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Number of items: 95.


McNeill, Neville and Vozikis, Dimitrios and Peña-Alzola, Rafael and Wang, Shuren and Pollock, Richard and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2023) Gate driver circuit with all-magnetic isolation for cascode-connected SiC JFETs in a three-level T-type bridge-leg. Energies, 16 (3). 1226. ISSN 1996-1073


Andrew, Euan Thomas and Ahmed, Khaled Hani and Holliday, Derrick (2022) A new model predictive current controller for grid connected converters in unbalanced grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37 (8). pp. 9175-9186. ISSN 0885-8993

Wang, S. and Pollock, R. and McNeill, N. and Holliday, D. and Ahmed, K. and Williams, B.; (2022) Realising SiC MOSFET switching speed control based on a novel series variable-resistance gate driver. In: 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2022). IET, Stevenage, Herts, pp. 588-592. ISBN 9781839537189


Andrew, Euan T. and Ahmed, Khaled and Holliday, Derrick; (2021) A new modulated model predictive current controller with reduced computational burden. In: 2021 9th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ISBN 9781665445313

Wang, Shuren and Vozikis, Dimitrios and Ahmed, Khaled Hani and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry Wayne (2021) Comprehensive assessment of fault-resilient schemes based on energy storage integrated modular converters for AC-DC conversion systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. ISSN 0885-8977


Vozikis, D. and Adam, G.P. and Rault, P. and Despouys, O. and Holliday, D. (2020) Enhanced modular multilevel converter for HVdc applications : assessments of dynamic and transient responses to ac and dc faults. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. ISSN 2168-6777

Henderson, Callum and Vozikis, Dimitrios and Holliday, Derrick and Bian, Xiaoyan and Egea-Álvarez, Agustí (2020) Assessment of grid-connected wind turbines with an inertia response by considering internal dynamics. Energies, 13 (5). 1038. ISSN 1996-1073


Wang, Shuren and Adam, Grain and Massoud, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry; (2019) Strategies for decoupling internal and external dynamics resulting from inter-arm passive component tolerances in HVDC-MMC. In: 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 209-213. ISBN 9781728103952

Abojlala, Khaled and Adam, Grain and Ahmed, Khaled Hani and Holliday, Derrick and Xu, Lie (2019) Generalised dq-dynamic phasor modelling of STATCOM connected to a grid for stability analysis. IET Power Electronics. ISSN 1755-4543

Pollock, Richard C. and McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2019) DC–DC converter with a high step-down ratio for water desalination applications. The Journal of Engineering, 2019 (17). 4545 – 4549. ISSN 2051-3305

Parker, Max A. and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen J. (2019) DC protection for a multi-terminal HVDC network including offshore wind power, featuring a reduced DC circuit breaker count. The Journal of Engineering, 2019 (17). pp. 4511-4515.

Elgenedy, Mohamed A. and Massoud, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Ahmed, Shehab Ahmed and Williams, Barry W. (2019) High-voltage pulse generator using sequentially charged full-bridge modular multilevel converter sub-modules, for water treatment applications. The Journal of Engineering (17). pp. 4537-4544. ISSN 2051-3305

Orr, Maria and Finney, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick (2019) Non-isolated resonant link DC-DC converter for use with GaN devices. The Journal of Engineering (17). pp. 4200-4204. ISSN 2051-3305

Vozikis, D. and Adam, G. and Rault, P. and Despouys, O. and Holliday, D. and Finney, S. (2019) Enhanced multilevel modular converter with reduced number of cells and harmonic content. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. ISSN 2168-6777

Wang, Shuren and Adam, Grain P. and Massoud, Ahmed M. and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2019) Analysis and assessment of modular multilevel converter internal control schemes. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. ISSN 2168-6777


Vozikis, Dimitrios and Adam, Grain and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen; (2018) An Improved Alternate Arm Converter for HVDC applications. In: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, USA. ISBN 9781509066858

