Items where year is 2024
, ed. (2024) Breastfeeding behaviours in women with obesity; associations with weight retention and the serum metabolome : a secondary analysis of UPBEAT. International Journal of Obesity, 48 (10). pp. 1472-1480. ISSN 0307-0565
, ed. (2024) Healthcare providers' experiences of maternity care service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom : a follow-up systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 5. 1470674. ISSN 2673-5059
, ed. (2024) Post-pandemic maternity care planning for vaccination : a qualitative study of the experiences of women, partners, health care professionals, and policy makers in the United Kingdom. Vaccines, 12 (9). 1042. ISSN 2076-393X
, ed. (2024) A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154. The Astrophysical Journal, 977 (2). 255. ISSN 1538-4357
, ed. (2024) Use of sodium valproate and other antiseizure drug treatments in England and Wales: quantitative analysis of nationwide linked electronic health records. BMJ Medicine, 3 (1). ISSN 2754-0413
A. Almithqal, Eyad and John, Tomasz (2024) Exploring barriers and facilitators of ICT in English pronunciation instruction : perspectives from Jordanian tertiary education. Pedagogical Research, 9 (4). em0220. ISSN 2468-4929
Abad, Farhad and Lotfian, Saeid and Dai, Saishuai and Zhao, Guangwei and Idarraga Alarcon, Guillermo and Yang, Liu and Huang, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Brennan, Feargal (2024) Experimental and computational analysis of elastomer membranes used in oscillating water column WECs. Renewable Energy, 226. 120422. ISSN 0960-1481
Abasifard, Mostafa and Cholsuk, Chanaprom and Pousa, Roberto G. and Kumar, Anand and Zand, Ashkan and Riel, Thomas and Oi, Daniel K. L. and Vogl, Tobias (2024) The ideal wavelength for daylight free-space quantum key distribution. APL Quantum, 1 (1). 016113. ISSN 2835-0103
Abbas, Faisal and Saleem, Omer and Wang, Lijuan and Yan, Yong (2024) A self-adaptive fractional-order PID controller for the particle velocity regulation in a pneumatic conveying system. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0142-3312
Abbott, R. and Angelova, S. V. and Ben Yaala, M. and Gier, C. and Hill, P. and Reid, S. and Talbot, C. J. and Wallace, G. S., LIGO Scientific Collaboration (2024) GWTC-2.1 : deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run. Physical Review D, 109 (2). 022001. ISSN 1550-2368
Abbott, R. and Angelova, S. V. and Ben Yaala, M. and Gier, C. and Hill, P. and Reid, S. and Talbot, C. J. and Wallace, G. S., LIGO Scientific Collaboration (2024) Search for gravitational-wave transients associated with magnetar bursts in advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo data from the third observing run. The Astrophysical Journal, 966 (1). 137. ISSN 1538-4357
Abdel-Aziz, Ali and Elgenedy, Mohamed and Williams, Barry (2024) Review of switched reluctance motor converters and torque ripple minimisation techniques for electric vehicle applications. Energies, 17 (13). 3263. ISSN 1996-1073
Abdel-Aziz, Ali and Elgenedy, Mohamed and Williams, Barry (2024) A new torque control approach for torque ripple minimisation in switched reluctance drives. Energies, 17 (13). 3334. ISSN 1996-1073
Abdel-Moneim, Mohamed G. and Mansour, Mohamed and Alsokhiry, F. and Abdel-Khalik, Ayman S. and Al Hosani, Khalifa and Ahmed, Khaled H. (2024) Monolithic modular thyristor-based DC-Hub with zero reactive power circulation. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 160. 110122. ISSN 0142-0615
Abdelaziz, Yousef N. and Ahmed, Khaled H. and Williams, Barry W. (2024) New hybrid thyristor-based multilevel converter with DC fault blocking capability, for HVDC applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 39 (1). pp. 911-923. 10298816. ISSN 1941-0107
Abdelaziz, Yousef N. and Mansour, Mohamed and Aboushady, Ahmed A. and Alsokhiry, F. and Ahmed, Khaled H. and Abdel-khalik, Ayman S. and Al-Turki, Y. (2024) New analysis of VSC-based modular multilevel DC-DC converter with low interfacing inductor for hybrid LCC/VSC HVDC network interconnections. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 95. pp. 82-93. ISSN 1110-0168
Abdelsalam, Aisha A. Abdelati and Woods, Stuart and Henriquez, Selina and Curran, Lucy and Westrop, Gareth and Roberts, Craig W. (2024) Toxoplasma gondii infection of BALB/c mice perturbs host neurochemistry. Parasite Immunology, 46 (11). e13073. ISSN 0141-9838
Abdullah, Saad and Saleem, Zikria and Godman, Brian (2024) Coping with increasing medicine costs through greater adoption of generic prescribing and dispensing in Pakistan as an exemplar country. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 24 (2). pp. 167-170. ISSN 1473-7167
Abouyehia, Mohamed and Egea-Alvarez, Agusti and Aphale, Sumeet S. and Ahmed, Khaled H. (2024) Novel frequency-domain inertia mapping and estimation in power systems using wavelet analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0885-8950
Abuhassan, Qamar and Silva, Maria Inês and Abu-Rajab Tamimi, Rana and Khadra, Ibrahim and Batchelor, Hannah K. and Pyper, Kate and Halbert, Gavin W. (2024) A novel simulated media system for in vitro evaluation of bioequivalent intestinal drug solubility. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 199. 114302. ISSN 0939-6411
Accettura, Carlotta and Adams, Dean and Agarwal, Rohit and Ahdida, Claudia and Aimè, Chiara and Amapane, Nicola and Amorim, David and Andreetto, Paolo and Anulli, Fabio and Appleby, Robert and Apresyan, Artur and Apyan, Aram and Arsenyev, Sergey and Asadi, Pouya and Mahmoud, Mohammed Attia and Azatov, Aleksandr and Back, John and Balconi, Lorenzo and Bandiera, Laura and Barlow, Roger and Bartosik, Nazar and Barzi, Emanuela and Batsch, Fabian and Bauce, Matteo and Berg, J. Scott and Bersani, Andrea and Bertarelli, Alessandro and Bertolin, Alessandro and Black, Kevin and Boattini, Fulvio and Bogacz, Alex and Bonesini, Maurizio and Bordini, Bernardo and Bottaro, Salvatore and Bottura, Luca and Braghieri, Alessandro and Breschi, Marco and Bruhwiler, Natalie and Buffat, Xavier and Buonincontri, Laura and Burrows, Philip N. and Burt, Graeme and Buttazzo, Dario and Caiffi, Barbara and Calviani, Marco and Calzaferri, Simone and Calzolari, Daniele and Capdevilla, Rodolfo and Carli, Christian and Casaburo, Fausto and Casarsa, Massimo and Castelli, Luca and Catanesi, Maria Gabriella and Cavallucci, Lorenzo and Cavoto, Gianluca and Celiberto, Francesco Giovanni and Celona, Luigi and Cerri, Alessandro and Cesarini, Gianmario and Cesarotti, Cari and Chachamis, Grigorios and Chance, Antoine and Chen, Siyu and Chien, Yang-Ting and Chiesa, Mauro and Colaleo, Anna and Collamati, Francesco and Collazuol, Gianmaria and Costa, Marco and Craig, Nathaniel and Curatolo, Camilla and Curtin, David and Da Molin, Giacomo and Dam, Magnus and Damerau, Heiko and Dasu, Sridhara and de Blas, Jorge and De Curtis, Stefania and De Matteis, Ernesto and De Rosa, Stefania and Delahaye, Jean-Pierre and Denisov, Dmitri and Denizli, Haluk and Densham, Christopher and Dermisek, Radovan and Di Luzio, Luca and Di Meco, Elisa and Di Micco, Biagio and Dienes, Keith and Diociaiuti, Eleonora and Dorigo, Tommaso and Dudarev, Alexey and Edgecock, Robert and Errico, Filippo and Fabbrichesi, Marco and Farinon, Stefania and Ferrari, Anna and Somoza, Jose Antonio Ferreira and Filthaut, Frank and Fiorina, Davide and Fol, Elena and Forslund, Matthew and Franceschini, Roberto and Ximenes, Rui Franqueira and Gabrielli, Emidio and Gallinaro, Michele and Garosi, Francesco and Giambastiani, Luca and Gianelle, Alessio and Gilardoni, Simone and Giove, Dario Augusto and Giraldin, Carlo and Glioti, Alfredo and Greco, Mario and Greljo, Admir and Groeber, Ramona and Grojean, Christophe and Grudiev, Alexej and Gu, Jiayin and Han, Chengcheng and Han, Tao and Hauptman, John and Henning, Brian and Hermanek, Keith and Herndon, Matthew and Holmes, Tova Ray and Homiller, Samuel and Huang, Guoyuan and Jana, Sudip and Jindariani, Sergo and Jurj, Paul Bogdan and Kahn, Yonatan and Karpov, Ivan and Kelliher, David and Kilian, Wolfgang and Kolehmainen, Antti and Kong, Kyoungchul and Koppenburg, Patrick and Kreher, Nils and Krintiras, Georgios and Krizka, Karol and Krnjaic, Gordan and Kuchma, Benjamin T. and Kumar, Nilanjana and Lechner, Anton and Lee, Lawrence and Li, Qiang and Voti, Roberto Li and Lipton, Ronald and Liu, Zhen and Lomte, Shivani and Long, Kenneth and Gomez, Jose Lorenzo and Losito, Roberto and Low, Ian and Lu, Qianshu and Lucchesi, Donatella and Ma, Lianliang and Ma, Yang and Machida, Shinji and Maltoni, Fabio and Mandurrino, Marco and Mansoulie, Bruno and Mantani, Luca and Marchand, Claude and Mariotto, Samuele and Martin-Haugh, Stewart and Marzocca, David and Mastrapasqua, Paola and Mauro, Giorgio and Mazzolari, Andrea and McGinnis, Navin and Meade, Patrick and Mele, Barbara and Meloni, Federico and Mentink, Matthias and Merlassino, Claudia and Metral, Elias and Miceli, Rebecca and Milas, Natalia and Mokhov, Nikolai and Montella, Alessandro and Mulder, Tim and Musenich, Riccardo and Nardecchia, Marco and Nardi, Federico and Neufeld, Niko and Neuffer, David and Novelli, Daniel and Onel, Yasar and Orestano, Domizia and Paesani, Daniele and Griso, Simone Pagan and Palmer, Mark and Panci, Paolo and Panico, Giuliano and Paparella, Rocco and Paradisi, Paride and Passeri, Antonio and Pastrone, Nadia and Pellecchia, Antonello and Piccinini, Fulvio and Portone, Alfredo and Potamianos, Karolos and Prioli, Marco and Quettier, Lionel and Radicioni, Emilio and Radogna, Raffaella and Rattazzi, Riccardo and Redigolo, Diego and Reina, Laura and Resseguie, Elodie and Reuter, Jürgen and Ribani, Pier Luigi and Riccardi, Cristina and Ricci, Lorenzo and Ricciardi, Stefania and Ristori, Luciano and Robens, Tania Natalie and Rodejohann, Werner and Rogers, Chris and Romagnoni, Marco and Ronald, Kevin and Rossi, Lucio and Ruiz, Richard and Queiroz, Farinaldo S. and Sala, Filippo and Salko, Jakub and Salvini, Paola and Salvioni, Ennio and Santiago, Jose and Sarra, Ivano and Esteban, Francisco Javier Saura and Schieck, Jochen and Schulte, Daniel and Selvaggi, Michele and Senatore, Carmine and Senol, Abdulkadir and Sertore, Daniele and Sestini, Lorenzo and Sharma, Varun and Shiltsev, Vladimir and Shu, Jing and Simone, Federica Maria and Simoniello, Rosa and Skoufaris, Kyriacos and Sorbi, Massimo and Sorti, Stefano and Stamerra, Anna and Stapnes, Steinar and Stark, Giordon Holtsberg and Statera, Marco and Stechauner, Bernd and Stolarski, Daniel and Stratakis, Diktys and Su, Shufang and Su, Wei and Sumensari, Olcyr and Sun, Xiaohu and Sundrum, Raman and Swiatlowski, Maximilian J. and Sytov, Alexei and Tait, Tim M. P. and Tang, Jingyu and Tang, Jian and Tesi, Andrea and Testoni, Pietro and Thomas, Brooks and Thompson, Emily Anne and Torre, Riccardo and Tortora, Ludovico and Tortora, Luca and Trifinopoulos, Sokratis and Vai, Ilaria and Valente, Marco and Valente, Riccardo Umberto and Valenti, Alessandro and Valle, Nicolò and Rienen, Ursula van and Venditti, Rosamaria and Verweij, Arjan and Verwilligen, Piet and Vittorio, Ludovico and Vitulo, Paolo and Wang, Liantao and Weber, Hannsjorg and Wozniak, Mariusz and Wu, Richard and Wu, Yongcheng and Wulzer, Andrea and Xie, Keping and Yamamoto, Akira and Yang, Yifeng and Yonehara, Katsuya and Yoon, Sangsik and Zaza, Angela and Zhao, Xiaoran and Zlobin, Alexander and Zuliani, Davide and Zurita, Jose (2024) Erratum: Towards a muon collider. European Physical Journal C, 84 (1). 36. ISSN 1434-6044
Acciarini, Giacomo and Greco, Cristian and Vasile, Massimiliano (2024) Uncertainty propagation in orbital dynamics via Galerkin projection of the Fokker-Planck Equation. Advances in Space Research, 73 (1). pp. 53-63. ISSN 0273-1177
Acheampong, Alex O. and Opoku, Eric Evans Osei and Tetteh, Godsway Korku (2024) Unveiling the effect of income inequality on safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) : does financial inclusion matter? World Development, 178. 106573. ISSN 0305-750X
Acheampong, Alex O. and Tetteh, Godsway Korku (2024) Does financial inclusion matter to population health? Insight from a global dataset. Social Indicators Research, 172 (3). pp. 1005-1040. ISSN 1573-0921
Acheson, Graeme and Aldous, Michael and Quinn, William (2024) The anatomy of a bubble company : The London Assurance in 1720. Economic History Review, 77 (1). pp. 160-184. ISSN 0013-0117
Acheson, Graeme and McLaughlin, Eoin and Newton, Gill and Perriton, Linda (2024) The incidence and persistence of partnerships in a British industrial city : Glasgow, 1861–81. Economic History Review. pp. 1-28. ISSN 0013-0117
Ackermann, Fran and Eden, Colin and McKiernan, Peter (2024) Stakeholders in strategy making. Journal of Strategy and Management, 17 (2). pp. 282-296. ISSN 1755-425X
Acosta, J.D. and Idarraga, Guillermo and Maimí, P. and Jalalvand, Meisam and Meza, J.M. (2024) Numerical modelling of multi-directional thin-ply carbon/glass hybrid composites with open holes under tension. Mechanics of Materials, 190. 104921. ISSN 0167-6636
Adams, Paul (2024) Pedagogy and positioning theory : relationships and the formation of context. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1468-1366
Adamson, Laela and Brown, Rhona (2024) Exploring children’s experiences of schooling in Tanzania : how the ‘hidden curriculum’ undermines aspirations for sustainable development. Children and Society. ISSN 0951-0605
Adamson, Laela and Milligan, Lizzi O. and Desai, Zubeida (2024) Exploring the injustices perpetuated by unfamiliar languages of learning and teaching : the importance of multi-angle, learner-focused research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 47 (5). pp. 438-453. ISSN 1743-7288
Adisa, Toyin Ajibade and Nickson, Dennis and Ogbonnaya, Chidiebere and Mordi, Chima (2024) Aesthetic labour outcome and experience of individuals with tribal marks in Nigeria. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35 (3). pp. 425-453. ISSN 0958-5192
Adshead, Daniel and Paszkowski, Amelie and Gall, Sarah S. and Peard, Alison M. and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani and Verschuur, Jasper and Hall, Jim W. (2024) Climate threats to coastal infrastructure and sustainable development outcomes. Nature Climate Change, 14 (4). pp. 344-352. ISSN 1758-678X
Adu-Amankwa, Kwaku and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Corney, Jonathan and Wodehouse, Andrew (2024) Examining replacement part supply chain links with intellectual property issues when using additive manufacturing. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58 (19). pp. 988-993. ISSN 2405-8963
Afxenti, Ivi and Yu, Lijun and Shields, Taylor and Faccio, Daniele and Bradley, Thomas and Caspani, Lucia and Clerici, Matteo and Dada, Adetunmise C. (2024) Polarization purity and dispersion characteristics of nested antiresonant nodeless hollow-core optical fiber at near- and short-wave-IR wavelengths for quantum communications. Optics Express, 32 (20). pp. 34471-34481. ISSN 1094-4087
Agapiou, Andrew (2024) A systematic review of the socio-legal dimensions of responsible AI and its role in improving health and safety in construction. Buildings, 14 (5). 1469. ISSN 2075-5309
Agbaje, Samzu and Zhang, Xue and Patelli, Edoardo and Ward, Darren and Dhimitri, Luisa (2024) Random field failure and post-failure analyses of vertical slopes in soft clays. Computers and Geotechnics, 166. 106037. ISSN 0266-352X
Agnew, Nicola and Machin, Graham and Riis, Erling and Arnold, Aidan S. (2024) Practical doppler broadening thermometry. AIP Conference Proceedings, 3230 (1). 110002. ISSN 1551-7616
Agnew, Sommer and Crawford, Megan and MacPherson, Iain and Shiramizu, Victor and Fleming, Leanne (2024) The impact of symptom clusters on endocrine therapy adherence in patients with breast cancer. The Breast, 75. 103731. ISSN 0960-9776
Agyare, Elizabeth and Acolatse, Joseph Elikem Efui and Dakorah, Mavis Puopelle and Akafity, George and Chalker, Victoria J. and Spiller, Owen B. and Schneider, Kristan Alexander and Yevutsey, Saviour and Aidoo, Nana Benyin and Blankson, Sophia and Mensah-Acheampong, Frederick and Incoom, Robert and Kurdi, Amanj and Godman, Brian and Ngyedu, Eric Kofi (2024) Antimicrobial stewardship capacity and antibiotic utilisation practices in the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana : a point prevalence survey study. PLOS One, 19 (1). e0297626. ISSN 1932-6203
Ahmad, Rufai and Terzis, Sotirios and Renaud, Karen (2024) Getting users to click : a content analysis of phishers’ tactics and techniques in mobile instant messaging phishing. Information and Computer Security, 32 (4). pp. 420-435. ISSN 2056-4961
Ahmad, Tabia and Papadopoulos, Panagiotis N. (2024) Dynamic functional connectivity graph for assessing cascading events in power system. Electric Power Systems Research, 235. 110724. ISSN 0378-7796
Ahmed, Khaled and Marshall, Ben (2024) Editorial of the special issue : Interactions between AC and DC power systems, and related considerations. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 18 (23). pp. 3763-3764. ISSN 1751-8695
Ahmed, Shumela (2024) Response to the 21st Kilbrandon Lecture. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 23 (1). pp. 221-223. ISSN 1478-1840
Ahmed, Yaseen Adnan and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Maslov, Ilia and Wennersberg, Lars Andreas Lien and Nesheim, Dag Atle (2024) Regulatory and legal frameworks recommendations for short sea shipping maritime autonomous surface ships. Marine Policy, 166. 106226. ISSN 0308-597X
Ahmed, Yaseen Adnan and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Maslov, Ilia and Wennersberg, Lars Andreas Lien and Nesheim, Dag Atle (2024) Towards autonomous inland waterway vessels — a comprehensive analysis of regulatory, liability and insurance frameworks. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 23 (1). pp. 73-101. ISSN 1651-436X
Air, Alan and Wodehouse, Andrew (2024) Play well, print well : using LEGO bricks as an intuitive benchmarking tool for 3D printers. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4 (DESIGN). 1707–1716. ISSN 2732-527X
Aitken, Dominic (2024) Power and purpose in an immigration removal centre. The British Journal of Criminology, 64 (5). pp. 1098-1113. ISSN 1464-3529
Ajay, Adhyanth Giri and Morgan, Laurence and Wu, Yan and Bretos, David and Cascales, Aurelio and Pires, Oscar and Ferreira, Carlos (2024) Aerodynamic model comparison for an X-shaped vertical-axis wind turbine. Wind Energy Science, 9 (2). 453–470. ISSN 2366-7451
Akanni, L and Deeming, C and Adjei, N and Wickham, S and Taylor-Robinson, D (2024) The impacts of UK coronavirus virus job retention (furlough) scheme on mental health. European Journal of Public Health, 34 (Supple). ckae144.248. ISSN 1101-1262
Akanni, Lateef and Lenhart, Otto and Morton, Alec (2024) Conflicting economic policies and mental health : evidence from the UK national living wage and benefits freeze. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 43 (4). pp. 1185-1208. ISSN 1520-6688
Akkoyunlu, Burcu and Daly, Sorcha and Syron, Eoin and Casey, Eoin (2024) Fermentation strategies for PHB production in a novel membrane bioreactor : investigating batch and fed-batch operations. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 204. 109239. ISSN 1369-703X
Akram, Raisul and Buis, Arjan and Sultana, Marufa and Lauer, Jeremy A. and Morton, Alec (2024) Mapping gaps and exploring impairment and disability prevalence in South Asian (SAARC) countries : a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1748-3115
Akullo, Grace and Fernandez, Elisa Maria Aracil and Mwaura, Samuel and McMillan, Carolyn (2024) Beyond teaching : the extended role of informal entrepreneurship education and training in challenging contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. ISSN 1355-2554
