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Number of items: 67.


Walker, Joseph and Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and Sun, Yongle and Taraphdar, Pradeeptta Kumar and Sillars, Fiona and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Gachagan, Anthony and Pierce, Gareth (2024) Interpass peening impact on residual stress in wire-arc additive manufactured Ti 6Al-4V using phased-array ultrasonic testing. In: ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024, 2024-10-27 - 2024-11-01, Hilton Atlanta.

Walker, Joseph and Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and MacLeod, Charles and Sun, Yongle and Taraphdar, Pradeeptta Kumar and Ahmad, Bilal and Gurumurthy, Sundar and Ding, Jialuo and Sillars, Fiona (2024) Study of residual stress using phased array ultrasonics in Ti-6AL-4V wire-arc additively manufactured components. Sensors, 24 (19). 6372. ISSN 1424-8220

Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and Abad, Farhad and Lotfian, Saeid and MacLeod, Charles and Mehmanparast, Ali and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2024) Inspection of wind turbine bolted connections using the Ultrasonic Phased Array system. Heliyon, 10 (14). e34579. ISSN 2405-8440

Germano, Elmergue and Walker, Joseph and Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and Buffa, Gianluca and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Gachagan, Anthony and Pierce, Gareth and Mineo, Carmelo and Tamimi, Saeed and Mohseni, Ehsan and Lam, Kwok Ho (2024) Enhancing additive friction stir deposition through comprehensive ultrasonic defect detection and process optimisation. In: UK & IRELAND IEEE ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL CHAPTER, 2024-05-14 - 2024-05-14, AUDITORIUM C, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CENTRE, UNIVERSITY 0F STRATHCLYDE, 99 GEORGE ST, GLASGOW.

Javadi, Yashar and Mills, Brandon and MacLeod, Charles and Lines, David and Abad, Farhad and Lotfian, Saeid and Mehmanparast, Ali and Pierce, Gareth and Brennan, Feargal and Gachagan, Anthony and Mineo, Carmelo (2024) Phased array ultrasonic method for robotic preload measurement in offshore wind turbine bolted connections. Sensors, 24 (5). 1421. ISSN 1424-8220


Javadi, Yashar and Mills, Brandon and Pourrahimian Leilabadi, Parinaz and Nicolson, Ewan and Lotfian, Saeid and Zimermann, Rastislav and Abad, Farhad and Mehmanparast, Ali and MacLeod, Charles and Pierce, Gareth and Lines, David and Brennan, Feargal and Mehnen, Jorn and Gachagan, Anthony (2023) Phased array ultrasonic testing of ‎offshore wind bolted flange ‎connections. In: 50th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 2023-07-24 - 2023-07-27, Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol,.

Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and Lotfian, Saeid and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Lines, David and Pierce, Gareth and Brennan, Feargal and Gachagan, Anthony (2023) A Novel Procedure for the Inspection of Wind Turbine Bolts. In: Wind Energy Science Conference 2023, 2023-05-23 - 2023-05-26, University of Strathclyde.

MacLeod, C. and Javadi, Y.; (2023) Advanced nondestructive evaluation for welded joints. In: Welding of Metallic Materials. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 431-461. ISBN 9780323905527


Javadi, Yashar and Hutchison, Alistair and Zimermann, Rastislav and Lines, David and Sweeney, Nina E. and Vasilev, Momchil and Mohseni, Ehsan and Vithanage, Randika K. W. and MacLeod, Charles N. and Pierce, Gareth and Mehnen, Jorn and Gachagan, Anthony; (2022) Development of a phased array ultrasonic system for residual stress measurement in welding and additive manufacturing. In: ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, 4B . American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), USA. ISBN 9780791886182

Lukacs, Peter and Davis, Geo and Stratoudaki, Theodosia and Javadi, Yashar and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony; (2022) Remote, volumetric ultrasonic imaging of defects using two-dimensional laser induced phased arrays. In: Proceedings of 2021 48th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, QNDE 2021. Proceedings of 2021 48th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, QNDE 2021 . American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Virtual, Online. ISBN 9780791885529

Javadi, Yashar and Hutchison, Alistair and Zimermann, Rastislav and Lotfian, Saeid and Mohseni, Ehsan and Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony and Mehnen, Jorn (2022) Mechanical stress measurement using phased array ultrasonic system. In: 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-13, Venice Convention Center.

