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McIvor, Arthur (2024) Hearing victims' voices : the asbestos story in the archive. Collections. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1550-1906
Clarke, Jackie and McIvor, Arthur and McEwan, Anna and Burns, Sinead (2024) Gender and deindustrialization : a transnational historiographical review. International Labor and Working-Class History, 105. pp. 85-103. ISSN 0147-5479
McIvor, Arthur (2023) Jobs and Bodies : an Oral History of Occupational Health and Safety. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350236240
McIvor, Arthur; Kryder-Reid, Elizabeth and May, Sarah, eds. (2023) Toxic City : industrial residues, the body and community activism as heritage practice in Glasgow. In: Toxic Heritage. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 239-255. ISBN 9781003365259
McIvor, Arthur; Fazio, Michele and Launius, Christie and Strangleman, Tim, eds. (2021) Working-class studies, oral history and industrial illness. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Working Class Studies. Routledge Handbooks . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138709829
McIvor, A (2020) Guardians of workers' bodies? Trade unions and the history of occupational health and safety. Labour History, 119 (1). pp. 1-30. ISSN 0023-6942
McIvor, Arthur (2019) Blighted live : Deindustrialisation, health and well-being in the Clydeside region. 20 & 21: Revue d'histoire, 144 (4). pp. 98-113.
McIvor, Arthur; Berger, Stefan, ed. (2019) Where is 'Red Clydeside'? Industrial heritage, working-class culture and memory in the Glasgow region. In: Constructing Industrial Pasts. Making Sense of History . Berghahn, New York. ISBN 9781789202915
McIvor, Arthur (2019) 见证 : 口述史方法与英国煤矿业职业健康和伤残研究. Journal of the Social History of Medicine and Health, 4 (1). pp. 167-198.
McIvor, Arthur (2019) 导言 : 历史和比较视阈下的煤炭开采、健康、伤残和身体. Journal of the Social History of Medicine and Health, 4 (1). pp. 3-12.
McIvor, Arthur (2019) 'Scrap-heap' stories : oral narratives of labour and loss in Scottish mining and manufacturing. BIOS - Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, 31 (2). pp. 8-21. ISSN 2196-243X
McIvor, Arthur; Robb, Linsey and Pattinson, Juliette, eds. (2017) Rebuilding "real men" : work and working class male civilian bodies in wartime. In: Men, Masculinities and Male Culture in the Second World War. Palgrave, London, pp. 121-144. ISBN 9781349952908
Turner, Angela and McIvor, Arthur (2017) 'Bottom dog men' : disability, social welfare and advocacy in the Scottish coalfields in the interwar years, 1918–1939. Scottish Historical Review, 96 (2). pp. 187-213. ISSN 1750-0222
McIvor, Arthur; High, Steven and MacKinnon, Lachlan and Perchard, Andrew, eds. (2017) Deindustrialization embodied : work, health and disability in the United Kingdom since the mid-twentieth century. In: The Deindustrialized World. University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver. ISBN 9780774834933
McIvor, Arthur (2017) Was health and safety a strike issue? Workers, unions and the body in twentieth-century Scotland. Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, 8 (2). pp. 5-33. ISSN 1753-2396
Pattinson, Juliette and McIvor, Arthur and Robb, Linsey (2016) Men in Reserve : British Civilian Masculinity in the Second World War. Cultural History of War . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-1526100696
McIvor, Arthur; Hatzfeld, Nicolas and Pigenet, Michel and Vigna, Xavier, eds. (2016) Le travail en Grande-Bretagne : une étude historiographique. In: Travail et Ouvriers d’Europe au XX Siècle. Histoires . Editions Universitaires de Dijon, Dijon, France, pp. 13-28. ISBN 9782364411852
McIvor, Arthur (2015) Miners, silica and disability : the bi-national interplay between South Africa and the United Kingdom, c1900-1930s. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 58 (S1). pp. 23-30.
McIvor, Arthur and Johnston, Ronnie; Fischer-Nebmaier, Wladimir and Berg, Matthew P. and Christou, Anastasia, eds. (2015) Urban information flows : workers’ and employers’ knowledge of the asbestos hazard in Clydeside, ca. 1950-1970s. In: Narrating the City. Space and Place . Berghahn, pp. 199-218. ISBN 978-1-78238-775-6 (In Press)
Bartie, Angela and Mcivor, Arthur (2015) Oral History. Glasgow Life.
McIvor, Arthur; High, Steven, ed. (2015) Economic violence, occupational disability and death : oral narratives of the impact of asbestos-related disease in Britain. In: Beyond Testimony and Trauma. University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, BC, pp. 257-284. ISBN 9780774828925
McIvor, Arthur; Convery, Ian, ed. (2014) Industrial Heritage and the Oral Legacy of Disaster : Narratives of Asbestos Disease Victims from Clydeside, Scotland. In: Displaced Heritage. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 243-250. ISBN 9781843839637
McIvor, Arthur; Rainhorn, Judith, ed. (2014) Quand les corps parlent : faire de l’histoire orale pour étudier la santé et l’invalidité au travail dans les houillères britanniques au vingtième siècle. In: Santé et Travail à la Mine. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Rennes, pp. 238-261. ISBN 9782757407394
McIvor, Arthur (2013) Working Lives : Work in Britain since 1945. Palgrave, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781403987662
Bartie, Angela and McIvor, Arthur (2013) Oral history in Scotland. Scottish Historical Review, 92 (Supple). pp. 108-136. ISSN 1750-0222
Walker, David and McIvor, Arthur and Nic Daeid, Niamh; (2013) The not so silent witness : developing a forensic science oral history project. In: Scottish Institute for Policing Research. Scottish Institute for Policing Research, pp. 30-31.
