Items where subject is "Computer software"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (73684)
- Science (19826)
- Mathematics (6332)
- Computer software (328)
- Mathematics (6332)
- Science (19826)
Lacka, Ewelina and Chan, Hing Kai and Yip, Nick K. T., eds. (2014) E-commerce Platform Acceptance : Suppliers, Retailers and Consumers. Springer. ISBN 9783319061214
Agosti, M. and Crestani, F. and Pasi, G., eds. (2001) Lectures in information retrieval. LNCS, 1980 . Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 3540419330
Crestani, F. and Pasi, Gabriella, eds. (2000) Soft computing in information retrieval : techniques and applications. Studies in fuzziness and soft computing . Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 9783790824735
Agbakoba, Ruth and McGee-Lennon, Marilyn and Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley and Watson, Nicholas and Mair, Frances; Sarkar, Indra Neil and Georgiou, Andrew and de Azevedo Marques, Paulo Mazzoncini, eds. (2015) Implementing a national Scottish digital health & wellbeing service at scale : a qualitative study of stakeholders' views. In: MEDINFO 2015. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 216 . IOS Press, BRA, 487 - 491. ISBN 978-1-61499-563-0
Ahmed, Chuadhry Mujeeb and Zhou, Jianying (2021) Bank of models : sensor attack detection and isolation in industrial control systems. In: The 16th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, 2021-09-27 - 2021-09-29, EPFL SwissTech Convention Center.
Ainsworth, M. and Rankin, R. (2008) Robust a posteriori error estimation for the nonconforming fortin-soulie finite element approximation. Mathematics of Computation, 77 (264). pp. 1917-1939. ISSN 0025-5718
Aizpurua, Jose Ignacio and Muxika, Eñaut and Papadopoulos, Yiannis and Chiacchio, Ferdinando and Manno, Gabriele (2016) Application of the D3H2 methodology for the cost-effective design of dependable systems. Safety, 2 (2). ISSN 2313-576X
Al Azwari, Sana and Wilson, John N. (2015) Updating OWL2 ontologies using pruned rulesets. In: 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-17, Vienna University of Economics.
Al Shauily, Huda and Renaud, Karen (2016) A framework for SQL learning : linking learning taxonomy, cognitive model and cross cutting factors. International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering, 10 (9). pp. 3105-3111. ISSN 2769-3457
AlKhateeb, J. H. and Jiang, J. and Ren, Jinchang and Ipson, S.; Strangio, Maurizio A, ed. (2009) Interactive knowledge discovery for baseline estimation and word segmentation in handwritten arabic text. In: Recent advances in technologies. InTech. ISBN 978-953-307-017-9
Albladi, Samar Muslah and Weir, George R.S. (2018) User characteristics that influence judgment of social engineering attacks in social networks. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 8 (1). 5.
Alharbi, Ohoud and Arif, Ahmed Sabbir and Stuerzlinger, Wolfgang and Dunlop, Mark D. and Komninos, Andreas (2019) WiseType : a tablet keyboard with color-coded visualization and various editing options for error correction. In: Proceedings of the 45th Graphics Interface Conference on Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2019, 2019-05-28 - 2019-05-31, Queen's University Kingston.
Allais, Guillaume and Atkey, Robert and Chapman, James and McBride, Conor and McKinna, James (2021) A type and scope safe universe of syntaxes with binding : their semantics and proofs. Journal of Functional Programming, 31. e22. ISSN 0956-7968
Almaghairbe, Rafig and Roper, Marc; (2015) Building test oracles by clustering failures. In: 2015 IEEE/ACM 10th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST). IEEE, pp. 3-7.