Al Amri, Kawkab Abdullah Nabhan and Khan, Qamar J A and Greenhalgh, David (2024) Combined impact of fear and Allee effect in predator-prey interaction models on their growth. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 21 (10). pp. 7211-7252. ISSN 1551-0018
Al Asad, Mamun and Shuvo, Md Sarower Hossen and Mitu, Shomaia Yasmin and Sumia and Zihadi, Md Asief Hossain and Shanta, Ayasha Siddique and Islam, Nahidul and Nahar, Shamsun and Godman, Brian and Islam, Salequl (2024) Culture-independent quantitative PCR detected mobilized colistin resistance genes (mcr-1, mcr-2, mcr-3, mcr-4, and mcr-5) in chicken-gut contents in Bangladesh. Sci, 6 (4). 76. ISSN 2413-4155
Al Balushi, Hayam and Kurdi, Amanj and Almutairi, Najla and Baker, Kirmanj Ismail and Amen, Karwan M and Karwi, Hardee and Seaton, Andrew and Godman, Brian (2024) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilisation and quality of antibiotic use in the Scottish primary care setting : a population-based segmented interrupted time series analysis. Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, 22 (10). 895–905. ISSN 1744-8336
Al Naqbi, Khalid Khalfan Mohamed and Ojiako, Udi and Al-Mhdawi, M.K.S. and Chipulu, Maxwell and Dweiri, Fikri T. and Bashir, Hamdi and AlRaeesi, Eman Jasim Hussain (2024) Position paper : public policy implications in publicly funded infrastructure projects. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. ISSN 2046-6099
Al Qaraghuli, Mohammed M. and Kubiak-Ossowska, Karina and Ferro, Valerie A. and Mulheran, Paul A. (2024) Exploiting the Fc base of IgG antibodies to create functional nanoparticle conjugates. Scientific Reports, 14 (1). 14832. ISSN 2045-2322
Al Sultan, Abdullah and Rattray, Zahra and Rattray, Nicholas J. W. (2024) Cytotoxicity and toxicoproteomics analysis of thiazolidinedione exposure in human-derived cardiomyocytes. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 44 (8). pp. 1214-1235. ISSN 0260-437X
Al Sultan, Abdullah and Rattray, Zahra and Rattray, Nicholas J. W. (2024) Integrative analysis of toxicometabolomics and toxicoproteomics data : new molecular insights into thiazolidinedione-induced cardiotoxicity. Metabolomics, 21 (1). 1. ISSN 1573-3882
Al Sultan, Abdullah and Rattray, Zahra and Rattray, Nicholas J. W. (2024) Toxicometabolomics-based cardiotoxicity evaluation of Thiazolidinedione exposure in human-derived cardiomyocytes. Metabolomics, 20 (2). 24. ISSN 1573-3890
Al-Ahmad, Manaf and Yang, Song and Qin, Yi (2024) Integrating machine learning with machine parameters to predict plastic part quality in injection moulding. MATEC Web of Conferences, 401. 08011. ISSN 2261-236X
Al-Ajmi, Fahad and Li, Jun (2024) Crystal structure of asphaltene under mechanical stress of ball milling. Fuel Processing Technology, 263. 108119. ISSN 0378-3820
Al-Sharabi, Mohammed and Markl, Daniel and Vivacqua, Vincenzino and Bawuah, Prince and MacLean, Natalie and York, Andrew P.E. and Zeitler, J. Axel (2024) Investigating the effect of sintering rate and solvent type on the liquid transport kinetics of α-alumina powder compacts. Chemical Engineering Science, 284. 119414. ISSN 0009-2509
Al-Tannak, Naser F. and Anyam, John V. and Santali, Eman Y. and Gray, Alexander I. and Ibeji, Collins U. and Igoli, John O. (2024) Anti-parasitic activity and computational studies on a novel labdane diterpene from the roots of Vachellia nilotica. Open Chemistry, 22 (1). 20240005. ISSN 2391-5420
AlShmmari, Sultan K. and Fardous, Roa S. and Shinwari, Zakia and Cialla-May, Dana and Popp, Jürgen and Ramadan, Qasem and Zourob, Mohammed (2024) Hepatic spheroid-on-a-chip : fabrication and characterization of a spheroid-based in vitro model of the human liver for drug screening applications. Biomicrofluidics, 18 (3). 034105. ISSN 1932-1058
Aladeokin, Oluwagbemi and Fletcher, Ashleigh (2024) A novel activated carbon material from peanut shells for the removal of methyl orange and methylene blue dyes from wastewater : kinetics, isotherms, and mechanism. Adsorption Science & Technology, 42. pp. 1-24. ISSN 2048-4038
Alajmi, Abdalrahman (2024) Twinning the future : Implementing digital twin technology in the optimisation of fibre-reinforced polymers. MATEC Web of Conferences, 401. 11005. ISSN 2261-236X
Alanazi, Ibrahim M. and Alzahrani, Abdullah R. and Alsaad, Mohammad A. and Moqeem, Abdulaziz L. and Hamdi, Abdulmohsen M. and Taher, Mohiuddin M. and Watson, David G. and Grant, M. Helen (2024) The effect of mephedrone on human neuroblastoma and astrocytoma cells. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 32 (4). 102011. ISSN 1319-0164
Alanazi, S. and Doonan, J. and Lumb, F. E. and Alenzi, N. and Jabbar, S. and Al-Riyami, L. and Suckling, C. J. and Harnett, W. and Watson, D. G. (2024) Reduction in creatine metabolites in macrophages exposed to small molecule analogues of the anti-inflammatory parasitic worm product ES-62. Parasite Immunology, 46 (2). e13026. ISSN 0141-9838
Alaqabani, Hakam and Hammad, Alaa and Abosnwber, Yara and Perrie, Yvonne (2024) Novel microfluidic development of pH-responsive hybrid liposomes : in vitro and in vivo assessment for enhanced wound healing. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 667 (Part A). 124884. ISSN 1873-3476
Alaqabani, Hakam and Omar, Hani and Barham, Sara Yaser and Al Zuaini, Hashim H. and Ugorenko, Agata and Khaleel, Anas (2024) The awareness of renal stones amongst Syrian refugees in northern Jordan. PLoS ONE, 19 (6). e0300999. ISSN 1932-6203
Aldridge, Sarah J. and Agrawal, Utkarsh and Murphy, Siobhán and Millington, Tristan and Akbari, Ashley and Almaghrabi, Fatima and Anand, Sneha N. and Bedston, Stuart and Goudie, Rosalind and Griffiths, Rowena and Joy, Mark and Lowthian, Emily and de Lusignan, Simon and Patterson, Lynsey and Robertson, Chris and Rudan, Igor and Bradley, Declan T. and Lyons, Ronan A. and Sheikh, Aziz and Owen, Rhiannon K. (2024) Uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations amongst 3,433,483 children and young people : meta-analysis of UK prospective cohorts. Nature Communications, 15 (1). 2363. ISSN 2041-1723
Alessandrini, Mirta and Alblas, Edwin and Batten, Lin and Bothé, Sumira (2024) Smallholder farms in the sustainable food transition : a critical examination of the new Common Agricultural Policy. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 33 (1). pp. 124-135. ISSN 2050-0394
Alexander, Nicholas and Doherty, Anne Marie (2024) Interinstitutional shaping of retail innovation : the nineteenth century retail arcade. Business History, 66 (6). pp. 1313-1344. ISSN 0007-6791
Algaddaime, Talal F. and Hassan, Emadelddin and Stack, Margaret M. (2024) Investigating the performance of glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) in the marine environment for tidal energy : velocity, particle size, impact angle and exposure time effects. Lubricants, 12 (11). 375. ISSN 2075-4442
Algara, Ahmad and Yuan, Jie (2024) A numerical study on the interaction between friction and vibration in a friction-involved dynamical system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2909 (1). 012023. ISSN 1742-6588
Alghanmi, Ayman F. and Aljahdali, Bassam M. and Sulaimani, Hussain T. and Turan, Osman and Alshareef, Mohammed H. (2024) An innovative deep-learning technique for fuel demand estimation in maritime transportation : a step toward sustainable development and environmental impact mitigation. Water, 16 (22). 3325. ISSN 2073-4441
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İlter, Yasin Kaan and Ünal, Uğur Oral and Shi, Weichao and Tokgöz, Sedat and Atlar, Mehmet (2024) An experimental investigation into the drag reduction performance of dimpled plates in a fully turbulent channel flow. Ocean Engineering, 307. 118198. ISSN 0029-8018
Řiháček, Tomáš and Elliott, Robert and Owen, Jesse and Ladmanová, Michaela and Coleman, Jeremy J. and Bugatti, Matteo (2024) Session Reactions Scale-3 : initial psychometric evidence. Psychotherapy Research, 34 (4). pp. 434-448. ISSN 1050-3307
Book Section
Adu-Amankwa, Kwaku and Wodehouse, Andrew and Daly, Angela and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Corney, Jonathan; Thürer, Matthias and Riedel, Ralph and von Cieminski, Gregor and Romero, David, eds. (2024) Trading digital-valued assets within cyber-physical manufacturing supply chains : a scoping review of additive manufacturing and digital trade. In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments. Springer, DEU, pp. 91-104. ISBN 9783031658945
Ager, Paul and Jimoh, Isah A. and Bevan, Geraint and Küçükdemiral, Ibrahim; (2024) Robust backstepping controllers for linear motor drives. In: 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) . IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ISBN 9798350370942
Ait Ameur, Mohamed Adlan and Yang, Erfu and Brady, Scott; (2024) Advancing healthcare through intelligent human-robot collaboration : overview, challenges and opportunities. In: 2024 29th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-6. ISBN 979-8-3503-6088-2
Al Ani, Saja and Cleland, Joanne and Zoha, Ahmed; Guarino, Maria Pedro and Hotta, Kazuhiro and Yousef, Malik and Liu, Hui and Saggio, Giovanni and Fred, Ana and Gamboa, Hugo, eds. (2024) Automated classification of phonetic segments in child speech using raw ultrasound imaging. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. BIOSTEC . SCITEPRESS, ITA, pp. 326-331. ISBN 9789897586880
Alajmi, Abdalrahman R E and Kelly, Nick; (2024) Implementing Industry 4.0 tools for enhancing residential energy management : a case study of Kuwait. In: 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT). International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) . IEEE, ITA. ISBN 979-8-3503-8753-7
Aldous, Kholoud and Salminen, Joni and Farooq, Ali and Jung, Soon-Gyo and Jansen, Bernard; (2024) Using ChatGPT in content marketing : enhancing users’ social media engagement in cross-platform content creation through generative AI. In: HT '24: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 376-383. ISBN 979-8-4007-0595-3
Alghamdi, Essam and Halvey, Martin and Nicol, Emma; (2024) System and user strategies to repair conversational breakdowns of spoken dialogue systems : a scoping review. In: ACM Conversational User Interfaces 2024 (CUI '24). Association for Computing Machinery, LUX. ISBN 9798400705113
Aljanadi, Ahmed Salahuldeen S and Lappa, Marcello; Fossati, Marco and Kontis, Kostantinos and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica and Chaparian, Emad, eds. (2024) Buoyancy-driven flow instabilities in liquid bridges. In: Book of abstracts: UK Fluids Conference 2023. University of Strathclyde, GBR. ISBN 978-1-914241-69-7
Allais, Guillaume; Keller, Gabriele and Wang, Meng, eds. (2024) Scoped and typed staging by evaluation. In: PEPM 2024. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, GBR, pp. 83-93. ISBN 9798400704871
Alves, Pedro Urbano and Hill, Jordan and Xie, Enyuan and Durmusoglu, Emek Goksu and Sharma, Manoj and Demir, Hilmi Volkan and McKendry, Jonathan J.D. and Dawson, Martin D. and Laurand, Nicolas; (2024) Deep UV LED-pumped quantum well supraparticles for visible light communication. In: 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) . IEEE, ITA. ISBN 9798350361957
Amiolemen, Alfred and Fusiek, Grzegorz and Niewczas, Pawel; (2024) Towards the development of a photonic current sensor for HVDC networks. In: 2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference . IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9798350380903
Arcidiacono, Mauro Francisco and Violatos, Ioannis and Rahimi, Salaheddin; Cawte, E. R. and Cockings, H. L. and Stekovic, S. and Yates, J. R., eds. (2024) Predicting fatigue crack initiation in milled aerospace grade Ti-6Al-4V parts using CPFEM. In: Proceedings of the 9th Engineering Integrity Society International Conference on Durability & Fatigue. Engineering Integrity Society, GBR, pp. 115-126. ISBN 978-0-9544368-7-2
Arvind, T.T. and Halliday, Simon and Stirton, Lindsay; Cowan, Sharon and Halliday, Simon, eds. (2024) Thought styles on administrative justice systems. In: Socio-Legal Generation. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies . Palgrave Macmillan Cham, Cham, pp. 99-118. ISBN 9783031672446
Atimati, Ehinomen and Crawford, David and Stewart, Robert; (2024) Intelligent shared spectrum coordination in heterogeneous networks. In: 2023 IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications (VCC). IEEE, pp. 252-257. ISBN 9798350318807
Aylett, Matthew and Pappa, Katerina and Lim, Mei Yii and Aylett, Ruth and Wilson, Bruce and Parra, Mario; (2024) Case study in choosing a graphical character to support reminiscence therapy for those living with dementia. In: IVA '24. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents . Association for Computing Machinery, GBR. ISBN 9798400706257
Ayoub, Misbah and Abel, Andrew and Zhang, Haiyang; Arai, Kohei, ed. (2024) Optimization of lacrimal aspect ratio for explainable eye blinking. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 3 . Springer, NLD, pp. 175-192. ISBN 9783031477157
Azzopardi, Leif and Nicol, Emma and Briggs, Jo and Moncur, Wendy and Schafer, Burkhard and Nash, Callum and duheric, melissa; (2024) Assessing risks in online information sharing. In: ACM CHIIR 2025. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), AUS. ISBN 979-8-4007-1290 (In Press)
Azzopardi, Leif and van der Sluis, Frans; (2024) Seeking socially responsible consumers : exploring the intention-search-behaviour gap. In: CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, GBR, pp. 153-164. ISBN 9798400704345
Bakhit, Mohammed A. and Khattak, Faizan A. and Proudler, Ian K. and Weiss, Stephan and Rice, Garrey W.; (2024) Compact order polynomial singular value decomposition of a matrix of analytic functions. In: 2023 IEEE 9th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP). IEEE, CRI, pp. 416-420. ISBN 9798350344523
Banuqitah, Huda and Dunlop, Mark and Abulkhair, Maysoon and Terzis, Sotirios; Demartini, Gianluca and Gadiraju, Ujwal, eds. (2024) An exploratory study of the impact of task selection strategies on worker performance in crowdsourcing microtasks. In: Proceedings of the 12th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing . AAAI Press, USA, pp. 2-11. ISBN 9781577358930
Barakat, Tamara; Tyulenev, Sergey and Luo, Wenyan, eds. (2024) Translation and memory. In: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Sociology. Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 460-474. ISBN 9781040134078
Barzegkar-Ntovom, Georgios A. and Kontis, Eleftherios O. and Papadopoulos, Theofilos A. and Feng, Zhiwang and Burt, Graeme; (2024) Digital twin aided dynamic analysis of distribution networks with power hardware-in-the-loop validation. In: 2024 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST). 2024 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) . IEEE, ITA, pp. 1-6. ISBN 979-8-3503-8649-3
Batic, Djordje and Stankovic, Vladimir and Stankovic, Lina; (2024) ChargeDEM : geodemographic aware EV charging infrastructure placement for enhanced site selection using graph neural networks. In: 12th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL’24). UNSPECIFIED, JPN. (In Press)
Beer, Theresa Marie and Karpenko, Olena and Collu, Maurizio and Coraddu, Andrea; (2024) Evaluation of mooring line degradation in floating offshore wind turbines : a comprehensive analysis of corrosion and fatigue under environmental impacts. In: Proceedings of ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), SGP. ISBN 9780791887790
Berdygozhin, Ansar and Pepper, Benjamin and Campos-Gaona, David; (2024) Asymmetric operation of power lines by using E-STATCOM and internal model controllers. In: 2024 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG). IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) . IEEE, LUX. ISBN 9798350361001
Bihl, Trevor J. and Farr, Patrick and Di Caterina, Gaetano and Kirkland, Paul and Vicente Sola, Alex and Manna, Davide and Liu, Jundong and Combs, Kara; Bui, Tung X., ed. (2024) Exploring spiking neural networks (SNN) for low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) benefits. In: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, pp. 7561-7570. ISBN 9780998133171
Blair, Steven and Kawal, Kevin and Papadopoulos, Panagiotis and Hong, Qiteng; (2024) Review of applications and practicalities of synchronized waveform monitoring. In: 2024 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA). IEEE, USA, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9798350312874
Boban, Jibin and Puthanveettil Madathil, Abhilash and Ahmed, Afzaal and Rahman, Azizur; (2024) An overview on post-processing of metal additive manufactured components. In: Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier, [S.I.]. ISBN 9780128035818
Boersma, Susanne and Kist, Cassandra and Mucha, Franziska and Zwart, Inge and Economou, Maria; Koch, Gertraud and Smith, Rachel Charlotte, eds. (2024) Shifting from 'inside-out' to 'outside in' : envisioning ways of structurally integrating participatory principles in museums. In: Future Memory Practices. Taylor and Francis Ltd., London, pp. 23-39. ISBN 9781040150733
Bonaviri, Gianluigi Mastandrea and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał; Bonaviri, Gianluigi Mastandrea and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał, eds. (2024) Introduction : venturing to find new approaches to heritage in peril for the twenty-first century. In: Heritage in War and Peace. Law and Visual Jurisprudence . Springer, Cham, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9783031473470
Bouis, Agathe and Lowe, Christopher and Clark, Ruaridh and Macdonald, Malcolm; Cherifi, Hocine and Rocha, Luis M. and Cherifi, Chantal and Donduran, Murat, eds. (2024) Tolerance-based disruption-tolerant consensus in directed networks. In: Complex Networks & Their Applications XII. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 4 . Springer, FRA, pp. 449-460. ISBN 9783031535031
Braun, Christoph H.-J. and Horne, Ross and Käfer, Tobias and Mauw, Sjouke; (2024) SSI, from specifications to protocol? : Formally verify security! In: WWW '24: Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024. ACM, Singapore, 1620–1631. ISBN 9798400701719
Bryce, Derek; Das, Arindam and Chaudhuri, Himadri Roy and Turkdogan, Ozlem Sandikci, eds. (2024) Cultural appropriation or transculturation : the curious resilience of ‘Tiki’ culture. In: Postcolonial Marketing Communication. Springer, Singapore, pp. 97-116. ISBN 9789819702855
Byström, Katriina and Kumpulainen, Sanna and Pharo, Nils and Ruthven, Ian; Clough, Paul and Harvey, Morgan and Hopfgartner, Frank, eds. (2024) The concept of information need and its operationalization in CHIIR research. In: CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 431-432. ISBN 9798400704345
Cao, Shuxiu and Hong, Qiteng and Liu, Di and Ji, Liang and Booth, Campbell; (2024) Impact of converter equivalent impedance on distance protection with the MHO characteristic. In: 17th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2024). IEEE, GBR, pp. 336-342. ISBN 9781837240852
Capobianchi, Paolo; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) Magnetic fluids in microgravity environments. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 68-69. ISBN 9781914241680
Cassidy, Claire; Beaton, Mhairi C. and Burke, Anne and Keskitalo, Pigga and Turunen, Tuija, eds. (2024) Being well, being in the community, having voice and agency through practical philosophy. In: Children's Voice and Agency in Diverse Settings. Routledge, London, pp. 8-23. ISBN 9781003360995
Cavanini, Luca and Majecki, Pawel and Grimble, Michael and Devine, Alan and Hillier, Curt; (2024) Digital twin for electric vehicle monitoring. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024). IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering . IEEE, ITA, 705 - 710. ISBN 979-8-3503-5851-3
