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Items where subject is "Risk Management"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 302.

Abuseem, Alya J. and Ojiako, Udechukwu and Dweiri, Fikri T. (2023) Overcoming ignorance and the unknown in UAE projects : the role of improvisation. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. ISSN 0976-4348

Ackermann, F. and Eden, C. (2005) Using causal mapping with group support systems to elicit an understanding of failure in complex projects : some implications for organizational research. Group Decision and Negotiation, 14 (5). pp. 355-376. ISSN 0926-2644

Ackermann, F. and Eden, C. and Williams, T.M. and Howick, S.M. (2007) Systemic risk assessment : a case study. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 0160-5682

Ackermann, F. and Franco, L.A. and Gallupe, B. and Parent, M. (2005) GSS for multi-organizational collaboration: Reflections on process and content. Group Decision and Negotiation, 14 (4). pp. 307-331. ISSN 0926-2644

Ackermann, Fran and Howick, Susan and Houghton, Tom and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley (2012) Managing projects in an uncertain world : engaging stakeholders, and building a systemic view of risk. In: OR54 Annual Conference 2012, 2012-09-04 - 2012-09-06, Edinburgh First, The University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Ackermann, Fran and Howick, Susan and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley and Houghton, Tom (2012) Managing projects in an uncertain world : engaging stakeholders, and building a systemic view of risk. In: 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, 2012-12-02 - 2012-12-04. (Unpublished)

Ackermann, Fran and Howick, Susan and Quigley, John and Walls, Lesley and Houghton, Tom (2014) Systemic risk elicitation : using causal maps to engage stakeholders and build a comprehensive view of risks. European Journal of Operational Research, 238 (1). pp. 290-299. ISSN 0377-2217

Adkin, A. and Brouwer, A. and Downs, S. H. and Kelly, L. (2015) Assessing the impact of a cattle risk-based trading scheme on the movement of bovine tuberculosis infected animals in England and Wales. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. ISSN 0167-5877

Agapiou, Andrew and Clark, Bryan (2014) A reflection on construction mediation in Scotland. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 167 (6). 265 –272. ISSN 1751-4312

Ahmed, Nahian and Rahman, Rashedur M. and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani and Ahmed, Bayes (2021) Dense prediction of label noise for learning building extraction from aerial drone imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42 (23). pp. 8906-8929. ISSN 0143-1161

Al-Mhdawi, M.K.S. and Qazi, Abroon Jamal and Ojiako, Udi and Dacre, Nicholas and AlJaloudi, Odai (2024) Examining the Key Challenges and Barriers to Construction Risk Management Implementation during Health Pandemics. In: BAM 2024: 38th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06, Nottingham Trent University.

Ale, BJM and Bellamy, LJ and Van der Boom, R and Cooke, Roger and Goossens, LHJ and Hale, A.R and Kurowicka, D and Lin, PH and Roelen, ALC and Cooper, H and Spouge, J (2008) Further development of a causal model for air transport safety (CATS) : the complete model. In: Ninth international probabilistic safety assessment and management conference, 2008-05-18 - 2008-05-23.

Ale, Ben JM and Bellamy, L.J. and Van der Boom, R and Cooper, J and Cooke, Roger M and Goossens, Louis HJ and Hale, AR and Kurowicka, Dorota and Morales, O and Roelen, ALC and Spouge, John (2009) Further development of a causal model for air transport safety (CATS) : building the mathematical heart. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 94 (9). pp. 1433-1441.

Ali, Ibrahim Labaran and Hird, Abigail and Whitfield, Robert Ian (2018) Social relationships and supply chain risk information sharing. In: 25th International Annual EurOMA Conference, 2018-06-24 - 2018-06-27.

Alkali, B. and Bedford, T.J. (2008) Structuring elicitation and modelling maintenance opportunities for coal mill reliability. In: ESREL 2008, 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25.