McNeill, N. and Stark, B.H. and Finney, S.J. and Holliday, D. and Dymond, H. (2018) Efficient base driver circuit for silicon carbide bipolar junction transistors. Electronics Letters, 54 (25). pp. 1450-1452. ISSN 0013-5194

Vozikis, D. and Adam, G.P. and Rault, P. and Tzelepis, D. and Holliday, D. and Finney, S. (2018) Steady-state performance of state-of-the-art modular multilevel and alternate arm converters with DC fault-blocking capability. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 99. 618–629. ISSN 0142-0615

Vozikis, D. and Rault, P. and Holliday, D. and Finney, S.; (2018) Fault blocking converters for HVDC transmission : a transient behaviour comparison. In: Proceedings of the The 9th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives. IEEE, GBR.

Diab, Mohamed S. and Holliday, Derrick and Massoud, A. M. and Ahmed, Shehab and Williams, B. W. (2018) A modular multilevel converter with DHB energy balancing channels for medium-voltage adjustable-speed drives. In: The 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2018-04-17 - 2018-04-19.

Roscoe, Nina M. and Holliday, Derrick and McNeill, Neville and Finney, Stephen J. (2018) LV converters : improving efficiency and EMI using Si MOSFET MMC and experimentally exploring slowed switching. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. ISSN 2168-6777

Parker, Max and Finney, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick (2018) DC protection of a muti-terminal HVDC network featuring offshore wind farms. Energy Procedia, 142. pp. 2195-2201. ISSN 1876-6102


Li, Peng and Adam, Grain P. and Finney, Stephen J. and Holliday, Derrick (2017) Operation analysis of thyristor based front-to-front active-forced-commutated bridge DC transformer in LCC and VSC hybrid HVDC networks. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 5 (4). pp. 1657-1669. ISSN 2168-6777

Diab, Mohamed Said Ibrahim Mahmoud and Williams, Barry and Holliday, Derrick and Massoud, Ahmed and Ahmed, Shehab; (2017) A modular multilevel converter with isolated energy-balancing modules for MV drives incorporating symmetrical six-phase machines. In: 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). IEEE, USA. ISBN 978-1-5090-2999-0

Abojlala, Khaled Issa and Holliday, Derrick and Xu, Lie (2017) Stability norms control using the virtual impedance concept for power frequency applications. In: 19th International Symposium Power Electronics, 2017-10-19 - 2017-10-22.

Elgenedy, M. A. and Massoud, A. M. and Holliday, D. and Ahmed, S. and Williams, B. (2017) Low-voltage DC input, high-voltage pulse generator using nano-crystalline transformer and sequentially charged MMC sub-modules, for water treatment applications. In: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition, 2017-10-01 - 2017-10-05.

Zhong, Y. and Roscoe, N. and Holliday, D. and Lim, T.C. and Finney, S.J. (2017) High-efficiency MOSFET-based MMC design for LVDC distribution systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. ISSN 0093-9994

Adam, Grain Philip and Abdelsalam, Ibrahim and Fletcher, John Edward and Xu, Lie and Burt, Graeme M. and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen (2017) Improved two-level voltage source converter for high-voltage direct current transmission systems. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. ISSN 2168-6777

Darwish, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen (2017) Operation and control design of an input-series-input-parallel-output-series conversion scheme for offshore DC wind systems. IET Power Electronics. ISSN 1755-4543

Li, Peng and Finney, Stephen J. and Holliday, Derrick (2017) Active-forced-commutated bridge using hybrid devices for high efficiency voltage source converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32 (4). pp. 2485-2489. ISSN 0885-8993

Zhong, Yanni and Roscoe, Nina M. and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen J. (2017) MMC with parallel-connected MOSFETs as an alternative to wide bandgap converters for LVDC distribution networks. Journal of Engineering. ISSN 2051-3305

Li, Peng and Adam, Grain P. and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen J. and Williams, Barry W. (2017) Simulation study of FACTS devices based on AC-AC modular multilevel hexagonal chopper. IET Power Electronics. ISSN 1755-4543

