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Mathematics & Statistics hosts the Marine Population Modelling group which is engaged in research into topics surrounding marine resource modelling and ecology. Recent work has included important developments in the population modelling of marine species.

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Number of items: 50.


Schartmüller, Bernhard and McKee, David and Berge, Jørgen and Johnsen, Geir (2024) Calibration verification of an underwater hyperspectral imaging push broom instrument to measure light in absolute units and field demonstration. Applied Optics, 63 (27). pp. 7200-7211. ISSN 1559-128X

Pei, Chengquan and Li, David and Shen, Qian and Zhang, Shian and Qi, Dalong and Jin, Chengzhi and Dong, Le (2024) High-performance reconstruction method combining total variation with a video denoiser for compressed ultrafast imaging. Applied Optics, 63 (8). C32-C40. ISSN 1559-128X


Grant, Stephen and Johnsen, Geir and McKee, David and Zolich, Artur and Cohen, Jonathan H. (2023) Spectral and RGB analysis of the light climate and its ecological impacts using an all-sky camera system in the Arctic. Applied Optics, 62 (19). pp. 5139-5150. ISSN 1559-128X


Upadhyay, Abhishek and Lengden, Michael and Enemali, Godwin and Stewart, George and Johnstone, Walter and Wilson, David and Humphries, Gordon and Benoy, Thomas and Black, John and Chighine, Andrea and Fisher, Edward and Zhang, Rui and Liu, Chang and Polydorides, Nick and Tsekenis, Alex and Wright, Paul and Kliment, Joshua and Nilsson, Johan and Feng, Yutong and Archilla, Victor and Rodriguez-Carmona, Javier and Sanchez-Valdepenas, Jesus and Beltran, Marta and Polo, Valentin and Armstrong, Ian and Mauchline, Iain and Walsh, Douglas and Johnson, Mark and Bauldreay, Joanna and McCann, Hugh (2022) Tomographic imaging of carbon dioxide in the exhaust plume of large commercial aero-engines. Applied Optics, 61 (28). pp. 8540-8552. ISSN 1559-128X


Johnsen, Geir and Zolich, Artur and Grant, Stephen and Bjørgum, Rune and Cohen, Jonathan H. and McKee, David and Kopec, Tomasz P. and Vogedes, Daniel and Berge, Jørgen (2021) All-sky camera system providing high temporal resolution annual time series of irradiance in the arctic. Applied Optics, 60 (22). pp. 6456-6468. ISSN 1559-128X

Daffurn, Andrew and Offer, Rachel F. and Arnold, Aidan S. (2021) A simple, powerful diode laser system for atomic physics. Applied Optics, 60 (20). pp. 5832-5836. ISSN 1559-128X

Li, Yahui and Tian, Jinshou and Li, David Day-Uei (2021) Theoretical investigations of a modified compressed ultrafast photography method suitable for single-shot fluorescence lifetime imaging. Applied Optics, 60 (5). 1476-1483. ISSN 1559-128X


Noblet, Yoann and Bennett, Stuart and Griffin, Paul F. and Murray, Paul and Marshall, Stephen and Roga, Wojciech and Jeffers, John and Oi, Daniel (2020) Compact multispectral pushframe camera for nanosatellites. Applied Optics, 59 (27). pp. 8511-8518. ISSN 1559-128X

Song, Shigeng and Gibson, Des and Ahmadzadeh, Sam and On Chu, Hin and Warden, Barry and Overend, Russell and Macfarlane, Fraser and Murray, Paul and Marshall, Stephen and Aitkenhead, Matt and Bienkowski, Damian and Allison, Russell (2020) Low-cost hyper-spectral imaging system using a linear variable bandpass filter for agritech applications. Applied Optics, 59 (5). A167-A175. ISSN 1559-128X


Agagliate, Jacopo and Lefering, Ina and McKee, David (2018) Forward modeling of inherent optical properties from flow cytometry estimates of particle size and refractive index. Applied Optics, 57 (8). pp. 1777-1788. ISSN 1559-128X

