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Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
Number of items: 44.


Bennie, S. and Nagy, P. and Fossati, M. (2025) A data-driven actuator-line methodology for the simulation of high-lift aircraft wake systems. Computers and Fluids, 291. 106578. ISSN 0045-7930


Filippi, Gianluca and Basu, Tathagata and Patelli, Edoardo and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco; (2024) Resilient Network Design for Health Care System. In: 10th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, Beijing, CN, October. UNSPECIFIED, CHN, p. 307.

Basu, Tathagata and Filippi, Gianluca and Patelli, Edoardo and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco (2024) Drone assisted emergency response model for Scotland. In: International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management 2024, 2024-10-18 - 2024-10-21.

Filippi, Gianluca and Patelli, Edoardo and Basu, Tathagata and Personage, Ben and Maddock, Christie and Fossati, Marco and Roper, Marc and Vasile, Massimiliano; Kołowrocki, Krzysztof and Magryta-Mut, Beata, eds. (2024) SHEPHERD : a digital blueprint for drone based logistic networks. In: 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference. Polish Safety and Reliability Association, Gdynia, pp. 77-86. ISBN 978-83-68136-18-0

Morgado, Fábio and Abhishek Peddakotla, Sai and Graham, Julie and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco (2024) A multifidelity framework for aerothermodynamic modeling and simulation of destructive atmospheric entry. AIAA Journal, 62 (6). pp. 1988-2007. ISSN 0001-1452


Jones, B. and Nagy, P. and Minisci, E. and Fossati, M. (2023) A geometric sensitivity study for the aerodynamics of a strut-braced airframe. Aerospace Science and Technology, 142 (Part A). 108638. ISSN 1270-9638

Garbacz, C. and Morgado, F. and Fossati, M. (2023) Characterization of nonequilibrium shock interaction in CO2-N2 flows over double-wedges with respect to Mach number and geometry. Physics of Fluids, 35 (6). 066120. ISSN 1089-7666

Peddakotla, S.A. and Yuan, J. and Minisci, E. and Vasile, M. and Fossati, M. (2023) A numerical approach to evaluate temperature-dependent peridynamics damage model for destructive atmospheric entry of spacecraft. The Aeronautical Journal, 127 (1309). pp. 398-427. ISSN 2059-6464


Gimelshein, Sergey F. and Wysong, Ingrid J. and Fangman, Alexander J. and Andrienko, Daniil A. and Kunova, Olga V. and Kustova, Elena V. and Morgado, Fabio and Garbacz, Catarina and Fossati, Marco and Hanquist, Kyle M. (2022) Kinetic and continuum modeling of high-temperature air relaxation. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 36 (4). pp. 870-893. ISSN 0887-8722

Peddakotla, Sai Abhishek and Morgado, Fábio and Thillaithevan, Dilaksan and O'Driscoll, Danielle and Santer, Matthew and Maddock, Christie and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco (2022) Multi-fidelity and multi-disciplinary approach for the accurate simulation of atmospheric re-entry. In: 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022, 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-22.

Filippi, Gianluca and Vasile, Massimiliano and Patelli, Edoardo and Fossati, Marco; (2022) Generative optimisation of resilient drone logistic networks. In: 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2022 - Conference Proceedings. 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2022 - Conference Proceedings . IEEE, ITA. ISBN 9781665467087

Filippi, Gianluca and Patelli, Edoardo and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco (2022) Multi-layer resilience optimisation for next generation drone logistic networks. In: European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2022-08-28 - 2022-09-02, TU Dublin.

Morgado, Fábio and Garbacz, Catarina and Fossati, Marco (2022) Impact of anisotropic mesh adaptation on the aerothermodynamics of atmospheric reentry. AIAA Journal, 60 (7). pp. 3973-3989. ISSN 0001-1452

Nagy, Peter and Jones, Bryn and Minisci, Edmondo and Fossati, Marco and Cea, Alvaro and Palacios, Rafael and Roussouly, Nicolas and Gazaix, Anne; (2022) Multi-fidelity nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a strut-braced ultra-high aspect ratio wing configuration. In: AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, [Reston, VA.]. ISBN 9781624106354

Garbacz, Catarina and Morgado, Fábio and Fossati, Marco; (2022) Response of shock interaction patterns to different freestream conditions in carbon-dioxide flows over double-wedges. In: AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, [Reston, VA.]. ISBN 9781624106354

Morgado, Fabio and Peddakotla, Sai Abhishek and Garbacz, Catarina and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco; (2022) Fidelity management of aerothermodynamic modelling for destructive re-entry. In: The 2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions Engineering (FAR). European Space Agency, DEU.

