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Number of items: 28.


Murphy, David; Arens, Sarah and Frith, Nicola and Lewis, Jonathan and Vince, Rebekah, eds. (2024) Policing black anti-colonial activism in interwar France : the surveillance of Lamine Senghor in Frejus, Marseille and Bordeaux. In: Colonial Continuities and Decoloniality in the French-Speaking World. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 255-277. ISBN 9781802078862


Murphy, David (2022) [Book review] : Senegalese Stagecraft: Decolonizing Theater-Making in Francophone Africa. Brian Valente-Quinn. Performance Works.
 Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2021. 
208 pp. [Review]

Murphy, David; Clavaron, Yves and Gannier, Odile, eds. (2022) From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean : Fréjus and Marseilles as alternative capitals of Black France? In: Lieux de mémoire et océan. Honoré Champion, Paris, pp. 71-83. ISBN 9782745357113


Murphy, David and Ní Loingsigh, Aedîn and Johnston, Cristina and Thuram, Lilian (2021) White Thinking : Behind the Mask of Racial Identity. Hero Press, London. ISBN 9781800313446

Murphy, David; Peabody, Rebecca and Nelson, Steven and Thomas, Dominic, eds. (2021) Representations of the tirailleur sénégalais and World War 1. In: Visualizing Empire. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, pp. 118-135. ISBN 978-1-60606-668-3


Murphy, David; Louro, Michele and Stolte, Carolien, eds. (2020) No more slaves! Lamine Senghor, black internationalism and the league against imperialism. In: The League Against Imperialism. University of Leiden, Leiden, n/a. ISBN 9789087283414

Murphy, David (2020) When communism met black anti-colonialism in interwar France. Jacobin (29 Jun).

Murphy, David; Achille, Etienne and Forsdick, Charles and Moudileno, Lydie, eds. (2020) Anti-colonialism. In: Postcolonial Realms of Memory. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, pp. 334-342. ISBN 9781789620665

Murphy, David; Achille, Etienne and Forsdick, Charles and Moudileno, Lydie, eds. (2020) Les tirailleurs sénégalais. In: Postcolonial Realms of Memory. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 290-296. ISBN 9781789620665


Murphy, David and Birnie, Ingeborg and Ní Loingsigh, Aedin and Bak, Thomas (2019) Bilingualism and dementia : how some patients lose their second language and rediscover their first. The Conversation.

Murphy, David (2019) Communisme et anticolonialisme: sur Lamine Senghor : entretien avec David Murphy. ContreTemps: Revue de Critique Communiste. ISSN 1633-597X

Murphy, David and Vincent, Cédric (2019) Inside Dakar's Musée Dynamique : reflections on culture and the state in postcolonial Senegal. World Art, 9 (1). pp. 81-97. ISSN 2150-0908

Jaji, Tsitsi and Munro, Martin and Murphy, David (2019) Introduction : carnivals, festivals, and pan-Africanism. World Art, 9 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2150-0908


Murphy, David (2018) Performing global African culture and citizenship : major pan-African cultural festivals from Dakar '66 to FESTAC '77. Tate Papers, 30. ISSN 1753-9854

Murphy, David and Munro, Martin and Jaji, Tsitsi (2018) Introduction : the performance of Pan-African identities at Black and African cultural festivals. Interventions, 20 (7). pp. 947-951. ISSN 1469-929X

Murphy, David (2018) La Première Guerre mondiale comme 'massacre colonial' : polémiques anticolonialistes dans les années 1920. Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 9 (2). pp. 3-9. ISSN 2044-4109


Murphy, David; Ewence, Hannah and Grady, Tim, eds. (2017) Race and the legacy of the First World War in French anti-colonial politics of the 1920s. In: Minorities and the First World War. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke, pp. 201-225. ISBN 9781137539748


Murphy, David; Murphy, David, ed. (2016) The performance of Pan-Africanism : staging the African Renaissance at the First World Festival of Negro Arts. In: The First World Festival of Negro Arts, Dakar 1966. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 1-42. ISBN 9781781383162

Murphy, David (2016) Archiving the First World Festival of Negro Arts (Dakar 1966) : recuperation, nostalgia and utopianism. World Art, 6 (1). pp. 125-146. ISSN 2150-0908


Murphy, David (2015) The emergence of a Black France, 1985-2015 : history, race and identity. Nottingham French Studies, 54 (3). pp. 238-252. ISSN 0029-4586

Murphy, David and Forsdick, Charles; Moura, Jean-Marc and Porra, Véronique, eds. (2015) Staging the Black Atlantic : from the Chicago World’s Fair (1893) to the World Festival of Negro Arts (Dakar 1966). In: L’Atlantique littéraire. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, pp. 143-158. ISBN 978-3487152622

Murphy, David (2015) Success and failure : Frantz Fanon and Lamine Senghor as (false) prophets of decolonization. Nottingham French Studies, 54 (1). pp. 92-106. ISSN 0029-4586

Murphy, David (2015) Tirailleur, facteur, anticolonialiste : la courte vie militante de Lamine Senghor (1924-27). Cahiers d'histoire, 126. pp. 55-72. ISSN 2102-5916


Murphy, David; Murphy, David and Bisschoff, Lizelle, eds. (2014) Francophone West African Cinema, 1955-69 : false starts and new beginnings. In: Africa's Lost Classics. Legenda, Oxford, pp. 50-62. ISBN 978-1907975516

Murphy, David; Murphy, David and Bisschoff, Lizelle, eds. (2014) Lost in music? Race, culture and identity in rage (Newton I. Aduaka, 2000). In: Africa's Lost Classics. Legenda, pp. 161-166. ISBN 978-1907975516

Bisschoff, Lizelle and Murphy, David; Murphy, David and Bisschoff, Lizelle, eds. (2014) Revising the classics : opening up the archives of African cinema. In: Africa’s Lost Classics. Legenda, Oxford, pp. 1-21. ISBN 978-1907975516

Murphy, David (2014) Sport, culture and the media at the Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres de Dakar (2010) : sport and the democratization of culture or sport as populism? French Cultural Studies, 25 (1). pp. 10-22. ISSN 0957-1558

de Jong, Ferdinand and Murphy, David (2014) Archiving the postcolonial city. Francosphères, 3 (1). ISSN 2046-3839

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