Shan, Yunhai and Lim, Tee C. and Finney, Stephen J. and Guang, Weixiao and Williams, Barry W. and Holliday, Derrick and Ding, Xiao (2017) Cascaded commutation circuit for a hybrid DC breaker with dynamic control on fault current and DC breaker voltage. IET Power Electronics. ISSN 1755-4543

Li, Peng and Adam, Grain Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry (2017) Controlled transition full-bridge hybrid multilevel converter with chain-links of full-bridge cells. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32 (1). pp. 23-38. ISSN 0885-8993


Wang, Yachao and Badawy, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2016) Plug-in repetitive control strategy for high-order wide output range impedance source converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. ISSN 0885-8993

Li, Peng and Finney, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick; (2016) Thyristor based modular multilevel converter with active full-bridge chain-link for forced commutation. In: Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2016 IEEE 17th Workshop on. IEEE, NOR. ISBN 9781509018161

Adam, Grain Philip and Abdelsalam, Ibrahim and Fletcher, John Edward and Burt, Graeme and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen Jon (2016) New efficient sub-module for modular multilevel converter in multi-terminal HVDC networks. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32 (6). pp. 4258-4278. ISSN 0885-8993

Darwish, Ahmed and Massoud, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Ahmed, Shehab and Williams, Barry (2016) Generation, performance evaluation and control design of single-phase differential-mode buck–boost current-source inverters. IET Renewable Power Generation, 10 (7). 916 - 927. ISSN 1752-1416

Li, P and Adam, G P and Holliday, D and Williams, B W (2016) Comparative study of modulation techniques for two-level voltage source inverters. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, 2 (1). pp. 6-11. ISSN 2356-8569

Darwish, Ahmed and Wang, Yachao and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen; (2016) Operation and control design of new Three-Phase inverters with reduced number of switches. In: 2016 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM). IEEE, ITA. ISBN 9781509020683

Lian, Yiqing and Adam, Grain P. and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen J. (2016) Medium-voltage DC/DC converter for offshore wind collection grid. IET Renewable Power Generation, 10 (5). pp. 651-660. ISSN 1752-1416

Zhong, Yanni and Roscoe, Nina and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen (2016) MOSFET parallel-connection of low-voltage MMC for LVDC distribution networks. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2016-04-19 - 2016-04-21, The Hilton Hotel.

Li, Peng and Holliday, D. and Williams, B. W.; (2016) AC voltage sag-swell compensator based on unified non-inverting and inverting output voltage AC chopper. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016). IET, GBR, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781785611889

Darwish, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Finney, Stephen; (2016) New three-phase AC-DC rectifiers with reduced numbers of switches. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016). IET, GBR. ISBN 9781785611889

Abojlala, Khaled Issa and Holliday, Derrick and Xu, Lie (2016) Transient analysis of interline dynamic voltage restorer using dynamic phasor representation. In: The Seventeenth IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, 2016-06-27 - 2016-06-30, Trondheim, Norway. (In Press)

Lian, Y. and Adam, G.P. and Holliday, D. and Finney, S.J. (2016) Modular input-parallel output-series DC/DC converter control with fault detection and redundancy. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution. ISSN 1751-8695 (In Press)

Li, Rui and Xu, Lie and Holliday, Derrick and Page, Frederick and Finney, Stephen J. and Williams, Barry W. (2016) Continuous operation of radial multi-terminal HVDC systems under DC fault. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 31 (1). pp. 351-361. ISSN 0885-8977

Ased, Grain Philip and Gowaid, Islam Azmy and Finney, Stephen Jon and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2016) Review of dc-dc converters for multi-terminal HVDC transmission networks. IET Power Electronics, 9 (2). pp. 281-296. ISSN 1755-4543

Abdelsalam, Ibrahim and Adam, Grain Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2016) Single-stage ac–dc buck–boost converter for medium-voltage high-power applications. IET Renewable Power Generation, 10 (2). pp. 184-193. ISSN 1752-1416

Badawy, Ahmed and Massoud, Ahmed M. and Holliday, Derrick and Ahmed, Shehab and Williams, B. W. (2016) Single-stage three-phase differential-mode buck-boost inverters with continuous input current for PV applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31 (12). pp. 8218-8236. ISSN 0885-8993


Li, Peng and Adam, G. P. and Holliday, D. and Williams, B. W.; (2015) High power density STATCOM with extended reactive power control range. In: 2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., ITA, pp. 710-715.

