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Sica de Campos, André Luiz and Tyfield, David and de Mello, Leonardo Freire and Garvey, Brian (2024) Sweet dreams? : Testing prognostics and reinterpreting sugarcane ethanol biofuel in Brazil. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 7 (1). 2398950. ISSN 2572-9861
Portes Virginio, Francis and Garvey, Brian and Stewart, Paul (2024) From securitisation to martialisation : logistics of humanitarian protection in Brazil’s Amazon. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 42 (5-6). pp. 687-710. ISSN 0263-7758
Garvey, Brian and Mendonça, Maria Luisa and Torres, Mauricio and Stefano, Daniela and Pitta, Fábio (2024) Cultivating space for contemporary resistance in Brazil's Amazon and Cerrado. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 34 (4). 825–839. ISSN 1035-3046
Clausing, Peter and Garvey, Brian; Serpa, Sandro and Kelly, Diann, eds. (2023) The "affordable food" deception : how the real costs of pesticides are hidden, and food justice is being obstructed. In: Social Activism - New Challenges in a (Dis)connected World. Infotech, [SI]. ISBN 9781837698790
Portes Virginio, Francis and Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian (2023) Unpacking super-exploitation in the 21st century : the struggles of Haitian workers in Brazil. Work, Employment and Society, 37 (4). pp. 897-915. ISSN 0950-0170
Vian, Jessica Enara and Garvey, Brian and Tuohy, Paul Gerard (2023) Towards a synthesized critique of forest-based 'carbon fix' strategies. Climate Resilience and Sustainability, 2 (1). e248. ISSN 2692-4587
Goldstein, Jenny E. and Neimark, Benjamin and Garvey, Brian and Phelps, Jacob (2023) Unlocking "lock-in" and path dependency : a review across disciplines and socio-environmental contexts. World Development, 161 (1). pp. 1-22. 106116. ISSN 0305-750X
Torres, Mauricio and Garvey, Brian; Stefano, Daniela and Mendonça, Maria Luisa, eds. (2022) Grilagem, invasões e garimpo na bacia do Tapajós. In: Direitos Humanos no Brasil. Outras Expressões, Sao Paulo, pp. 59-68. ISBN 9788594820488
Marini Perpetua, Guilherme and Thomaz Junior, Antonio and Garvey, Brian (2022) Reprimarização e expansão territorial das commodities agrícolas no Brasil : dinâmicas, fatores, escalas e implicações. Revista da ANPEGE, 18 (36). pp. 817-844. ISSN 1679-768X
Thomaz Jr, Antonio and Garvey, Brian (2022) Nos fomos aqui primeiro. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP).
Portes Virginio, Francis and Garvey, Brian and Leão, Luís Henrique da Costa and Pistorio, Bianca Vasquez (2022) Contemporary slave labour on the Amazonian frontier : the problems and politics of post rescue solidarity. Globalizations, 19 (6). pp. 937-954. ISSN 1474-7731
Garvey, Brian and Ricarte, Thays and Stefano, Daniela and Torres, Maurício and Barbosa, Ana Laide and Pitta, Fabio and Mendonca, Maria Luisa and São Mateus, Jerônimo Basílio and Busnelo, Juliana (2022) Green crime, territorial resistance and the metabolic rift in Brazil's Amazon and Cerrado biomes. Criminological Encounters. ISSN 2506-7583
Pistorio, Bianca and Garvey, Brian (2022) A reforma agraria : um caminho para a terra de trabalho. Direitos Trabalho e Política Social, 8 (14). pp. 216-241. ISSN 2447-0023
Ivancheva, Mariya and Garvey, Brian (2022) Putting the university to work : the subsumption of academic labour in UK's shift to digital higher education. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37 (3). pp. 381-397. ISSN 0268-1072
Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian and Torres, Mauricio and de Farias, Thais Borges (2021) Amazonian destruction, Bolsonaro and COVID-19 : neo-liberalism unchained. Capital and Class, 45 (2). pp. 173-181. ISSN 0309-8168
Ricarte, Thays and Garvey, Brian and Pistório, Bianca Vasquez and São Mateus, Jerônimo; Stefano, Daniela and Mendonca, Maria Luiza, eds. (2021) Resistência de famílias supera violência do agronegócio : o PDS Nova Conquista II no Mato Grosso. In: Direitos Humanos no Brazil 2021. Outras Expressões, Sao Paulo, pp. 95-100. ISBN 9786587389158
Stefano, Daniela and Virginio, Francis and Garvey, Brian; Stefano, Daniela and Mendonca, Maria Luisa, eds. (2020) Covid-19 e a etapa das carpas : como a experiência dos venezuelanos em Roraima nos informa sobre o aprofundamento do neoliberalismo autoritário no Brasil. In: Direitos Humanos no Brasil 2020. Outras Expressões, Sao Paulo. ISBN 9788594820488
Garvey, Brian and Souza, Edevaldo Aparecido and Rodrigues Mendonça, Marcelo and dos Santos, Crispim Valmir and Portes Virginio, Francis Vinicius (2019) The mythical shapeshifting of capital and petrification of labour : deepening conflict on the agrofuel frontier. Antipode, 51 (4). pp. 1185-1209. ISSN 1467-8330
Rodrigues de Oliveira, Adriano and Gomes Ferreira, Lara Cristine and Garvey, Brian (2018) A ocupação do Cerrado goiano pelo agronegócio canavieiro. Revista Nera, 21 (43). pp. 79-100. ISSN 1806-6755