McIvor, Arthur (2012) Germs at work : establishing tuberculosis as an occupational disease in Britain, c1900-1951. Social History of Medicine, 25 (4). pp. 812-829. ISSN 0951-631X
Mcivor, Arthur and Walker, David and Chand, Alison (2012) Collection level descriptions. [Dataset]
Mcivor, Arthur (2012) Tuberculosis germs at work: infection, the labour movement and the British workplace, c1900-1960. In: Fourth International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2010-06-19.
Mcivor, Arthur and Walker, David (2011) 2000 Glasgow Lives database (Glasgow Museums). [Dataset]
Mcivor, Arthur and Johnston, Ronnie; Bruno, Anne-Sophie and Geerkens, Eric and Hatzfeld, Nicolas and Omnes, Catherine, eds. (2011) Cultures de sante des entreprises et services de medecine du travail en Ecosse (c.1945-1980). In: La sante au travail, entre savoirs et pouvoirs (19e-20e siecles). Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, France, pp. 177-191. ISBN 978-2-7535-1350-1
Mcivor, Arthur and Walker, David (2011) External use of Glasgow Museums Oral History Archive (human history). [Dataset]
Mcivor, Arthur and Walker, David (2011) Glasgow Working Lives (oral history project/archive). Culture & Sport Glasgow (Glasgow Museums).
Mcivor, Arthur and Walker, David (2011) Schools and community outreach oral history 'toolkit' (Glasgow Museums). Culture & Sport Glasgow (Glasgow Museums).
McIvor, Arthur; Abrams, Lynn and Brown, Callum G., eds. (2010) The realities and narratives of paid work: The Scottish workplace in the twentieth century. In: A History of Everyday Life in Twentieth Century Scotland. A History of Everyday Life in Scotland . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 103-130. ISBN 9780748624317
McIvor, Arthur; (2010) The textile firm and the management of labour: comparative perspectives on the global textile industry since c 1700. In: A Global History of Textile Workers. Ashgate, pp. 597-619.
Mcivor, Arthur; Mulhern, Mark and Beech, J and Thompson, E, eds. (2008) Trade unions in scottish society. In: Scottish life and society. A compendium of scottish ethnology . John Donald, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. ISBN 1904607853
Mcivor, Arthur and Johnston, Ronald; Mulhern, Mark and Beech, J. and Thompson, E., eds. (2008) Workers’ bodies : occupational health in Scotland. In: Scottish life and society. A compendium of scottish ethnology . John Donald, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781904607854
Johnston, Ronnie and McIvor, Arthur (2008) Marginalising the body at work? Employers' occupational health strategies and occupational medicine in Scotland c. 1930-1974. Social History of Medicine, 21 (1). pp. 127-144. ISSN 0951-631X
McIvor, A.J. and Johnston, R. (2007) Miner's lung : a history of coal dust disease in Britain. Studies in Labour History . Ashgate. ISBN 0754636739
McIvor, A.J. and Wright, C. (2005) Managing labour: UK and Australian employers in comparative perspective, 1900-50. Labour History Review, 88. ISSN 0961-5652
McIvor, A.J. and Johnston, Ronald (2005) Medical knowledge and the worker: Occupational lung diseases in the United Kingdom, c. 1920-1975. Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas, 2 (4). pp. 63-86. ISSN 1547-6715
McIvor, Arthur and Johnston, R. (2004) Dangerous Work, Hard Men and Broken Bodies: Masculinity in the Clydeside Heavy Industries. Labour History Review, 69 (2). pp. 135-52. ISSN 0961-5652
Johnston, R. and McIvor, A.J.; Johnston, R. and McIvor, A.J., eds. (2004) Oral history, subjectivity, and environmental reality: occupational health histories in twentieth-century scotland. In: OSIRIS:Landscapes of Exposure: Knowledge and Illness in Modern Environments. Osiris, 2nd Series, 19 . JSTOR, United States, pp. 234-249. ISBN 0–226–53251–8
McIvor, Arthur and Brown, C. and Rafeek, N. (2004) The University experience, 1945-75: an oral history of the University of Strathclyde. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 0-7486-1932-1
McIvor, Arthur J. and Johnston, Ronnie (2004) The war at work: occupational health and safety in Scotland, 1939-45. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 24 (2). pp. 113-37. ISSN 1748-538X
McIvor, Arthur; Wrigley, C., ed. (2003) Industrial Relations, in Britain, 1900-1939. In: Early Twentieth Century Britain. Blackwell, London, UK, pp. 319-361. ISBN 0-631-21790-8
McIvor, Arthur and Johnston, R. (2001) Dust to dust: Oral testimonies of asbestos-related disease on Clydeside. Oral History, 29 (2). pp. 48-61. ISSN 0143-0955
McIvor, Arthur (2001) A History of Work in Britain, 1880-1950. Palgrave, Lincolnshire, UK. ISBN 0-333-59617
Johnston, Ronald and McIvor, Arthur J. (2000) Lethal Work : A History of the Asbestos Tragedy in Scotland. John Donald, Edinburgh, East Linton. ISBN 1-86232-178-7
McIvor, Arthur J. (1996) Organised Capital : Employers' Associations and Industrial Relations in Northern England, 1880-1939. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-55094-7
McIvor, A.J. (1988) A crusade for capitalism - the economic-league, 1919-39. Journal of Contemporary History, 23 (4). pp. 631-655. ISSN 0022-0094
McIvor, A.J. (1987) Manual work, technology, and industrial health, 1918-39. Medical History, 31 (2). pp. 160-189. ISSN 0025-7273
McIvor, Arthur J. (1984) Employers' organisation and strikebreaking in Britain, 1880-1914. International Review of Social History, 29 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 1469-512X