Cavanini, Luca and Majecki, Pawel and Grimble, Michael and van der Molen, Gerrit M; (2024) Battery state-of-charge estimator design based on the least-squares support vector machine. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024). IEEE, ITA, pp. 711-716. ISBN 9798350358513
Chen, Ziwei and Yue, Hong and Kazemi Amiri, Abbas Mehrad and Morgan, Laurence; (2024) Understanding of lift kite operation requirements of a rotary kite wind turbine. In: 29th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'24). IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-6. ISBN 979-8-3503-6088-2
Christopher, Jay and Rooney, Liam and Uttamchandani, Deepak and McConnell, Gail and Bauer, Ralf; (2024) Exploration of 3D-printed lenses in a confocal MEMS microscope concept. In: 2024 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN). IEEE, ESP. ISBN 9798350384925
Clark, Malcolm and Ruthven, Ian; Sserwanga, Isaac and Joho, Hideo and Ma, Jie and Hansen, Preben and Wu, Dan and Koizumi, Masanori and Gilliland, Anne J., eds. (2024) Genre recognition : a model of behaviour. In: Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783031578502
Combe, Malcolm; Dancer, Helen and Holligan, Bonnie and Howe, Helena, eds. (2024) On windfarms and Whimbrel : Sustainable Shetland v The Scottish Ministers and another. In: UK Earth Law Judgments. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781509970858
Dalla Vedova, Matteo D.L. and Alimhillaj, Parid and Minisci, Edmondo and Maggiore, Paolo; Guxho, Genti and Kosova Spahiu, Tatjana and Prifti, Valma and Gjeta, Ardit and Xhafka, Eralda and Sulejmani, Anis, eds. (2024) A simplified hydraulic capacity-sensitive fluid dynamics numerical model for monitoring aerospace electro-hydraulic actuators. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering . Springer, ALB, pp. 264-274. ISBN 9783031489334
De Angelis, Marco; Ansari, Jonathan and Fuchs, Sebastian and Trutschnig, Wolfgang and Asunción Lubiano, María and Gil, María Ángeles and Grzegorzewski, Przemyslaw and Hryniewicz, Olgierd, eds. (2024) Sharp polynomial upper bound on the variance. In: Combining, Modelling and Analyzing Imprecision, Randomness and Dependence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing . Springer, AUT, pp. 76-84. ISBN 9783031659935
Deane-Cox, Sharon; Bassnett, Susan and Johnston, David, eds. (2024) Translation and trauma. In: Debates in Translation Studies. Routledge, London, pp. 42-57. ISBN 9781003104773
Dhami, Sam and Brisco, Ross; Kim, Jisun and Storer, Ian and Whitehead, Timothy and Buck, Lyndon and Grierson, Hilary and Bohemia, Erik, eds. (2024) A comparison of artificial intelligence image generation tools in product design. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education . The Design Society, GBR, pp. 13-18. ISBN 9781912254200
Dong, Jun and Zheng, Jinming and Stankovic, Lina and Stankovic, Vladimir; (2024) Semi-supervised graph-based non-intrusive load monitoring method combining transformer and graph Laplacian smoothing. In: 2024 IEEE 8th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2) . IEEE, CHN. (In Press)
Donnelly, Michelle; Wudarski, Arkadiusz, ed. (2024) State intervention in the Scottish children’s hearings system : welfare, proportionality and participation. In: The State’s Powers to Intervene in Family Life. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen. (In Press)
Doveiko, Daniel and Kubiak-Ossowska, Karina and Chen, Yu; (2024) Impact of the crystal structure of silica nanoparticles on Rhodamine 6G adsorption. In: 67th International Open Readings Conference for students of Physics and Natural Sciences. Annual Abstract Book 2024. Vilnius University Press, LTU, p. 91.
Dörfler, Viktor and Bas, Alina and Sinclair, Marta; Williams, A Mark and Preckel, Franzis and Hoffman, Robert R, eds. (2024) Does Intuiting Precede or Follow Mastery? In: Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, 3 (3rd). Cambridge University Press (CUP). (In Press)
Eales, Aran; Castán Broto, Vanesa, ed. (2024) Financial aspects of community energy systems. In: Community Energy and Sustainable Energy Transitions. Palgrove Macmillan, Cham, pp. 95-122. ISBN 9783031579387
Eisler, Matthew N.; Carlson, W. Bernard and Conway, Erik M., eds. (2024) Vehicle-to-grid, regulated deregulation, and the energy conversion imaginary. In: Electrical Conquest. Archemides (ARIM) . Springer, Cham, pp. 251-280. ISBN 9783031445910
English, Rosanne and Maguire, Joseph and Wilde, Adriana; Legg, P. and Coull, N. and Clarke, C., eds. (2024) Principles for inclusive assessment design in cybersecurity education. In: Advances in Teaching and Learning for Cyber Security Education. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems . Springer, Cham, pp. 192-212. ISBN 9783031775246
Ewe, Win Eng and Flett, Graeme and Tuohy, Paul and Dassow, Jessica and Molnar, Ian and Flude, Stephanie and Mukherjee, Indrani and Burnside, Neil and Wang, Huachuan and Yang, Shangtong and Whittington, Daniel and Shipton, Zoe; (2024) Modelling of mine shaft thermal energy storage (MSTES) for district heating and grid balancing. In: Proceedings of uSim Conference 2024. International Building Performance Simulation Association, GBR. (In Press)
Fan, Fulin and Wang, Huachuan and Li, Jingsi and Zanhouo, Abdoul Karim; (2024) Potential values of Scotland's legacy mines in renewable energy integration by 2035. In: 2024 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power Science and Technology (ICPST). IEEE, CHN, pp. 1912-1918. ISBN 9798350349030
Fang, Fengzhou and Luo, Xichun and Dai, Gaoliang and Takaya, Yasuhiro and Gao, Wei and Ehmann, Kornel; Tolio, Tullio, ed. (2024) Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing : the fundamental technology of manufacturing III. In: CIRP Novel Topics in Production Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering . Springer, Cham, pp. 315-360. ISBN 9783031540349
Filippi, Gianluca and Basu, Tathagata and Patelli, Edoardo and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco; (2024) Resilient Network Design for Health Care System. In: 10th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, Beijing, CN, October. UNSPECIFIED, CHN, p. 307.
Filippi, Gianluca and Patelli, Edoardo and Basu, Tathagata and Personage, Ben and Maddock, Christie and Fossati, Marco and Roper, Marc and Vasile, Massimiliano; Kołowrocki, Krzysztof and Magryta-Mut, Beata, eds. (2024) SHEPHERD : a digital blueprint for drone based logistic networks. In: 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference. Polish Safety and Reliability Association, Gdynia, pp. 77-86. ISBN 978-83-68136-18-0
Firth, Jonathan William; Burns, Nathan, ed. (2024) Metacognitive tools for writing. In: Teaching Hacks. Sage, London, 7–18. ISBN 9781529627916
Fongta, Phongsathon and Terzis, Sotirios; (2024) A trust management delegation protocol for fog computing applications. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). IEEE, GBR, pp. 62-67. ISBN 9798350375367
Frimberger, Katja; Kenklies, Karsten and Engelmann, Sebastian, eds. (2024) The tyranny of truth and the preservation of human happiness à la Bertolt Brecht and Paul Feyerabend. In: Education for a Free Society. Pedagogica . Peter Lang, New York, NY. ISBN 9781636676968
Gascoine, Louise and Wall, Kate and Higgins, Steve; Kara, Helen and Mannay, Dawn and Roy, Alastair, eds. (2024) What can creative data analysis using word clouds tell us about student views of learning something new? In: The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447369561
Ge, Xufei and Fan, Fulin and Given, Martin J. and Stewart, Brian G.; (2024) Insulation resistance measurements of medium-voltage cross-linked polyethylene cables under thermal stresses. In: 2023 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC). 2024 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) . IEEE, USA, pp. 34-37. ISBN 9798350360431
Gibson, Ross and Vaswani, Nina and Dyer, Fiona; Price, Jayne and Creaney, Sean, eds. (2024) Supporting practice in Scotland : lessons from the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice. In: Knowledge and Skills Partnerships in Youth Justice. Routledge, London, pp. 97-111. ISBN 9781003411192
Goldie, David; Carruthers, Gerard, ed. (2024) Robert Burns and twentieth-century war. In: The Oxford Handbook of Robert Burns. The Oxford Handbook of Robert Burns . Oxford University Press, Oxford, 479–492. ISBN 9780191995590
Grech, Amy and Wodehouse, Andrew and Brisco, Ross; Särestöniemi, Mariella and Keikhosrokiani, Pantea and Singh, Daljeet and Harjula, Erkki and Tiulpin, Aleksei and Jansson, Miia and Isomursu, Minna and van Gils, Mark and Saarakkala, Simo and Reponen, Jarmo, eds. (2024) Digital empathic healthcare : designing virtual interactions for human-centered experiences. In: Digital Health and Wireless Solutions. Communications in Computer and Information Science . Springer, FIN, 191–206. ISBN 9783031590801
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish and Cocker, Christine; Sapouna, Maria and Willems, Roy. A and Smith, Peter. K., eds. (2024) Moving forward or standing still? Revisiting LGBTQIA+ bullying in schools through a review of interventions. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Bias Based Bullying. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology . Cambridge University Press (CUP), pp. 1-32. (In Press)
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish and Cocker, Christine; Westwood, Sue and Knauer, Nancy J., eds. (2024) Older LGBTQ+ people and the equality/human rights implications of inequalities in older age health/social care provision. In: Research Handbook on Law, Society and Ageing. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 551-565. ISBN 9781803925295
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish and Cocker, Christine and McCormack, Keira and Manning, Rebecca; Toze, Michael and Willis, Paul and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish, eds. (2024) Not in the family : trans people’s experiences of family relationships and the implications for support in later life. In: Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts. The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 77-90. ISBN 9781447370031
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish and McCormack, Keira; Toze, Michael and Willis, Paul and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish, eds. (2024) What is being done to support trans older people facing intimate and domestic abuse? In: Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts. The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 152-171. ISBN 9781447370031
Hall, Iain and Feng, Jinglang and Vasile, Massimiliano; (2024) AI-based sensor fusion for spacecraft relative position estimation around asteroids. In: Proceedings of SPAICE2024. Zenodo, GBR, pp. 470-475.
Hallas, Nour Elhouda; González-Lezcano, Roberto Alonso and Sansaniwal, Sunil Kumar, eds. (2024) LEED certification and sustainable building practices : a comprehensive guide to efficient and sustainable facilities. In: Design Strategies for Efficient and Sustainable Building Facilities. Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 124-161. ISBN 9798369332016
Hamilton, Victoria and Brisco, Ross and Grierson, Hilary; Kim, Jisun and Storer, Ian and Whitehead, Timothy and Buck, Lyndon and Grierson, Hilary and Bohemia, Erik, eds. (2024) How can AI support the creation of novel ideas in product design. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2024). Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education . The Design Society, GBR, pp. 133-138. ISBN 9781912254200
Hamley, Graham and Switzer, Stephanie; Kirk, Elizabeth A. and Popattanachai, Naporn and Barnes, Richard A. and van der Marel, Eva R., eds. (2024) Plastics and (the right to) health. In: Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Plastics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781802201512
Harris, Bernard; Van Leeuwen, Marco, ed. (2024) History of mutualism. In: Research Handbook on Historical Sociology. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. (In Press)
Hauzenberger, Niko and Huber, Florian and Koop, Gary; Clements, Michael P. and Galvao, Ana Beatriz, eds. (2024) Macroeconomic forecasting using BVARs. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications on Macroeconomic Forecasting. Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 15-42. ISBN 978 1 03531 005 0
Hiesgen, Raphael and Nawrocki, Marcin and Barcellos, Marinho and Kopp, Daniel and Hohlfeld, Oliver and Chan, Echo and Dobbins, Roland and Doerr, Christian and Thomas, Daniel R. and Rossow, Christian and Jonker, Mattijs and Mok, Ricky and Luo, Xiapu and Kristoff, John and Schmidt, Thomas C. and Wählisch, Matthias and claffy, kc; (2024) The age of DDoScovery : an empirical comparison of industry and academic DDoS assessments. In: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC ’24). ACM, ESP, pp. 259-279. ISBN 9798400705922
Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela and McKay, Fiona; León-Solís, Fernando, ed. (2024) Emotional authority in presenting the later Covid-19 strategy : the speeches and statements of Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon. In: The Nation in the Time of the Pandemic. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 177-196. ISBN 9783031566622
Hodges, Charlotte A. and Moriya, Paulo Hisao and Hastie, Jennifer E.; (2024) Iodine-frequency-stabilized AlGaInP-based VECSEL at 689 nm. In: Frontiers in Optics 2024. Optica Publishing Group, USA. ISBN 9781957171951
Holliman, Freddie and Brisco, Ross; Gray, Colin M. and Chehade, Estefania Ciliotta and Hekkert, Paul and Forlano, Laura and Ciuccarelli, Paolo and Lloyd, Peter, eds. (2024) Is pen-to-paper the buggy whip of design? : Assessing the use of ai tools for design sketching. In: Proceedings of DRS2024 Boston. Proceedings of DRS . Design Research Society, USA. ISBN 9781912294626
Howick, Susan and Megiddo, Itamar and Nguyen, Le Khanh Ngan and Wurth, Bernd and Kazakov, Rossen; Fakhimi, Masoud and Mustafee, Navonil, eds. (2024) Combining SD & ABM : frameworks, benefits, challenges, and future research directions. In: Hybrid Modeling and Simulation. Springer, Cham, pp. 213-244. ISBN 9783031599996
Huang, Yang and Idarraga, Guillermo and Xiao, Qing and Yang, Liu and Dai, Saishuai and Abad, Farhad and Brennan, Feargal and Lotfian, Saeid; (2024) Numerical analysis of structured sheet material in flexible oscillating water column wave energy converter. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2024). American Society of Mechanical Engineers, SGP. ISBN 9780791887851
Hurrell, Scott and Anderson, Pauline and Luchinskaya, Daria and Scholarios, Dora and Okay-Somerville, Belgin; (2024) 'The best laid plans’ : reflexivity, employability and early employment outcomes when graduating in a pandemic. In: Research in the Sociology of Work. Research in the Sociology of Work . Emerald, Leeds. (In Press)
Ibsen, Mathias and Nichols, Robert and Rathgeb, Christian and Robertson, David J. and Davis, Josh P. and Løvåsdal, Frøy and Raja, Kiran and Jenkins, Ryan E. and Busch, Christoph; (2024) Conditional face image manipulation detection : combining algorithm and human examiner decisions. In: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security. Association for Computing Machinery, ESP, pp. 41-46. ISBN 9798400706370
Iellamo De Gennaro, Santina and Lalatsa, Aikaterini; Uchegbu, Ijeoma F. and Schatzlein, Andreas G. and Lalatsa, Aikaterini and Serrano, Dolores R., eds. (2024) Peptides, proteins and antibodies. In: Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience. Springer Publishing, New York, NY, pp. 511-654. ISBN 978-3-031-59478-6
Jacob, Satheesh and Siew, W.H.; (2024) Practical experience from industry on the lightning protection of solar PV modules. In: 23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023). IET, GBR, pp. 1058-1061. ISBN 9781839539923
Jagaba, Ahmad Hussaini and Lawal, Ibrahim Mohammed and Birniwa, Abdullahi Haruna and Affam, Augustine Chioma and Usman, Abdullahi Kilaco and Soja, Usman Bala and Saleh, Dalhatu and Hussaini, Abdulmalik and Noor, Azmatullah and Aliyu Yaro, Nura Shehu; (2024) Sources of water contamination by heavy metals. In: Membrane Technologies for Heavy Metal Removal from Water. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 3-27. ISBN 9781003326281
Jankee, Pitambar and Gaunt, Charles Trevor and Malengret, Michel and Abdulhadi, Ibrahim and Feizifar, Behnam and Feng, Zhiwang and Burt, Graeme; (2024) Challenges, solutions and lessons learnt from testing power system performance with a general power theory-controlled converter. In: 2023 8th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID). IEEE, DEU, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9798350327007
Jiang, Jiaxin and Stankovic, Vladimir and Stankovic, Lina and Murray, David and Pytharouli, Stella; (2024) Explainable AI for transparent seismic signal classification. In: 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS) . IEEE, GRC, pp. 8801-8805. ISBN 9798350360325
Judge, David; Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, eds. (2024) Reimagining parliamentary representation. In: Reimagining Parliament. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 48-64. ISBN 9781529227024
Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina; Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, eds. (2024) Conclusion : thinking seriously about starting over. In: Reimagining Parliament. Bristol University Press, Bristol, 142–155. ISBN 9781529227024
Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina; Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, eds. (2024) Introduction : what, why and how of reimagining. In: Reimagining Parliament. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9781529227024
Kenklies, K. and Engelmann, S.; Kenklies, Karsten and Engelmann, Sebastian, eds. (2024) Feyerabend and the pedagogy of irritation : an introduction. In: Education for a Free Society. Paedagogica . Peter Lang, New York, NY, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9781636676968
Kenklies, Karsten; Koerrenz, Ralf, ed. (2024) Bildung und Kultur : Perspektiven der Queer-Pädagogik. In: Bildung und Kultur. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim, pp. 53-60. ISBN 9783779976615
Kenklies, Karsten; Kenklies, Karsten and Engelmann, Sebastian, eds. (2024) Limitations of abundance? : The role of concepts in educational discourse. In: Education for a Free Society. Paedagogica . Peter Lang, New York, NY, pp. 27-48. ISBN 9781636676968
Kenklies, Karsten; Emmerich, Marcus and Dobmeier, Florian, eds. (2024) Zeigen oder Nicht-Zeigen : Anfragen an die Operative Pädagogik. In: Operativität – Erziehung – Differenz. Springer VS Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden. ISBN 9783658360061
Khattak, Faizan A. and Bakhit, Mohammed and Proudler, Ian K. and Weiss, Stephan; (2024) Extraction of analytic singular values of a polynomial matrix. In: 32nd European Signal Processing Conference. IEEE, FRA, pp. 1297-1301. ISBN 9789464593617
Khattak, Faizan A. and Proudler, Ian K. and Weiss, Stephan; (2024) Scalable extraction of analytic eigenvalues from a parahermitian matrix. In: 32nd European Signal Processing Conference. IEEE, FRA, pp. 1317-1321. ISBN 9789464593617
Kilembe, Alinane B. and Papadopoulos, Panagiotis; (2024) Deep reinforcement learning adaptive under-frequency load shedding for frequency control under extreme events. In: 14th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2024). IET, GRC. (In Press)
Kingphai, Kunjira and Moshfeghi, Yashar; Nicosia, Giuseppe and Ojha, Varun and La Malfa, Emanuele and La Malfa, Gabriele and Pardalos, Panos M. and Umeton, Renato, eds. (2024) On channel selection for EEG-based mental workload classification. In: Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, GBR, pp. 403-417. ISBN 9783031539664
Kiptoo, Maryline and Sambajee, Pratima; (2024) Reframing the notion that informal entrepreneurs in Africa are necessity-driven. In: The Emerald Handbook of African Studies. Emerald, Leeds. (In Press)
