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Number of items: 16.


Morozov, M. and Pierce, S.G. and MacLeod, C.N. and Mineo, C. and Summan, R. (2018) Off-line scan path planning for robotic NDT. Measurement, 122. pp. 284-290. ISSN 1873-412X

MacLeod, Charles Norman and Dobie, Gordon and Pierce, Stephen Gareth and Summan, Rahul and Morozov, Maxim (2018) Machining-based coverage path planning for automated structural inspection. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15 (1). pp. 202-213. ISSN 1545-5955


Morozov, M. and Dobie, G. and Gachagan, A.; (2017) Assessment of corrosion under insulation and engineered temporary wraps using pulsed eddy-current techniques. In: 56th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing. British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, GBR, pp. 475-484. ISBN 9781510847262

Morozov, Maxim and Jackson, William and Pierce, S. G. (2017) Capacitive imaging of impact damage in composite material. Composites Part B: Engineering. ISSN 1359-8368


Mineo, Carmelo and MacLeod, Charles and Morozov, Maxim and Pierce, S. Gareth and Lardner, Timothy and Summan, Rahul and Powell, Jonathan and McCubbin, Paul and McCubbin, Coreen and Munro, Gavin and Paton, Scott and Watson, David and Lines, David; (2016) Fast ultrasonic phased array inspection of complex geometries delivered through robotic manipulators and high speed data acquisition instrumentation. In: 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE, FRA. ISBN 978-1-4673-9897-8

Morozov, Maxim and Pierce, S. Gareth and Dobie, Gordon and Bolton, Gary T. and Bennett, Thomas; (2016) Robotic ultrasonic testing of AGR fuel cladding. In: 55th Annual Conference of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing NDT-2016. British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, GBR.

Morozov, Maxim and Pierce, S. Gareth and Dobie, Gordon and Bolton, Gary T. and Bennett, Thomas (2016) Robotic ultrasonic testing of AGR fuel cladding. Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. ISSN 2214-6571

Morozov, M. and Riise, J. and Summan, R. and Pierce, S.G. and Mineo, C. and MacLeod, C.N. and Brown, R.H. (2016) Assessing the accuracy of industrial robots through metrology for the enhancement of automated non-destructive testing. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2016), 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-21, Kongresshaus Baden-Baden. (In Press)

Mineo, Carmelo and MacLeod, Charles and Morozov, Maxim and Pierce, S. Gareth and Summan, Rahul and Rodden, Tony and Kahani, Danial and Powell, Jonathan and McCubbin, Paul and McCubbin, Coreen and Munro, Gavin and Paton, Scott and Watson, David (2016) Flexible integration of robotics, ultrasonics and metrology for the inspection of aerospace components. In: 43rd Review in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 2016-07-17 - 2016-07-22, Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center. (In Press)

Summan, Rahul and Pierce, Gareth and MacLeod, Charles and Mineo, Carmelo and Riise, Jonathan and Morozov, Maxim and Dobie, Gordon and Bolton, Gary and Raude, Angélique and Dalpé, Colombe and Braumann, Johannes; Chimenti, Dale E. and Bond, Leonard J., eds. (2016) Conformable eddy current array delivery. In: 42nd Annual Review Of Progress In Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP conference proceedings, 1706 . AIP Publishing, USA. ISBN 9780735413535


Morozov, Maxim and Pierce, S Gareth and Bolton, Gary T; (2015) Eddy current testing of AGR fuel cladding. In: 54th Annual British Conference of Non-Destructive Testing, NDT 2015. British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, GBR.

Brown, Roy H. and Pierce, S. Gareth and Collison, Ian and Dutton, Ben and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Jackson, Joseph and Lardner, Timothy and MacLeod, Charles and Morozov, Maxim; Chimenti, Dale E. and Bond, Leonard J., eds. (2015) Automated full matrix capture for industrial processes. In: 41st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 1967-1976. ISBN 978-0-7354-1292-7

Brown, Roy H. and Pierce, S. Gareth and Collison, Ian and Dutton, Ben and Dziewierz, Jerzy and Jackson, Joseph and Lardner, Timothy and MacLeod, Charles and Morozov, Maxim; Chimenti, Dale E. and Bond, Leonard J., eds. (2015) Automated full matrix capture for industrial processes. In: 41st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 1967-1976. ISBN 978-0-7354-1292-7


MacLeod, Charles Norman and Pierce, Stephen and Morozov, Maxim and Summan, Rahul and Dobie, Gordon and McCubbin, Paul and McCubbin, Coreen and Dearie, Scott and Munro, Gavin; (2014) Automated metrology and NDE measurements for increased throughput in aerospace component manufacture. In: E-Book of Abstracts 41st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Conference. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, p. 335.


Mineo, Carmelo and Herbert, Douglas and Pierce, Stephen and Morozov, Maxim and Nicholson, Ian and Cooper, Ian; (2013) Robotic non-destructive inspection. In: 51st Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing 2012 (NDT 2012). Curran Associates Inc, GBR. ISBN 9781622764372

Morozov, Maxim and Pierce, Stephen and Mineo, Carmelo and Nicholson, Pascual Ian and Cooper, Ian; (2013) Computer-aided tool path generation for robotic non-destructive inspection. In: 52nd Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing 2013. British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Telford (UK). ISBN 9781629939933

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