Agagliate, Jacopo and Röttgers, Rüdiger and Twardowski, Michael S. and McKee, David (2018) Evaluation of a flow cytometry method to determine size and real refractive index distributions in natural marine particle populations. Applied Optics, 57 (7). pp. 1705-1716. ISSN 1559-128X


Polydorides, Nick and Tsekenis, Alex and Fisher, Edward and Chigine, Andrea and McCann, Hugh and Dimiccoli, Luca and Wright, Paul and Lengden, Michael and Benoy, Thomas and Wilson, David and Humphries, Gordon and Johnstone, Walter (2017) Constrained models for optical absorption tomography. Applied Optics, 57 (7). B1-B9. ISSN 1559-128X

Lefering, Ina and Röttgers, Rüdiger and Utschig, Christian and McKee, David (2017) Uncertainty budgets for liquid waveguide CDOM absorption measurements. Applied Optics, 56 (22). pp. 6357-6366. ISSN 1559-128X

Sarney, Wendy L. and Svensson, Stefan P. and Ting, Min and Segercrantz, Natalie and Walukiewicz, Wladek and Yu, Kin Man and Martin, Robert W. and Novikov, Sergei V. and Foxon, C.T. Thomas (2017) Intermixing studies in GaN1−xSbx highly mismatched alloys. Applied Optics, 56 (3). B64-B69. ISSN 1559-128X


Paboeuf, David and Hastie, Jennifer E. (2016) Tunable narrow linewidth AlGaInP semiconductor disk laser for Sr atom cooling applications. Applied Optics, 55 (19). pp. 4980-4984. ISSN 1559-128X


Dudus, Anna Maria and Blue, Robert and Uttamchandani, Deepak (2015) Single mode fiber variable optical attenuator based on a ferrofluid shutter. Applied Optics, 54 (8). pp. 1952-1957. ISSN 1559-128X


Neely, David and Allott, Ric and Bingham, Bob and Collier, John and Greenhalgh, Justin and Michaelis, Max and Phillips, Jonathan and Phipps, Claude R. and McKenna, Paul (2014) Energy coupling in short pulse laser solid interactions and its impact for space debris removal. Applied Optics, 53 (31). pp. 41-44. ISSN 1559-128X

Zabalza, Jaime and Ren, Jinchang and Ren, Jie and Liu, Zhe and Marshall, Stephen (2014) Structured covariance principal component analysis for real-time onsite feature extraction and dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral imaging. Applied Optics, 53 (20). pp. 4440-4449. 208226. ISSN 1559-128X

Davies, Emlyn and McKee, David and Bowers, David George and Graham, George W. and Nimmo-Smith, W. Alex M. (2014) Optically significant particle sizes in seawater. Applied Optics, 53 (6). pp. 1067-1074. ISSN 1559-128X


Gao, Meng and Yang, Ping and McKee, David and Kattawar, George W. (2013) Mueller matrix holographic method for small particle characterization : theory and numerical studies. Applied Optics, 52 (21). pp. 5289-5296. ISSN 0003-6935


Khokhar, Ali Z. and Parsons, Keith and Hubbard, Graham and Watson, Ian M. and Rahman, Faiz and MacIntyre, Douglas S and Xiong, Chang and Massoubre, David and Gong, Zheng and Gu, Erdan and Johnson, Nigel P. and De La Rue, Richard M. and Dawson, Martin D. and Abbott, Steve J. and Charlton, Martin D.B. and Tillin, Martin (2011) Emission characteristics of photonic crystal light-emitting diodes. Applied Optics, 50 (19). pp. 3233-3239. ISSN 1559-128X


Lubeigt, W. and Poland, S.P. and Valentine, G.J. and Wright, A.J. and Girkin, J.M. and Burns, D. (2010) Search-based active optic systems for aberration correction in time-dependent applications. Applied Optics, 49 (3). pp. 307-314. ISSN 1559-128X