Almaghairbe, Rafig and Roper, Marc (2016) Separating passing and failing test executions by clustering anomalies. Software Quality Journal. pp. 1-38. ISSN 1573-1367
Alotaibi, Sultan Refa D and Roussinov, Dmitri (2016) Using GPower software to determine the sample size from the pilot study. In: The 9th Saudi Students Conference, 2016-02-13, University of Birmingham.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) GTSPCA : Generalized Principal Component Analysis for Non-Stationary Vector Time Series. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) MDPCA : Moving Dynamic Principal Component Analysis for Non-Stationary Multivariate Time Series. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) MpermutMax : The Maximum Moving Cross-Correlation Method. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) QMDPCA : Quadratic Moving Dynamic Principal Component Analysis for Non-Stationary Multivariate Time Series. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) RCCM : Retained Component Criterion for the Moving Dynamic Principal Component Analysis. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) RCCQ : Retained Component Criterion for the Quadratic Moving Dynamic Principal Component Analysis. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) macf : Moving Auto- and Cross-correlation Function. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alshammri, Fayed Awdah M (2020) mcov : Moving Cross-covariance Matrix. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Alsolai, Hadeel; (2018) Predicting software maintainability in object-oriented systems using ensemble techniques. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution. IEEE, ESP, pp. 716-721. ISBN 9781538678701
Alty, J.L. and Weir, G.R.S.; (1987) Dialogue design for dynamic systems. In: ESPRIT '87: Achievements and Impact; Proceedings of the 4th Annual ESPRIT Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 28-29 September 1987. Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN 0444703330
Anagnostou, N.K. and Weir, G.R.S. (2006) Review of software applications for deriving collocations. In: ICT in the Analysis, Teaching and Learning of Languages, Preprints of the ICTATLL Workshop 2006, 2006-08-21 - 2006-08-22.
Annamalai Vasantha, Gokula Vijayumar and Ramesh, Hari Prakash and Sugavanam, Chandra Mouli and Chakrabarti, Amaresh and Corney, Jonathan (2014) Usage of gestures along with other interaction modes in collaborative design. In: 12th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-11, Southampton Solent University.
Aradi, Bálint and Hourahine, Ben (2017) dftbplus/dftbplus [DFTB+] : Release 17.1. Zenodo.
Armstrong, Andrea and Briggs, Jo and Moncur, Wendy and Carey, Daniel Paul and Nicol, Emma and Schafer, Burkhard (2023) Everyday digital traces. Big Data & Society, 10 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2053-9517
Arshad, Hamed and Horne, Ross and Johansen, Christian and Owe, Olaf and Willemse, Tim A.C. (2024) XACML2mCRL2 : automatic transformation of XACML policies into mCRL2 specifications. Science of Computer Programming, 232. 103046. ISSN 0167-6423
Astic, Isabelle and Aunis, Coline and Damala, Areti and Gressier-Soudan, Eric (2011) A ubiquitous mobile edutainment application for learning science through play. In: 15th Annual Museums and the Web Conference, 2011-04-06 - 2011-04-09.
Atkey, Robert and Ghani, Neil and Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik and Revell, Timothy and Staton, Sam; Altenkirch, Thorsten, ed. (2015) Models for polymorphism over physical dimensions. In: 13th International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA'15). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) . Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing, POL, pp. 999-1013.
Atkey, Robert and Sannella, Donald (2015) ThreadSafe : static analysis for Java concurrency. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 72. ISSN 1863-2122
Azzopardi, Leif and Zuccon, Guido; (2016) An analysis of the cost and benefit of search interactions. In: ICTIR '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. ACM, New York,, pp. 59-68. ISBN 9781450344975
Baker, Sean and Cahill, Vinny and Nixon, Paddy (1997) Bridging boundaries: corba in perspective. IEEE Internet Computing, 1 (5). pp. 52-57. ISSN 1089-7801
Baralou, Evangelia and Mcinnes, Peter (2013) Emotions and the spatialization of social relations in text-based computer-mediated communication. New Technology, Work and Employment, 28 (2). 160–175. ISSN 0268-1072
Barrenechea, Gabriel and Castillo, Ernesto and Pacheco, Douglas (2024) Implicit-explicit schemes for incompressible flow problems with variable viscosity. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46 (4). A2660-A2682. ISSN 1064-8275
Bell, David N. F. and Carruth, Alan A. (1976) Computer based mapping techniques. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 2 (1). pp. 23-44. ISSN 0306-7866
Berger, Ulrich and Lawrence, Andrew and Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik and Seisenberger, Monika (2015) Extracting verified decision procedures : DPLL and resolution. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 11 (1). 6. ISSN 1860-5974
Besharat, Jeries and Komninos, Andreas and Papadimitriou, George and Lagiou, Eirini and Garofalakis, John (2016) Augmented paper maps : design of POI markers and effects on group navigation. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 8 (5). pp. 515-530. ISSN 1876-1364
Blignaut, Renette and Venter, Isabella and Renaud, Karen (2016) Granny gets smarter but Junior hardly notices. The Journal of Community Informatics, 12 (3). pp. 159-172.
