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Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2001
Number of items: 39.


Dhawan, Udesh and Williams, Jonathan A. and Windmill, James F. C. and Childs, Peter and Gonzalez-Garcia, Cristina and Dalby, Matthew J. and Salmeron-Sanchez, Manuel (2024) Engineered surfaces that promote capture of latent proteins to facilitate integrin-mediated mechanical activation of growth factors. Advanced Materials, 36 (23). 2310789. ISSN 1521-4095

Liu, Xinnian and Cai, Zhiyuan and Wan, Lei and Xiao, Peng and Che, Bo and Yang, Junjie and Niu, Haihong and Wang, Huan and Zhu, Jun and Huang, Yi‐Teng and Zhu, Huimin and Zelewski, Szymon J. and Chen, Tao and Hoye, Robert L. Z. and Zhou, Ru (2024) Grain engineering of Sb2S3 thin films to enable efficient planar solar cells with high open-circuit voltage. Advanced Materials, 36 (1). 2305841. ISSN 0935-9648


Yang, Yongfan and Silva de Moraes, Lygia and Ruzie, Christian and Schweicher, Guillaume and Geerts, Yves Henri and Kennedy, Alan and Kohn, RV and Zhou, Hengyu and Lee, Stephanie S and Kahr, Bart and Shtukenberg, Alexander (2022) Charge transport in twisted organic semiconductor crystals of modulated pitch. Advanced Materials, 34 (38). 2203842. ISSN 1521-4095


Huang, Richard H. and Nayeem, Nazia and He, Ye and Morales, Jorges and Graham, Duncan and Klajn, Rafal and Contel, Maria and O'Brien, Stephen and Ulijn, Rein V. (2021) Self-complementary zwitterionic peptides direct nanoparticle assembly and enable enzymatic selection of endocytic pathways. Advanced Materials, 34 (1). 2104962. ISSN 1521-4095


Chiang, Wei-Hung and Mariotti, Davide and Sankaran, R Mohan and Eden, J. Gary and Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken) (2020) Microplasmas for Advanced Materials and Devices. Advanced Materials, 32 (18). 1905508. ISSN 1521-4095


Schweicher, Guillaume and D'Avino, Gabriele and Ruggiero, Michael T. and Harkin, David J. and Broch, Katharina and Venkateshvaran, Deepak and Liu, Guoming and Richard, Audrey and Ruzié, Christian and Armstrong, Jeff and Kennedy, Alan R. and Shankland, Kenneth and Takimiya, Kazuo and Geerts, Yves H. and Zeitler, J. Axel and Fratini, Simone and Sirringhaus, Henning (2019) Chasing the "killer" phonon mode for the rational design of low disorder, high mobility molecular semiconductors. Advanced Materials, 31 (43). 1902407. ISSN 1521-4095


Rifaie-Graham, Omar and Apebende, Edward A. and Bast, Livia K. and Bruns, Nico (2018) Self-reporting fiber-reinforced composites that mimic the ability of biological materials to sense and report damage. Advanced Materials, 30 (19). 1705483. ISSN 0935-9648

Donahue, Mary J. and Williamson, Adam and Strakosas, Xenofon and Friedlein, Jacob T. and McLeod, Robert R. and Gleskova, Helena and Malliaras, George G. (2018) High performance vertical organic electrochemical transistors. Advanced Materials, 30 (5). 1705031. ISSN 1521-4095


Liu, Shenghua and Fu, Ying and Li, Guijun and Li, Li and Law, Helen Ka-wai and Chen, Xianfeng and Yan, Feng (2017) Conjugated polymer for voltage-controlled release of molecules. Advanced Materials, 29 (35). 1701733. ISSN 1521-4095


Tsutsui, Yusuke and Schweicher, Guillaume and Chattopadhyay, Basab and Sakurai, Tsuneaki and Arlin, Jean-Baptiste and Ruzié, C. and Aliev, Almaz and Ciesielski, Artur and Colella, Silvia and Kennedy, Alan R. and Lemaur, Vincent and Olivier, Yoann and Hadji, Rachid and Sanguinet, Lionel and Castet, Frédéric and Osella, Silvio and Dudenko, Dymytro and Beljonne, David and Cornil, Jérôme and Samori, Paolo and Seki, Shu and Geerts, Yves H. (2016) Unraveling unprecedented charge carrier mobility through structure property relationship of four isomers of didodecyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene. Advanced Materials, 28 (33). pp. 7106-7114. ISSN 1521-4095

Scott, Gary G. and McKnight, Paul J. and Tuttle, Tell and Ulijn, Rein V. (2016) Tripeptide emulsifiers. Advanced Materials, 28 (7). pp. 1381-1386. ISSN 1521-4095


Askari, Sadegh and Svrcek, Vladmir and Maguire, Paul and Mariotti, Davide (2015) The interplay of quantum confinement and hydrogenation in amorphous silicon quantum dots. Advanced Materials, 27 (48). pp. 8011-8016. ISSN 0935-9648

