjective perceptions of individuals. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 32 (3). pp. 213-221. ISSN 1461-5517

Porter, Robert (2014) SLE in Kenyan slum communities : development of the concept. European Journal of Development Research, 27 (1). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1743-9728


Laxminarayan, Malini and Bosmans, Mark and Porter, Robert and Sosa, Lorena (2013) Victim satisfaction with criminal justice : a systematic review. Victims & Offenders, 8 (2). pp. 119-147. ISSN 1556-4991

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