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Number of items: 71.


Eales, Aran and Banda, Elizabeth and Frame, Damien and Strachan, Scott (2024) Understanding solar minigrid sustainability and impact through a holistic Key Performance Indicator framework. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 4 (4). 045008. ISSN 2634-4505

Strachan, Scott and Wesolowska, Ksenia and Lefever, Joan-Emilie and Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro and Vaughan, Helen L (2024) Student, staff and employer's perspectives on education for sustainable development in UK HEIs 2021-2024. In: SoTL Collaborative Writing Groups, 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-06, University of Strathclyde.


Logan, Louise and Strachan, Scott and Willison, Debra and Bain, Roderick and Roberts, Jen and Mitchell, Iain and Yarr, Roderick (2023) Reflections on developing a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach to embedding education for sustainable development into higher education curricula. Emerald Open Research, 1 (9). ISSN 2631-3952

Strachan, Scott and Quirke, William and Sprick, Reiner Sebastian and Gallou, Eirini and Collins, Robert and Faulkner, Suzanne (2023) From StrathCEKO to StrathCAN : building a community of climate education ambassadors from the bottom up in a higher education institution. In: 11th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development, 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-20.

Strachan, Scott and Logan, Louise and Marshall, Stephen and Crichton-Allen, Claire; (2023) Enabling students to evidence and articulate UNESCO future competencies in students through research-based education for sustainable development. In: 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education: Engineering Education for Sustainability, Proceedings. European Society for Engineering Education, IRL, pp. 2913-2922. ISBN 9782873520267

Strachan, Scott and Logan, Louise and Marshall, Stephen (2023) A Handbook for Monitoring and Evaluating Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education : Competency reflections and assessment In University of Strathclyde. Guide or manual. EAUC.

Strachan, Scott and Marshall, Stephen and Logan, Louise (2023) Vertically integrated projects for sustainable development. SDG Academy, New York.


Keddar, Shafiqa and Strachan, Scott and Galloway, Stuart (2022) Bridging the affordability between battery supported electric cooking and conventional cooking fuel. Energies, 15 (24). 9549. ISSN 1996-1073

Bringardner, Jack and Coyle, Ed and Dalecka, Brigita and Junha, Talis and Logan, Louise and Marshall, Stephen and Ramirez, Nichole and Shlayan, Neveen and Smith, Lelanie and Sonnenberg-Klein, Julia and Strachan, Scott; (2022) Level-up : expand undergraduate research capacity (and serve faculty) through vertically integrated projects. In: 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. IEEE, SWE. ISBN 978-1-6654-6244-0

Robertson, Elizabeth and Strachan, Scott; (2022) Embedding education for sustainable development in the engineering curriculum through challenge-based education. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium for Engineering Education. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. ISBN 9781914241208

Strachan, Scott and Logan, Louise and Marshall, Stephen; (2022) Embedding interdisciplinary research-based education for sustainable development in higher education through vertically integrated projects. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium for Engineering Education. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. ISBN 9781914241208

Strachan, Scott and Logan, Louise and Marshall, Stephen (2022) Vertically integrated projects for sustainable development : achieving transformational action by embedding research-based ESD in curricula. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 15 (1). 63.

Soltowski, Bartosz and Stewart, Fraser and Strachan, Scott and Campos-Gaona, David and Anaya-Lara, Olimpo and Galloway, Stuart (2022) A field trial of off-grid SHS interconnection in Rwanda's Northern Province. Energy for Sustainable Development, 66. pp. 69-78. ISSN 0973-0826

Keddar, Shafiqa and Strachan, Scott and Galloway, Stuart (2022) A smart eCook battery charging system to maximise electric cooking capacity on a hybrid PV/diesel mini-grid. Sustainability, 14 (3). 1454. ISSN 2071-1050


Strachan, Scott and Logan, Louise and Marshall, Stephen (2021) Embedding research-based education for sustainable development and climate education in HE curricula. Case study. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

Keddar, Shafiqa and Strachan, Scott and Soltowski, Bartosz and Galloway, Stuart (2021) An overview of the technical challenges facing the deployment of electric cooking on hybrid PV/diesel mini-grid in rural Tanzania – A case study simulation. Energies, 14 (13). 3761. ISSN 1996-1073


Soltowski, Bartosz and Galloway, Stuart and Coley, Will and Strachan, Scott (2020) Impact of new electric cooking appliances on the low voltage distribution network and off-grid solar microgrids. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Keddar, Shafiqa and Strachan, Scott and Eales, Aran and Galloway, Stuart; (2020) Assessing the techno-economic feasibility of eCook deployment on a hybrid solar-diesel mini-grid in rural Malawi. In: 2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica. IEEE, KEN. ISBN 9781728167473