Virginio, Francis Vinicius Portes and Garvey, Brian and Stewart, Paul (2017) The perforated borders of labour migration and the formal state : meta-state and para-state regulation. Employee Relations, 39 (3). pp. 391-407. ISSN 0142-5455
Garvey, Brian and Barreto, Maria Joseli; Lambert, Robert and Herod, Andrew, eds. (2016) At the cutting edge : precarious work in Brazil's sugar and ethanol industry. In: Neoliberal Capitalism and Precarious Work. E. Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 166-200. ISBN 9781781954942
Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian and João, Elsa and Tuohy, Paul and Silva Plata, Catalina and Mendonca, Marcelo and Oliveira, Adriano Rodriques and Santos, Crispin and Alves, Leonardo Costa and Gonçalves, Ricardo J Assis F. and Souza, Edevaldo Aparecido and Mazzu, Alessia and Sheridan, Paul and Shearer, Alexander and Breen, Lewis and de Bartolo, Candice (2016) Work, Water and Food on the Energy Frontiers : Challenges and Futures for 21st Century Technologies in Scotland and Brazil. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Macnaghten, Phil and Owen, Richard and Stilgoe, Jack and Wynne, Brian and Azevedo, Adalberto and Sica de Campos, André Luiz and Chivers, Jason and Dagnino, Renato and Di Giulio, Gabriela and Frow, Emma and Garvey, Brian and Groves, Christopher and Hartley, Sarah and Knobel, Marcelo and Kobayashi, Elizabete and Lehtonnen, Markku and Lezaun, Javier and de Mello, Leonardo Freire and Monteiro, Marko and Pamplona da Costa, Janaina and Rigolin, Camila and Rondani, Bruno and Stayova, Margarita and Taddei, Renzo and Till, Chris and Tyfield, David and Velho, Léa and Wilford, Sara (2015) Inovação responsável através de fronteiras : tensões, paradoxos e possibilidades. Teoria & Pesquisa: Revista de Ciência Política, 24 (2). pp. 18-24. ISSN 0104-0103
Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian; Edgell, Stephen and Gottfried, Heidi and Granter, Edward, eds. (2015) Global value chains, organizations and industrial work. In: The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment. Sage, London, pp. 559-575. ISBN 9781446280669
Garvey, Brian and Junior de Assis Fernandes, Ricardo (2015) Bioenergy, innovation and the new geometries of power : a new era, or old wine in new bottles? Revista Sapiência : Sociedade, Sabres e Práticas Educacionais, 4 (1). pp. 48-73. ISSN 2238-3565
Garvey, Brian and Tyfield, David and de Mello, Leonardo Freire (2015) Meet the new boss ... same as the old boss? : technology, toil and tension in the agrofuel frontier. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30 (2). pp. 79-94. ISSN 0268-1072
Garvey, Brian and Stewart, Paul (2015) Migrant workers and the north of Ireland : between neoliberalism and sectarianism. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (3). pp. 392-408. ISSN 0950-0170
Stewart, Paul and McKearney, Tommy and Garvey, Brian (2014) The independent workers' union : class, nation and oppositional labour movements in Ireland from 1900 to the Celtic Tiger. Labor History, 55 (4). pp. 486-500. ISSN 0023-656X
Macnaghten, P. and Owen, R. and Stilgoe, J. and Wynne, B. and Azevedo, A. and de Campos, A. and Chilvers, J. and Dagnino, R. and di Giulio, G. and Frow, E. and Garvey, B. and Groves, C. and Hartley, S. and Knobel, M. and Kobayashi, E. and Lehtonnen, M. and Lezaun, J. and Mello, L. and Monteiro, M. and Pamplona da Costa, J. and Rigolin, C. and Rondani, B. and Staykova, M. and Taddei, R. and Till, C. and Tyfield, D. and Wilford, S. and Velho, L. (2014) Responsible innovation across borders : tensions, paradoxes and possibilities. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1 (2). pp. 191-199. ISSN 2329-9460
Garvey, Brian and Barreto, Maria Joseli (2014) Changing work and the global commodification of ethanol. Ateliê Geográfico, 8 (1). pp. 51-73.
Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian and McKearney, Tommy (2013) Alternative trade union organizing of migrant workers in Northern Ireland in the wake of the Good Friday agreement. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 4 (1). pp. 91-108.
Garvey, Brian and Stewart, Paul and Kulinska, Jolanta and Campuzano, Raquel (2011) The New Workers : Migration, Labour and Citizenship in Northern Ireland in the 21st century. Belfast Resource Centre, Belfast.
Garvey, Brian (2011) The New Workers : a film. UNSPECIFIED.
Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian and Tijam, F. and Amosu, I. and Tarach, J. and Kulinska, J. and Ribeiro, A. and Busnelo-Garvey, J. and Wazna, M. (2010) How to study migrant workers, precarious labour and community organisation in the north of Ireland : between sectarian communities and labour markets. Participative methodology (video and theatre). In: Work, Employment and Society Conference 2010, 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-09. (Unpublished)
Garvey, Brian (2010) The Tunnel : youth, conflict and social justice. UNSPECIFIED.