McKee, D. and Chami, M. and Brown, Ian Christopher and Calzado, V.S. and Doxaran, D. and Cunningham, A. (2009) Role of measurement uncertainties in observed variability in the spectral backscattering ratio : a case study in mineral-rich coastal waters. Applied Optics, 48 (24). pp. 4663-4675. ISSN 1559-128X


Velazco-Roa, Maria A and Dzhongova, Elitsa and Thennadil, Suresh N. (2008) Complex refractive index of non-spherical particles in the vis-NIR region - application to Bacillus Subtilis spores. Applied Optics, 47 (33). pp. 6183-6189. ISSN 1559-128X

Mirza, M.A. and Stewart, G. (2008) Theory and design of a simple tunable sagnac loop filter for multi-wavelength fibre lasers. Applied Optics, 47 (29). pp. 5242-5252. ISSN 1559-128X

Saeys, Wouter and Velazco-Roa, Maria A. and Thennadil, Suresh N. and Ramon, H. and Nicolai, Bart (2008) Optical properties of apple skin and flesh in the wavelength range from 350 to 2200 nm. Applied Optics, 47 (7). pp. 908-919. ISSN 1559-128X

Poland, S.P. and Wright, A.J. and Girkin, J.M. (2008) Evaluation of fitness parameters used in an iterative approach to aberration correction in optical sectioning microscopy. Applied Optics, 47 (6). pp. 731-736. ISSN 1559-128X


Flockhart, Gordon M. H. and Cranch, Geoffrey A. and Kirkendall, Clay K. (2007) Rapid characterization of the ultraviolet induced fiber Bragg grating complex coupling coefficient as a function of irradiance and exposure time. Applied Optics, 46 (34). pp. 8237-8243. ISSN 0003-6935

Savitski, Vasili G. and Denisov, Igor A. and Malyarevich, Alexander M. and Yumashev, Konstantin V. and Sandulenko, Alexander V. (2007) Passive Q-switching of diode pumped Nd : KGd(WO4)(2) lasers by V3+: Y3Al5O12 crystal with anisotropy of nonlinear absorption. Applied Optics, 46 (23). pp. 5732-5737. ISSN 1559-128X

Elejalde Ochandiano, U. and Girkin, J.M. (2007) Real time, ultra low concentration detection of analytes in solution by infrared intracavity laser absorption. Applied Optics, 46 (19). pp. 3995-3999. ISSN 1559-128X

McKee, David and Cunningham, Alex and Wright, David and Hay, Lorraine (2007) Potential impacts of nonalgal materials on water-leaving sun induced chlorophyll fluorescence signals in coastal waters. Applied Optics, 46 (31). pp. 7720-7729. ISSN 1559-128X


McKee, David J.C. and Chami, Malik and Leymarie, Edouard and Khomenko, Gueorgui (2006) Influence of the angular shape of the volume-scattering function and multiple scattering on remote sensing reflectance. Applied Optics, 45 (36). pp. 9210-9220. ISSN 1559-128X

Zhang, Wei and Ackemann, Thorsten and McGinily, Stephen and Schmid, Marc and Riis, Erling and Ferguson, Allister I. (2006) Operation of an optical in-well-pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser. Applied Optics, 45 (29). pp. 7729-7735. ISSN 1559-128X

Darakis, E. and Soraghan, J.J. (2006) Compression of interference patterns with application to phase-shifting digital holography. Applied Optics, 45 (11). pp. 2437-2443. ISSN 1559-128X


Hult, J. and Burns, I.S. and Kaminski, C.F. (2005) Wide-bandwidth mode-hop-free tuning of extended-cavity GaN diode lasers. Applied Optics, 44 (18). pp. 3675-3685. ISSN 1559-128X

McCulloch, M T and Langford, N and Duxbury, G (2005) Real-time trace-level detection of carbon dioxide and ethylene in car exhaust gases. Applied Optics, 44 (14). pp. 2887-2894. ISSN 1559-128X

