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Number of items: 39.


Frimberger, Katja (2024) "Leben lernen" : Paul Feyerabend über Bertolt Brechts vergnügliche Theater-Pädagogik der Verfremdung als Habituierung ins respektable Herumtüfteln. Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie (AZP), 49 (3). ISSN 0340-7969

Frimberger, Katja (2024) "Education as the art of making oneself at home in the world with and through others" : the call to Bildung in Meister Eckhart and the film Of Gods and Men. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 43 (5). pp. 515-535. ISSN 0039-3746

Frimberger, Katja (2024) "Don’t educate me - move me!" : why we need art and artists (esp. films and filmmakers) to love education into existence. Journal of Philosophy of Education. ISSN 0309-8249

Frimberger, Katja; Kenklies, Karsten and Engelmann, Sebastian, eds. (2024) The tyranny of truth and the preservation of human happiness à la Bertolt Brecht and Paul Feyerabend. In: Education for a Free Society. Pedagogica . Peter Lang, New York, NY. ISBN 9781636676968

Frimberger, Katja (2024) 'Labours of love & self-forgetfulness' : how to craft a secret call to education in art & film. In: Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, 2024-03-21 - 2024-03-24, University of Oxford, New College.

Frimberger, Katja (2024) The craft of acting as a pedagogical model for living a flourishing life in a world of tensions and contradictions. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 56 (1). pp. 74-85. ISSN 0013-1857


Frimberger, Katja (2023) Cultivating care-ful(l) everyday gestures : in-formations into a greater love in Meister Eckhart and the film Of Gods and Men. In: North Americam Association for Philosophy and Education (NAAPE) Annual Conference, 2023-10-27 - 2023-10-29, University of St.Mary of the Lake. (In Press)

Frimberger, Katja (2023) 'Reading intercultural encounters as art' : the call of the other and the relevance of beauty. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 31 (2). pp. 283-304. ISSN 1468-1366


Frimberger, Katja (2022) Cultivating the art of living : the pleasures of Bertolt Brecht's philosophising theatre pedagogy. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 41 (6). pp. 653-668. ISSN 0039-3746

Frimberger, Katja (2022) An anarchist aesthetics of education in Bertolt Brecht's gestic theatre. In: International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) Conference 2022, 2022-08-16 - 2022-08-20, Aarhus University.

Frimberger, Katja (2022) Review of Brockmann, S. (ed.) (2021). Brecht in context. Cambridge University Press. [Review] (In Press)

Frimberger, Katja (2022) "Theatre, Revolution and Love" : moral-aesthetic education in Asja Lācis' proletarian children's theatre. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 56 (2). pp. 329-341. ISSN 0309-8249

Frimberger, Katja (2022) The pleasure of philosophising in Bertolt Brecht's pedagogical theatre. In: PESGB Annual Conference 2022, 2022-03-25 - 2022-03-27, University of Oxford, New College.

Frimberger, Katja (2022) Thinking the intercultural encounter as art : aesthetic emancipation and the fiction of autonomy. In: Intercultural Communication Pedagogy and the Question of the Other, 2022-03-23 - 2022-03-23, University of Edinburgh.

Frimberger, Katja (2022) IMPACT FILM : Arts-based Research and Education Beyond the Academy. HaSS People and Society- Research and Impact Bulletin, Autumn 2022- Issue 8, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Frimberger, Katja (2021) Towards a pedagogy of porosity : Asja Lacis' proletarian children's theatre. In: Re/framing Educational Equity: An international collaboration, 2021-08-31 - 2021-09-02, University of Strathclyde: online.

Frimberger, Katja (2021) You have to do this or that, but meanwhile life is just passing by : methodological correctness and miracles in education research as a human science. SERA Researching Education Bulletin. (In Press)

Frimberger, Katja; Schewe, Manfred, ed. (2021) Wackel-Schamanen - Wiggle-Shamans. In: 81 Sprüche zur Enthärtung unserer Welt - On the Softening of Our World. Schibri Verlag, Berlin, pp. 98-101. ISBN 978386863227-9


Frimberger, Katja and Bishopp, Simon (2020) PODCAST #2 "Meet an academic" : Katja Frimberger. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Frimberger, Katja and Bishopp, Simon (2020) Voice, autonomy and utopian desire in participatory film-making with young refugees. Film Education Journal, 3 (1). pp. 58-77.