Mineo, Carmelo and Javadi, Yashar (2022) Robotic non-destructive testing. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22 (19). 7654. ISSN 1424-8220

Javadi, Yashar and Hutchison, Alistair and Zimermann, Rastislav and Lines, David and Sweeney, Nina E. and Vasilev, Momchil and Mohseni, Ehsan and Vithanage, Randika K.W. and MacLeod, Charles N. and Pierce, Gareth and Mehnen, Jorn and Gachagan, Anthony (2022) Development of a phased array ultrasonic system for residual stress measurement in welding and additive manufacturing. In: Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22.

Zimermann, Rastislav and Mohseni, Ehsan and Vasilev, Momchil and Loukas, Charalampos and Vithanage, Randika K. W. and MacLeod, Charles N. and Lines, David and Javadi, Yashar and Espirindio E Silva, Misael Pimentel and Fitzpatrick, Stephen and Halavage, Steven and McKegney, Scott and Pierce, Stephen Gareth and Williams, Stewart and Ding, Jialuo (2022) Collaborative robotic Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture and sensor-enabled in-process ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation. Sensors, 22 (11). 4203. ISSN 1424-8220

Javadi, Yashar and Hutchison, Alistair and Singh, Jonathan and Mohseni, Ehsan and Rahimi, Salah and Mehnen, Jorn and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Pierce, Gareth and Tant, Katherine Margaret Mary and Gachagan, Anthony (2022) Feasibility study of residual stress measurement using phased ‎array ultrasonic method. In: 11th International Conference on Residual Stress, 2022-03-27 - 2022-03-30, Centre Prouve.


Zimermann, Rastislav and Mohseni, Ehsan and Lines, David and Vithanage, Randika K.W. and MacLeod, Charles N. and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony and Javadi, Yashar and Williams, Stewart and Ding, Jialuo (2021) Multi-layer ultrasonic imaging of as-built Wire + Arc additive manufactured components. Additive Manufacturing, 48 (Part A). 102398. ISSN 2214-8604

Vithanage, Randika K. W. and Mohseni, Ehsan and Qiu, Zhen and MacLeod, Charles and Javadi, Yashar and Sweeney, Nina and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2021) A phased array ultrasound roller probe for automated in-process/interpass inspection of multipass welds. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68 (12). pp. 12781-12790. ISSN 0278-0046

Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles N. and Loukas, Charalampos and Javadi, Yashar and Vithanage, Randika K. W. and Lines, David and Mohseni, Ehsan and Pierce, Stephen Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2021) Sensor-enabled multi-robot system for automated welding and in-process ultrasonic NDE. Sensors, 21 (15). 5077. ISSN 1424-8220

Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles and Javadi, Yashar and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2021) Feed forward control of welding process parameters through on-line ultrasonic thickness measurement. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64. pp. 576-584. ISSN 1526-6125

Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles and Galbraith, Walter and Javadi, Yashar and Foster, Euan and Dobie, Gordon and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2021) Non-contact in-process ultrasonic screening of thin fusion welded joints. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64. pp. 445-454. ISSN 1526-6125

Javadi, Yashar and Mohseni, Ehsan and MacLeod, Charles N. and Lines, David and Vasilev, Momchil and Mineo, Carmelo and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony (2021) High-temperature in-process inspection followed by 96-h robotic inspection of intentionally manufactured hydrogen crack in multi-pass robotic welding. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 189. 104288. ISSN 0308-0161

Mohseni, Ehsan and Javadi, Yashar and Sweeney, Nina E. and Lines, David and MacLeod, Charles N. and Vithanage, Randika K.W. and Qiu, Zhen and Vasilev, Momchil and Mineo, Carmelo and Lukacs, Peter and Foster, Euan and Pierce, S. Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2021) Model-assisted ultrasonic calibration using intentionally embedded defects for in-process weld inspection. Materials and Design, 198. 109330. ISSN 0261-3069


Javadi, Yashar and Sweeney, Nina E. and Mohseni, Ehsan and MacLeod, Charles N. and Lines, David and Vasilev, Momchil and Qiu, Zhen and Vithanage, Randika K.W. and Mineo, Carmelo and Stratoudaki, Theodosia and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony (2020) In-process calibration of a non-destructive testing system used for in-process inspection of multi-pass welding. Materials and Design, 195. 108981. ISSN 0261-3069

Mohseni, Ehsan and Vithanage, Randika and Qiu, Zhen and Javadi, Yashar and Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles N. and Lines, David and Zimermann, Rastislav and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony and Ding, Jialuo and Williams, Stewart (2020) Laser-assisted surface adaptive ultrasound (SAUL) inspection of samples with complex surface profiles using a phased array roller-probe. In: NDT2020: 59th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 2020-09-15 - 2020-09-17, Park Inn by Radisson Hotel.