Strachan, Scott; (2020) Closer look : Strathclyde University Vertically Integrated Projects. In: Scotland and the Sustainable Development Goals. Scottish Government, Edinburgh, p. 57. ISBN 9781839601736

Dauenhauer, Peter M. and Frame, Damien and Eales, Aran and Strachan, Scott and Galloway, Stuart and Buckland, Hannah (2020) Sustainability evaluation of community-based, solar photovoltaic projects in Malawi. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 10. 12. ISSN 2192-0567

Eales, Aran and Alsop, Alfred and Frame, Damien and Strachan, Scott and Galloway, Stuart (2020) Assessing the market for solar photovoltaic (PV) microgrids in Malawi. Hapres Journal of Sustainability Research, 2 (1). e200008.


Strachan, Scott Munro and Marshall, Stephen and Murray, Paul and Coyle, Edward J. and Sonnenberg-Klein, Julie (2019) Using vertically integrated projects to embed research-based education for sustainable development in undergraduate curricula. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (8). pp. 1313-1328. ISSN 1467-6370

Eales, Aran and Strachan, Scott and Frame, Damien and Galloway, Stuart (2019) Assessing the feasibility of solar microgrid social enterprises as an appropriate delivery model for achieving SDG7. In: Energising the Sustainable Development Goals Through Appropriate Technology and Governance, 2019-07-04 - 2019-07-05, de Montford University.

Soltowski, Bartosz and Campos-Gaona, David and Strachan, Scott and Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (2019) Bottom-up electrification introducing new smart grids architecture : concept based on feasibility studies conducted in Rwanda. Energies, 12 (12). 2439. ISSN 1996-1073

Makkieh, Ahmad and Florida-James, Anthony and TZELEPIS, Dimitrios and Emhemed, Abdullah and Burt, Graeme and Strachan, Scott and Junyent-Ferre, Adria (2019) Assessment of passive islanding detection methods for DC microgrids. In: The 15th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 2019-02-05 - 2019-02-07, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel.

Ram, J. Prasanth and Pillai, Dhanup S. and Rajasekar, N. and Strachan, Scott M. (2019) Detection and identification of global maximum power point operation in solar PV applications using a hybrid ELPSO-P&O tracking technique. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2168-6777


Makkieh, Ahmad and Emhemed, Abdullah and Wang, Dong and Burt, Graeme and Strachan, Scott and Ferre, Adria Junyent; (2018) Fault characterisation of a DC microgrid with multiple earthing under grid connected and islanded operations. In: 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9781538629109

Wang, Xiaoyu and McArthur, Stephen D.J. and Strachan, Scott M. and Kirkwood, John D. and Paisley, Bruce (2018) A data analytic approach to automatic fault diagnosis and prognosis for distribution automation. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9 (6). pp. 6265-6273. ISSN 1949-3053

Soltowski, Bartosz and Bowes, Jonathan and Strachan, Scott and Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (2018) A simulation-based evaluation of the benefits and barriers to interconnected solar home systems in East Africa. In: IEEE PES Power Africa Conference 2018, 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-29.

Eales, Aran and Walley, Luke and Buckland, Hannah and Frame, Damien and Strachan, Scott (2018) Social impacts of mini-grids : towards an evaluation methodology. In: IEEE PES Power Africa Conference 2018, 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-29.

Buckland, Hannah and Eales, Aran and Frame, Damien and Strachan, Scott (2018) Sources of uncertainty for Monte Carlo modelling with Bayesian analysis for Sub-Saharan off-grid solar PV systems. In: IEEE PES Power Africa Conference 2018, 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-29.

Alsop, Alfred and Silwal, Kimon and Pradhan, Aashish and Strachan, Scott and Eales, Aran (2018) An assessment of the off-grid small wind power potential in Nepal. In: 5th International Conference on Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET'18), 2018-03-29 - 2018-03-31, Hotel Radisson.


Soltowski, Bartosz and Strachan, Scott and Anaya-Lara, Olimpo and Frame, Damien and Dolan, Michael; (2017) Using smart power management control to maximize energy utilization and reliability within a microgrid of interconnected solar home systems. In: 2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781509060467

Alsop, Alfred and Eales, Aran and Strachan, Scott and Leary, Jon and Perss, Jon and Ruiz Almeyda, Isabel (2017) A global market assessment methodology for small wind in the developing world. In: 7th Annual IEEE Global Humanitarian Technologies Conference, GHTC 2017, 2017-10-19 - 2017-10-22.

Soltowski, Bartosz and Strachan, Scott and Anaya-Lara, Olimpo and Frame, Damien and Dolan, Michael (2017) Using smart power management control to maximize energy utilization and reliability within a microgrid of interconnected solar home systems. In: 7th Annual IEEE Global Humanitarian Technologies Conference, GHTC 2017, 2017-10-19 - 2017-10-22.