Alkali, Babakalli M. and Bedford, Tim and Quigley, John and Gaw, Jim (2009) Failure and maintenance data extraction from power plant maintenance management databases. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139 (5). pp. 1766-1776. ISSN 0378-3758

Alozie, Glory Uche and Arulselvan, Ashwin and Akartunali, Kerem and Pasiliao, Jr., Eduardo L (2022) A heuristic approach for the distance-based critical node detection problem in complex networks. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73 (6). pp. 1347-1361. ISSN 0160-5682

Anderson, Gillian and Sneddon, Frances (2020) Predicting critical care needs during a pandemic. Impact, 2020 (2). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2058-802X

Anderson, Gillian Hopkins and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley; (2013) Technical risk quantification, process and method in practice. In: Proceedings of the 19th AR2TS Advances in Risk, Reliability and Technology Symposium. ASME.

Anderson, Gillian Hopkins and Walls, Lesley and Revie, Matthew and Fenelon, Euan and Storie, Calum (2015) Quantifying intra-organisational risks : an analysis of practice-theory tensions in probability elicitation to improve technical risk management in an energy utility. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. ISSN 1748-006X

Arslan, V. and Kurt, R.E. and Comrie, E. and Turan, O. and DeWolff, L.; Walls, Lesley and Revie, Matthew and Bedford, Tim, eds. (2016) Identification and implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) for achieving safer and resilient passengers shipping operations. In: Risk, Reliability and Safety. CRC/Taylor & Francis Group, GBR. ISBN 9781498788984

Arslan, Volkan and Kurt, Rafet Emek and Turan, Osman and De Wolff, Louis (2016) Safety culture assessment and implementation framework to enhance maritime safety. Transportation Research Procedia, 14. pp. 3895-3904. ISSN 2352-1465

Aspinall, W. P. and Cooke, R. M.; Rougier, Jonathan and Sparks, Steve and Hill, Lisa J., eds. (2013) Quantifying scientific uncertainty from expert judgement elicitation. In: Risk and Uncertainty Assessment for Natural Hazards. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 64-99. ISBN 9781139047562

Atherton, E. and Bedford, T.J. and French, S. (2005) Supporting ALARP decision making by cost benefit analysis and multiattribute utility theory. Journal of Risk Research, 8 (3). pp. 207-223. ISSN 1366-9877

Atkins, Philip J. and Cummins, Mark (2022) Improved scalability and risk factor proxying with a two-step principal component analysis for multi-curve modelling. European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217

Atzampos, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Paterson, Donald (2017) A new era of fishing vessel safety emerges. In: 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-07, Belgrade.

Baracskai, Zoltán and Dörfler, Viktor and Velencei, Jolán (2007) Ocjena rizika nije upravljanje rizikom. Strategijski menadzment, 12 (1-2). pp. 15-17. ISSN 0354-8414

Barlow, E and Tezcaner Ozturk, D and Day, AH and Boulougouris, E and Revie, M and Akartunali, K (2014) A support tool for assessing the risks of heavy lift vessel logistics in the installation of offshore wind farms. In: Marine Heavy Transport & Lift IV, 2014-10-29 - 2014-10-30.

Bashir, Hamdi and Ojiako, Udechukwu and Mota, Caroline (2020) Modeling and analyzing factors affecting project delays using an integrated social network-fuzzy MICMAC approach. Engineering Management Journal, 32 (1). pp. 26-36. ISSN 1042-9247

Bedford, T. and Alkali, B. M. (2009) Competing risks and opportunistic informative maintenance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 223 (4). pp. 363-372. ISSN 1748-006X

Bedford, T.J.; Melnick, Edward and Everitt, Brian, eds. (2008) ALARP/ALARA. In: Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment. WileyBlackwell, U.K.. ISBN 978-0-470-03549-8

Bedford, T.J. (2004) Assessing the impact of preventive maintenance based on censored data. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 20 (3). pp. 247-254. ISSN 0748-8017

Bedford, T.J. (2006) Copulas, degenerate distributions and quantile tests. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 136. pp. 1572-1587. ISSN 0094-9655

Bedford, T.J. and Alkali, B. and Burnham, R,; Melnick, Edward and Everitt, Brian, eds. (2008) Competing Risks. In: Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Chichester. ISBN 9780470035498

Bedford, T.J. and Bunea, C. (2002) The effect of model uncertainty on maintenance optimization. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 51 (4). pp. 486-493. ISSN 0018-9529