Konyalioglu, Aziz Kemal and Ates, Aylin and Paton, Steve and Beldek Apaydın, Tuğçe; Thürer, Matthias and Riedel, Ralph and von Cieminski, Gregor and Romero, David, eds. (2024) Understanding coopetition dynamics in manufacturing value networks : a system dynamics based causal loop diagram (CLD) modelling approach. In: Advances in Production Management Systems. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . Springer, DEU, 19–33. ISBN 978-3-031-71645-4
Konyalıoğlu, Aziz Kemal and Çayır, Sibel and Yiğit, Nehir and Özcan, Tuncay; Durakbasa, Numan M. and Gençyılmaz, M. Güneş, eds. (2024) The measurement of stores efficiency in a retail chain using fuzzy data envelopment analysis. In: Industrial Engineering in the Industry 4.0 Era. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering . Springer, TUR, pp. 85-94. ISBN 9783031539916
Koukopoulos, Anastasios and Danias, Nikolaos; Anshari, Muhammad and Almunawar, Mohammad Nabil and Ordoñez de Pablos, Patricia, eds. (2024) Accessibility in digital health : virtual conversational agents and mental health services. In: Inclusivity and Accessibility in Digital Health. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 13-28. ISBN 9798369314647
Krumdieck, Susan and Doughty, Stephen and Rodriguez-Navas, Guillermo and Whiteside, Alan and Roderick, Ian; Cooper, Adam and Trigos, Federico and Stjepandić, Josip and Curran, Richard and Lazar, Irina, eds. (2024) Argument for convergence : sustainability diaspora to corrective transdiscipline. In: Engineering For Social Change. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering . IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1029-1038. ISBN 9781643685502
Lalatsa, Aikaterini and Das, Debanjan and Osouli-Bostanabad, Karim; Uchegbu, Ijeoma F. and Schatzlein, Andreas G. and Lalatsa, Aikaterini and Serrano Lopez, Dolores Remedios, eds. (2024) Nanomedicines for delivery across the blood-brain barrier. In: Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience. Springer Publishing, New York, pp. 241-294. ISBN 978-3-031-59478-6
Lapp, Linda and Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley and Roper, Marc and Kavanagh, Kimberley and Schraag, Stefan; Mantas, John and Hasman, Arie and Demiris, George and Saranto, Kaija and Marschollek, Michael and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Ognjanović, Ivana and Benis, Arriel and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Andrikopoulou, Elisavet, eds. (2024) Decision support in cardiac surgery : early exploration of requirements with cardiac anesthetists and surgeons. In: Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 316 . IOS Press, GRC, pp. 1827-1831. ISBN 9781643685335
Lappa, Marcello; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) New in-orbit self-assembly principles and manufacturing techniques. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 62-65. ISBN 9781914241680
Lappa, Marcello; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) New methods for the transport and management of lunar regolith. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 131-133. ISBN 9781914241680
Lappa, Marcello and Carvil, Philip; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) Access to the space environment and low earth orbit : what are the opportunities. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 14-21. ISBN 9781914241680
Lappa, Marcello and Kao, Andrew; Lappa, Marcello and Hamerton, Ian and Roberts, Peter C.E. and Kao, Andrew and Domingos, Marco and Soorghali, Hamid and Carvil, Philip, eds. (2024) Considerations for material properties and processes in space and their impact. In: Why Space? Satellite Applications Catapult, Didcot, pp. 24-28. ISBN 9781914241680
Liu, Jiqun and Azzopardi, Leif; (2024) Search under uncertainty: Cognitive biases and heuristics : a tutorial on testing, mitigating and accounting for cognitive biases in search experiments. In: SIGIR '24: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA, pp. 3013-3016. ISBN 979-8-4007-0431-4
Luchinskaya, Daria and Tzanakou, Charikleia; Knight, Elizabeth and Okay-Somerville, Belgin, eds. (2024) Reimagining the relationship between career transitions and well-being : an insight into graduate higher education journeys in the UK. In: Young People's Career Development and Wellbeing. International Study of City Youth Education . Springer, Cham, pp. 17-38. ISBN 9783031682292
Mahn, Churnjeet; Mitsi, Efterpi and Despotopoulou, Anna, eds. (2024) Whiteness in ruins : Victorian women writers in Greece. In: Victorians and Modern Greece. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003394235
Mattes, Robert and Krönke, Matthias and Lockwood, Sarah; Poguntke, Thomas and Hofmeister, Wilhelm, eds. (2024) Political parties and democracy in South Africa. In: Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 489-511. ISBN 9780198888734
McCorkindale, Chris; O'Brien, Patrick and Yong, Ben, eds. (2024) Aileen McHarg, ‘Unity and Diversity in the United Kingdom's Territorial Constitution’. In: Leading Works in Public Law. Routledge, London, pp. 227-246. ISBN 9780429022135
McCormick, Emma and Eling, Charlotte and Urbano Alves, P. and Downie, Dillon and Charlton, Bethan and Noman, Isaac and Laurand, Nicolas; (2024) CW stimulated emission in a self-assembled NaYF4:Yb3+, Tm3+ upconverting microresonator. In: 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) . IEEE, ITA, pp. 1-2. ISBN 979-8-3503-6195-7
McGuire, Niall and Moshfeghi, Yashar; Nicosia, Giuseppe and Ojha, Varun and La Malfa, Emanuele and La Malfa, Gabriele and Pardalos, Panos M. and Umeton, Renato, eds. (2024) On ensemble learning for mental workload classification. In: Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, GBR, pp. 358-372. ISBN 9783031539664
McGuire, Niall and Moshfeghi, Yashar; (2024) Prediction of the realisation of an information need : an EEG Study. In: SIGIR 2024 - Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. SIGIR 2024 - Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval . ACM, USA, pp. 2584-2588. ISBN 9798400704314
McGuire, Niall and Moshfeghi, Yashar; Nicosia, Giuseppe and Ojha, Varun and La Malfa, Emanuele and La Malfa, Gabriele and Pardalos, Panos M. and Umeton, Renato, eds. (2024) What song am I thinking of? In: Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, GBR, pp. 418-432. ISBN 9783031539664
McMillan, Ailsa and McDonald, Alasdair and Pillai, Ajit C. and Yuan, Zhiming and Davey, Thomas; (2024) Estimating the most likely extreme nacelle acceleration of a floating offshore wind turbine from physical model tank testing. In: Proceedings of ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Socety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), SGP. ISBN 9780791887851
Mehling, Michael A.; Cordonier Segger, Marie-Claire and Voigt, Christina, eds. (2024) Operationalizing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. In: Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance. Routledge. ISBN 9781032233000
Meiklem, Ramsay and Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley and Kingsmore, David and Stevenson, Karen and Dunlop, Mark and Thomson, Peter; Bichel-Findlay, Jen and Otero, Paula and Scott, Philip and Huesing, Elaine, eds. (2024) Patient-centred, technology-based interventions for high treatment burden : an overview of the state of the art. In: MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 310 . IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 529-533. ISBN 9781643684574
Mighty, Lorraine and John, Tomasz and Winiarska-Pringle, Iwona; Breen, Paul and le Roux, Michèle, eds. (2024) Becoming socially just educators : a trioethnographic study of exploring professional identity through dialogue, ethics of care and creativity. In: Social Justice in EAP and ELT Contexts. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 99-116. ISBN 9781350351226
Miljanovic, Mijodrag and Kearns, Martin and Stewart, Brian G.; (2024) Simulation of PD RF propagation in MV bus bar chambers. In: 2023 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP). 2023 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) . IEEE, USA, pp. 1-4. ISBN 979-8-3503-3562-0
Miljanović, Mijodrag and Kearns, Martin and Stewart, Brian G.; (2024) Simulation of PD RF EM wave propagation in different MV bus bar compartment configurations. In: 23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023). IET Conference Proceedings, 2023 (46). IEEE, GBR, pp. 692-698. ISBN 9781839539923
Minisci, Edmondo and Dalla Vedova, Matteo D.L. and Alimhillaj, Parid and Baldo, Leonardo and Maggiore, Paolo; Guxho, Genti and Kosova Spahiu, Tatjana and Prifti, Valma and Gjeta, Ardit and Xhafka, Eralda and Sulejmani, Anis, eds. (2024) Machine learning based prognostics of on-board electromechanical actuators. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering . Springer, ALB, pp. 148-159. ISBN 9783031489334
Mitchell, Lynsey; Gauci, Jean-Pierre and Sander, Barrie, eds. (2024) The gender of international human rights law? : Uncovering legal academics' views on teaching women's rights. In: Teaching International Law. Emerging Legal Education . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781003429265
Mollel, Rachel Stephen and Elombo, Andreas and Stankovic, Lina and Stankovic, Vladimir and Hambata, Jona and Thiel, Gunther; (2024) Uncovering hidden demand flexibility using non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) : a case for Southern Africa – Namibia. In: 12th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL’24). UNSPECIFIED, JPN. (In Press)
Montacute, Yoàv and Winskel, Glynn; (2024) Concurrent Games over Relational Structures : The Origin of Game Comonads. In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. Proceedings of the Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science . ACM, EST, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9798400706608
Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro and Sharpe, Tim; Widera, Barbara and Rudnicka-Bogusz, Marta and Onyszkiewicz, Jakub and Woźniczka, Agata, eds. (2024) Balancing energy-efficiency and health in retrofitted dwellings to the EnerPHit standard : achieving optimal indoor environmental quality. In: PLEA 2024 WROCŁAW. Wrocław University of Science and Technology Publishing House, POL, pp. 1002-1007. ISBN 9788374932752
Mtika, Peter and Abbott, Pamela and Nzabalirwa, Wenceslas and Byaruhanga, Ismael K.; Carmo, Mafalda, ed. (2024) What difference does a social practice approach to adult literacies education make to adult learners' quality of life in Western Rwanda? In: Education Applications & Developments IX. Advances in Education and Educational Trends . InScience Press, Lisbon, pp. 271-283. ISBN 9789893510650
Mueller, Tanja and Hoffmann, Mikael; Elseviers, Monique and Wettermark, Björn and Benkő, Ria and Bennie, Marion and Gvozdanović, Katarina and Hoffmann, Mikael and Iaru, Irina and Ivanovska, Verica and MacBride-Stewart, Sean and Mueller, Tanja and Poluzzi, Elisabetta and Pont, Lisa and Salvesen Blix, Hege and Sanfélix-Gimeno, Gabriel and Selke, Gisbert and Taxis, Katja and Tomas Petrović, Ana and Trečiokienė, Indrė and Vogler, Sabine, eds. (2024) Drug utilization research in the area of cancer drugs. In: Drug Utilization Research. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 373-380. ISBN 9781119911685
Murphy, David; Arens, Sarah and Frith, Nicola and Lewis, Jonathan and Vince, Rebekah, eds. (2024) Policing black anti-colonial activism in interwar France : the surveillance of Lamine Senghor in Frejus, Marseille and Bordeaux. In: Colonial Continuities and Decoloniality in the French-Speaking World. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 255-277. ISBN 9781802078862
Murray, David and Stankovic, Lina and Stankovic, Vladimir; (2024) Siamese unsupervised clustering for removing uncertainty in microseismic signal labelling. In: 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS) . IEEE, GRC, pp. 8816-8820. ISBN 9798350360325
Mäki, Kari and Baranauskas, Marius and Motta, Sergio and Stallman, Alex and Seferi, Yljon and Feng, Zhiwang and Burt, Graeme and Franke, Martin and Nestle, David and Misara, Siwanand; (2024) Control architecture for smart digital node providing hybrid AC/DC supply. In: 2023 8th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID). IEEE Electronic Power Grid (eGrid) . IEEE, DEU. ISBN 9798350327007
Nikou, Stavros; (2024) Why do primary school pupils engage in Augmented Reality educational activities? : A uses and gratification theory perspective. In: Immersive Learning Research Network. Communications in Computer and Information Science . Springer, USA. (In Press)
Nikou, Stavros and Guliya, Arjun and Van Verma, Suraj and Chang, Maiga; Sifaleras, Angelo and Lin, Fuhua, eds. (2024) A Generative Artificial Intelligence empowered chatbot : system usability and student teachers’ experience. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Springer, GRC, pp. 330-340. ISBN 9783031630286
Njeri, Jane Nyokabi and Collu, Maurizio and Coraddu, Andrea and Cammarano, Andrea; (2024) Wave induced vibration energy harvesting. In: OCEANS 2024 - Singapore. IEEE, SGP. ISBN 9798350362077
O'Donnell, Therese; Aronsson-Storrier, Marie and Breau, Susan C., eds. (2024) Solidarity and the potential of the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters. In: Research Handbook on Disasters and International Law. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 274-296. ISBN 9781803924212
Offor, Iyan and Cardesa-Salzmann, Antonio; McCormack, Phillipa C. and Caddell, Richard, eds. (2024) Multispecies lawscapes in the anthropocene : priorities for a critical, constitutional turn in climate change and biodiversity law. In: Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 393–415. ISBN 9781800370296
Ojiako, Udi; (2024) Optimizing project management software selection through the lens of the analytical hierarchy process. In: 2024 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET). International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET) . IEEE, ARE. (In Press)
Onslow, Matthew and Stock, Adam; (2024) Genetic algorithms for design of optimal velocity tracking controllers including PTO efficiencies. In: 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL). UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL) . IEEE, GBR, pp. 7-12. ISBN 9798350374261
Otto, Birke and Schiemer, Benjamin and Sminia, Harry and Sydow, Jörg; (2024) Failure as a process : shaping what is worth doing in creative projects. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Research in the Sociology of Organizations . Emerald Publishing Limited. (In Press)
Pahalson, Cornelius A.D. and Crockett, Louise H. and Weiss, Stephan; (2024) Detection of weak transient broadband signals using a polynomial subspace and likelihood ratio test approach. In: 32nd European Signal Processing Conference. IEEE, FRA, pp. 1312-1316. ISBN 9789464593617
Papanikolaou, Apostolos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Erikstad, Stein-Ove and Harries, Stefan and Kana, Austin; (2024) Ship design in the era of digital transition : a state-of-the-art report. In: Proceedings of 15th International Marine Design Conference. TU Delft OPEN Publishing, pp. 1-40.
Papini, Nicola and Cecconi, Manuela and Placidi, Pisana and Scorzoni, Andrea and Tarantino, Alessandro; (2024) Effect of physical properties of granular sustainable-porous materials on water content measurements by using a low-cost sensor. In: 2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference . IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9798350380903
Parasyris, Apostolos and Stankovic, Lina and Stankovic, Vladimir; (2024) Dimensionality reduction for visualization of hydrogeophysical and metereological recordings on a landslide zone. In: IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS) . IEEE, GRC, pp. 1864-1868. ISBN 9798350360318
Parsonage, Ben and Maddock, Christie; (2024) Biased dyadic crossover for variable-length multi-objective optimal control problems. In: 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, JPN. ISBN 9798350308365
Pathak, Kanaad and Azzopardi, Leif and Halvey, Martin; (2024) The influence of presentation and performance on user satisfaction. In: CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 77-86. ISBN 9798400704345
Pedley, Malika and Roxburgh, David and Anderson, Lorna and McPake, Joanna; Mourão, Sandie and Leslie, Carolyn, eds. (2024) The transformative power of local language encounters : implications for teacher education. In: Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 19-33. ISBN 9781003289043
Pepper, Benjamin and Campos-Gaona, David; (2024) Impedance estimation for transient stability enhancement of virtual synchronous machines. In: 2024 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG). IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) . IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ISBN 9798350361001
Petrovska, Olga and Clift, Lee and Moller, Faron and Pearsall, Rebecca; Waite, Jane and Crosby, Ryan, eds. (2024) Incorporating Generative AI into Software Development Education. In: CEP '24: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Computing Education Practice. ACM Press, GBR, pp. 37-40. ISBN 979-8-4007-0932-6
Picanço Rodrigues, Vinicius and Zancul, Eduardo; Ometto, Aldo Roberto and Sarkis, Joseph and Evans, Steve, eds. (2024) A systems perspective on the Industry 4.0 technologies as enablers of circular economy transitions. In: A Systemic Transition to Circular Economy. Greening of Industry Networks Studies . Springer, Cham, pp. 207-224. ISBN 9783031550362
Prior, Suzanne and Renaud, Karen; Moallem, Abbas, ed. (2024) Are UK parents empowered to act on their cybersecurity education responsibilities? In: HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust. Springer, USA, pp. 77-96. ISBN 9783031613791
Prochacki, Pat and Thomas, Daniel and Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro and Moshfeghi, Yashar; Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro, ed. (2024) More technology? Evaluating the effectiveness of smart thermostats. In: UKIEG Annual Conference 2024. University of Strathclyde, GBR, pp. 22-23. ISBN 9781914241703
Prokić, Milica; Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla, eds. (2024) The island of violence : Goli Otok, the Yugoslav prisonscape. In: Entire of Itself? White Horse Press, Winwick, pp. 305-326. ISBN 9781912186822
Prokić, Milica and Petrić, Hrvoje; Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla, eds. (2024) Nature(s) of power : environment, politics and pestige on Brijuni Islands in the twentieth century. In: Entire of Itself? White Horse Press, Winwick, pp. 51-75. ISBN 9781912186822
Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla; Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla, eds. (2024) Introduction. In: Entire of Itself? White Horse Press, Winwick, pp. 11-26. ISBN 9781912186822
Rajakrom, Pannita and Booth, Campbell D. and Hong, Qiteng; (2024) Current-only directional protection of distribution networks using low-cost communication. In: 17th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2024). IET, GBR, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781837240852
Ratheiser, Patrik and Shahtaj, Shahtaj and Schichler, Uwe and Stewart, Brian G.; (2024) Harmonics in MVDC cable systems : study on thermal and electric stress. In: 23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023). IET, GBR, pp. 43-49. ISBN 978-1-83953-992-3
Rivers, Ian; Goldberg, Abbie, ed. (2024) Bullying, Rates and Effects of. In: The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ+ Studies. Sage, Thousand Oaks, p. 233. ISBN 9781071891414
Roberts, Jen; (2024) CCS: Ensuring Sustainability is Embedded Across a Very Diverse Landscape. In: CCUS Voices. Carbon Capture and Storage Association.