Bonney, Matthew S. and de Angelis, Marco and Wagg, David and Dal Borgo, Mattia; (2021) Digital twin operational platform for connectivity and accessibility using flask python. In: 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). IEEE, Piscataway. N.J., pp. 239-243. ISBN 9781665424844
Borg, Jonathan C. and Farrugia, Philip J. and Camilleri, Kenneth P. and Giannini, Franca and Yan, X. T. and Scicluna, Dawn; (2003) Why CAD tools benefit from a sketching language. In: Proceedings of ICED 03, the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm. Design Society, SWE. ISBN 1-904670-00-8
Boyle, Elizabeth and Terras, Melody and Ramsey, Judith and Boyle, Jim; Connolly, Thomas, ed. (2013) Executive functions in digital games. In: Psychology, Pedagogy and Assessment in Serious Games. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 19-46. ISBN 9781466647732
Boyle, James and Boyle, Elizabeth A.; De Gloria, Alessandro, ed. (2014) Towards an understanding of the relationship between executive functions and learning outcomes from serious computer games. In: Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, FRA, pp. 187-199. ISBN 9783319121567
Bridges, A.H.; (2007) Predicting the future. In: Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. eCAADe, pp. 441-446.
Browell, Jethro and Gilbert, Ciaran; (2020) ProbCast : Open-source production, evaluation and visualisation of probabilistic forecasts. In: 2020 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). IEEE, BEL. ISBN 9781728128221
Bryant, Rebecca and Clements, Anna and de Castro, Pablo and Cantrell, Joanne and Dortmund, Annette and Fransen, Jan and Gallagher, Peggy and Mennielli, Michele (2018) Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management : Findings from a Global Survey. OCLC Research, Dublin, OH..
Carragher, Raymond and Robertson, Chris (2020) c212 : An R package for the detection of safety signals in clinical trials using body-systems (System Organ Classes). Journal of Open Source Software, 5 (56). 2706. ISSN 2475-9066
Carruth, Alan A. and Danson, Michael W. and McGilvray, James W. and Simpson, David R. F. and Wingfield, A. A., Fraser of Allander Institute (1976) Computer based maps. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 2 (2). pp. 32-46. ISSN 0306-7866
Cartwright, Barry and Weir, George R. S. and Frank, Richard; Chen, Lei and Takabi, Hassan and Le-Khac, Nhien-An, eds. (2019) Cyberterrorism in the cloud : through a glass darkly. In: Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, N.J., pp. 217-237. ISBN 9781119053378
Chan, Hing Kai and Lacka, Ewelina (2014) Extracting social media data for analysing operations management performance. In: British Academy of Management Special Interest Group Workshop on Social Media Perspective in Business and Government, 2014-03-31, Queen Mary University of London.
Chase, Scott and Scopes, Lesley; Achten, Henri and Pavlíček, Jiŕí and Hulín, Jaroslav and Matějovská, Dana, eds. (2012) Cybergogy as a framework for teaching design students in virtual worlds. In: Digital Physicality. eCAADe, CZE, pp. 125-133. ISBN 978-9-4912070-2-0
Chhetri, Mohan Baruwal and Liu, Xiao and Grobler, Marthie and Hoang, Thuong and Renaud, Karen and McIntosh, Jennifer (2022) Report on the 2nd Workshop on Human Centric Software Engineering & Cyber Security (HCSE&CS 2021). ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 47 (2). pp. 12-14. ISSN 0163-5948
Chowdhury, G.; Naidu, M., ed. (2001) How to make best use of the intellectual output of a country? a simple approach to the design of a digital library of theses and dissertations in Indian universities. In: 8th national conference for automation of libraries in education and research institutes, 2001-03-15 - 2001-03-16.
Chowdhury, G. and Margariti, S. (2004) Digital reference services : a snapshot of the current practices in scottish libraries. Library Review, 53 (1). pp. 50-60. ISSN 0024-2535
Chute, Chaloner and French, Tara (2019) Introducing Care 4.0 : an integrated care paradigm built on Industry 4.0 capabilities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (12). 2247. ISSN 1660-4601
Clark, Ruaridh (2020) Communities of Dynamical Influence. Zenodo.