Gimelshein, Sergey F. and Wysong, Ingrid J. and Fangman, Alexander J. and Andrienko, Daniil A. and Kunova, Olga V. and Kustova, Elena V. and Garbacz, Catarina and Fossati, Marco and Hanquist, Kyle (2022) Kinetic and continuum modeling of high-temperature oxygen and nitrogen binary mixtures. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 36 (2). pp. 399-418. ISSN 0887-8722

Nagy, Peter and Fossati, Marco (2022) Adaptive data-driven model order reduction for unsteady aerodynamics. Fluids, 7 (4). 130. ISSN 2311-5521

Garbacz, Catarina and Morgado, Fábio and Fossati, Marco (2022) Effect of thermal nonequilibrium on the shock interaction mechanism for carbon dioxide mixtures on double-wedge geometries. Physics of Fluids, 34 (2). 026108. ISSN 1089-7666

Morgado, Fábio and Peddakotla, Sai Abhishek and Garbacz, Catarina and Vasile, Massimiliano L. and Fossati, Marco; (2022) Multi-fidelity approach for aerodynamic modelling and simulation of uncontrolled atmospheric destructive entry. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum . American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, USA. ISBN 9781624106316


Garbacz, Catarina and Morgado, Fábio and Fossati, Marco and Maier, Walter T. and Munguía, Brian C. and Alonso, Juan J. and Loseille, Adrien (2021) Parametric study of nonequilibrium shock interference patterns over a fuselage-and-wing conceptual vehicle. AIAA Journal, 59 (12). ISSN 0001-1452

Peddakotla, Sai Abhishek and Minisci, Edmondo and Fossati, Marco; (2021) A novel approach for the accurate simulation of re-entry fragmentation. In: Proceedings of the 72nd International Astronautical Congress 2021, IAC. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, A6 . International Astronautical Federation (IAF), ARE.

Garbacz, Catarina and Morgado, Fábio and Fossati, Marco and Scoggins, James B. and Magin, Thierry E. and Capriati, Michele; (2021) Influence of thermochemical modelling of CO2-N2 mixtures on the shock interaction patterns at hypersonic regimes. In: AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, USA. ISBN 9781624106101

Maier, Walter T. and Needels, Jacob T. and Garbacz, Catarina and Morgado, Fábio and Alonso, Juan J. and Fossati, Marco (2021) SU2-NEMO : an open-source framework for high-mach nonequilibrium multi-species flows. Aerospace, 8 (7). 193. ISSN 2226-4310

Garbacz, C. and Maier, W. T. and Scoggins, J. B. and Economon, T. D. and Magin, T. and Alonso, J. J. and Fossati, M. (2021) Shock interactions in inviscid air and CO 2 – N 2 flows in thermochemical non-equilibrium. Shock Waves, 31 (3). pp. 239-253. ISSN 1432-2153


Pascarella, Gaetano and Kokkinakis, Ioannis and Fossati, Marco (2019) Analysis of transition for a flow in a channel via reduced basis methods. Fluids, 4 (4). 202.

Pascarella, G. and Fossati, M. and Barrenechea, G. (2019) Impact of POD modes energy redistribution on flow reconstruction for unsteady flows of impulsively started airfoils and wings. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. ISSN 1029-0257

Stindt, Tristan and Merrifield, Jim and Fossati, Marco and Ricciardi, Lorenzo Angelo and Maddock, Christie Alisa and West, Michael and Kontis, Kostantinos and Farkin, Bernard and McIntyre, Stuart (2019) Aerodynamic database development for a future reusable space launch vehicle, the Orbital 500R. In: International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Reentry Missions & Engineering, 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-03, Monopoli.