Robertson, Nicola and Prajapati, Vijayita and Chen, Yueling; Kenklies, Karsten and Engelmann, Sebastian, eds. (2024) The staged cage? Education, reality, and "illusions" of freedom : a dialogue. In: Education of a Free Society. Pedagogica . Peter Lang, New York, NY. ISBN 9781636676968
Robinson, Carol and Wall, Kate and Murray, Jane and Evans, Erica and Grogan, Deirdre and Bowes, Charlotte; Beaton, Mhairi C. and Burke, Anne and Keskitalo, Pigga and Turunen, Tuija, eds. (2024) An exploration of practices for rights-based education through promoting voice in the early years : building a spider’s web. In: Children’s Voice and Agency in Diverse Settings. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 24-47. ISBN 9781003360995
Rodgers, Paul A.; Rodgers, Paul A., ed. (2024) Introduction. In: Design Education in the Anthropocene. Design Research for Change . Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781003110828
Rodgers, Paul A. and Bremner, Craig and Galdon, Fernando; Mullagh, Louise and Cooper, Rachel, eds. (2024) The usefulness of imperfect design. In: Design and Covid-19. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 34-49. ISBN 9781350266742
Rollo, Finlay Gardiner and Ilioudis, Christos and Zefi, Greta and Lotti, Alessandro and Tonelli, Daniel and Zavagli, Massimo and Constantini, Mario and Zonta, Daniele and Tubaldi, Enrico and Milillo, Pietro and Macdonald, Malcolm and Clemente, Carmine; (2024) Micro-motion extraction from spotlight SAR using a modified backprojection approach. In: Sensors + Imaging, 2024, Edinburgh. SPIE, GBR. (In Press)
Rollo, Finlay Gardiner and Vattulainen, Aleksanteri and Ilioudis, Christos and Milillo, Pietro and Clemente, Carmine; (2024) Scale invariant coherent change detection to locate micro-motion in single pass SAR images. In: 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Technologies for Defense and Security. IEEE, ITA.
Rose, Emily; Blackham, Alysia and Cooney, Sean, eds. (2024) Labour law and time. In: Research Methods in Labour Law. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 136–149. ISBN 9781803925257
Roxburgh, David; Chong, Sin Wang and Reinders, Hayo, eds. (2024) Developing a rationale for teaching local languages to young language learners : a case study of teaching and learning Chinese language and culture in a Scottish primary school. In: Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments . Palgrove Macmillan, Cham, pp. 157-178. ISBN 9783031662416
Sadowski, Mirosław Michał; Lixinski, Lucas and Zhu, Yujie, eds. (2024) Peace without transitional justice : cultural heritage as a means of taming collective memory on the example of post-Trianon Hungary. In: Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781003407331
Salt, Helen and Flockhart, Gordon and Race, Julia and Thomson, Avril and Sypek, Kaska; (2024) Strathclyde Engineering Scholars – equal outcomes for the most disadvantaged. In: Diversity Impact Programme. University of Bristol, Bristol, pp. 26-27.
Samarathunga, Prabhath and Ganearachchi, Yasith Lakmal and Fernando, Thanuj and Thanippulige, Lahiru Deshan and Fernando, Anil; (2024) Semantic communication based complexity scalable image transmission system for resource constrained devices. In: 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM). 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM) . IEEE, ITA. ISBN 9798350374537
Samarathunga Liyanage Don, Buddhi Prabhath Samarathunga and Ganearachchi, Yasith Lakmal and Fernando, Thanuj and Alahapperuma, Indika and Fernando, Anil; (2024) Semantic Communication Based Video Coding Using Temporal Prediction of Deep Neural Network Parameters. In: 2024 IEEE CTSoc Gaming, Entertainment and Media (GEM) Conference. 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM) . IEEE, ITA. ISBN 979-8-3503-7453-7
Sampath, Shabadini and Feng, Jinglang; (2024) Neural network-based synchronisation of free-floating space manipulator's joint motion and mother spacecraft's attitude for active debris removal. In: 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2024 - Proceedings. IEEE, JPN. ISBN 9798350308365
Sanfélix Gimeno, Gabriel and Mueller, Tanja; Elseviers, Monique and Wettermark, Björn and Benkő, Ria and Bennie, Marion and Gvozdanović, Katarina and Hoffmann, Mikael and Iaru, Irina and Ivanovska, Verica and MacBride-Stewart, Sean and Mueller, Tanja and Poluzzi, Elisabetta and Pont, Lisa and Salvesen Blix, Hege and Sanfélix-Gimeno, Gabriel and Selke, Gisbert and Taxis, Katja and Tomas Petrović, Ana and Trečiokienė, Indrė and Vogler, Sabine, eds. (2024) Assessment of medication adherence in databases. In: Drug Utilization Research. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 397-405. ISBN 9781119911685
Schlecht, Sebastian J. and Weiss, Stephan; (2024) Reconstructing analytic dinosaurs : polynomial eigenvalue decomposition for eigenvalues with unmajorised ground truth. In: 32nd European Signal Processing Conference. IEEE, FRA, pp. 1287-1291. ISBN 9789464593617
Schäfer, Quentin; Pehlivan, Ceyhun N. and Forgo, Nikolaus and Valcke, Peggy, eds. (2024) Article 88. In: The EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn. ISBN 9789403532271
Schäfer, Quentin; Pehlivan, Ceyhun N. and Forgo, Nikolaus and Valcke, Peggy, eds. (2024) Article 89. In: The EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn. ISBN 9789403532271
Schäfer, Quentin B.; Abbott, Alden and Schrepel, Thibault, eds. (2024) AI, IP, and competition policy : adjusting policy levers to a new GPT. In: Artificial Intelligence and Competition Policy. Concurrences, Paris, pp. 359-379. ISBN 9781954750425
Senol, Murat and Bayram, I. Safak and Campos-Gaona, David and Sevdari, Kristian and Gehrke, Oliver and Pepper, Benjamin and Galloway, Stuart; (2024) Measurement-based harmonic analysis of electric vehicle smart charging. In: 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC). 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) . IEEE, USA. ISBN 979-8-3503-1766-4
Senol, Murat and Bayram, I. Safak and Galloway, Stuart; (2024) Probabilistic harmonic impact assessment of multiple electric vehicle fast charging. In: 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC). 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) . IEEE, USA. ISBN 979-8-3503-1766-4
Shahtaj, Shahtaj and Fan, Fulin and Arshad, Arshad and Stewart, Brian; (2024) DC needle-plane PD measurements with superimposed harmonics. In: 2024 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC). 2024 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) . IEEE, USA, pp. 51-54. ISBN 9798350360431
Shand, Keely and Boribalburephan, Atirut and Giardini, Mario Ettore; (2024) Preliminary assessment of three protocols for the screening of amblyopia through Monte Carlo simulation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2024. Proceedings of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) . IEEE, GBR, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9798350380903
Shand, Keely and Thomson, Jamie and Philip, Sam and Boers, Jan and Robertson, Craig and Giardini, Mario Ettore; Elson, Daniel S. and Gioux, Sylvain and Pogue, Brian W., eds. (2024) At-home multispectral imager for the monitoring of blood oxygenation in people at risk of diabetic foot ulcers. In: Proceedings of SPIE 13009. Proceedings of SPIE . SPIE, FRA. ISBN 9781510673366
Shaw, Eleanor and Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Lall, Saurabh and Mwaura, Samuel and Ates, Aylin and Lassalle, Paul; (2024) Scotland narrative. In: The Gender Index Report 2024. The Gender Index, [s.l], pp. 17-20.
Smith, Fiona and McKay, Fiona; Le Clue, Natalie, ed. (2024) Transformative masculinities : re-examining the role of the male in Red Riding Hood. In: Gender and the Male character in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives. Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender . Emerald, Leeds, pp. 75-86. ISBN 9781837537907
Sobot, Tamara and Murray, David and Stankovic, Vladimir and Stankovic, Lina and Shi, Peidong; (2024) An active learning framework for microseismic event detection. In: 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS) . IEEE, GRC, pp. 493-497. ISBN 9798350360325
Stephen, Susan; Di Malta, Gina and Cooper, Mick and O'Hara, Maureen and Gololob, Yana and Stephen, Susan, eds. (2024) The non-directive attitude. In: The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350439863
Strokosch, Kirsty and Osborne, Stephen P.; Lapsley, Irvine and Miller, Peter, eds. (2024) Understanding value creation from a public service logic. In: The Resilience of New Public Management. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 295-313. ISBN 9780191991912
Summers, Eoghan and Race, Julia and Mignard, Dimitri and Tian, Mi and Almoghayer, Mohammed Alaa; (2024) Offshore wind-to-hydrogen : the impact of intermittency on hydrogen production and transport. In: Proceedings of ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), SGP. ISBN 9780791887851
Sánchez, Luis and Rodríguez-Fernández, Victor and Vasile, Massimiliano; (2024) Robust classification with belief functions and deep learning applied to STM. In: 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2024 - Proceedings. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ISBN 9798350308365
Tata, Cyrus and Gormley, Jay; Langer, Maximo and McConville, Michael and Wright, Luke, eds. (2024) Guilty pleas, sentencing and sentence 'discounting' : who is sentence 'discounting' really for? In: The Research Handbook on Plea Bargaining and Criminal Justice. Research Handbooks on Criminal Law and Justice series . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 264-277. ISBN 9781802206678
Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian; Sserwanga, Isaac and Joho, Hideo and Ma, Jie and Hansen, Preben and Wu, Dan and Koizumi, Masanori and Gilliland, Anne J., eds. (2024) Are older people battling with digital financial services? In: Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, CHN, pp. 139-146. ISBN 9783031578502
Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian; Oliver, Gillian and Frings-Hessami, Viviane and Du, Jia Tina and Tezuka, Taro, eds. (2024) A framework to facilitate older people in leveraging online financial services. In: Sustainability and Empowerment in the Context of Digital Libraries. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, MYS, pp. 305-319. ISBN 9789819608652
Tian, Qiuyang and Chen, Weiwen and Wang, Zelin and Sun, Mingxuan and Zhu, Bo and Jia, Laibing and Hu, Tianjiang; (2024) Data-driven control design for UAV autolanding : a pitch-only case study. In: 2024 3rd Conference on Fully Actuated System Theory and Applications (FASTA). IEEE, CHN, pp. 1493-1497. ISBN 9798350373691
Tian, Yikun and Yue, Hong and Ren, Jinchang; Ren, Jinchang and Hussain, Amir and Liao, Iman Yi and Chen, Rongjun and Huang, Kaizhu and Zhao, Huimin and Liu, Xiaoyong and Ma, Ping and Maul, Thomas, eds. (2024) Image enhancement for UAV visual SLAM applications : analysis and evaluation. In: Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, MYS, pp. 211-219. ISBN 9789819714179
Tinning, Peter W. and Christopher, Jay and Donnachie, Mark and Uttamchandani, Deepak and Bauer, Ralf; Gregor, Ingo and Koberling, Felix and Erdmann, Rainer, eds. (2024) A multi-colour 2D and 3D structured illumination microscope using MEMS scanning mirrors. In: Proc. SPIE 12849 Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging XVII. Proc. Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging . SPIE, USA. ISBN 9781510669581
Tran, Quoc-Tan and Boersma, Susanne and Chahine, Anne S. and Kist, Cassandra and Moraitopoulou, Elina and Mucha, Franziska and Tzouganatou, Angeliki and Widmaier, Lorenz and Zwart, Inge and Kambunga, Asnath Paula and Huvila, Isto; Koch, Gertraud and Smith, Rachel Charlotte, eds. (2024) Towards a toolbox for future envisioning memory practices. In: Future Memory Practices. Taylor and Francis Ltd., London, pp. 180-195. ISBN 9781040150733
Urquhart, Lewis William Robert; Bremner, Craig and Rodgers, Paul A. and Innella, Giovanni, eds. (2024) Dark objects : a theology of the unseen and the everyday. In: Design for the Unthinkable World. Design Research for Change (1st). Routledge, [S.I.]. ISBN 9781032438580
Urquhart, Lewis William Robert and Petrakis, Konstantinos and Wodehouse, Andrew; (2024) User engagement in physical-digital interaction design. In: Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. The Design Society, GBR.
Urquhart, Lewis William Robert and Rodgers, Paul and McGuire, Neil and Woods, Mel; Craig, Claire and Chamberlain, Paul, eds. (2024) CAREWorld : the development of a fictional landscape tool for future visions of care. In: Design4Health 2024. Sheffield Hallam University, GBR.
Varley, Karine; Trim, D.J.B. and Sims, Brendan, eds. (2024) Legitimising violence in the British attack on the French fleet at Mers-el-Kébir. In: Harfleur to Hamburg. Hurst & Company, London. ISBN 9781911723172
Vinod Kumar, Namadi and Abhilash, P.M. and Chakradhar, D.; Gürgen, Selim, ed. (2024) Smart electrical discharge machining of aerospace alloys. In: Advances in Manufacturing for Aerospace Alloys. Sustainable Aviation . Springer, Cham, pp. 77-98. ISBN 9783031644559
Vu, Anh V. and Thomas, Daniel R. and Collier, Ben and Hutchings, Alice and Clayton, Richard and Anderson, Ross; (2024) Getting bored of cyberwar : exploring the role of low-level cybercrime actors in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In: WWW '24: Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024. ACM, Singapore, 1596–1607. ISBN 9798400701719
Watson, Peter and Bonnieu, Sebastien Vincent and Lappa, Marcello; Fossati, Marco and Kontis, Kostantinos and Lappa, Marcello and Oliveira, Monica and Chaparian, Emad, eds. (2024) Convective states and patterning behavior in Lunar Regolith under the effect of vertical vibrations. In: Book of abstracts: UK Fluids Conference 2023. University of Strathclyde, GBR. ISBN 978-1-914241-69-7
Webster, Elaine; Westendorp, Ingrid, ed. (2024) Can talking about 'dignity' support the growth of human rights culture? A view from Scotland. In: Human Rights Strategies. The Association of Human Rights Institutes series . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham. ISBN 978 1 03531 414 0
Werkmeister, Astrid and Akporiaye, Omasan and Porwal, Netan and Carrel, Andrew and Fergus-Allen, Cameron and Macdonald, Malcolm; (2024) OSCAR : an integrated service for enhanced vessel management in offshore wind farms. In: International Astronautical Federation. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), ITA. (In Press)
Wilson, Bruce W. and Lim, Mei Yii and Pappa, Katerina and Aylett, Matthew and Parra Rodriguez, Mario and Aylett, Ruth S.; (2024) Demonstration of the AMPER system for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. In: IVA '24. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents . Association for Computing Machinery, GBR. ISBN 9798400706257
Wilson, Callum J. and Vasile, Massimiliano and Feng, Jinglang and McNally, Keiran and Antón, Alfredo and Letizia, Francesca; (2024) Modelling future launch traffic and its effect on the LEO operational environment. In: AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, USA. ISBN 9781624107115
Wong, Timothy and Timoshkin, Igor and MacGregor, Scott and Wilson, Mark and Given, Martin; (2024) Electrostatic modelling of gas-filled voids and conductive particles in highly non-uniform electric fields. In: 23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023). IET Conference Proceedings, 2023 (46). IET, GBR, pp. 1022-1028. ISBN 9781839539923
Wright, James S. and Sun, Mengwei and Davies, Mike E. and Proudler, Ian K. and Hopgood, James R.; (2024) Implementation of AKKF-based multi-sensor fusion methods in Stone Soup. In: 2024 27th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION). IEEE, ITA, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781737749769
Yoffe, Samuel R. and Brew, Malcolm R. and Allan, Douglas G. and Barlee, Kenneth W. and Anderson, Dani and Ighagbon, Odianosen and Muir, Damien and Goldsmith, Joshua and Speirs, Cameron and Stewart, Robert W. and Wagdin, Ian and Waddell, Mark B. and Gandhu, Purminder and Reed, Andy and Ashton, Simon; (2024) Using a private 5G network to support the international broadcast of the coronation of HM King Charles III. In: 2024 BEIT Conference Proceedings. National Association of Broadcasters, Washington, DC.
Yung, Kobe Hoi-Yin and Xiao, Qing and Incecik, Atilla and Thompson, Peter; (2024) Mooring force estimation for floating offshore wind turbines with augmented Kalman Filter : a step towards digital twin. In: Proceedings of ASME 2023 5th International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, IOWTC 2023. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), GBR. ISBN 9780791887578
Zahn, Rebecca; Blackham, Alysia and Cooney, Sean, eds. (2024) Historical methods. In: Research Methods in Labour Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 166-184. ISBN 978 1803 925 257
Zaman, Taimur and Feng, Zhiwang and Syed, Mazheruddin and Burt, Graeme; (2024) Mitigation of SSCI-driven complex oscillations using dynamic virtual impedance based control. In: 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) . IEEE, USA, pp. 1-5. ISBN 979-8-3503-8183-2
Zavagli, Massimo and Nasso, Ilaria and Santi, Fabrizio and Pastina, Debora and Parra Garcia, Laura and Clemente, Carmine and Vecchioli, Francesco and Minati, Federico and Costantini, Mario and Corvino, Michela; (2024) Advanced ISAR processing applied to VHR SAR data for security applications. In: 2024 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium . IEEE, GRC, pp. 1173-1177. ISBN 9798350360325
Zhang, Jiaxin and Li, Zhong Zhi and Zhang, Ming Liang and Yin, Fei and Liu, Cheng Lin and Moshfeghi, Yashar; Ku, Lun-Wei and Martins, Andre and Srikumar, Vivek, eds. (2024) GeoEval : benchmark for evaluating LLMs and multi-modal models on geometry problem-solving. In: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2024. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics . Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), THA, pp. 1258-1276. ISBN 9798891760998
Zhang, Jiaxin and Moshfeghi, Yashar; Duh, Kevin and Gomez, Helena and Bethard, Steven, eds. (2024) GOLD : geometry problem solver with natural language description. In: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), MEX, pp. 263-278. ISBN 9798891761193
Conference or Workshop Item
HEICCAM Network , ed. (2024) Impact of outdoor air quality on indoor air quality in educational buildings : a case study of the Royal College Building and engaging with children. In: 2024 Clean Air Conference, 2024-10-02 - 2024-10-03, Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre.