Clarke, Beth (2024) Software testing in space. ITNow, 66 (3). pp. 8-11. ISSN 1746-5710
Clarke, J. and Dolado, J. J. and Harman, M. and Hierons, R. and Jones, B. and Lumkin, M. and Mitchell, B. and Mancoridis, S. and Rees, K. and Roper, M. and Shepperd, M. (2003) Reformulating Software Engineering as a Search Problem. IEE Proceedings Software, 150 (3). pp. 161-175. ISSN 1462-5970
Cock, Peter J. A. and Antao, Tiago and Chang, Jeffrey T. and Chapman, Brad A. and Cox, Cymon J. and Dalke, Andrew and Friedberg, Iddo and Hamelryck, Thomas and Kauff, Frank and Wilczynski, Bartek and De hoon, Michiel J. L. (2009) Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. Bioinformatics, 25 (11). pp. 1422-1423. ISSN 1367-4811
Coles, A.I. and Smith, A.J. (2006) Simulating the use of macro-actions through action reordering. In: 25th Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, 2006-12-14 - 2006-12-15.
Convent, Lukas and Lindley, Sam and McBride, Conor and McLaughlin, Craig (2020) Doo bee doo bee doo. Journal of Functional Programming, 30. e9. ISSN 0956-7968
Dagand, Pierre-Évariste and McBride, Conor (2014) Transporting functions across ornaments. Journal of Functional Programming, 24 (2-3). pp. 316-383. ISSN 0956-7968
Daly, J. (1996) Replication and a multi-method approach to empirical software engineering research. PhD thesis, University Of Strathclyde.
Daly, J. and Brooks, A. and Miller, J. and Roper, M. and Wood, M. (1996) Evaluating inheritance depth on the maintainability of object-oriented software. Empirical Software Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 109-132. ISSN 1382-3256
Daly, J. and Brooks, A. and Miller, J. and Roper, M. and Wood, M.; (1994) Verification of results in software maintenance through external replication. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. IEEE, Victoria, Canada, pp. 50-57.
Daly, J. and Brooks, A. and Miller, J. and Roper, M. and Wood, M.; (1995) The effect of inheritance on the maintainability of object-oriented software: an empirical study. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. IEEE, pp. 20-29.
Daly, J. and Brooks, A. and Miller, J. and Roper, M. and Wood, M.; (1996) An empirical study evaluating depth of inheritance on the maintainability of object-oriented software. In: Empirical Studies of Programmers: Sixth Workshop. Intellect, pp. 39-58. ISBN 9781567502626
Damala, Areti; Cabrera Lafuente, Ana and Rodriguez Marco, Isabel and Villar Frenandez, Cristina Villar Frenandez, eds. (2013) An introduction to augmented reality and cultural heritage for curators, art historians and museum educators. In: La Cocina valenciana del Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas. Secretaría General Técnica. Centro de Publicaciones Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, pp. 120-133. ISBN 9788481815641
Damala, Areti and Astic, Isabelle and Rovedakis, Stéphane and Gressier-Soudan, Eric; (2013) La réalité augmentée adaptative : vers une nouvelle éxperience de visite au musée. In: Pratiques et Usages Numériques. Hermès Science Publications, Paris, pp. 205-220. ISBN 9782746245792
Damala, Areti and Hornecker, Eva and Ruthven, Ian and Ciolfi, Luigina and Petrelli, Daniela (2014) Forging memorable and multisensory museum visiting experiences : tangible interaction, co-design, digital fabrication and do-it-yourself approaches. In: Digital Heritage 2014 : Digital Communities in Action, 2014-07-12, University of York.
Damala, Areti and van der Vaart, Merel and Clarke, Loraine and Hornecker, Eva and Avram, Gabriela and Kockelkorn, Hub and Ruthven, Ian (2016) Evaluating tangible and multisensory museum visiting experiences : lessons learned from the meSch project. In: Museums and the Web 2016, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-09.
Davies, Steven and Roper, Marc; (2013) Bug localisation through diverse sources of information. In: 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 2013. IEEE, USA, pp. 126-131. ISBN 9781479925520
Devlin, Alison M. and Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley and McGee-Lennon, Marilyn and O'Donnell, Catherine and Mair, Frances (2015) Charting complex change in DALLAS : application of the e-health implementation toolkit (e-HIT). In: National Annual Conference of University Departments of General Practice – Scotland (NADEGS), 2015-01-15 - 2015-01-16, Scotland.