Li, Peng and Wang, Yachao and Adam, Grain Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2015) Three-phase AC-AC hexagonal chopper system with heterodyne modulation for power flow control enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 30 (10). pp. 5508-5521. ISSN 0885-8993

Gowaid, I. A. and Adam, Grain P. and Ahmed, Shehab and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2015) Analysis and design of a modular multilevel converter with trapezoidal modulation for medium and high voltage dc-dc transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 30 (10). pp. 5439-5457. ISSN 0885-8993

Lian, Yiqing and Holliday, D. and Adam, G. P. and Finney, S. J.; (2015) Modular input-series-input-parallel output-series DC/DC converter control with fault detection and redundancy. In: Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE. IEEE, USA, 3495 - 3501. ISBN 9781467371506

Li, Rui and Adam, Grain Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Fletcher, John E. and Williams, Barry W. (2015) Hybrid cascaded modular multilevel converter with DC fault ride-through capability for HVDC transmission system. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30 (4). pp. 1853-1862. ISSN 0885-8977

Li, Rui and Fletcher, John E. and Xu, Lie and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2015) A hybrid modular multilevel converter with novel three-level cells for DC fault blocking capability. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30 (4). pp. 2017-2026. ISSN 0885-8977

Abdallah Mohamed Abdelsalam, Ibrahim and Adam, Grain P. and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2015) Three-phase ac-dc buck-boost converter with a reduced number of switches. IET Renewable Power Generation, 9 (5). pp. 494-502. ISSN 1752-1416

Page, Frederick and Finney, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick and Xu, Lie and Williams, Barry (2015) Optimisation of passive system components to minimise DC circuit breaker stresses in multi-terminal HVDC systems. In: Cigré International Symposium : Across Borders - HVDC Systems and Market Integration, 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-28.

Lian, Yiqing and Adam, G. P. and Holliday, D. and Finney, S. J.; (2015) Active power sharing in input-series-input-parallel output-series connected DC/DC converters. In: APEC 2015. IEEE, USA, pp. 2790-2797. ISBN 9781479967353

Lian, Yiqing and Holliday, D. and Finney, S.; (2015) Modular input-parallel-output-series DC/DC converter control with fault detection and redundancy. In: 11th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission. IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781849199827

Abdelsalam, Ibrahim and Adam, Grain Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W. (2015) Modified back-to-back current source converter and its application to wind energy conversion systems. IET Power Electronics, 8 (1). pp. 103-111. ISSN 1755-4543


Li, Peng and Adam, Grain Philip and Hu, Yihua and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry (2014) Three-phase AC side voltage-doubling high power density voltage source converter with intrinsic buck-boost cell and common mode voltage suppression. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. ISSN 0885-8993

Ased, G.P. and Li, R. and Holliday, D. and Finney, S. and Xu, L. and Williams, B.W. and Kuroda, K. and Yamamoto, R. and Ito, H. (2014) Continued operation of multi-terminal HVDC networks based on modular multilevel converters. In: Cigré International Symposium, 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-28, Lund University. (In Press)

Abdelsalam, Ibrahim and Ased, Grain Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, Barry W (2014) Single-stage, single-phase, ac–dc buck–boost converter for low-voltage applications. IET Power Electronics, 7 (10). pp. 2496-2505. ISSN 1755-4543

Gowaid, I. A. and Ased, G. P. and Massoud, A. M. and Ahmed, S. and Holliday, D. and Williams, B. W.; (2014) Modular multilevel structure of a high power dual active bridge DC transformer with stepped two-level output. In: 2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.. ISBN 9781479930159

Azani, H. and Massoud, A. and Ben-Brahim, L. and Williams, B. W. and Holliday, D.; (2014) Multiloop control strategy for grid-interfaced three-phase voltage source inverter with passively damped LLCL-filter. In: 3rd Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2014). IET, ITA. ISBN 9781849199179