Adams, Paul (2024) Education in Scotland and Norden : a match made in heaven, or wishful thinking. In: Adventures of Education: Desires, Encounters and Differences, 2024-03-06 - 2024-03-08, Malmo University.
Agrawal, Priyanka and Arun, Vanya and Basu, Amlan (2024) Artificial neural network based ECG feature extraction using wavelet transform. In: Second International Conference on Emerging Wireless Technologies and Sciences-2024, 2024-10-06 - 2024-10-07.
Al Asmar, Yolla and Belgiu, Mariana and Vargas Maretto, Raian and Ronzhin, Stanislav and Li, Luong Hanh and Budd Thiemann, Heidi and Dudley, Joseph and Ignjatovic, Danijela and Moser, Jade and Brempou, Christina-Soultana and Panagiotis, Partsinevelos and Petrakis, George and Fiore, Grazia Maria and Maddock, Christie and Bournou, Danai and Pavone, Rosario and Balenciaga, Intza and Kolehmainen, Mari and Kerkezian, Silva and Pantelaki, Irene (2024) The role of first degrees in encouraging students to enter the space sector : analysis by the ASTRAIOS project. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Al-Mhdawi, M.K.S. and Qazi, Abroon Jamal and Ojiako, Udi and Dacre, Nicholas and AlJaloudi, Odai (2024) Examining the Key Challenges and Barriers to Construction Risk Management Implementation during Health Pandemics. In: BAM 2024: 38th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06, Nottingham Trent University.
Alayudin, Ammar Z uhdi Bin Mohd and González-Longo, Cristina (2024) Capturing, analysing and interpreting the complexities of built heritage in historic cities : cultural approaches and BIM methodologies for appropriate conservation. In: UIA 2024 International Forum, 2024-11-15 - 2024-11-19, Kula Lumpur Convention Centre.
Allazadeh, Mohammad and Petrovski, Hannah (2024) Investigating the circular economy of PET in food packaging : addressing concerns about PET bottled water. In: Scotland Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference and Exhibition, 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24, SEC.
Almoraish, Ahmed and Gounaris, Spiros (2024) CXB2B : a multi-dimensional scale for customer experience in B2B services — Scale development and validation. In: 2024 Summer American Marketing Association Academic Conference, 2024-08-15 - 2024-08-18.
Alshatti, Fahad and Kurdi, Amanj and Boyter, Anne and Taqi, Ahmad (2024) Knowledge attitude and practice of obstetricians and gynaecologists towards appropriate surgical antibiotic prophylaxis prescribing in obstetric and gynaecological surgery in Kuwait : a national cross-sectional survey. In: International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting 2024, 2024-08-24 - 2024-08-28, Estrel Congress Center Berlin.
Alshatti, Fahad and Kurdi, Amanj and Boyter, Anne and Taqi, Ahmad (2024) Prevalence and patterns of antibiotic prophylaxis in Kuwaiti obstetric and gynaecological surgery : a national point prevalence survey. In: International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting 2024, 2024-08-24 - 2024-08-28, Estrel Congress Center Berlin.
Alshatti, Fahad and Kurdi, Amanj and Boyter, Anne and Taqi, Ahmad (2024) A national point prevalence survey to assess surgical antibiotic prophylaxis duration and timing in obstetrics and gynaecological surgery in Kuwait. In: International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting 2024, 2024-08-24 - 2024-08-28, Estrel Congress Center Berlin.
Alshatti, Fahad and Kurdi, Amanj and Boyter, Anne and Taqi, Ahmed (2024) Assessment of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis appropriateness in obstetrics and gynaecological surgery in Kuwait : a national point prevalence survey. In: International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting 2024, 2024-08-24 - 2024-08-28, Estrel Congress Center Berlin.
Ang, Min Hui and McLean, Graeme and Halvey, Martin (2024) Personalising the consumer experience using an AI-driven hybrid recommender system. In: 13th SERVSIG Conference, 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-08, KEDGE Business School.
Annoni, Alessandro and Gaubert, Marie and Li, Shen and Dai, David and Li, Mingxin and Zang, Jun and Brennan, Feargal (2024) Laboratory-scale validation of modal expansion for virtual sensing of offshore tubular structures. In: 13th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, 2024-12-11 - 2024-12-13.
Arenas, Benjamin E. and Haddow, Mairi and Kirkham, Anna and Navarro Reguero, Cristina and Thomson, Patrick (2024) A snapshot of UK pre-lab practices. In: Variety in Chemistry Education/Physics Higher Education Conference 2024, 2024-08-29 - 2024-08-30, University of Surrey.
Arredondo-Galeana, Abel and Collu, Maurizio and Brennan, Feargal (2024) Hinged very large floating structures for wave energy conversion and wind turbine foundation. In: Supergen ORE Hub Seventh Annual Assembly, 2024-04-24 - 2024-04-24, University of Plymouth.
Bakhit, Mohammed A. and Khattak, Faizan A. and Proudler, Ian K. and Weiss, Stephan (2024) Impact of estimation errors of a matrix of transfer functions onto its analytic singular values and their potential algorithmic extraction. In: IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, 2024-09-23 - 2024-09-27.
Banderlipe I, McRhon (2024) Activist teachers in Scotland : a participatory approach to understand the identities, ecosystems and reflections of teachers’ work. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference 2024 and World Educational Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting, 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-12, The University of Manchester.
Banderlipe I, McRhon (2024) Beyond Teaching: Actions, Identities and Professional Learning of Activist Teachers in Scotland. In: Launch of the Strathclyde Institute for Sustainable Communities, 2024-05-21 - 2024-05-21, University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde Business School.
Bas, Alina and Dörfler, Viktor (2024) Can AI have intuition? In: 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2024-08-09 - 2024-08-13.
Basu, Tathagata and Filippi, Gianluca and Patelli, Edoardo and Vasile, Massimiliano and Fossati, Marco (2024) Drone assisted emergency response model for Scotland. In: International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management 2024, 2024-10-18 - 2024-10-21.
Bayram, I. Safak and Sevdari, Kristian (2024) Stochastic modelling of fast DC charging stations with shared power modules. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies 2024, 2024-06-27 - 2024-06-28, University of Prishtina.
Belton, Ian and Quigley, John (2024) The Nunavut-Nunavik Search and Rescue project (NSAR) : enhancing SAR operations in Arctic Canada. In: Arctic Science Summit Week, 2024-03-21 - 2024-03-29.
Bennie, Marion and Kurdi, Amanj and McTaggart, Stuart and Mueller, Tanja and Proud, Euan and Wood, Rachael (2024) Medicines in pregnancy : building a Scottish surveillance system. In: Scottish Public Health Conference 2024, 2024-05-01 - 2024-05-01, The Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde.
Bidashimwa, Dieudonné and Lenzi-Weisbecker, Rachel and Morse, Tracy and CHIDZIWISANO, Kondwani Regson and Deshpande, Ashwini and Rosenbaum, Julia and Tidwell, Ben and Chima, Simon and Thompson, Gretchen (2024) Participatory co-design of a handwashing and food hygiene intervention in Chiradzulu, Malawi. In: 2024 UNC Water & Health Conference, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, Friday Center, Chapel Hill.
Blunt, Carys and Gibbins, Jon and Roberts, Jennifer J. and Steward, Elise and Bray, Rachel (2024) Capacity building of Early Career Researchers to support a future thriving and sustainable CCS sector. In: 17th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference, 2024-10-20 - 2024-10-24, TELUS Convention Centre Calgary.
Bouis, Agathe and Clark, Ruaridh and Macdonald, Malcolm (2024) Time to agree. In: CENSIS Technology Summit 2024, 2024-11-14 - 2024-11-14.
Bouis, Agathe and Clark, Ruaridh A. and Macdonald, Malcolm (2024) An autonomous distributed timing signal in-space as alternative to GNSS time synchronisation. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Boussaoui, Nesrine and Cogan, Nicola and Kelly, Steve (2024) Understanding mental health, disclosure, and help-seeking behaviour of postgraduate Algerian international students upon return to Algeria. In: NHS Research Scotland Mental Health Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, 2024-11-07 - 2024-11-13, COSLA Conference Centre.
Brightman, Edward and Robertson, Stuart and Lyth, Stephen and Sims, Ryan and Tuohy, Paul and Lue, Leo and Bae, Dowon and Berlouis, Leonard (2024) Flow battery activities at the University of Strathclyde. In: International Flow Battery Forum, 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-26, Hilton Hotel.
Bryce, David and Yang, Liu and Moradi, Ramin and Thomason, James (2024) Development of bulk moulding compounds and extrusion compounding processes using recycled glass fibres. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-05.
Bukhsh, Waqquas and Bejan, Andrei (2024) Balancing the Great British electricity system : bulk dispatch optimisation. In: 23rd Power Systems Computational Conference, 2024-06-04 - 2024-06-07.
Burns, Nathan and Kelly, Louise and Sherriff, Andrea and Young, David (2024) The postcode lottery : how access to Scotland's most advanced mathematics qualification at school-level impacts students' degree-level performance. In: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Spring Conference, 2024-03-02 - 2024-03-02, Online.
Busch, Caroline and Hill, Christopher J. and Paterson, Karla and Zagnoni, Michele and Hapangama, Dharani and Sandison, Mairi E. (2024) Hormone-responsive, patient-derived models of the uterine wall in a microfluidic array. In: Tissue and Cell Engineering Society Conference 2024, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.
Busch, Christoph and Davis, Josh P. and Robertson, David J. and Jenkins, Ryan E. and Ibsen, Mathias and Nichols, Robert and Babbs, Martha and Rathgeb, Christian and Løvåsdal, Frøy and Raja, Kiran (2024) Does the ‘super recogniser’ advantage extend to the detection of digitally manipulated faces? In: Combatting ID Fraud, 2024-11-21 - 2024-11-21.
Campbell, Gerard and Nicholls, Graeme and Hart, Rebecca and Allen, Richard J. and von Bastian, Claudia and Burke, Melanie R. and Parra Rodriguez, Mario and Nicholls, Louise A. B. (2024) Development and validation of an AI-generated real-world stimulus set for visual working memory research. In: The 4th International Conference on Working Memory, 2024-06-25 - 2024-06-27, United Kingdom.
Capobianchi, Paolo and Evangelisti, Adriano and Agati, Giuliano and Borello, Domenico and Venturini, Paolo (2024) Development and validation of a cavitation erosion model. In: 37th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting 2024, 2024-05-29 - 2024-05-29, University of Edinburgh.
Clark, Ruaridh and Macdonald, Malcolm and Lu, Szu-Ching and Delafield-Butt, Jonathan (2024) Characterising gameplay and autism spectrum disorder development with swipe pattern networks. In: CompleNet 2024, 2024-04-23 - 2024-04-26.
Clark, Ruaridh and Macdonald, Malcolm and Lu, Szu-Ching and Delafield-Butt, Jonathan (2024) Characterising gameplay development in autism with swipe pattern networks. In: CompleNet 2024, 2024-04-23 - 2024-04-26.
Clarke, Beth (2024) Autonomous Guardians. In: 2024 World Science Fiction Convention, 2024-08-08 - 2024-08-12, SEC.
Clarke, Beth (2024) Decentralised Autonomous Community in Space. In: CENSIS Technology Summit 2024, 2024-11-14 - 2024-11-14.
Cogan, Nicola and Kirk, Alison and McCormick, Christopher and Craig, Ashleigh and Milligan, Lucy and Burns, Tara and McCluskey, Robyn and Ptak, Wiktoria and Goodman, Jolie and Irvine Fitzpatrick, Linda and De Kock, Johannes Hannes (2024) Early intervention and prevention of traumatic stress among first responders and health care workers. In: Trauma Summit Belfast 2024, 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-18, Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Combs-Bennett, Shannon (2024) Genetic testing as genealogical proof for lineage societies, family organizations, and its wider genealogical applications. In: Advancing Genetic Genealogy, 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-08, University of Strathclyde.
Cowlishaw, Robert and Arulselvan, Ashwin and Riccardi, Annalisa (2024) Multi-objective optimisation strategy for on-orbit fault-tolerant decision making. In: 2024 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-05.
Cowlishaw, Robert and Riccardi, Annalisa and Arulselvan, Ashwin (2024) Advancing satellite network consensus through optimal orbital configurations. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Crockett, Louise Helen and Stewart, Robert (2024) RFSoC with PYNQ : research, development, and learning. In: 14th New England Workshop on Software-Defined Radio, 2024-05-30 - 2024-05-31, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Davidson, Callum G. and Punnabhum, Panida and Farrell, Gillian and Perrie, Yvonne and Rattray, Zahra (2024) High-resolution orthogonal techniques for separating and detecting impurities in antisense oligonucleotide therapeutics. In: JPAG Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Fair 2024, 2024-11-12 - 2024-11-12.
Davidson, Callum G. and Punnabhum, Panida and Perrie, Yvonne and Rattray, Zahra (2024) Would you like a carrier with that? – High resolution analysis of RNA with and without a lipid nanocarrier system. In: International Flow Field Flow Fractionation Conference- IsFFF2024, 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-07, France.
Dickson, Lewis T. and Davison, Christopher and Michie, Craig and McRobert, Ewan and Atkinson, Robert and Andonovic, Ivan and Ferguson, Holly and Dewhurst, Richard and Briddock, Roger and Brooking, Mark and Pavlovic, Dejan and Marko, Oskar and Crnojevic, Vladimir and Tachtatzis, Christos (2024) Augmenting cattle tracking efficiency through monocular depth estimation. In: IEEE Conference on AgriFood Electronics, 2024-09-26 - 2024-09-28.
Dixon, James and Pierard, Elena and Li, Tang and Brand, Christian and Sivakumar, Aruna and Hine, John and Dalkmann, Holger (2024) Introducing a new CCG tool: OSeMobility, the open-source mobilities model. In: Climate Compatible Growth Annual General Meeting, 2024-09-12 - 2024-09-12, Loughborough University (London campus).
Dobreva, Milena and Kist, Cassandra and Chavula, Catherine and Bwalya, Tuesday and M'Kulama, Abel (2024) Bridging the digital skills gap of records officers in Zambia in line with the eGovernance reform : needs assessment and developing professional training programme. In: Our Shared Future - Developing Our Joint Pathway for Impactful Partnerships in Africa, 2024-10-09 - 2024-10-10, University of Strathclyde. (Unpublished)
Doveiko, Daniel and Martin, Alan R.G. and Vyshemirsky, Vladislav and Stebbing, Simon and Kubiak-Ossowska, Karina and Rolinski, Olaf and Birch, David J.S. and Chen, Yu (2024) Nanoparticle metrology of silicates using time-resolved multiplexed dye fluorescence anisotropy. In: PCCP 25th Anniversary Symposium, 2024-05-01 - 2024-05-02, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Dunphy, R. David and Bandala, Manuel and Chard, Patrick and Cockbain, Neil and Eaves, David and Edwards, Paul and Hutchinson, Daniel and Ma, Xiandong and Marshall, Stephen and Martin, Robert and Murray, Paul and Parker, Andrew and Stirzaker, Paul and Taylor, C. James and Zabalza, Jaime and Joyce, Malcolm J. (2024) Developing a cost-effective multispectral imaging system for real-time nuclear fuel pellet inspection. In: 2024 14th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), 2024-12-09 - 2024-12-11.
Dörfler, Viktor and Cuthbert, Giles (2024) Dubito ergo sum : exploring AI ethics. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2024-01-03 - 2024-01-06, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort.
Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc (2024) Nonlocality of creativity : the phenomenology of triggers. In: EURAM 2024, 2024-06-25 - 2024-06-28, Bath University.
Ekdi, Fatma Pelin and Kelly, Nicolas and McElroy, Lori Barbara and McQuillan, Jonathan and Sharpe, Tim and Statt, Rowena (2024) Zero Carbon Neighbourhoods : Creating Non-Complex Information from Complex Data. In: uSIM2024, 2024-11-25 - 2024-11-25, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute.
Ertekin, Ercan and Chow, Calvin C. T. and Shchukin, Alexandr and Qiu, Zhishu and Zhang, Min (2024) Quantitative analysis of AC losses in HTS coils below 40K for advanced electric aircraft propulsion systems. In: 9th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 2024-04-27 - 2024-05-04, Fethiye.
Fantasia, Valentina and Delafield-Butt, Jonathan (2024) Time and sequence as key developmental dimensions in joint actions. In: SweCog Conference 2024, 2024-10-10 - 2024-10-11, Stockholm University.
Fantasia, Valentina and Delafield-Butt, Jonathan (2024) Time and sequence as key developmental dimensions of joint action. In: International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, 2024-07-08 - 2024-07-11.
Frimberger, Katja (2024) 'Labours of love & self-forgetfulness' : how to craft a secret call to education in art & film. In: Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, 2024-03-21 - 2024-03-24, University of Oxford, New College.
Galbert, Angel and Buis, Arjan (2024) Factors influencing prescription and validation of upper limb actuated assistive devices : a cross-sectional survey of allied health professionals. In: BAHT Conference 2024, 2024-10-04 - 2024-10-05.
Gao, Jian and Xie, Wenkun and Luo, Xichun (2024) In-situ transient current detection in local anodic oxidation nanolithography using conductive diamond-coated probes. In: 24th International Conference & Exhibition, 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-14, University College Dublin.
Germano, Elmergue and Tabatabaeipour, Seyed Morteza and Mohseni, Ehsan and Lines, David and Gachagan, Anthony and Lam, Kwok Ho and Hughes, David and Trodden, Heather (2024) Golay-based total focusing method using a high-frequency, lead-free, flexible ultrasonic array to improve industrial inspections. In: Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference 2024, 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19, Lodge on Loch Lomond Hotel, Loch Lomond, Scotland.
Germano, Elmergue and Walker, Joseph and Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and Buffa, Gianluca and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Gachagan, Anthony and Pierce, Gareth and Mineo, Carmelo and Tamimi, Saeed and Mohseni, Ehsan and Lam, Kwok Ho (2024) Enhancing additive friction stir deposition through comprehensive ultrasonic defect detection and process optimisation. In: UK & IRELAND IEEE ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL CHAPTER, 2024-05-14 - 2024-05-14, AUDITORIUM C, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CENTRE, UNIVERSITY 0F STRATHCLYDE, 99 GEORGE ST, GLASGOW.
Ghorbani, Mijka and Tonner, Andrea and Tsougkou, Eleni (Lenia) (2024) Constructing and comparing digital brand personality profiles across channels : a multi-method investigation. In: Global Brand Conference 2024, 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-24, Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
Grech, Amy and Wodehouse, Andrew and Brisco, Ross (2024) Empathic empowerment : an exploration and analysis of a situated interaction through empathic modelling and role-play. In: The 18th International Design Conference, 2024-05-20 - 2024-05-23.
Gribben, Joshua and Clark, Ruaridh and Macdonald, Malcolm (2024) Delay tolerant network protocols applied to proliferated satellite constellations. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Habibi, Payvand and Algaddaime, Talal F. and Lotfian, Saeid and Stack, Margaret M. (2024) Investigating the effect of erosion induced surface roughness on tidal turbine blade performance : part 1. In: Tenth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024-07-07 - 2024-07-10.