Ding, Y. and Chowdhury, G. and Foo, S. (2001) Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis. Information Processing and Management, 37 (6). pp. 817-842. ISSN 0306-4573
Dong, Changyu and Chen, Liqun; Kutyłowski, Mirosław and Vaidya, Jaideep, eds. (2014) A fast single server private information retrieval protocol with low communication cost. In: Computer Security - ESORICS 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 380-399. ISBN 9783319112022
Dubiel, Mateusz and Daronnat, Sylvain and Leiva, Luis A.; Halvey, Martin and Foster, Mary Ellen and Dalton, Jeff and Munteanu, Cosmin and Trippas, Johanne, eds. (2022) Conversational agents trust calibration. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2022. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . Association for Computing Machinery, GBR. ISBN 9781450397391
Dubiel, Mateusz and Nakayama, Minoru and Wang, Xin (2021) Evaluating synthetic speech workload with oculo-motor indices : preliminary observations for Japanese speech. In: BIOSIGNALS 2021, 2021-02-11 - 2021-02-13, Online Event.
Duffy, Alex and Harries, Stefan and Marzi, Jochen and Petz, Christoph and Wu, Zichao DMEM, University of Strathclyde, UK, FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS GmbH, Germany, HSVA, Germany, ZIB, Germany , ed. (2006) VIRTUE : integrating CFD ship design. In: 7th International Conference On Hydrodynamics, 2006-10-04 - 2006-10-06.
Duncan, Ross (2015) The ZX-calculus, strong complementarity, and non-locality. In: Journées Informatique Quantique 2015, 2015-11-26 - 2015-11-27, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble.
Dunsmore, A. and Roper, Marc and Wood, Murray (2002) Investigating Effective Inspection of Object-Oriented Code. PhD thesis, University Of Strathclyde.
Dupuis, Marc and Renaud, Karen and Jennings, Anna (2022) Fear might motivate secure password choices in the short term, but at what cost? In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022-01-04 - 2022-01-07.
Dörfler, Viktor and Bas, Alina (2020) Tools for exploring the unknowable : intuition vs. artificial intelligence. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference 2020, 2020-08-07 - 2020-08-11, Vancouver.
Dünser, A. and Hornecker, E.; Hui, Kin-chuen and Pan, Zhigeng and Chung, Ronald Chi-kit and Wang, Charlie C.L. and Jin, Xiaogang and Göbel, Stefan and Li, Eric C.-L., eds. (2007) An observational study of children interacting with an augmented story book. In: Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4469 . Springer, pp. 305-315. ISBN 978-3-540-73010-1
Eckler, Petya and Rodgers, Shelly; Sheth, Jagdish and Malhotra, Naresh, eds. (2010) Viral marketing on the internet. In: Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken. ISBN 9781405161787
Eckler, Petya and Worsowicz, Gregory and Rayburn, J. Wesley (2010) Social media and healthcare : an overview. PM&R, 2 (11). pp. 1046-1050.
Egan, Kieren J. and Clark, Patricia and Deen, Zahid and Paputa Dutu, Carmen and Wilson, Graham and McCann, Lisa and Lennon, Marilyn and Maguire, Roma (2022) Understanding current needs and future expectations of informal caregivers for technology to support health and well-being : national survey study. JMIR Aging, 5 (1). e15413. ISSN 2561-7605
English, C. and Terzis, S.; Stolen, K. and Winsborough, W.H. and Martinelli, F. and Massaci, F., eds. (2006) Gathering experience in trust-based interactions. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Trust Management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 62-76. ISBN 3540342958
Enqvist, Sebastian and Hansen, Helle Hvid and Kupke, Clemens and Marti, Johannes and Venema, Yde; (2019) Completeness for game logic. In: 2019 34th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). IEEE, CAN, pp. 1-23. ISBN 9781728136097
Ericson, Barbara J. and Pearce, Janice L. and Rodger, Susan H. and Csizmadia, Andrew and Garcia, Rita and Gutierrez, Francisco J. and Liaskos, Konstantinos and Padiyath, Aadarsh and Scott, Michael James and Smith, David H. and Warriem, Jayakrishnan and Bernuy, Angela Zavaleta; (2023) Conducting multi-institutional studies of Parsons problems. In: ITiCSE 2023 : Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2. ACM, New York, NY., pp. 571-572. ISBN 9798400701399
Etaher, Najla and Weir, George R. S. and Alazab, Mamoun; (2015) From ZeuS to Zitmo : trends in banking malware. In: Proceedings - 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2015. IEEE, FIN, pp. 1386-1391. ISBN 9781467379519
Everett, Jim and Macgregor, George and Mohamed, Rehman; (2012) An incremental approach to technology-supported curriculum design and approval. In: IADIS International Conference, WWW/Internet (ICWI2012). IADIS Press, ESP, pp. 453-457. ISBN 9789898533098
Farahbakhsh, Iman and Barani Nia, Benyamin and Oterkus, Erkan (2024) SPHMPS 1.0 : a smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics multi-physics solver. Software Impacts, 20. 100640. ISSN 2665-9638
Farrand, Benjamin (2012) Emulation is the most sincere form of flattery : retro videogames, rom distribution and copyright. Journal of Internet, Law and Politics (14). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1699-8154
Ferguson, John D. and Miller, James (2007) Modeling defects in e-projects. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering, 2 (3). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1554-1045
Fleischmann, Martin (2019) momepy : Urban morphology measuring toolkit. Journal of Open Source Software, 4 (43). 1807. ISSN 2475-9066
Fongen, A. and Eliassen, F. and Ferguson, I. and Stobart, S. and Tait, J.; (2001) Distributed resource discovery using a context sensitive infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS). IOS Press. ISBN 3854031505
Fongen, A. and Eliassen, F. and Ferguson, I. and Stobart, S. and Tait, J.; (2002) A scalable and fault-tolerant architecture for distributed web-resource discovery. In: Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2002). ACTA Press, Cambridge, USA.
