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Number of items: 25.


Jones, Christine and Grant, Maggie and Sosu, Edward (2021) TESSA families study : report of pilot evaluation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Jones, Christine and MacDonald, Mandi and Brooks, Rebecca (2020) Post-adoption Contact and Adoptive Parents' Receptiveness to Direct Contact in the Four Nations of the UK : Research Briefing. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Bradbury-Jones, Carolyn and Breckenridge, Jenna P. and Clarke, Maria T. and Herber, Oliver R. and Jones, Christine and Taylor, Julie (2019) Advancing the science of literature reviewing in social research : the focused mapping review and synthesis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 22 (5). pp. 451-462. ISSN 1364-5579

Jones, Christine and Henderson, Gillian and Woods, Ruth (2019) Relative strangers : sibling estrangements experienced by children in out-of-home care and moving towards permanence. Children and Youth Services Review, 103. pp. 226-235. ISSN 0190-7409


Clayton, Estelle and Jones, Christine and Brown, Jon and Taylor, Julie (2018) The aetiology of child sexual abuse : a critical review of the empirical evidence. Child Abuse Review, 27 (3). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0952-9136

McGinley, Maria and Jones, Christine (2018) Growing up with parental imprisonment : children’s experiences of managing stigma, secrecy and shame. Practice: Social Work in Action, 30 (5). pp. 341-357. ISSN 0950-3153

Jones, Fiona and Jones, Christine (2018) Prioritising Sibling Relationships for Looked After Children. Preprint / Working Paper. Clan Childlaw, Edinburgh.


Henderson, Gillian and Jones, Christine and Woods, Ruth (2017) Sibling birth order, use of statutory measures and patterns of placement for children in public care : implications for international child protection systems and research. Children and Youth Services Review, 82. pp. 321-328. ISSN 0190-7409

Fishburn, Sarah and Meins, Elizabeth and Greenhow, Sarah and Jones, Christine and Hackett, Simon and Biehal, Nina and Baldwin, Helen and Cusworth, Linda and Wade, Jim (2017) Mind-mindedness in parents of looked-after children. Developmental Psychology. ISSN 0012-1649

Jones, Christine and Stalker, Kirsten and Franklin, Anita and Fry, Deborah and Cameron, Audrey and Taylor, Julie (2017) Enablers of help-seeking for deaf children and children with disabilities following abuse and barriers to protection : a qualitative study. Child and Family Social Work, 22 (2). pp. 762-771. ISSN 1365-2206

Jones, Christine and Henderson, Gillian (2017) Supporting Sibling Relationships of Children in Permanent Fostering and Adoptive Families. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Jones, Christine and Taylor, Julie and MacKay, Kirsteen and Soliman, Francesca and Clayton, Estelle and Gadda, Andressa Maria and Anderson, Anna and Jones, Derek (2017) The landscape of UK child protection research 2010 to 2014 : a mapping review of substantive topics, maltreatment types and research designs. Child Abuse Review, 26 (1). pp. 8-18. ISSN 0952-9136

Greenhow, Sarah and Hackett, Simon and Jones, Christine and Meins, Elizabeth (2017) The maintenance of traditional and technological forms of post-adoption contact. Child Abuse Review, 25 (5). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0952-9136


Taylor, Julie and Bradbury-Jones, Caroline and Breckenridge, Jenna P and Jones, Christine and Herber, Oliver Rudolf (2016) Risk of vicarious trauma in nursing research : a focused mapping review and synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25 (19-20). pp. 2768-2777. ISSN 1365-2702

Soliman, Francesca and Mackay, Kirsteen and Clayton, Estelle and Gadda, Andressa and Jones, Christine and Anderson, Anna and Jones, Derek and Taylor, Julie (2016) The landscape of UK child protection research between 2010 and 2014 : disciplines, topics, and types of maltreatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 65. pp. 51-61. ISSN 0190-7409

Jones, Christine and Stalker, Kirsten and Franklin, Anita and Fry, Deborah and Cameron, Audrey and Taylor, Julie (2016) Enablers of help-seeking for deaf and disabled children following abuse and barriers to protection : a qualitative study. Child and Family Social Work. ISSN 1365-2206

Jones, Christine (2016) Openness in adoption : challenging the narrative of historical progress. Child and Family Social Work, 21 (1). pp. 85-93. ISSN 1365-2206


Jones, Christine (2015) Sibling relationships in adoptive and fostering families : a review of the international research literature. Children and Society. ISSN 0951-0605

Welch, Victoria and Gadda, Andressa and Jones, Christine and Young, Emma and Lerpiniere, Jennifer (2015) Chance4Change Evaluation : Supporting birth mothers after adoption. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Welch, Vicki and Jones, Christine and Stalker, Kirsten and Stewart, Alasdair (2015) Permanence for disabled children and young people through foster care and adoption : a selective review of international literature. Children and Youth Services Review, 53. pp. 137-146. ISSN 0190-7409

Welch, Victoria and Stalker, Kirsten and Jones, Christine and Stewart, Alasdair (2015) Permanence achieved through adoption or foster care : a review of international literature regarding disabled children’s experiences and outcomes. In: NNDR 13th Research Conference, 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-08, Radisson Blu Royal Hotel.

Taylor, Julie and Cameron, Audrey and Jones, Christine and Franklin, Anita and Stalker, Kirsten and Fry, Deborah (2015) Deaf and disabled children talking about child protection (Short Report). NSPCC, Edinburgh.

Mackay, Kirsteen and Smith, Connie and Morton, Lucy and Jones, Christine and Scullin, Kirsty and Taylor, Julie (2015) Formulating foster care in Scotland for young children's emotional and mental wellbeing. The University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre, Edinburgh.

Mackay, Kirsteen and Smith, Connie and Morton, Lucy and Jones, Christine and Scullin, Kirsty and Taylor, Julie (2015) Formulating foster care in Scotland for young children's emotional and mental wellbeing (short report). The University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre, Edinburgh.


Jones, Christine and Hackett, Simon (2012) Redefining family relationships following adoption : adoptive parents' perspectives on the changing nature of kinship between adoptees and birth relatives. British Journal of Social Work, 42 (2). pp. 283-299. ISSN 0045-3102

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