Hall, Iain and Feng, Jinglang and Peng, Hao and Vasile, Massimiliano (2024) AI based fusion of visible and thermal images for robust feature extraction for autonomous navigation of spacecraft missions to asteroids. In: 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2024-08-11 - 2024-08-15.
Hastings, Donna and Patterson, Rebecca and Paul, Sally (2024) Piloting a bereavement charter mark for primary schools in Scotland. In: NES Bereavement Education Conference, 2024-12-03 - 2024-12-03.
Higgins, Mark and Jones, Catherine E. and Peña Alzola, Rafael and Burt, Graeme (2024) Low frequency design criteria for carbon fibre composite casings for aircraft power electronic converters. In: International Conference on More Electric Aircraft, 2024-02-07 - 2024-02-08.
Howorth, Gary and Kockar, Ivana (2024) DSO risk management strategies for reducing risk caused by actions. In: CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20.
Howorth, Gary and Kockar, Ivana (2024) DSO risk management strategies for reducing risk caused by actions in future flexibility markets. In: CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20.
Howorth, Gary and Kockar, Ivana (2024) Understanding the impact of human & corporate behaviours on DSO planning. In: CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20.
Howorth, Gary and Kockar, Ivana (2024) Understanding the impact of human & corporate behaviours on DSO planning. In: CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20.
Howorth, Gary and Kockar, Ivana (2024) VPP implementations : different types of services developed, experiences and platforms. In: Grid Services Market 2024, 2024-07-01 - 2024-07-02, Lucerne KKL Conf Centre.
Hulse, Kate (2024) Symptom trajectory following radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. In: British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists (BAHNO) 2024, 2024-05-17 - 2024-05-17.
Iqbal, Muhammad and Terziev, Momchil and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2024) Improving seakeeping performance of fishing boats by minimising radius of gyration. In: Global Maritime Congress, 2024-05-20 - 2024-05-21.
Irvine, Nicola and van der Meer, Robert and Megiddo, Itamar (2024) Measuring the value of early expert decisions in urgent care via dynamic simulation modelling. In: European Health Economics Association (EUHEA) Conference 2024, 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-03, University of Economics and Business Vienna (WU).
Jankee, Pitambar and Gaunt, C. Trevor and Feng, Zhiwang and Burt, Graeme (2024) Experimental validation of the general power theory using power hardware-in-the-loop : opportunities for new converter controls. In: CIGRE Paris Session 2024, 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30, Palais des Congrès.
Johnson, Karl and Patelli, Edoardo and Morais, Caroline (2024) Identifying ambiguity and potential violations in standard operating procedures using natural language processing tools. In: European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-27, Jagiellonian University.
Jones, Lynne (2024) 'It's a building that draws up mixed emotions for me.' : Learnings from mobile interviews with teacher leaders in Scotland. In: Mobile Methods Across Disciplines, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-02, Edinburgh Napier University.
Kelly, Lewis and Yang, Liu and Liggat, John J. and Minty, Ross (2024) Investigation of the mechanical properties of carbon and glass fibres exposed to cryogenic temperatures and cryogenic cycling. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-05.
Kelly, Nicolas and Flett, Graeme Hamilton and Rida, Mohamad (2024) Forecasting the impacts of the electrification of heat, cooling and mobility in future net zero urban areas. In: uSIM2024, 2024-11-25 - 2024-11-25, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute.
Khattak, Faizan A. and Bakhit, Mohammed and Proudler, Ian K. and Weiss, Stephan (2024) Scalable approach for analytic polynomial subspace projection matrices for a space-time covariance matrix. In: IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, 2024-09-23 - 2024-09-27.
Kumar, Bimal and Roussinov, Dmitri (2024) NLP-based regulatory compliance – using GPT 4.0 to decode regulatory documents. In: Georg Nemetschek Institute Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence for the Built World, 2024-09-10 - 2024-09-12.
Kurdi, Amanj and Millar, Morven and Nnabuko, Uchenna and McTaggart, Stuart and Mueller, Tanja and Proud, Euan and Melia, Barry and Bennie, Marion (2024) Incident prescribing patterns for hypercholesterolaemia and hypertension in Scotland – recovery from the impact of COVID-19 to inform healthcare improvement. In: Scottish Public Health Conference 2024, 2024-05-01 - 2024-05-01, The Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde.
Le Strat, Maxime and Terziev, Momchil (2024) Numerical modelling of the effects of trim on a ship’s form factor and viscous resistance. In: 2024 International Conference on Postgraduate Research in Maritime Technology, 2024-11-27 - 2024-11-27, Online.
Lewis, Jack and Jia, Laibing (2024) Optimising floating wind turbine layouts with wake modelling and reinforcement learning. In: 11th PRIMaRE Conference, 2024-06-27 - 2024-06-28.
Ligeti, A. G. and Forsyth, L. and Riches, P. E. (2024) Validation of a wearable device for measuring knee angle during level treadmill walking. In: 39th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-03, Scotland.
Ligeti, Alexandra and Forsyth, Lauren Emma and Blyth, Mark and Riches, Phil (2024) Validation of an IMU wearable sensor for treadmill walking and stair ascent/descent. In: Glasgow Orthopaedic Research Initiative GLORI, 2024-05-09 - 2024-05-09, University of Strathclyde.
Liu, Di and Hong, Qiteng and Dyśko, Adam and Mohemmed, Mohseen and Booth, Campbell (2024) Evaluation of travelling wave protection performance in converter-dominated networks. In: Developments in Power System Protection 17th International Conference, 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-07.
Lu, Szu-Ching and Taffoni, Fabrizio and Provenzale, Cecilia and Rowe, P J and Pollick, Frank and Delafield-Butt, Jonathan (2024) Right hand motor control difference between adults with and without autism. In: International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2024 Annual Meeting, 2024-05-15 - 2024-05-18.
Luchinskaya, Daria and Tzanakou, Charikleia and Cattani, Luca and Pedrini, Giulio and Fasone, Vincenzo and Manitiu, Dorel and Hunt, Wil and Scholarios, Dora (2024) The (dis)connected intern : career preparation in a remote landscape. In: Higher Education: A Place for Activism and Resistance?, 2024-12-04 - 2024-12-06, East Midlands Conference Centre.
MacLachlan, Ross and Gibson, Dale and Shepherd, Neil and Bertolaccini, Dino (2024) Improving student success rate through linking virtual, physical and digital prototyping. In: International Symposium of Academic Maker Spaces 2024, 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13, Sheffield University.
Maclachlan, Ross and Adams, Richard and Lauro, Veeti and Murray, Michael and Magueijo, Vitor and Flockhart, Gordon and Hasty, William (2024) Chat-GPT : a clever search engine or a creative design assistant for students and industry? In: 26th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 2024-09-05 - 2024-09-06, Aston University.
Maddock, Christie and Parsonage, Ben (2024) Multi-objective design optimisation and analysis of a crewed Earth-Mars transportation system using nuclear thermal propulsion. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Maguire, J. and English, R. (2024) Developing assessment literacy through active learning. In: 17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2024-11-11 - 2024-11-13.
Malone, Beth and Reynolds, Oscar and Lunn, Rebecca and Thomason, James and Minty, Ross F. (2024) Comparison study of fixed and variable blade interfacial testing systems for the characterisation of thermoset composite. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-05.
Manayil Santhosh, Balagopal and Anwar, Ali and Lappa, Marcello (2024) On the various numerical methods for the simulation and validation of thermovibrationally-driven solid particle accumulation phenomena in microgravity conditions. In: 75th International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MICO Convention Centre.
Manning, Callum Paul and West, Graeme and McArthur, Stephen (2024) Knowledge Graphs for the use of capturing engineering expertise in industrial settings. In: The Alan Turing Institute PhD Connect 2024, 2024-11-21 - 2024-11-22, Horizon Leeds 3rd Floor, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds. LS10 1JR.
Manning, Callum Paul and West, Graeme and Young, Andrew and McArthur, Stephen (2024) Leveraging Knowledge Graphs for explainable predictive maintenance strategies. In: Fifth Annual Conference on Disruptive, Innovative, and Emerging Technologies in the Nuclear Industry, 2024-11-27 - 2024-11-29.
Manning, Callum Paul and Young, Andrew and West, Graeme and McArthur, Stephen (2024) Enhancing remaining useful life predictions for nuclear reactor filters using knowledge models. In: Universities’ Nuclear Technology Forum 2024, 2024-07-08 - 2024-07-09, University of Leeds.
Martinelli, Samuele and Reid, Andrew and Windmill, James (2024) Development of acoustic & airflow sensors inspired by the hair sensilla of insects and arachnids. In: CENSIS Technology Summit 2024, 2024-11-14 - 2024-11-14.
Martinelli, Samuele and Reid, Andrew and Windmill, James FC (2024) Towards a 3D-printed acoustic sensor inspired by hair-like structures of arachnids and insects. In: Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference 2024, 2024-01-17 - 2024-01-19, Lodge on Loch Lomond Hotel, Loch Lomond, Scotland.
Martinelli, Samuele and Reid, Andrew Baxter and Windmill, James F. C. (2024) Bio-Inspired sensor structure based on two materials stiffnesses of scorpion’s trichobothria using additive manufacturing (AM). In: ScotCHEM Polymer and Soft Materials Conference III, 2024-06-13 - 2024-06-14, University of Strathclyde.
McArthur, Stig and McKnight, Shaun and Bomphray, Iain and Mehnen, Jörn (2024) Rework signature : assessing quality of reworked defects in automated fibre placement composites. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-05.
McGarry, Connor and Hunter, Lewis and Dixon, James and Galloway, Stuart (2024) Electrifying railway station parking : enhancing Scotland's sustainable mobility. In: CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20.
McGuire, Niall and Moshfeghi, Yashar (2024) Prediction of the realisation of an information need : an EEG study. In: The 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-18.
McKenzie, Pamela and Hicks, Alison and Bronstein, Jenny and Hyldegård, Jette and Ruthven, Ian and Widén, Gunilla (2024) The shape(s) of information practice : using Radial Mapping Qualitatively. In: 87th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2024-10-25 - 2024-10-29.
Moghaddasi, Hamed (2024) Utilizing flipped classroom approaches offered in a joint programme : opportunities and challenges. In: 52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-05, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.
Mohamed, Sara and Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro and Sharpe, Tim (2024) Impact of outdoor air on indoor air quality in urban office environments : a case study from the Royal College building in Glasgow. In: UKIEG Annual Conference 2024, 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-06, University of Strathclyde.
Morse, Tracy and CHIDZIWISANO, Kondwani Regson and Lenzi-Weisbecker, Rachel and Deshpande, Ashwini and Bidashimwa, Dieudonné and Rosenbaum, Julia and Tidwell, Ben and Chima, Simon and Thompson, Gretchen (2024) Validating critical control points using video vignettes for a food hygiene intervention. In: 2024 UNC Water & Health Conference, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, Friday Center, Chapel Hill.
Murali, Mridhula and Taylor, Lauren and Cleland, Joanne and Young, David and Stuart-Smith, Jane and Kuschmann, Anja (2024) Variability in DDK rate productions in typically-developing children in Scotland. In: 2024 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians, 2024-03-25 - 2024-03-27.
Murray, Laura and McMonagle, Christine (2024) Practice educators perceptions of student attributes and experience of supporting prosthetics and orthotics students on practice placement. In: OT World, 2024-05-14 - 2024-05-17, Leipziger Messe.
Mwapasa, Taonga and Robertson, Tony and Kazembe, Dyson and Mnkhwamba, Andrew and Kalonde, Patrick and Feasey, Nicholas and Quilliam, Richard and Morse, Tracy and CHIDZIWISANO, Kondwani Regson (2024) Mapping and quantifying plastic pollution in informal settlements of urban Blantyre, Malawi. In: 2024 UNC Water & Health Conference, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, Friday Center, Chapel Hill.
Nabayiga, Hellen and van der Meer, Robert and Ali Agha, Mouhamad Shaker (2024) Improving medicine supply and availability using simulation : a case study of Uganda. In: 14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), 2024-02-11 - 2024-02-14, Khalifa University.
Nallur, Vivek and Renaud, Karen and Gudkov, Aleksei (2024) Nudging using autonomous agents : risks and ethical considerations. In: The 21st European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-28, Dublin, Ireland. (In Press)
Nam, Seol and Park, Jong-Chun and Yoon, Hyeon Kyu and Terziev, Momchil (2024) Seakeeping performance of small vessels using CFD-modified Potential (CMP) simulation. In: Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, 2024-07-30 - 2024-08-02. (In Press)
Nikou, Stavros and Perifanou, Maria and Economides, Anastasios (2024) Educators' ability to use Augmented Reality (AR) for teaching based on the TARC framework : evidence from an international study. In: International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-11.
Nixon, Paul and Wood, Martin and Yang, Liu and Minty, Ross F. (2024) An investigation of the mechanical properties of laser perforated CFRP composites for aerospace applications. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-05.
Omerigwe, S.A. and Oluwasegun, J.A. and Aro, E.O. and Ockiya, M.A. and Jimoh, A.O. and Olaoye, O.J. and Ajasa, O.S. and Nwaigwe, C.U. and Adedokun, P.T. and Adediran, D.A. and Oladipo, E.K. (2024) Bioinformatic analysis of conformational epitope peptide sequences for the effective diagnosis of Sudan Ebola Virus disease. In: BioMedEng24, 2024-09-05 - 2024-09-06, Queen Mary University of London.
Pahalson, Cornelius Allamis Dawap and Crockett, Louise Helen and Weiss, Stephan (2024) Computational and numerical properties of a broadband subspace-based likelihood ratio test. In: IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, 2024-09-23 - 2024-09-27. (In Press)
Panulo, Mindy Francis and Chidziwisano, Kondwani and Kapazga, Timeyo and Dreibelbis, Robert and Beattie, Tara K. and Morse, Tracy (2024) CLTS implementation in Malawi : lessons from process evaluation of a sanitation and hygiene intervention. In: 2024 UNC Water & Health Conference, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, Friday Center, Chapel Hill.
Panulo, Mindy Francis and Chidziwisano, Kondwani and White, Blessings and Dreibelbis, Robert and Beattie, Tara and Morse, Tracy (2024) CLTS implementation in Malawi : lessons from process evaluation of a sanitation and hygiene intervention. In: Our Shared Future - Developing Our Joint Pathway for Impactful Partnerships in Africa, 2024-10-09 - 2024-10-10, University of Strathclyde.
Panulo, Mindy Francis and Chidziwisano, Kondwani and White, Blessings and Kapazga, Timeyo and Dreibelbis, Robert and Beattie, Tara and Morse, Tracy (2024) CLTS implementation in Malawi : lessons from process evaluation of a sanitation and hygiene intervention. In: Kamuzu University of Health Sciences Research Dissemination Conference (KUHeS RDC), 2024-10-02 - 2024-10-04, Amaryllis Hotel.
Penev, Victor and Giardini, Mario E. and Ligeti, Alexandra and Riches, Phil (2024) Markerless motion analysis : evaluation of OpenPose software for clinical gait analysis. In: BioMedEng24, 2024-09-05 - 2024-09-06, Queen Mary University of London.
Petrovski, Hannah and Allazadeh, Mohammad (2024) Optimising the circular economy of beverage packaging : comparing aluminium and PET for beverage packaging. In: National Manufacturing Institute 2024 Intern Showcase Day, 2024-08-15 - 2024-08-15.
Peyton, Christian and Bettley, Nick and Lewis, Hugh and Mohseni, Ehsan and Dobie, Gordon (2024) Enhancing the probability of detection for small diameter ultrasonic intelligent PIGs. In: 20th PTC Pipeline Technology Conference, 2025-05-05 - 2025-05-08. (In Press)
Piao, Yinchuan and Luo, Xichun and Li, Chen and Liu, Qi and Zhang, Feihu (2024) The anisotropy of deformation behaviors of MgF2 single crystal. In: 24th Euspen International Conference & Exhibition, 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-14, University College Dublin.
Powell, Cheyenne and Riccardi, Annalisa (2024) Explaining AI decisions in autonomous satellite scheduling via computational argumentation. In: SPAICE, 2024-09-17 - 2024-10-18, European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), UK.
Prasad, Elke and Hueckman, Jill and Bordos, Ecaterina and Robertson, John and Halbert, Gavin W. (2024) 3D printing MicroFactory for amorphous solid dispersion formulations. In: CMAC Summer School 2024, 2023-07-10 - 2024-07-14.
Prasad, Elke and Robertson, John and Halbert, Gavin (2024) Additive manufacturing MicroFactory for amorphous solid dispersion formulations. In: CMAC Showcase 2024, 2024-09-16 - 2024-09-16, TIC.
Punnabhum, Panida and Considine, Paul and Davidson, Callum G. and Kreiner, Michaela and Halbert, Gavin and Rattray, Zahra (2024) Using asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation hyphenated with multiple detectors for the analysis of pharmaceutical bionanomaterials. In: International Flow Field Flow Fractionation Conference- IsFFF2024, 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-07, France.
Quirke, William and McCrorie, Kathryn (2024) Supporting culturally responsive practice in Scottish Initial Teacher Education : a transdisciplinary Social Studies approach. In: Sustainable Teacher Education Empowering Artic Futures, 2024-09-18 - 2024-09-20, University of Lapland.
Quirke, William and McCrorie, Kathryn (2024) Working towards Target 2030 : supporting the development of new targeted sustainability initiatives in education settings in Scotland. In: 12th Annual Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-21.
Reid, Gavin C. and Smith, Julia (2024) Decision-support and visualising tools for making good accounting decisions. In: British Accounting & Finance Association Annual Conference with Doctoral Masterclasses 2024, 2024-04-08 - 2024-04-10, University of Portsmouth.
Rida, Mohamad and Kelly, Nicolas (2024) Reducing energy consumption in urban office buildings with localised heating and heating set-point temperature reductions. In: uSIM2024, 2024-11-25 - 2024-11-25, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute.
Robson, Kieran and Ruthven, Ian and Innocenti, Perla (2024) God’s intermediaries : a study into chaplains' information behaviour. In: Information Seeking in Context 2024 (ISIC2024), 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-29.
Roxburgh, David (2024) Addressing current challenges in primary language learning : unlocking the potential of 'local languages’ in initial teacher education programmes. In: BERA annual conference 2024, 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-12, University of Manchester.
Rudman, A. and Douglas, J. and Tubaldi, E. and Scozzese, F. and Turchetti, F. (2024) Evaluating the impact of intensity measure selection on conditional seismic risk. In: 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-05.
Samad, Abdul and Ayub, Ahmad and Siew, WH and Given, Martin and Liggat, John and Timoshkin, Igor (2024) Exploring acoustic emissions for enhanced partial discharge fault diagnosis in cable insulations. In: International Conference on High Voltage Engineering, 2024-08-18 - 2024-08-22, Germany.
Sampath, Shabadini and Feng, Jinglang (2024) Deep Neural Network-based Robust Collision Avoidance Control of Space Manipulator for Active Debris Removal. In: International Astronautical Congress, 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18, MiCo Milan Convention Centre.
Sandhu, Parandeep and Boyle, Christopher and Tachtatzis, Christos and Cardona, Javier (2024) Multi-label classification of crystallisation outcomes from in-situ imaging. In: 2024 British Association for Crystal Growth Annual Conference, 2024-07-01 - 2024-07-03.
