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Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2014 | 2013
Number of items: 12.


Allais, Guillaume (2024) Scoped and typed staging by evaluation. Other. arXiv, Ithaca, N.Y..

Allais, Guillaume; Keller, Gabriele and Wang, Meng, eds. (2024) Scoped and typed staging by evaluation. In: PEPM 2024. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, GBR, pp. 83-93. ISBN 9798400704871


Allais, Guillaume (2023) Seamless, correct, and generic programming over serialised data. Other. arXiv, Ithaca, NY.

Allais, Guillaume; Wies, Thomas, ed. (2023) Builtin types viewed as inductive families. In: Programming Languages and Systems. ESOP 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13990 . Springer, FRA, pp. 113-139. ISBN 9783031300448

de Muijnck-Hughes, Jan and Allais, Guillaume and Brady, Edwin; Lämmel, Ralf and Mosses, Peter and Steimann, Friedrich, eds. (2023) Type theory as a language workbench. In: Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium (EVCS 2023). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 109 . Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany. ISBN 9783959772679


Allais, Guillaume and Atkey, Robert and Chapman, James and McBride, Conor and McKinna, James (2021) A type and scope safe universe of syntaxes with binding : their semantics and proofs. Journal of Functional Programming, 31. e22. ISSN 0956-7968


Allais, Guillaume; Darais, David and Gibbons, Jeremy, eds. (2019) Generic level polymorphic N-ary functions. In: TyDe 2019 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Type-Driven Development, co-located with ICFP 2019. ACM, New York, NY, DEU, pp. 14-26. ISBN 9781450368155

Allais, Guillaume; Abel, Andreas and Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik and Kaposi, Ambrus, eds. (2019) Typing with leftovers : a mechanization of Intuitionistic Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic. In: 23rd International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, HUN, pp. 1-22. ISBN 1868-8969


Allais, Guillaume and Atkey, Robert and Chapman, James and McBride, Conor and McKinna, James (2018) A type and scope safe universe of syntaxes with binding : their semantics and proofs. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL), 2 (ICFP). pp. 1-30. 90. ISSN 2475-1421


Allais, Guillaume and Chapman, James and McBride, Conor and McKinna, James; Bertot, Yves and Vafeiadis, Viktor, eds. (2017) Type-and-scope safe programs and their proofs. In: CPP 2017. ACM, New York, NY, FRA. ISBN 9781450347051


Bertot, Yves and Allais, Guillaume (2014) Views of pi : definition and computation. Journal of Formalized Reasoning, 7 (1). pp. 105-129. ISSN 1972-5787


Allais, Guillaume and McBride, Conor and Boutillier, Pierre; (2013) New equations for neutral terms : a sound and complete decision procedure, formalized. In: DTP '13: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Dependently-typed programming. ACM, New York, pp. 13-24. ISBN 9781450323840

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