Frimberger, Katja (2020) Voice, autonomy & utopian desire in participatory filmmaking with Young Refugees. In: Scottish International Film Education Conference 2020, 2020-06-18 - 2020-06-19, University of Edinburgh.

Andrews, Jane and Fay, Richard and Frimberger, Katja and Tordzro, Gameli and Sithole, Tawona; Moore, Emilee and Bradley, Jessica and Simpson, James, eds. (2020) Theorising arts-based collaborative research processes. In: Translanguaging as Transformation. Multilingual Matters, Bristol. ISBN 9781788928045


Elliott, Meretta and Fleming, Mike and Frimberger, Katja (2019) Performative arts and pedagogy - a British perspective. Scenario: Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning & Research, XIII (2). pp. 10-23. ISSN 1549-8526


Frimberger, Katja and Bishopp, Simon (2018) Reflection on the 'value' of a participatory filmmaking project for young people with refugee experience making home in Scotland. In: Refugees, Languages, Creativity Conference, 2018-10-09 - 2018-10-09, University of Thessaly.

Frimberger, Katja and White, Ross and Ma, Lyn (2018) 'If I didn’t know you what would you want me to see?' Poetic mappings in neo-materialist research with young asylum seekers and refugees. Applied Linguistics Review, 9 (2-3). pp. 391-419. ISSN 1868-6311

Frimberger, Katja (2018) 'Struggling with the word strange my hands have been burned many times' : mapping a migratory research aesthetics in arts-based strangeness research. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 38 (1). pp. 228-239. ISSN 2040-0616


Fassetta, Giovanna and Imperiale, Maria Grazia and Frimberger, Katja and Attia, Mariam and Al-Masri, Nazmi (2017) Online teacher training in a context of forced immobility : the case of Gaza, Palestine. European Education, 49 (2-3). pp. 133-150. ISSN 1944-7086

Frimberger, Katja; Crutchfield, John and Schewe, Manfred, eds. (2017) The ethics of performative approaches in intercultural education. In: Going Performative in Intercultural Education. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education . Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp. 21-41. ISBN 978-1-78309-854-5

Frimberger, Katja (2017) "Some people are born strange" : a Brechtian theatre pedagogy as philosophical ethnography. Qualitative Inquiry, 23 (3). pp. 228-239. ISSN 1552-7565


Frimberger, Katja (2016) Hearing-as-touch in a multilingual film interview : the interviewer's linguistic incompetence as aesthetic key moment. International Multilingual Research Journal, 10 (2). pp. 107-120. ISSN 1931-3160

Frimberger, Katja (2016) A Brechtian theatre pedagogy for intercultural education research. Language and Intercultural Communication, 16 (2). pp. 130-147. ISSN 1747-759X

Frimberger, Katja (2016) Towards a well-being focussed language pedagogy : enabling arts-based, multilingual learning spaces for young people with refugee backgrounds. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 24 (2). pp. 285-299. ISSN 1468-1366

Frimberger, Katja (2016) Multilingual bluffing in drama : a workshop at NGO 'Connect' in Bucharest (Romania). Researching Multilingually at Borders, [Glasgow].


Frimberger, Katja (2015) Why bother with arts-based methods in intercultural education research? A reflection on drama pedagogy to explore intercultural experiences. In: SERA Conference, 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-20, University of Aberdeen.

Frimberger, Katja (2015) Towards a migratory film aesthetic : the interviewer's bodily discomfort as aesthetic key moment. In: Open Embodiments, 2015-04-15 - 2015-05-18, University of Arizona.

Frimberger, Katja (2015) Drama workshop at NGO Connect/Ado Sah Rom, Bucharest, Romania, 2015. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.


Frimberger, Katja (2013) That last week in August! A production manager's view : [Participatory filmmaking as intercultural pedagogy - Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet)]. Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet), Glasgow.

Frimberger, Katja (2013) 'Playful' research : Exploring intercultural experience through arts-based methods. Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet), Glasgow.

Frimberger, Katja and Phipps, Alison (2013) Towards a Brechtian Research Pedagogy for Intercultural Education : Cultivating Intercultural Spaces of Experiment through Drama. PhD thesis, School of Education, University of Glasgow , Glasgow , United Kingdom.

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