Wang, Xiaoyu and McArthur, Stephen and Strachan, Scott and Paisley, Bruce; (2017) Decision support for distribution automation : data analytics for automated fault diagnosis and prognosis. In: Proceedings of 24th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED). IET, GBR, pp. 1022-1026.

Bowes, Jonathan and Booth, Campbell and Strachan, Scott (2017) System interconnection as a path to bottom up electrification. In: 52nd International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, 2017-08-29 - 2017-09-01, T.E.I. of Crete.

Nolan, Steven and Strachan, Scott and Rakhra, Puran and Frame, Damien (2017) Optimized network planning of mini-grids for the rural electrification of developing countries. In: 2017 IEEE PES PowerAfrica Conference, 2017-06-27 - 2017-06-30, GIMPA Conference Centre.

Buckland, Hannah and Frame, Damien and Dauenhauer, Peter and Eales, Aran and Strachan, Scott (2017) Sustainability of Solar PV Systems in Malawi. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Eales, Aran and Buckland, Hannah and Frame, Damien and Strachan, Scott and Suwedi, Memory and Unyolo, Berias and Gondwe, Chawezi and Bayani, Edgar (2017) Renewable Electricity for Productive Uses : A Community Toolkit for Sub-Saharan Africa. Scottish Government, Edinburgh.


Collins, Robert and Buckley, Alex and Strachan, Scott and Murray, Paul (2016) VIP Approach at the University of Strathclyde : A Pilot Evaluation Report 2015-16. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Wang, X. and Strachan, S. M. and McArthur, S. D. J. and Kirkwood, J. D.; (2015) Automatic analysis of Pole Mounted Auto-Recloser data for fault diagnosis and prognosis. In: 2015 18th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, ISAP 2015. IEEE, PRT. ISBN 9781509001903

Dauenhauer, Peter and Frame, Damien and Strachan, Scott; (2015) Technical sustainability of solar PV institutions : results from a field survey of 43 sites in Malawi. In: 4th Symposium Small PV-Applications 2015. OTTI, DEU, pp. 116-121.

Peer Mohamed, F. P. and Siew, W. H. and Strachan, S. S. and Ayub, A. S. and Mclellan, K. (2015) Method to discard partial discharge pulses from neighboring high voltage equipment. High Voltage Engineering, 2015 (4). pp. 1125-1131. ISSN 1003-6520


Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Siew, Wah Hoon and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McWilliam, Jamie (2014) Remote monitoring of partial discharge data from insulated power cables. IET Science, Measurement and Technology, 8 (5). pp. 319-326.

Dauenhauer, P.M. and Frame, D.F. and Strachan, S. and Dolan, M. and Mafuta, M. and Chakraverty, D. and Henrikson, J.; (2014) Remote monitoring of off-grid renewable energy : case studies in rural Malawi, Zambia, and Gambia. In: Proceedings of the Third IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference. IEEE, USA, 395 - 400. ISBN 9781479924028

Wang, Xiaoyu and Strachan, Scott and Kirkwood, John and McArthur, Stephen; (2014) Automatic analysis of pole mounted auto-recloser data for fault prognosis to mitigate customer supply interruptions. In: 2014 49th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). IEEE, ROM, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4799-6556-4


Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Siew, Wah Hoon and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McWilliam, Jamie (2013) Partial discharge location in power cables using a double ended method based on time triggering with GPS. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 20 (6). pp. 2212-2221. ISSN 1070-9878

Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Siew, Wah Hoon and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McWilliam, J (2013) The use of power frequency current transformers as partial discharge sensors for underground cables. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 20 (3). pp. 814-824. ISSN 1070-9878


Rudd, Susan and Kirkwood, John and Davidson, Euan and Strachan, Scott and Catterson, Victoria and McArthur, Stephen (2012) Intelligent monitoring of distribution automation. PAC World, 2012.


Rudd, Susan and Kirkwood, John and Davidson, Euan and Strachan, Scott and Catterson, Victoria and Mcarthur, Stephen (2011) Intelligent monitoring of the health and performance of distribution automation. In: 16th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), 2011-09-25.

Siew, Wah Hoon and Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McWilliam, J and McDonald, Neil and Cunningham, Paul (2011) Investigation of power frequency current transformer as partial discharge sensor in medium voltage cables. In: Jicable 2011 8th International conference on insulated power cables, 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-23.

Siew, Wah Hoon and Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McWilliam, J and McDonald, Neil and Cunningham, Paul (2011) Problems associated with on-line partial discharge detection and location in high voltage cables and solutions. In: Jicable 2011 8th International conference on insulated power cables, 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-23.