Ricciardi, Lorenzo A. and Maddock, Christie Alisa and Vasile, Massimiliano and Stindt, Tristan and Merrifield, Jim and Fossati, Marco and West, Michael and Kontis, Konstantinos and Farkin, Bernard and McIntyre, Stuart (2019) Robust multi-objective optimisation of a descent guidance strategy for a TSTO spaceplane. In: International Conference on Flight vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering, 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-03, Torre Cintola Nature Sea Resort.

Fossati, M. and Mogavero, A. and Herrera-Montojo, J. and Scoggins, J.B. and Magin, T. (2019) A kinetic BGK edge-based scheme including vibrational and electronic energy modes for high-Mach flows. Computers and Fluids, 185. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0045-7930

Hoste, J.J.O.E. and Fossati, M. and Taylor, I.J. and Gollan, R.J. (2019) Characterisation of the eddy dissipation model for the analysis of hydrogen-fuelled scramjets. Aeronautical Journal, 123 (1262). pp. 536-565. ISSN 0001-9240


Drikakis, Dimitris and Fossati, Marco and Kazakidi, Asimina and Emerson, David R. (2018) Preface to the special issue on : "29th international conference on parallel computational fluid dynamics". Computers and Fluids, 175. p. 1. ISSN 0045-7930

Hoste, Jimmy John O.E. and Fossati, Marco and Taylor, Ian J. and Gollan, Rowan J.; Owen, Roger and de Borst, Rene and Reese, Jason and Pearce, Chris, eds. (2018) Turbulence chemistry interaction via eddy dissipation model for scramjet analysis and design. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE, GBR, pp. 684-695. ISBN 9788494731167

Kelly, Daniel and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Quaranta, Giuseppe and Masarati, Pierangelo and Fossati, Marco (2018) Ice accretion effects in helicopter rotor performance via multi-body and CFD approaches. Journal of Aircraft, 55 (3). pp. 1165-1176. ISSN 0021-8669

Gao, Song and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Isola, Dario and Baruzzi, Guido S. and Fossati, Marco and Uribarri, Luke; (2018) An edge-based Galerkin formulation for thermal non-equilibrium flows. In: AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, USA. ISBN 9781624105241


Dumas, Marie-Eve and Habashi, Wagdi and Isola, Dario and Baruzzi, Guido and Fossati, Marco (2017) Finite element modeling of non-equilibrium fluid-wall interaction beyond the continuum regime. Journal of Aircraft, 54 (6). ISSN 0021-8669

Dumas, Marie-Eve and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Baruzzi, Guido S. and Isola, Dario and Fossati, Marco (2017) Finite element modeling of nonequilibrium fluid-wall interaction at high-Mach regime. Journal of Aircraft, 54 (6). pp. 2330-2339. ISSN 0021-8669

Herrera Montojo, Javier and Fossati, Marco and Minisci, Edmondo (2017) Shock-conforming mesh generation for aerodynamic analyses at supersonic regimes. Computers and Fluids, 157. pp. 276-293. ISSN 0045-7930

Hoste, Jimmy-John O.E. and Fossati, Marco and Taylor, Ian J. and Gollan, Rowan J. (2017) Modeling scramjet supersonic combustion via Eddy Dissipation Model. In: 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-29.

Hoste, Jimmy John O.E. and Casseau, Vincent and Fossati, Marco and Taylor, Ian J. and Gollan, Rowan J.; (2017) Numerical modeling and simulation of supersonic flows in propulsion systems by open-source solvers. In: 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, CHN. ISBN 9781624104633

Gao, Song and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Fossati, Marco and Isola, Dario and Baruzzi, Guido S.; (2017) Finite-element formulation of a Jacobian-free solver for supersonic viscous flows on hybrid grids. In: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. AIAA SciTech Forum . American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, USA, pp. 1-28. ISBN 9781624104473


Fossati, Marco (2016) Preface to the Special Issue on : "27th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics". International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 30 (6). p. 387. ISSN 1029-0257

Gao, Song and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Isola, Dario and Baruzzi, Guido S. and Fossati, Marco (2016) A Jacobian-free edged-based Galerkin formulation for compressible flows. Computers and Fluids. ISSN 0045-7930

Zhan, Zhao and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Fossati, Marco (2016) Real-time regional jet comprehensive aeroicing analysis via reduced order modeling. AIAA Journal, 54 (12). pp. 3787-3802. ISSN 0001-1452

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