Schaik, Paul van and Irons, Alastair and Renaud, Karen (2024) Privacy in UK police digital forensics investigations. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2024-01-03 - 2024-01-06, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort.
Schaik, Paul van and Renaud, Karen (2024) Gauging the unemployed's perceptions of online consent forms. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2024-01-03 - 2024-01-06, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort.
Seymour, William and Abdi, Noura and Ramokapane, Kopo M. and Edu, Jide and Suarez-Tangil, Guillermo and Such, Jose (2024) Voice application developer experiences with Alexa and Google Assistant : juggling risks, liability, and security. In: The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, 2024-08-14 - 2024-08-16.
Sikra, Juraj and Renaud, Karen V. and Thomas, Daniel R. (2024) Client-Centred Cybercrime Training : a Scottish case study. In: The 2024 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research, 2024-10-04 - 2024-10-05, KSU Center.
Smith, Ewan and Bi, Sifeng and Feng, Jinglang and Cavallari, Irene and Vasile, Massimiliano (2024) Stochastic Bayesian model updating to reduce epistemic uncertainty in satellite attitude propagation. In: SciTech Forum 2024, 2024-01-08 - 2024-01-12.
Soufan, Ayah and Ruthven, Ian and Azzopardi, Leif (2024) Uncharted territory : understanding exploratory search behaviours in literature reviews. In: 2024 ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 2024-03-10 - 2024-03-14.
Stefanova, Irena and Thompson, Nathan and Stott, Martyn and Oldfield, Lucy and Hanson, Robert and van der Meer, Robert and Palmer, Daniel and Greenhalf, William and Halloran, Christopher and Costello, Eithne (2024) Cost-benefit analysis of biomarker-driven early detection of pancreatic cancer in individuals with new-onset diabetes. In: 56th European Pancreatic Club (EPC) Meeting, 2024-06-26 - 2024-06-29, Auditorio de Galicia.
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Thomas, Dain and Chowdhury, Gobinda and Ruthven, Ian (2024) A framework to facilitate older people in leveraging online financial services. In: ICADL - 26th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries and AP iSchools, 2024-12-04 - 2024-12-06, Malaysia. (In Press)
Thomason, James and Akrami, Roya and Yang, Liu (2024) A new method to prepare more representative coated glass fibres for screening and development of sizings at the laboratory scale. In: 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-05.
Thomson, Lizzie and Paul, Sally and McCullagh, Debbie and Driscoll, Sara and Duffy, Lauren and Cassidy, Caroline and Stevenson, Alan (2024) Learning to lead : developing and nurturing future leaders through social work education and newly qualified practice. In: Social Work Scotland Annual Conference and Exhibition 2024, 2024-09-25 - 2024-09-25, Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde.
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Vattulainen, Aleksanteri and Rollo, Finlay and Lotti, Alessandro and Tonelli, Daniel and Diaz Riofrio, Sebastian and Tubaldi, Enrico and Zonta, Daniele and Ilioudis, Christos and Milillo, Pietro and Clemente, Carmine (2024) Bridge vibration measurements from very high-resolution spaceborne SAR. In: IEEE Sensors 2024, 2024-10-20 - 2024-10-23.
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Waddell, Mark and Kröger-Mayes, Jonas and Yoffe, Samuel R. and Allan, Douglas and Brandstrup, Morten and Christoffersen, Jens and Brew, Malcolm Ronald and Stewart, Robert (2024) Optimising 5G for low latency broadcast production. In: IBC 2024 Conference, 2024-09-13 - 2024-09-16, RAI Exhibition Centre.
Wahid, Maheen and Cunningham, Margaret Rose and MacKenzie, Graeme and Rooney, Liam and Gould, Gwyn and Combet, Emilie and Gray, Stuart and Murray, James (2024) Optimisation of specimen handling and mitochondrial analysis in patient skeletal muscle biopsies for nutritional and ageing research. In: SCAF (Scottish Alliance for Food) Annual Event 2024, 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-20, Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow, 11 Chapel Lane, G11 6EW.
Wahid, Maheen and Cunningham, Margaret Rose and MacKenzie, Graeme and Rooney, Liam and Gould, Gwyn and Combet, Emilie and Gray, Stuart and Murray, James (2024) Optimisation of specimen handling and mitochondrial analysis in patient skeletal muscle biopsies for nutritional and ageing research. In: SCAF (Scottish Alliance for Food) Annual Event 2024, 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-20, Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow, 11 Chapel Lane, G11 6EW.
Wahid, Maheen and MacKenzie, Graeme and Rooney, Liam and Combet, Emilie and Gray, Stuart and Murray, James and Gould, Gwyn and Cunningham, Margaret Rose (2024) Optimisation of specimen handling & mitochondrial analysis in patient skeletal muscle biopsies. In: Pharmacology 2024 - British Pharmacological Society, 2024-12-10 - 2024-12-12, Harrogate Convention Centre, King's Road, HG1 5LA.
Wahid, Maheen and MacKenzie, Graeme and Rooney, Liam and Combet, Emilie and Gray, Stuart and Murray, James and Gould, Gwyn and Cunningham, Margaret Rose (2024) Optimisation of specimen handling & mitochondrial analysis in patient skeletal muscle biopsies. In: Pharmacology 2024 - British Pharmacological Society, 2024-12-10 - 2024-12-12, Harrogate Convention Centre, King's Road, HG1 5LA.
Walker, Joseph and Mills, Brandon and Javadi, Yashar and Sun, Yongle and Taraphdar, Pradeeptta Kumar and Sillars, Fiona and MacLeod, Charles Norman and Gachagan, Anthony and Pierce, Gareth (2024) Interpass peening impact on residual stress in wire-arc additive manufactured Ti 6Al-4V using phased-array ultrasonic testing. In: ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024, 2024-10-27 - 2024-11-01, Hilton Atlanta.
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Whittaker, Spence and Rasmussen, Susan and Cogan, Nicola and Tse, Dwight C.K. and Martin, Bethany and Andriessen, Karl and Shiramizu, Victor and Krysinska, Karolina and Levi-Belz, Yossi (2024) Posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors : an updated systematic review and meta-analysis (preliminary results). In: NHS Research Scotland Mental Health Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, 2024-11-07 - 2024-11-13, COSLA Conference Centre.
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Yang, Ning and Wen, Jianfeng and Jiang, Lin (2024) Partial feedback linearization controller for flexible excitation system in synchronous generator. In: The 2024 International Conferences on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2024) & The 2024 Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2024), 2024-09-13 - 2024-09-15, Suzhou.
Young, Andrew and Zabalza, Jaime and Fei, Zhouxiang and West, Graeme and Murray, Paul and McArthur, Stephen and Kennedy, Chris and Barpugga, Harpreet (2024) Automated Defect Detection in Calandria Tubesheet Bores for CANDU Reactors. In: Fifth Annual Conference on Disruptive, Innovative, and Emerging Technologies in the Nuclear Industry, 2024-11-27 - 2024-11-29.
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Zhang, Jiaxin and Moshfeghi, Yashar (2024) GOLD : geometry problem solver with natural language description. In: 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024-06-16 - 2024-06-21.
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van der Meer, Robert (2024) Digital twins in healthcare. In: Human Digital Twin for Enhancing Occupational Health and Safety Workshop, 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-24, Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC), University of Strathclyde.
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Catalano, Allison and Congreve, Emma and Smith, Katherine (2024) The Manifestos : Policies Addressing Socioeconomic Inequality in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Catalano, Allison and Davidson, Sharada Nia and Connolly, Kevin and Crummey, Ciara (2024) Supporting Comparative Regional Analysis Across the UK : Evaluating the Availability, Comparability and Dissemination of Northern Ireland's Socioeconomic Data. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
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Congreve, Emma and Catalano, Allison and Smith, Katherine (2024) Socioeconomic and Health Inequalities in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Congreve, Emma and Gillan, Brodie and Milne, Kate and Pearce, Anna and Brown, Denise (2024) Cohort Analysis of Drug Deaths and Household Income Statistics. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
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Corbett, Hannah and Calvillo, Christian and Katris, Antonios and Gonzalez-Martinez, Paulina and Lucas, Eve (2024) Policy brief : Providing certainty and acting with urgency – addressing skills and worker shortages for industrial decarbonisation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Corbett, Hannah and Gonzalez-Martinez, Paulina and Katris, Antonios (2024) Centre for Energy Policy Response to Green Industries Growth Accelerator : Hydrogen and CCUS Supply Chains. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Corbett, Hannah and Katris, Antonios and Calvillo, Christian and Gonzalez-Martinez, Paulina (2024) Policy Brief: Driving Effective Workforce Planning and Project Sequencing to Aid Efforts to Decarbonise UK Industry Clusters and Boost Associated Economy Wide Impacts. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Daly, Angela and Miyake, Esperanza and Porter, Andy and Berti Suman, Anna and Nic Daéid, Niamh and Switzer, Stephanie and Tetley-Brown, Lucille and Valero, Julián (2024) Valuing Public Sector Data in Scotland and Europe : Data Governance for Economic, Environmental and Social Development. Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science.
Dao, Daniel and Chu, Ngoc Anh and Bowden, James and Cummins, Mark (2024) ESG Greenwashing and Applications of AI for Measurement. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Downes, Ruth and Ferry, Martin and Maguire, Rachel and Bachtler, John (2024) Regional Policy in Europe : No Place Left Behind. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Dyer, Fiona and Gibson, Ross and Morrison, Pamela and Murphy, Carole (2024) Youth Justice in Scotland : Still Fit for the Future? Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice, Glasgow.
Eales, Aran (2024) Power to the people: do with or do for? : Exploring community agency in African mini-grids. Community Energy and the Sustainable Energy Transition (CESET).
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Accettura, Carlotta and Adrian, Simon and Agarwal, Rohit and Ahdida, Claudia and Aimé, Chiara and Aksoy, Avni and Alberghi, Gian Luigi and Alden, Siobhan and Alfonso, Luca and Amapane, Nicola and Amorim, David and Andreetto, Paolo and Anulli, Fabio and Appleby, Rob and Apresyan, Artur and Asadi, Pouya and Mahmoud, Mohammed Attia and Auchmann, Bernhard and Back, John and Badea, Anthony and Bae, Kyu Jung and Bahng, E. J. and Balconi, Lorenzo and Balli, Fabrice and Bandiera, Laura and Barbagallo, Carmelo and Barlow, Roger and Bartoli, Camilla and Bartosik, Nazar and Barzi, Emanuela and Batsch, Fabian and Bauce, Matteo and Begel, Michael and Berg, J. Scott and Bersani, Andrea and Bertarelli, Alessandro and Bertinelli, Francesco and Bertolin, Alessandro and Bhat, Pushpalatha and Bianchi, Clarissa and Bianco, Michele and Bishop, William and Black, Kevin and Boattini, Fulvio and Bogacz, Alex and Bonesini, Maurizio and Bordini, Bernardo and de Sousa, Patricia Borges and Bottaro, Salvatore and Bottura, Luca and Boyd, Steven and Breschi, Marco and Broggi, Francesco and Brunoldi, Matteo and Buffat, Xavier and Buonincontri, Laura and Burrows, Philip Nicholas and Buttazzo, Dario and Caiffi, Barbara and Calatroni, Sergio and Calviani, Marco and Calzaferri, Simone and Calzolari, Daniele and Cantone, Claudio and Capdevilla, Rodolfo and Carli, Christian and Carrelli, Carlo and Casaburo, Fausto and Casarsa, Massimo and Castelli, Luca and Catanesi, Maria Gabriella and Cavallucci, Lorenzo and Cavoto, Gianluca and Celiberto, Francesco Giovanni and Celona, Luigi and Cemmi, Alessia and Ceravolo, Sergio and Cerri, Alessandro and Cerutti, Francesco and Cesarini, Gianmario and Cesarotti, Cari and Chancé, Antoine and Charitonidis, Nikolaos and Chiesa, Mauro and Chiggiato, Paolo and Ciccarella, Vittoria Ludovica and Puviani, Pietro Cioli and Colaleo, Anna and Colao, Francesco and Collamati, Francesco and Costa, Marco and Craig, Nathaniel and Curtin, David and Damerau, Heiko and Molin, Giacomo Da and D'Angelo, Laura and Dasu, Sridhara and de Blas, Jorge and Curtis, Stefania De and Gersem, Herbert De and Delahaye, Jean-Pierre and Moro, Tommaso Del and Denisov, Dmitri and Denizli, Haluk and Dermisek, Radovan and Valdor, Paula Desiré and Desponds, Charlotte and Luzio, Luca Di and Meco, Elisa Di and Diociaiuti, Eleonora and Petrillo, Karri Folan Di and Sarcina, Ilaria Di and Dorigo, Tommaso and Dreimanis, Karlis and Pree, Tristan du and Yildiz, Hatice Duran and Edgecock, Thomas and Fabbri, Siara and Fabbrichesi, Marco and Farinon, Stefania and Ferrand, Guillaume and Somoza, Jose Antonio Ferreira and Fieg, Max and Filthaut, Frank and Fox, Patrick and Franceschini, Roberto and Ximenes, Rui Franqueira and Gallinaro, Michele and Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice and Garcia-Tabares, Luis and Gargiulo, Ruben and Garion, Cedric and Garzelli, Maria Vittoria and Gast, Marco and Generoso, Lisa and Gerber, Cecilia E. and Giambastiani, Luca and Gianelle, Alessio and Gianfelice-Wendt, Eliana and Gibson, Stephen and Gilardoni, Simone and Giove, Dario Augusto and Giovinco, Valentina and Giraldin, Carlo and Glioti, Alfredo and Gorzawski, Arkadiusz and Greco, Mario and Grojean, Christophe and Grudiev, Alexej and Gschwendtner, Edda and Gueli, Emanuele and Guilhaudin, Nicolas and Han, Chengcheng and Han, Tao and Hauptman, John Michael and Herndon, Matthew and Hillier, Adrian D and Hillman, Micah and Holmes, Tova Ray and Homiller, Samuel and Jana, Sudip and Jindariani, Sergo and Johannesson, Sofia and Johnson, Benjamin and Jones, Owain Rhodri and Jurj, Paul-Bogdan and Kahn, Yonatan and Kamath, Rohan and Kario, Anna and Karpov, Ivan and Kelliher, David and Kilian, Wolfgang and Kitano, Ryuichiro and Kling, Felix and Kolehmainen, Antti and Kosse, Jaap and Krintiras, Georgios and Krizka, Karol and Kumar, Nilanjana and Kvikne, Erik and Kyle, Robert and Laface, Emanuele and Lane, Kenneth and Latina, Andrea and Lechner, Anton and Lee, Junghyun and Lee, Lawrence and Lee, Seh Wook and Lefevre, Thibaut and Leonardi, Emanuele and Lerner, Giuseppe and Li, Peiran and Li, Tong and Li, Wei and Lindroos, Mats and Lipton, Ronald and Liu, Da and Liu, Miaoyuan and Voti, Roberto Li and Lombardi, Alessandra and Lomte, Shivani and Long, Kenneth and Longo, Luigi and Lorenzo, José and Losito, Roberto and Low, Ian and Lu, Xianguo and Lucchesi, Donatella and Luo, Tianhuan and Lupato, Anna and Ma, Yang and Machida, Shinji and Madlener, Thomas and Magaletti, Lorenzo and Maggi, Marcello and Durand, Helene Mainaud and Maltoni, Fabio and Manczak, Jerzy Mikolaj and Mandurrino, Marco and Marchand, Claude and Mariani, Francesco and Marin, Stefano and Mariotto, Samuele and Martin-Haugh, Stewart and Masullo, Maria Rosaria and Mauro, Giorgio Sebastiano and Mazzolari, Andrea and Mękała, Krzysztof and Mele, Barbara and Meloni, Federico and Meng, Xiangwei and Mentink, Matthias and Métral, Elias and Miceli, Rebecca and Milas, Natalia and Mohammadi, Abdollah and Moll, Dominik and Montella, Alessandro and Morandin, Mauro and Morrone, Marco and Mulder, Tim and Musenich, Riccardo and Nardecchia, Marco and Nardi, Federico and Nenna, Felice and Neuffer, David and Newbold, David and Novelli, Daniel and Olvegård, Maja and Onel, Yasar and Orestano, Domizia and Osborne, John and Otten, Simon and Torres, Yohan Mauricio Oviedo and Paesani, Daniele and Griso, Simone Pagan and Pagani, Davide and Pal, Kincso and Palmer, Mark and Pampaloni, Alessandra and Panci, Paolo and Pani, Priscilla and Papaphilippou, Yannis and Paparella, Rocco and Paradisi, Paride and Passeri, Antonio and Pasternak, Jaroslaw and Pastrone, Nadia and Pellecchia, Antonello and Piccinini, Fulvio and Piekarz, Henryk and Pieloni, Tatiana and Plouin, Juliette and Portone, Alfredo and Potamianos, Karolos and Potdevin, Joséphine and Prestemon, Soren and Puig, Teresa and Qiang, Ji and Quettier, Lionel and Rabemananjara, Tanjona Radonirina and Radicioni, Emilio and Radogna, Raffaella and Rago, Ilaria Carmela and Ratkus, Andris and Resseguie, Elodie and Reuter, Juergen and Ribani, Pier Luigi and Riccardi, Cristina and Ricciardi, Stefania and Robens, Tania and Robert, Youri and Rogers, Chris and Rojo, Juan and Romagnoni, Marco and Ronald, Kevin and Rosser, Benjamin and Rossi, Carlo and Rossi, Lucio and Rozanov, Leo and Ruhdorfer, Maximilian and Ruiz, Richard and Saini, Saurabh and Sala, Filippo and Salierno, Claudia and Salmi, Tiina and Salvini, Paola and Salvioni, Ennio and Sammut, Nicholas and Santini, Carlo and Saputi, Alessandro and Sarra, Ivano and Scarantino, Giuseppe and Schneider-Muntau, Hans and Schulte, Daniel and Scifo, Jessica and Sen, Tanaji and Senatore, Carmine and Senol, Abdulkadir and Sertore, Daniele and Sestini, Lorenzo and Rêgo, Ricardo César Silva and Simone, Federica Maria and Skoufaris, Kyriacos and Sorbello, Gino and Sorbi, Massimo and Sorti, Stefano and Soubirou, Lisa and Spataro, David and Queiroz, Farinaldo S. and Stamerra, Anna and Stapnes, Steinar and Stark, Giordon and Statera, Marco and Stechauner, Bernd Michael and Su, Shufang and Sun, Xiaohu and Sytov, Alexei and Tang, Jian and Tang, Jingyu and Taylor, Rebecca and Kate, Herman Ten and Testoni, Pietro and Thiele, Leonard Sebastian and Garcia, Rogelio Tomas and Topp-Mugglestone, Max and Torims, Toms and Torre, Riccardo and Tortora, Luca and Tortora, Ludovico and Trifinopoulos, Sokratis and Udongwo, Sosoho-Abasi and Vai, Ilaria and Valente, Riccardo Umberto and van Rienen, Ursula and Weelderen, Rob Van and Vanwelde, Marion and Velev, Gueorgui and Venditti, Rosamaria and Vendrasco, Adam and Verna, Adriano and Vernassa, Gianluca and Verweij, Arjan and Verwilligen, Piet and 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