Gowaid, I. A. and Adam, G. P. and Massoud, Ahmed M. and Ahmed, Shehab and Holliday, Derrick and Williams, B. W. (2014) Quasi two-level operation of modular multilevel converter for use in a high-power DC transformer with DC fault isolation capability. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 30 (1). pp. 108-123. ISSN 0885-8993

Abdelsalam, I. and Adam, G.P. and Holliday, D. and Williams, B.W.; (2014) New back-to-back current source converter with soft start-up and shutdown capabilities. In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). IET, GBR, 1 - 5. ISBN 9781849198158

Badawy, Ahmed and Holliday, Derrick and Ahmed, Shehab and Massoud, Ahmed and Williams, Barry (2014) A single-stage three-phase inverter based on cuk converters for PV applications. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. ISSN 2168-6777

Anthony, Philip and McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick (2014) High-speed resonant gate driver with controlled peak gate voltage for silicon carbide MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 50 (1). pp. 573-583. ISSN 0093-9994

Darwish, Ahmed and Williams, Barry and Holliday, Derrick; (2014) A single-stage three-phase DC/AC inverter based on Cuk converter for PV application. In: 2013 7th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC). IEEE, [Piscataway, NJ], pp. 384-389. ISBN 978-1-4799-0722-9

Zhong, Yanni and Finney, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick; (2014) An investigation of high efficiency DC-AC converters for LVDC distribution networks. In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). Institution of Engineering and Technology, GBR, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781849198158

Page, Frederick and Adam, Grain and Finney, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick and Xu, Lie; (2014) DC fault parameter sensitivity analysis. In: Proceedings of the 12th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014). Institution of Engineering and Technology, GBR. ISBN 9781849198349

Azani, H. and Massoud, A. and Benbrahim, L. and Williams, B. W. and Holliday, D. (2014) An LCL filter-based grid-interfaced three-phase voltage source inverter : performance evaluation and stability anaylsis. In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, PEMD 2014, 2014-04-08 - 2014-04-10.

Hu, Yihua and Cao, Wenping and Wu, Jiande and Ji, Bing and Holliday, Derrick (2014) Thermography-based virtual MPPT scheme for improving PV energy efficiency under partial shading conditions. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 29 (11). pp. 5667-5672. 6847186. ISSN 0885-8993


Abdallah Mohamed Abdelsalam, I. and Adam, G. P. and Holliday, D. and Williams, B. W.; (2013) Assessment of a wind energy conversion system based on a six-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator with a twelve-pulse PWM current source converter. In: ECCE Asia Downunder (ECCE Asia), 2013 IEEE. IEEE, pp. 849-854. ISBN 9781479904839


Anthony, Philip and McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick; (2012) High-speed resonant gate driver with controlled peak gate voltage for silicon carbide MOSFETs. In: 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., pp. 2961-2968. ISBN 978-1-4673-0802-1

Anthony, Philip and McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick (2012) A first approach to a design method for resonant gate driver architectures. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27 (8). 3855 - 3868. ISSN 0885-8993

Oswald, Niall and Stark, Bernard and Hargis, Colin and Drury, Bill and Holliday, Derrick (2012) Synthesizing power electronic switching waveforms for reduced EMI generation. In: 5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2010), 2010-04-19 - 2010-04-21.


Oswald, Niall and Stark, Bernard and Holliday, Derrick and Hargis, Colin and Drury, Bill (2011) Analysis of shaped pulse transitions in power electronic switching waveforms for reduced EMI generation. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 47 (5). 2154 - 2165. ISSN 0093-9994

Adam, G.P. and Kalcon, G. and Finney, S.J. and Holliday, D. and Anaya-Lara, O. and Williams, B.W. (2011) HVDC Network : DC fault ride-through improvement. In: CIGRE 2011, 2011-09-06 - 2011-09-08.