Siew, Wah Hoon and Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McWilliam, J and McDonald, Neil (2011) Improved algorithm for online partial discharge location in cables. In: CIRED 2011 - The 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, 2011-06-06 - 2011-06-09.

Siew, Wah Hoon and Peer Mohamed, Faisal and Soraghan, John and Strachan, Scott and McDonald, Neil and McWilliams, Jamie (2011) Study of signal processing techniques used for denoising partial discharge signals in cables. In: Fourth UHVnet Colloquium, 2011-01-18 - 2011-01-19, University of Southampton. (Unpublished)

Frame, D. and Tembo, K. and Dolan, M. J. and Strachan, S. M. and Ault, G. W.; (2011) A community based approach for sustainable off-grid PV systems in developing countries. In: 2011 IEEE power and energy society general meeting. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting PESGM . IEEE, USA. ISBN 9781457710018


Strachan, S. and Rudd, S.E. and McArthur, S.D.J. and Judd, M.D. and Meijer, S. and Gulski, E. (2008) Knowledge-based diagnosis of partial discharges in power transformers. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 15 (1). pp. 259-268. ISSN 1070-9878


Strachan, Scott M. and Stephen, Bruce and McArthur, Stephen D. J. (2007) Practical applications of data mining in plant monitoring and diagnostics. In: IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2007., 2007-06-24 - 2007-06-28.

Stephen, B. and Strachan, S.M. and McArthur, S.D.J. and McDonald, J.R. and Hamilton, K. (2007) Design of trip current monitoring system for circuit breaker condition assessment. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 1 (1). pp. 89-95. ISSN 1751-8695

Strachan, S.M. and McArthur, S.D.J. and Stephen, B. and McDonald, J.R. and Campbell, A. (2007) Providing decision support for the condition-based maintenance of circuit breakers through data mining of trip coil current signatures. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 22 (1). pp. 178-186. ISSN 0885-8977

Rudd, S.E. and Strachan, S. and Judd, M.D. and McArthur, S.D.J. (2007) An incremental knowledge based approach to the analysis of partial discharge data. In: 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 2007-08-27 - 2007-08-31.


Strachan, Scott and McArthur, S.D.J. and Judd, M.D. and McDonald, J.R. (2005) Incremental knowledge-based partial discharge diagnosis in oil-filled power transformers. In: 13th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Application to Power System (ISAP), 2005-11-06 - 2005-11-10.

Strachan, Scott and McArthur, S.D.J. and McDonald, J.R. and Leggat, William and Campbell, Angus (2005) Trip coil signature analysis and interpretation for distribution circuit breaker condition assessment and diagnosis. In: 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, 2005-06-06 - 2005-06-09.


McArthur, S.D.J. and Strachan, S.M. and Jahn, G. (2004) The design of a multi-agent transformer condition monitoring system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (4). pp. 1845-1852. ISSN 0885-8950


Strachan, S. and Jahn, G.J. and McArthur, S.D.J. and McDonald, J.R. (2003) Intelligent diagnosis of defects responsible for partial discharge activity detected in power transformers. In: 12th Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems (ISAP 2003), 2003-08-31 - 2003-09-03.


West, Graeme and Strachan, Scott and Moyes, Alan and Mcdonald, James and Gwyn, Bryan and Farrell, Jim (2001) Knowledge management and decision support for electrical power utilities. Knowledge and Process Management, 8 (4). pp. 207-216.

West, Graeme and Strachan, Scott and Moyes, Alan and Mcdonald, James (2001) Intelligent engineering support for protection scheme design. In: Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, 2001-07-11 - 2001-07-13.

West, Graeme and Strachan, Scott and Moyes, Alan and Mcdonald, James (2001) Intelligent decision support for protection scheme design associated with electrical transmission systems. In: Power Industry Computer Applications, 2001-06-20 - 2001-06-24.

West, G. and Strachan, S. and McDonald, J. R. and Duffy, A.H.B. and Farrell, J. and Gwyn, B. (2001) DEKAS - An evolutionary case-based reasoning system to support protection scheme design. In: 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 01), 2001-08-21 - 2001-08-23.

Strachan, S.M. and West, G.M. and McDonald, J.R. and Duffy, A.H.B. and Farrell, Jim and Gwyn, B.; (2001) Knowledge, management and intelligent decision support for protection scheme design and application in electrical power systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th International conference on developments in power system protection. IEEE, NLD, pp. 559-562. ISBN 0852967322


West, Graeme and Strachan, Scott and Moyes, Alan and Mcdonald, James and Gwyn, Bryan and Farrell, Jim (2000) Knowledge management and decision support for electrical power utilities. In: KMAC 2000, 'Knowledge Management Beyond the Hype: Looking Towards the New Millennium', 2000-07-17 - 2000-07-18.

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