Control architecture for smart digital node providing hybrid AC/DC supply

Mäki, Kari and Baranauskas, Marius and Motta, Sergio and Stallman, Alex and Seferi, Yljon and Feng, Zhiwang and Burt, Graeme and Franke, Martin and Nestle, David and Misara, Siwanand; (2024) Control architecture for smart digital node providing hybrid AC/DC supply. In: 2023 8th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID). IEEE Electronic Power Grid (eGrid) . IEEE, DEU. ISBN 9798350327007 (

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STRATA project develops a fully new digitally enabled concept for increasing the intelligence of distribution transformers and for enabling them to serve as local service nodes for different stakeholders. The project is building multiple prototypes for the new unit as well as the control system around it. This paper focuses on the architecture work taken for the concept to allow proper information exchange and controllability across different use cases and stakeholders under different conditions. The paper discusses the high-level architecture as well as the functional dimensions of defined use cases. Practical examples from different setups are presented, complemented with first experiences and ideas for future work to be undertaken.