Lines, David and Javadi, Yashar and Mohseni, Ehsan and Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Mineo, Carmelo and Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala and Qiu, Zhen and Zimermann, Rastislav and Loukas, Charalampos and Foster, Euan and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2020) A flexible robotic cell for in-process inspection of multi-pass welds. Insight: The Journal of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, 62 (9). pp. 526-532. ISSN 1354-2575

Mohseni, Ehsan and Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala and Qiu, Zhen and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Javadi, Yashar and Lines, David and Zimermann, Rastislav and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony and Ding, Jialuo and Williams, Stewart (2020) A high temperature phased array ultrasonic roller probe designed for dry-coupled in-process inspection of wire + arc additive manufacturing. In: 47th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 2020-08-25 - 2020-08-26, Virtual event.

Mohseni, Ehsan and MacLeod, Charles and Javadi, Yashar and Vithanage, Randika K. W. and Qiu, Zhen and Lines, David and Foster, Euan and Lukacs, Peter and Vasilev, Momchil and Zimermann, Rastislav and Pierce, S. Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2020) A model-based study of transmit-receive longitudinal arrays for inspection of subsurface defects. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 3 (3). 031102. ISSN 2572-3901

Javadi, Yashar and Mohseni, Ehsan and MacLeod, Charles N. and Lines, David and Vasilev, Momchil and Mineo, Carmelo and Foster, Euan and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony (2020) Continuous monitoring of an intentionally-manufactured crack using an automated welding and in-process inspection system. Materials and Design, 191. 108655. ISSN 0261-3069

Javadi, Yashar and Sweeney, Nina E. and Mohseni, Ehsan and MacLeod, Charles N. and Lines, David and Vasilev, Momchil and Qiu, Zhen and Mineo, Carmelo and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony (2020) Investigating the effect of residual stress on hydrogen cracking in multi-pass robotic welding through process compatible non-destructive testing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. ISSN 1526-6125

Pieris, Don and Stratoudaki, Theodosia and Javadi, Yashar and Lukacs, Peter and Catchpole-Smith, Sam and Wilcox, Paul D. and Clare, Adam and Clark, Matt (2020) Laser Induced Phased Arrays (LIPA) to detect nested features in additively manufactured components. Materials & Design, 187. 108412. ISSN 0264-1275


Mohseni, Ehsan and Javadi, Yashar and Lines, David and Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala and Foster, Euan and Qiu, Zhen and Zimermann, Rastislav and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Pierce, Stephen and Gachagan, Anthony and Marinelli, Gianrocco and Ding, Jialuo and Williams, Stewart (2019) Ultrasonic phased array inspection of wire plus arc additive manufactured (WAAM) titanium samples. In: 58th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 2019-11-03 - 2019-11-05, Telford, UK.

Javadi, Yashar and MacLeod, Charles N. and Pierce, Stephen G. and Gachagan, Anthony and Lines, David and Mineo, Carmelo and Ding, Jialuo and Williams, Stewart and Vasilev, Momchil and Mohseni, Ehsan and Su, Riliang (2019) Ultrasonic phased array inspection of a Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured (WAAM) sample with intentionally embedded defects. Additive Manufacturing, 29. 100806. ISSN 2214-8604

Lines, David and Mohseni, Ehsan and Javadi, Yashar and Mineo, Carmelo and Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala and Qiu, Zhen and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2019) Using coded excitation to maintain signal to noise for FMC+TFM on attenuating materials. In: 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2019-10-06 - 2019-10-09, SECC.

Lines, David I and Javadi, Yashar and Mohseni, Ehsan and Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles N and Vithanage, Randika W and Qiu, Zhen and Zimermann, Rastislav and Loukas, Charalampos and Foster, Euan and Pierce, S Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2019) Flexible robotic cell for in-process inspection of multi-pass welds. In: NDT2019, 2019-09-02 - 2019-09-05, The International Centre.

Javadi, Yashar and MacLeod, Charles and Lines, David and Vasilev, Momchil and Mohseni, Ehsan and Foster, Euan and Qiu, Zhen and Vithanage, Randika and Zimermann, Rastislav and Loukas, Charalampos and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2019) In-process inspection of multi-pass robotic welding. In: 46th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019-07-14 - 2019-07-18, Portland.

Mohseni, Ehsan and MacLeod, Charles and Javadi, Yashar and Qiu, Zhen and Vithanage, Randika and Lines, David and Zimermann, Rastislav and Pierce, Gareth and Gachagan, Anthony (2019) A model-based study of transmit-receive longitudinal arrays for inspection of subsurface defects. In: 46th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019-07-14 - 2019-07-18, Portland.