Salt, Daniel and Drury, David and Holliday, Derrick and Griffo, Antonio and Sangha, Parminder and Dinu, Andrei (2011) Compensation of inverter nonlinear distortion effects for signal-injection-based sensorless control. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 47 (5). pp. 2084-2092. ISSN 0093-9994

Oswald, Niall and Stark, Bernard and McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick and McNeill, Neville; (2011) High-bandwidth, high-fidelity in-circuit measurement of power electronic switching waveforms for EMI generation analysis. In: 2011 IEEE energy conversion congress and exposition (ECCE). IEEE, USA, pp. 3886-3893. ISBN 9781457705410

Wrobel, Rafal and Budden, Alan and Salt, Daniel and Holliday, Derrick and Mellor, Philip and Dinu, Andrei and Sangha, Pareminder and Holme, Marc (2011) Rotor design for sensorless position estimation in permanent-magnet machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 58 (9). pp. 3815-3824. ISSN 0278-0046

Wrobel, Rafal and Mellor, Philip and Holliday, Derrick (2011) Thermal modeling of a segmented stator winding design. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 47 (5). pp. 2023-2030. ISSN 0093-9994

McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick and Mellor, Philip; (2011) Half-bridge power device gate driver circuit with isolation using integrated magnetic component and carrier signal phase switching. In: Proceedings of the 2011-14th european conference on power electronics and applications (EPE 2011). IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781612841670

Griffo, Antonio and Wrobel, Rafal and Mellor, Philip and Holliday, Derrick and Sangha, Parminder and Dinu, Andrei and Holme, Marc; (2011) The effect of magnetic saturation on sensorless control of a brushless permanent magnet motor under AC and DC excitation. In: 2011 IEEE Energy conversion congress and exposition (ECCE). IEEE, USA, pp. 1582-1589. ISBN 9781457705427

Anthony, Philip and McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick and Grant, Duncan and Hearn, George; (2011) A magnetically isolated gate driver for high-speed voltage sharing in series-connected MOSFETs. In: Proceedings of the 2011- 14th european conference on power electronics and applications (EPE 2011). IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9789075815153


Wrobel, Rafal and Mellor, Philip and Holliday, Derrick; (2010) Thermal analysis of a segmented stator winding design. In: 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE '10). Proceedings. IEEE, USA, pp. 1290-1297. ISBN 9781424452866


Drury, Will and Holliday, Derrick and Drury, David and Mellor, Philip; (2009) An adaptive structure based sensorless position estimator for permanent magnet machines in aerospace applications. In: IEEE International electric machines and drives conference, 2009. IEMDC '09. Proceedings. IEEE, USA, pp. 1264-1269. ISBN 9781424442515

McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick and Mellor, Philip (2009) Power device gate driver circuit with reduced number of isolation transformers for switched reluctance machine drive. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 24 (2). pp. 548-552. ISSN 0885-8993

Mellor, Philip and Wrobel, Rafal and Holliday, Derrick; (2009) A computationally efficient iron loss model for brushless AC machines that caters for rated flux and field weakened operation. In: IEEE international electric machines and drives conference, 2009. IEMDC '09. Proceedings. IEEE, USA, pp. 490-494. ISBN 9781424442515

Salt, Daniel and Drury, David and Holliday, Derrick; (2009) The nonlinear voltage distortion effect of an extended IGBT turn-off time in sinusoidal PWM VSI applications. In: IEEE International electric machines and drives conference, 2009. IEMDC '09. Proceedings. IEEE, USA, pp. 1497-1502. ISBN 9781424442515


McNeill, Neville and Holliday, Derrick and Mellor, Philip and McNeill, Neville (2008) Alleviating common-mode interference effects in phase-switched power device gate driver circuit. Electronics Letters, 44 (14). pp. 880-881. ISSN 0013-5194

McNeill, Neville and Gupta, Naren and Burrow, Stephen and Holliday, Derrick and Mellor, Philip (2008) Application of reset voltage feedback for droop minimisation in the unidirectional current pulse transformer. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 23 (2). pp. 591-599. ISSN 0885-8993

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