Fontana, Enrico and Rudolph, Manuel S. and Duncan, Ross and Rungger, Ivan and Cîrstoiu, Cristina (2024) Classical simulations of noisy variational quantum circuits. npj Quantum Information. ISSN 2056-6387 (In Press)
Fox, M. and Gough, J. and Long, D.; Qu, R., ed. (2006) Using learned action models in execution monitoring. In: 25th Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, 2006-12-14 - 2006-12-15.
Fox, M. and Long, D. (2006) Modelling mixed discrete-continuous domains for planning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 27. pp. 235-297.
Freeman, Euan and Wilson, Graham and Brewster, Stephen and Baud-Bovy, Gabriel and Magnusson, Charlotte and Caltenco, Hector; Mark, Gloria and Fussell, Susan and Lampe, Cliff and Schraefel, M. C. and Hourcade, Juan Pablo and Appert, Caroline and Wigdor, Daniel, eds. (2017) Audible beacons and wearables in schools : helping young visually impaired children play and move independently. In: CHI 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings . Association for Computing Machinery, USA, pp. 4146-4157. ISBN 9781450346559
Gao, Song and Habashi, Wagdi G. and Isola, Dario and Baruzzi, Guido S. and Fossati, Marco (2016) A Jacobian-free edged-based Galerkin formulation for compressible flows. Computers and Fluids. ISSN 0045-7930
Gardiner, Joseph and Eiffert, Adam and Garraghan, Peter and Race, Nicholas and Nagaraja, Shishir and Rashid, Awais; (2021) Controller-in-the-middle : attacks on software defined networks in industrial control systems. In: CPSIoTSec 2021 - Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on CPS and IoT Security and Privacy, co-located with CCS 2021. ACM, New York, NY., 63–68. ISBN 9781450384872
Garofalakis, John and Georgoulas, Ioannis and Komninos, Andreas and Ntentopoulos, Periklis and Plessas, Athanasios; Daniel, Florian and Diaz, Oscar, eds. (2015) Sensing airports' traffic by mining location saring social services. In: Current Trends in Web Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9396 . Springer, pp. 131-140. ISBN 978-3-319-24799-1
Garrity, Sean and Weir, George R.S. (2010) Balancing the threat of personal technology in the workplace. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 3 (1). pp. 73-81. ISSN 1751-911X
Gellineau, Obika and Weir, George R. S.; Weir, George and Ishikawa, S. and Poonpol, K., eds. (2011) Classifying suspicious content using frequency analysis. In: Corpora and Language Technologies in Teaching, Learning and Research. University of Strathclyde Publishing. ISBN 9780947649821
Gerevini, A. and Long, D.; Gerevini, A. and Long, D., eds. (2006) Preferences and soft constraints in PDDL3. In: ICAPS Workshop on Planning with Preferences and Soft Constraints, 2006-06-06.
Ghani, Neil and Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik and Orsanigo, Federico; de Paiva, Valeria and de Queiroz, Ruy and Moss, Lawrence S. and Leivant, Daniel and de Oliveira, Anjolina G., eds. (2015) Parametric polymorphism - universally. In: Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, USA, pp. 81-92. ISBN 978-3-662-47708-3
Ghani, Neil and Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik and Simpson, Alex; Jacobs, Bart and Löding, Christof, eds. (2016) Comprehensive parametric polymorphism : categorical models and type theory. In: International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures [FoSSaCS 2016]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9634 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3-19. ISBN 9783662496305
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