Schweicher, Guillaume and Lemaur, Vincent and Niebel, Claude and Ruzié, Christian and Diao, Ying and Goto, Osamu and Lee, Wen-Ya and Kim, Yeongin and Arlin, Jean-Baptiste and Karpinska, Jolanta and Kennedy, Alan R. and Parkin, Sean R. and Olivier, Yoann and Mannsfeld, Stefan C. B. and Cornil, Jérôme and Geerts, Yves H. and Bao, Zhenan (2015) Bulky end-capped [1]benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophenes : reaching high-mobility organic semiconductors by fine tuning of the crystalline solid-state order. Advanced Materials, 27 (19). pp. 3066-3072. ISSN 1521-4095


Findlay, Neil and Bruckbauer, Jochen and Inigo, Jesuraj and Breig, Benjamin and Arumugam, Sasikumar and Wallis, David J. and Martin, Robert and Skabara, Peter (2014) An organic down-converting material for white-light emission from hybrid LEDs. Advanced Materials, 26 (43). 7290–7294. ISSN 1521-4095

Findlay, Neil J. and Bruckbauer, Jochen and Inigo, Anto R. and Breig, Benjamin and Arumugam, Sasikumar and Wallis, David J. and Martin, Robert W. and Skabara, Peter J. (2014) Light-emitting diodes : an organic down-converting material for white-light emission from hybrid LEDs (Adv. Mater. 43/2014). Advanced Materials, 26 (43). p. 7415. ISSN 1521-4095

Mortimer, Beth and Gordon, Shira and Holland, Chris and Siviour, Clive and Vollrath, Fritz and Windmill, James (2014) The speed of sound in silk : linking material performance to biological function. Advanced Materials, 26 (30). pp. 5179-5183. ISSN 1521-4095

Clark, Alasdair W. and Thompson, David G. and Graham, Duncan and Cooper, Jonathan M. (2014) Engineering DNA binding sites to assemble and tune plasmonic nanostructures. Advanced Materials, 26 (25). pp. 4286-4292. ISSN 0935-9648


Tsiminis, Georgios and Wang, Yue and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and Inigo, Anto R. and Skabara, Peter J. and Samuel, Ifor D.W. and Turnbull, Graham A. (2013) Nanoimprinted organic semiconductor laser pumped by a light-emitting diode. Advanced Materials, 25 (20). pp. 2826-2830. ISSN 0935-9648

Skabara, Peter J. and Arlin, Jean-Baptiste and Geerts, Yves H. (2013) Close encounters of the 3D kind – exploiting high dimensionality in molecular semiconductors. Advanced Materials, 25 (13). pp. 1948-1954. ISSN 0935-9648


Kanibolotsky, Alexander and Vilela, Filipe and Forgie, John and Elmasly, Saadeldin Elamin Taher and Skabara, Peter and Zhang, Kai and Tieke, B. and McGurk, J. and Belton, C.R. and Stavrinou, Paul N. and Bradley, D.D.C. (2011) Well-defined and monodisperse linear and star-shaped quaterfluorene-DPP molecules : the significance of conjugation and dimensionality. Advanced Materials, 23 (18). pp. 2093-2097. ISSN 1521-4095


Vallance, Simon R. and Round, Dave M. and Ritter, Clemens and Cussen, Edmund J. and Kingman, Sam and Gregory, Duncan H. (2009) Ultrarapid microwave synthesis of superconducting refractory carbides. Advanced Materials, 21 (44). pp. 4502-4504. ISSN 1521-4095

Huang, Yi-Fang and Chang, Chan-Wei and Smilgies, Detlef-Matthias and Jeng, U-Ser and Inigo, Anto Regis and White, Jonathon David and Li, Kang-Chuang and Lim, Tsong-Shin and Li, Tai-De and Chen, Hsiang-Yun and Chen, Show-An and Chen, Wen-Chang and Fann, Wun-Shain and Inigo, Jesuraj (2009) Correlating nanomorphology with charge-transport anisotropy in conjugated-polymer thin films. Advanced Materials, 21 (29). pp. 2988-2992. ISSN 0935-9648

Mei, Ying and Gerecht, Sharon and Taylor, Michael and Urquhart, Andrew J. and Bogatyrev, Said R. and Cho, Seung-Woo and Davies, Martyn C. and Alexander, Morgan R. and Langer, Robert S. and Anderson, Daniel G. (2009) Mapping the interactions among biomaterials, adsorbed proteins, and human embryonic stem cells. Advanced Materials, 21 (27). pp. 2781-2786. ISSN 1521-4095

Kuehne, Alexander J. C. and Elfstrom, David and Mackintosh, Allan R. and Kanibolotsky, Alexander L. and Guilhabert, Benoit and Gu, Erdan and Perepichka, Igor F. and Skabara, Peter J. and Dawson, Martin D. and Pethrick, Richard A. (2009) Direct laser writing of nanosized oligofluorene truxenes in UV-transparent photoresist microstructures. Advanced Materials, 21 (7). 781–785. ISSN 0935-9648

