Human-centred cyber secure software engineering

Renaud, Karen (2022) Human-centred cyber secure software engineering. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 77 (1). pp. 45-55. ISSN 2366-4681 (

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Software runs our modern day lives: our shopping, our transport and our medical devices. Hence, no citizen can escape the consequences of poor software engineering. A closely-aligned concern, which also touches every aspect of our lives, is cyber security. Software has to be developed with cybersecurity threats in mind, in order to design resistance and resilience into the software, given that they are often rooted in malicious human behaviour. Both software engineering and cyber security disciplines need to acknowledge and accommodate humans, not expect perfect performances. This is a position paper, delineating the extent of the challenge posed by this reality, and suggesting ways for accommodating the influence of human nature on secure software engineering.