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Mattes, Robert and Krönke, Matthias and Lockwood, Sarah J (2025) WP208: Whom do African election campaigns contact? : And does it matter? Preprint / Working Paper. Afrobarometer, East Lansing, Michigan.
Mattes, Robert and Krönke, Matthias and Mozaffar, Shaheen (2024) African legislators : unrepresentative power elites? Journal of Southern African Studies. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1465-3893
Claassen, Christopher and Ackermann, Kathrin and Bertsou, Eri and Borba, Lucas and Carlin, Ryan E. and Cavari, Amnon and Dahlum, Sirianne and Gherghina, Sergiu and Hawkins, Darren and Lelkes, Yphtach and Magalhães, Pedro C. and Mattes, Robert and Meijers, Maurits J. and Neundorf, Anja and Oross, Dániel and Öztürk, Aykut and Sarsfield, Rodolfo and Self, Darin and Stanley, Ben and Tsai, Tsung-han and Zaslove, Andrej and Zechmeister, Elizabeth J. (2024) Conceptualizing and measuring support for democracy : a new approach. Comparative Political Studies. pp. 1-28. ISSN 0010-4140
Mattes, Robert and Krönke, Matthias and Lockwood, Sarah; Poguntke, Thomas and Hofmeister, Wilhelm, eds. (2024) Political parties and democracy in South Africa. In: Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 489-511. ISBN 9780198888734
Schulz-Herzenberg, Collette and Mattes, Robert Britt (2023) It takes two to toyi-toyi : one party dominance and opposition party failure in South Africa's 2019 national election. Democratization, 30 (7). pp. 1313-1334. ISSN 1351-0347
Ellison, George T.H. and Mattes, Robert B. and Rhoma, Hanan and de Wet, Thea (2022) Economic vulnerability and poor service delivery made it more difficult for shack-dwellers to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. South African Journal of Science, 118 (5/6). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1996-7489
Ellison, GTH and Mattes, RB and Rhoma, H and Wet, T De (2022) Economic vulnerability and poor service delivery made it more difficult for shack-dwellers to comply with COVID-19 restrictions : the impracticability and inequitable burden of universal/unstratified public health policies. Other. medRxiv, New York.
Lockwood, Sarah J and Krönke, Matthias and Mattes, Robert (2021) Party structures and organization building in Africa. Party Politics, 28 (2). pp. 203-207. ISSN 1354-0688
Krönke, Matthias and Lockwood, Sarah J and Mattes, Robert (2021) Party footprints in Africa : measuring local party presence across the continent. Party Politics, 28 (2). pp. 208-222. ISSN 1354-0688
Mattes, Robert and Glenn, Ian; Lilleker, Darren and Coman, Ioana and Gregor, Milos and Novelli, Edoardo, eds. (2021) South Africa : a united front? A divided government. In: Political Communication and COVID-19. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 303-311. ISBN 9780367636791
Mattes, Robert and Kroenke, Matthias; Oscarsson, Henrik and Holmberg, Soren, eds. (2020) The consequences of partisanship in Africa. In: Research Handbook on Political Partisanship. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 368-380. ISBN 978 1 78811 199 7
Chu, Yun-han and Huang, Kai-Ping and Lagos, Marta and Mattes, Robert (2020) A lost decade for third-wave democracies? Journal of Democracy, 31 (2). pp. 166-181. ISSN 1086-3214
Mattes, Robert; Lynch, Gabrielle and VonDoepp, Peter, eds. (2019) Public opinion and democratic legitimacy. In: Routledge Handbook of Democratization in Africa. Routledge, London, pp. 345-363. ISBN 978-1-138-08124-6
Mattes, Robert (2019) Democracy in Africa : Demand, Supply and the Dissatisfied Democrat. Afrobarometer, East Lansing, Michigan.
Clayton, Amanda and Josefsson, Cecilia and Mattes, Robert and Mozaffar, Shaheen (2019) In whose interest? Gender and mass-elite priority congruence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Comparative Political Studies, 52 (1). pp. 69-101. ISSN 0010-4140
Mattes, Robert; Thompson, William, ed. (2018) Support for democracy. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Politics. Oxford Research Encyclopaedias . Oxford University Press, [New York].
Mattes, Robert and Moreno, Alejandro; Uslaner, Eric M., ed. (2018) Social and political trust in developing countries : sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. In: Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 357-382. ISBN 978-0190274801
Mattes, Robert and Alence, Rod (2016) Mineral Governance Barometer : Southern Africa. Open Society Institute of Southern Africa, Johannesburg.
Mattes, Robert (2015) South Africa’s emerging black middle class : a harbinger of political change? Journal of International Development, 27 (5). pp. 665-692. ISSN 0954-1748
Mattes, Robert (2015) South Africa’s emerging black middle class : a harbinger of political change? Journal of International Development, 27 (5). pp. 665-692. ISSN 0954-1748
Mattes, Robert (2006) How does SA compare? Experiences of crime and policing in an African context. SA Crime Quarterly, 18. pp. 17-24. ISSN 2413-3108
Mattes, Robert (2006) Good news and bad : public perceptions of crime, corruption and government. SA Crime Quarterly, 18. pp. 6-10. ISSN 2413-3108