Kuehne, A.J. and Elfstrom, D. and Mackintosh, A.R. and Kanibolotsky, Alexander and Guilhabert, Benoit Jack Eloi and Gu, E. and Perepichka, Igor F. and Skabara, P.J. and Dawson, M.D. and Pethrick, R.A. (2009) Fluorescent nanostructures : direct laser writing of nanosized oligofluorene truxenes in UV-transparent photoresist microstructures. Advanced Materials, 21 (7). pp. 781-785. ISSN 1521-4095


Fontanals, N. and Manesiotis, Panagiotis and Sherrington, D.C. and Cormack, P.A.G. (2008) Synthesis of spherical ultra-high-surface-area monodisperse amphipathic polymer sponges in the low-micrometer size range. Advanced Materials, 20 (7). pp. 1298-1302. ISSN 1521-4095

Pereira, Sergio Manuel de Sousa and Martins, Manuel Antonio and Trindade, Tito and Watson, Ian M. and Zhu, Diane and Humphreys, Colin J. (2008) Controlled integration of nanocrystals in inverted hexagonal nano-pits at the surface of light-emitting heterostructures. Advanced Materials, 20 (5). pp. 1038-1043. ISSN 1521-4095

Smith, Andrew and Williams, Richard and Tang, Claire and Coppo, Paolo and Collins, Richard and Turner, Michael and Saiani, Alberto and Ulijn, Rein Vincent (2008) Fmoc-diphenylalanine self assembles to a hydrogel via a novel architecture based on π–π interlocked β-sheets. Advanced Materials, 20 (1). pp. 37-41. ISSN 1521-4095


Pang, Hao and Vilela, Filipe and Skabara, Peter and McDouall, Joseph J. W. and Crouch, David J. and Anthopoulos, Thomas D. and Bradley, Donal D. C. and De Leeuw, Dago M. and Horton, Peter N. and Hursthouse, Michael B. (2007) Advantageous 3-D ordering of pi-conjugated systems : a new approach towards efficient charge transport in any direction. Advanced Materials, 19 (24). pp. 4438-4442. ISSN 1521-4095

Thornton, Paul D. and Mart, Robert J. and Ulijn, Rein V. (2007) Enzyme-responsive polymer hydrogel particles for controlled release. Advanced Materials, 19 (9). pp. 1252-1256. ISSN 0935-9648


Zourob, M and Gough, J E and Ulijn, R V (2006) A micropatterned hydrogel platform for chemical synthesis and biological analysis. Advanced Materials, 18 (5). pp. 655-659. ISSN 0935-9648

Jayawarna, V and Ali, M and Jowitt, T A and Miller, A E and Saiani, A and Gough, J E and Ulijn, R V (2006) Nanostructured hydrogels for three-dimensional cell culture through self-assembly of fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-dipeptides. Advanced Materials, 18 (5). pp. 611-614. ISSN 0935-9648

Heliotis, G. and Itskos, G. and Murray, R. and Dawson, M.D. and Watson, I.M. and Bradley, D.D.C. (2006) Hybrid inorganic/organic semiconductor heterostructures with efficient non-radiative energy transfer. Advanced Materials, 18 (3). pp. 334-338. ISSN 1521-4095


Inigo, A R and Chang, C C and Fann, W and White, J.D. and Huang, Y S and Jeng, U S and Sheu, H S and Peng, K.Y. and Chen, S A (2005) Enhanced hole mobility in poly(2-methoxy-5-(2 '-ethylhexoxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) by elimination of nanometer-sized domains (vol 17, pg 1835, 2005). Advanced Materials, 17 (17). p. 2147. ISSN 0935-9648

Inigo, A.R. and Chang, C.C. and Fann, W. and White, J.D. and Huang, Y. S. and Jeng, US and Sheu, H.S. and Peng, K.Y. and Chen, S.A. (2005) Enhanced hole mobility in poly-(2-methoxy-5-(2 '-ethylhexoxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) by elimination of nanometer-sized domains. Advanced Materials, 17 (15). 1835–1838. ISSN 0935-9648

Chen, Y. and Li, Z.Y. and Yuan, J. and Palmer, R.E. and Wilcoxon, J.P. (2005) Local three dimensional visualization of nanoparticle assemblies. Advanced Materials, 17 (23). pp. 2885-2888. ISSN 1521-4095

Mills, A. and Peiro, A.M. and Doyle, G.T. and Durrant, J.R. (2005) Freestanding polymer-metal oxide nanocomposite films for light-driven oxygen scavenging. Advanced Materials, 17 (19). pp. 2365-2368. ISSN 1521-4095

Kim, D. H. and Lau, K. H. A. and Robertson, J. W. F. and Lee, O. J. and Jeong, U. and Lee, J. I. and Hawker, C. J. and Russell, T. P. and Kim, J. K. and Knoll, W. (2005) Thin films of block copolymers as planar optical waveguides. Advanced Materials, 17 (20). pp. 2442-1446. ISSN 0935-9648


Inigo, A R and Tan, C H and Fann, W and Huang, Y S and Perng, G Y and Chen, S A (2001) Non-dispersive hole transport in a soluble poly(p-phenylene vinylene). Advanced Materials, 13 (7). 504–508. ISSN 0935-9648

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