Optimizing laser coupling, matter heating, and particle acceleration from solids using multiplexed ultraintense lasers

Yao, Weipeng and Nakatsutsumi, Motoaki and Buffechoux, Sébastien and Antici, Patrizio and Borghesi, Marco and Ciardi, Andrea and Chen, Sophia N. and d’Humières, Emmanuel and Gremillet, Laurent and Heathcote, Robert and Horný, Vojtěch and McKenna, Paul and Quinn, Mark N. and Romagnani, Lorenzo and Royle, Ryan and Sarri, Gianluca and Sentoku, Yasuhiko and Schlenvoigt, Hans-Peter and Toncian, Toma and Tresca, Olivier and Vassura, Laura and Willi, Oswald and Fuchs, Julien (2024) Optimizing laser coupling, matter heating, and particle acceleration from solids using multiplexed ultraintense lasers. Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 9 (4). 047202. ISSN 2468-080X (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0184919)

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Realizing the full potential of ultrahigh-intensity lasers for particle and radiation generation will require multi-beam arrangements due to technology limitations. Here, we investigate how to optimize their coupling with solid targets. Experimentally, we show that overlapping two intense lasers in a mirror-like configuration onto a solid with a large preplasma can greatly improve the generation of hot electrons at the target front and ion acceleration at the target backside. The underlying mechanisms are analyzed through multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations, revealing that the self-induced magnetic fields driven by the two laser beams at the target front are susceptible to reconnection, which is one possible mechanism to boost electron energization. In addition, the resistive magnetic field generated during the transport of the hot electrons in the target bulk tends to improve their collimation. Our simulations also indicate that such effects can be further enhanced by overlapping more than two laser beams.