Javadi, Yashar and Vasilev, Momchil and MacLeod, Charles N. and Pierce, Stephen G. and Su, Riliang and Mineo, Carmelo and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Gachagan, Anthony; Laflamme, Simon and Holland, Stephen and Bond, Leonard J., eds. (2019) Intentional weld defect process : from manufacturing by ‎‎robotic welding machine to inspection ‎using TFM phased ‎‎array ‎. In: 45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings, USA. ISBN 9780735418325

Javadi, Y. and MacLeod, C. N. and Pierce, S. G. and Gachagan, A. and Kerr, W. and Ding, Jialuo and Williams, Stewart and Vasilev, M. and Su, R. and Mineo, C. and Dziewierz, J. (2019) Ultrasonic phased array inspection of wire + arc additive manufacture samples using conventional and total focusing method imaging approaches. Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 61 (3). pp. 144-148. ISSN 1354-2575


Javadi, Yashar and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Pierce, Stephen and Gachagan, Anthony and Kerr, William and Ding, Jialuo and Williams, Stewart and Vasilev, Momchil and Su, Riliang and Mineo, Carmelo and Dziewierz, Jerzy (2018) Ultrasonic phased array inspection of wire plus arc additive manufacture ‎‎(WAAM) samples using conventional and total focusing method (TFM) ‎imaging approaches. In: 57th The British Institue of Non-destructive Testing Annual Conference, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12, East Midlands Conference Centre and Orchard Hotel.

Stratoudaki, Theodosia and Javadi, Yashar and Kerr, William and Wilcox, Paul D. and Pieris, Don and Clark, Matt (2018) Laser induced phased arrays for remote ultrasonic imaging of additive manufactured components. In: 57th Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, NDT 2018, 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12.

Elrefaey, Ahmed and Javadi, Yashar and Francis, John A. and Callaghan, Mark D. and Leonard, Andrew J. (2018) Evolution of microstructure and toughness in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel welds. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 165. pp. 20-28. ISSN 0308-0161

Javadi, Yashar and Goldak, John A. and Imani Fooladi, Kamran and Nimrouzi, Mohammadhossein (2018) Using ultrasonic and finite element for residual stress evaluation of a gas transmission pipeline. Materials Evaluation, 76 (2). pp. 192-202. ISSN 0025-5327


Javadi, Y. and Walsh, J.N. and Elrefaey, A. and Roy, M.J. and Francis, J.A. (2017) Measurement of residual stresses induced by sequential weld buttering and cladding operations involving a 2.25Cr-1Mo substrate material. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 154. pp. 58-74. ISSN 0308-0161

Javadi, Y. and Smith, M.C. and Abburi Venkata, K. and Naveed, N. and Forsey, A.N. and Francis, J.A. and Ainsworth, R.A. and Truman, C.E. and Smith, D.J. and Hosseinzadeh, F. and Gungor, S. and Bouchard, P.J. and Dey, H.C. and Bhaduri, A.K. and Mahadevan, S. (2017) Residual stress measurement round robin on an electron beam welded joint between austenitic stainless steel 316L(N) and ferritic steel P91. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 154. pp. 41-57. ISSN 0308-0161

Javadi, Yashar and Azari, Khaled and Ghalehbandi, Seyed Mahmoud and Roy, M. J. (2017) Comparison between using longitudinal and shear waves in ultrasonic stress measurement to investigate the effect of post-weld heat-treatment on welding residual stresses. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 28 (2). pp. 101-122. ISSN 1432-2110

Javadi, Yashar and Mosteshary, Seyed Hatef (2017) Evaluation of sub-surface residual stress by ultrasonic method and finite-element analysis of welding process in a Monel pressure vessel. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45 (2). pp. 441-451. ISSN 1945-7553


Sadati, Mirshahin Hessam and Javadi, Yashar (2016) Investigation of mechanical properties in welding of shape memory alloys. Procedia Engineering, 149. pp. 438-447. ISSN 1877-7058

Javadi, Yashar and Krolczyk, Grzegorz M. and Hloch, Sergej (2016) Evaluation of hoop residual stress variations in the thickness of dissimilar welded pipes by using the LCR ultrasonic waves. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 23 (2). pp. 329-335. ISSN 1330-3651

Krolczyk, Jolanta B. and Gapiński, Bartosz and Krolczyk, Grzegorz M. and Samardžić, Ivan and Maruda, Radoslaw W. and Soucek, Kamil and Legutko, Stanislaw and Nieslony, Piotr and Javadi, Yashar and Stas, Lubomir (2016) Topographic inspection as a method of weld joint diagnostic. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 23 (1). pp. 301-306. ISSN 1330-3651