McKee, David and Cunningham, Alex (2005) Evidence for wavelength dependence of the scattering phase function and its implication for modeling radiance transfer in shelf seas. Applied Optics, 44 (1). pp. 126-135. ISSN 1559-128X

Meng, Z. and Hu, Y. and Xiong, S. and Stewart, G. and Whitenett, G.L. and Culshaw, B. (2005) Phase noise characteristics of a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser in an unbalanced fiber-optic interferometer. Applied Optics, 44 (17). pp. 3425-3428. ISSN 1559-128X

Park, H.S. and Thursby, G.J. and Culshaw, B. (2005) Optical acoustic detector based on a fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer. Applied Optics, 44 (4). pp. 489-492. ISSN 1559-128X


Flockhart, G M H and Maier, R R J and Barton, J S and MacPherson, W N and Jones, J D C and Chisholm, K E and Zhang, L and Bennion, I and Read, I and Foote, P D (2004) Quadratic behavior of fiber Bragg grating temperature coefficients. Applied Optics, 43 (13). pp. 2744-2751. ISSN 0003-6935


McKee, David J.C. and Cunningham, Alex and Craig, Susanne E. (2003) Semi-empirical correction algorithm for AC-9 measurements in a coccolithophore bloom. Applied Optics, 42 (21). pp. 4369-4374. ISSN 1559-128X

McKee, D.J.C. and Cunningham, A. and Craig, S.E. (2003) Estimation of absorption and backscattering coefficients from in situ radiometric measurements: theory and validation in case 2 waters. Applied Optics, 42 (15). pp. 2804-2810. ISSN 1559-128X


Yu, H.B. and Jin, W. and Ho, H.L. and Chan, K.C. and Chan, C.C. and Demokan, M.S. and Stewart, G. and Culshaw, B. and Liao, Y.B. (2001) Multiplexing of optical fibre gas sensors with an FMCW technique. Applied Optics, 40 (7). pp. 1011-1020. ISSN 1559-128X


Malyarevich, A M and Denisov, I A and Savitski, Vasili and Yumashev, K V and Lipovskii, A A (2000) Glass doped with PbS quantum dots for passive Q switching of a 1.54-mu m laser. Applied Optics, 39 (24). pp. 4345-4347. ISSN 1559-128X


Graf, T. and McConnell, G. and Ferguson, A.I. and Bente, E. and Burns, D. and Dawson, M.D. (1999) Synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillation in periodically poled lithium niobate with 1-W average output power. Applied Optics, 38 (15). pp. 3324-3328. ISSN 1559-128X


Kang, Koo I. and Deng, Kung L. and Koehler, Steffen D. and Glesk, Ivan and Prucnal, Paul R. (1997) Fabrication of precision fiber-optic time delays with in situ monitoring for subpicosecond accuracy. Applied Optics, 36 (12). pp. 2533-2536. ISSN 0003-6935


Kang, K. I. and Chang, T. G. and Glesk, I. and Prucnal, P. R. (1996) Nonlinear-index-of-refraction measurement in a resonant region by the use of a fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Applied Optics, 35 (9). pp. 1485-1488. ISSN 0003-6935

Kang, K. I. and Chang, T. G. and Glesk, I. and Prucnal, P. R. (1996) Comparison of Sagnac and Mach-Zehnder ultrafast all-optical interferometric switches based on a semiconductor resonant optical nonlinearity. Applied Optics, 35 (3). pp. 417-426. ISSN 0003-6935

Pierce, Stephen and Philp, WR and Gachagan, Anthony and McNab, Alistair and Hayward, Gordon and Culshaw, Brian (1996) Surface- bonded and embedded optical fibres as ultrasonic sensors. Applied Optics, 35 (25). pp. 5191-5197. ISSN 1559-128X


Kane, Michael G. and Glesk, Ivan and Sokoloff, Jason P. and Prucnal, Paul R. (1994) Asymmetric optical loop mirror : analysis of an all-optical switch. Applied Optics, 33 (29). pp. 6833-6842. ISSN 0003-6935

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