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Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023
Number of items: 10.


Daou, Joel and Rajamanickam, Prabakaran (2025) Hydrodynamic instabilities of propagating interfaces under Darcy's law. Physical Review Fluids, 10 (1). 013201. ISSN 2469-990X


Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Daou, Joel (2024) Hydrodynamic theory of premixed flames under Darcy's law. Physics of Fluids, 36 (12). 123620. ISSN 1089-7666

Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Daou, Joel (2024) Effect of a shear flow on the Darrieus–Landau instability in a Hele-Shaw channel. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4). 105671. ISSN 1540-7489

Kelly, Aiden and Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Daou, Joel and Landel, Julien R. (2024) Three-dimensional diffusive-thermal instability of flames propagating in a plane Poiseuille flow. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4). 105258. ISSN 1540-7489

Daou, Joel and Rajamanickam, Prabakaran (2024) Diffusive-thermal instabilities of a planar premixed flame aligned with a shear flow. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 28 (1). pp. 20-35. ISSN 1741-3559


Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Daou, Joel (2023) Effective Lewis number and burning speed for flames propagating in small-scale spatio-temporal periodic flows. Combustion and Flame, 258 (Part 2). 113077. ISSN 1556-2921

Daou, Joel and Rajamanickam, Prabakaran (2023) Premixed flame stability under shear-enhanced diffusion : effect of the flow direction. Physical Review Fluids, 8 (12). 123202. ISSN 2469-990X

Kelly, Aiden and Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Daou, Joel and Landel, Julien R. (2023) Influence of heat loss on the stability of diffusion flames in a narrow-channel shear flow. Combustion Science and Technology. ISSN 0010-2202

Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Kelly, Aiden and Daou, Joel (2023) Stability of diffusion flames under shear flow : Taylor dispersion and the formation of flame streets. Combustion and Flame, 257 (Part 2). 113003. ISSN 1556-2921

Rajamanickam, Prabakaran and Daou, Joel (2023) Tricritical point as a crossover between type-Is and type-IIs bifurcations. Progress in Scale Modeling, an International Journal, 4 (1). 2. ISSN 2693-969X

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