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Number of items: 13.


Gillies, Lorna (2020) Appropriate adjustments post Brexit : residual jurisdiction and forum non conveniens in UK courts. Journal of Business Law, 2020 (3). pp. 161-183. ISSN 0021-9460


Gillies, Lorna E. (2019) Affirming free movement of services and the scope of international jurisdiction of a cross-border consumer credit agreement : C-630/17 Milivojevic v Raiffeisenbank St Stefan-Jagerberg-Wolfsberg eGen. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 8 (5). pp. 202-204. ISSN 2364-4710


Morgera, Elisa and Gillies, Lorna; Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Veronica and McCall-Smith, Kasey and French, Duncan, eds. (2018) Realising the objectives of public international environmental law through private contracts : the need for a dialogue with private international law scholars. In: Linkages and Boundaries in Private and Public International Law. Hart Publishing, London, 175–198. ISBN 9781509918621


Gillies, Lorna E and Mangan, David (2017) The Legal Challenges of Social Media. Law, Technology and Society . Edward Elgar, Oxford. ISBN 9781785364501


Gillies, Lorna E; Twigg-Flesner, Christian, ed. (2016) Recent developments in the approximation of EU private international laws : towards mutual trust, mutual recognition and enhancing social justice in civil and commercial matters. In: Research Handbook on EU Consumer and Contract Law. Research Handbooks in European Law . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 159-181. ISBN 9781782547365


Gillies, Lorna E. (2015) The contribution of jurisdiction as a technique of demand side regulation in claims for the recovery of cultural objects. Journal of Private International Law, 11 (2). pp. 295-316. ISSN 1744-1048

Gillies, Lorna; Morano-Foadi, S and Vickers, L, eds. (2015) Fundamental rights and judicial cooperation in the decisions of the Court of Justice on the Brussels I Regulation 2009-2014 : the story so far. In: Fundamental Rights in the EU. Modern Studies in European Law . Hart, Oxford, pp. 211-229. ISBN 9781782258902


Gillies, Lorna (2012) Creation of subsidiary jurisdiction rules in the recast of Brussels I : back to the drawing board? Journal of Private International Law, 8 (3). pp. 489-512. ISSN 1744-1048

Gillies, Lorna (2012) Jurisdiction for cross-border breach of personality and defamation : eDate advertising and Martinez. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 61 (4). pp. 1007-1016. ISSN 0020-5893

Kenny, Mel and Gillies, Lorna and James, Devenney,; Bonomi, Andrea and Romano, Gian Paolo, eds. (2012) The EU optional instrument : absorbing the private international law implications of a common European sales law. In: Yearbook of Private International Law 2011. Sellier, pp. 315-344. ISBN 978-3-86653-964-8


Gillies, Lorna (2011) I. Clarifying the philosophy of article 15 in the Brussels I regulation : C-585/08 Peter Pammer v Reedere Karl Schluter GMBH & co and C-144/09 hotel alpenhof Gesmbh v Oliver Heller. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 60 (2). pp. 557-564. ISSN 0020-5893


Hamilton, Jenny and Gillies, Lorna E. (2003) The impact of e-commerce developments on consumer welfare - Information disclosure regimes. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 11 (4). pp. 329-348. ISSN 1358-1988


Gillies, Lorna (2001) A review of the new jurisdiction rules for electronic consumer contracts within the European Union. Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1). ISSN 1361-4169

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