Javadi, Yashar and Ashoori, Masoud (2015) Sub-surface stress measurement of cross welds in a dissimilar welded pressure vessel. Materials and Design, 85. pp. 82-90. ISSN 0264-1275

Javadi, Yashar (2015) Investigation of clamping effect on the welding residual stress and deformation of monel plates by using the ultrasonic stress measurement and finite element method. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 137 (1). 011501. ISSN 0094-9930

Javadi, Yashar and Hasani, Mahmood and Sadeghi, Seyedali (2015) Investigation of clamping effect on the welding sub-surface residual stress and deformation by using the ultrasonic stress measurement and finite element method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 34. 3. ISSN 0195-9298


Javadi, Yashar and Pirzaman, Hamed Salimi and Raeisi, Mohammadreza Hadizadeh and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2014) Ultrasonic stress evaluation through thickness of a stainless steel pressure vessel. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 123-124. pp. 111-120. ISSN 0308-0161

Javadi, Yashar and Sadeghi, Seyedali and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2014) Taguchi optimization and ultrasonic measurement of residual stresses in the friction stir welding. Materials and Design, 55. pp. 27-34. ISSN 0264-1275

Javadi, Yashar and Akhlaghi, Mehdi and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2014) Nondestructive evaluation of welding residual stresses in austenitic stainless steel plates. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 25 (1). pp. 30-43. ISSN 1432-2110


Sadeghi, Seyedali and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi and Javadi, Yashar and Mohammadisefat, Mohammadjavad (2013) Using ultrasonic waves and finite element method to evaluate through-thickness residual stresses distribution in the friction stir welding of aluminum plates. Materials and Design, 52. pp. 870-880. ISSN 0261-3069

Javadi, Yashar and Hloch, Sergej (2013) Employing the LCR waves to measure longitudinal residual stresses in different depths of a stainless steel welded plate. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013. 746187. ISSN 1687-8442

Javadi, Yashar and Raeisi, Mohammadreza Hadizadeh and Pirzaman, Hamed Salimi and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi; (2013) Using welding simulation and ultrasonic method to evaluate residual stress in stainless steel welded plates. In: ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2012. ASME, FRA, pp. 43-50. ISBN 9780791844847

Javadi, Yashar and Pirzaman, Hamed Salimi and Raeisi, Mohammadreza Hadizadeh and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2013) Ultrasonic inspection of a welded stainless steel pipe to evaluate residual stresses through thickness. Materials and Design, 49. pp. 591-601. ISSN 0261-3069

Javadi, Yashar and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi and Akhlaghi, Mehdi (2013) Comparison between contact and immersion method in ultrasonic stress measurement of welded stainless steel plates. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 41 (5). pp. 788-797. ISSN 1945-7553

Javadi, Yashar and Pirzaman, Hamed Salimi and Raeisi, Mohammadreza Hadizadeh and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2013) Ultrasonic evaluation of welding residual stresses in stainless steel pressure vessel. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 135 (4). 041502. ISSN 0094-9930

Javadi, Yashar and Afzali, Omid and Raeisi, Mohammadreza Hadizadeh and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2013) Nondestructive evaluation of welding residual stresses in dissimilar welded pipes. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 32 (2). pp. 177-187. ISSN 0195-9298

Javadi, Yashar and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2013) Comparison between contact and immersion ultrasonic method to evaluate welding residual stresses of dissimilar joints. Materials and Design, 47. pp. 473-482. ISSN 0261-3069

Javadi, Yashar and Akhlaghi, Mehdi and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi (2013) Using finite element and ultrasonic method to evaluate welding longitudinal residual stress through the thickness in austenitic stainless steel plates. Materials and Design, 45. pp. 628-642. ISSN 0264-1275


Bucko, Michal and Hloch, Sergej and Valíček, Jan and Tozan, Hakan and Javadi, Yashar and Ghosh, Aniruddha (2012) Utjecaj fizikalnih uvjeta zavarivanja na kvalitetu zavarenog spoja vodonepropusne membrane. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 19 (3). pp. 683-687. ISSN 1330-3651

Javadi, Yashar and Najafabadi, Mehdi Ahmadi and Akhlaghi, Mehdi (2012) Residual stress evaluation in dissimilar welded joints using finite element simulation and the L CR ultrasonic wave. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 48 (9). pp. 541-552. ISSN 1608-3385


Sattari-Far, I. and Javadi, Y. (2008) Influence of welding sequence on welding distortions in pipes. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 85 (4). pp. 265-274. ISSN 0308-0161

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