Bedford, T.J. and Cooke, R. (2002) Reliability databases in perspective. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 51 (3). pp. 294-310. ISSN 0018-9529

Bedford, T.J. and Fragola, J.R. (2005) Identifying emerging failure phenomena in complex systems through engineering data mapping. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 90 (2-3). pp. 247-260. ISSN 0951-8320

Bedford, T.J. and Hardman, G. and Walls, L.A. and Quigley, J.L.; Ruggeri, Fabrizio and Kenett, Ron and Faltin, Frederick W., eds. (2008) Reliability Databases. In: Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. ISBN 9780470018613

Bedford, T.J. and Janssen, M. and Verstegen, C. and Willems, A. (2005) Expert quantification of uncertainties in a risk analysis for an infrastructure project. Journal of Risk Research, 8 (1). pp. 3-17. ISSN 1366-9877

Bedford, T.J. and Lindqvist, B. (2004) The identifiability problem for repairable systems subject to competing risks. Advances in Applied Probability, 36 (3). pp. 774-790.

Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. (2004) Risk reduction prioritization using decision analysis. Risk Decision and Policy, 9 (3). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1357-5309

Bedford, T.J. and Quigley, J.L. and Walls, L.A. and Alkali, B. and Daneshkhah, A. and Hardman, Gavin (2008) Advances in mathematical modeling for reliability. Delft University Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9781586038656

Bedford, Tim (2013) Decision making for group risk reduction : dealing with epistemic uncertainty. Risk Analysis, 33 (10). 1884–1898. ISSN 1539-6924

Bedford, Tim and Daneshkhah, Alireza and Wilson, Kevin J. (2016) Approximate uncertainty modeling in risk analysis with vine copulas. Risk Analysis, 36 (4). pp. 792-815. ISSN 1539-6924

Bedford, Tim and Denning, Richard and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2008) Applying Bayes linear methods to support reliability procurement decisions. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability symposium, 2008-01-28 - 2008-01-31.

Bedford, Tim and Quigley, John and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2008) Historical Exploration - Learning Lessons from the Past to Inform the Future. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Bedford, Tim and Quigley, John and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2009) Historical exploration - Learning risk lessons from the past to inform the future. In: Advances in Reliability Technology Symposium, 2009-04-21 - 2009-04-23. (Unpublished)

Belton, Ian and Quigley, John (2024) The Nunavut-Nunavik Search and Rescue project (NSAR) : enhancing SAR operations in Arctic Canada. In: Arctic Science Summit Week, 2024-03-21 - 2024-03-29.

Belton, V. and Losa, F. (2005) Combining MCDA and conflict analysis: an exploratory application of an integrated approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57 (5). pp. 510-525. ISSN 0160-5682

Belton, Valerie and Kockar, Ivana and Berrie, Scott and Rivera, Luis (2014) Problem structuring for MCDA : incorporating external expertise. In: 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18, Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona - CCIB.

Belton, Valerie and Lucertini, Giulia and Montibeller, Gilberto and Tsoukias, Alexis (2014) Policy analytics : an agenda for research and practice. In: The Operational Research Society Annual Conference, 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-11, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Ben Ameur, Hachmi and Dao, Daniel and Ftiti, Zied and Louhichi, Wael (2024) Perceived climate risk and stock prices : an empirical analysis of pricing effects. Risk Analysis. ISSN 1539-6924

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) Risk-based, sensor-fused detection of flooding casualties for emergency response. Ships and Offshore Structures, n/a. n/a. ISSN 1754-212X

Blair, Graeme and Murray, Robert and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2011) Exploring the influence of temperature on the frequency of burst pipes in the Scottish water network. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2011, 2011-05-03 - 2011-05-05.

Blair, J and Stephen, B and Brown, Blair David and Forbes, A and McArthur, S; (2022) Hybrid fault prognostics for nuclear applications : addressing rotating plant model uncertainty. In: PHM Society European Conference. Prognostics and Health Society European Conference, ITA, pp. 58-67. ISBN 9781936263363

Boateng, Prince and Chen, Zhen and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (2016) A dynamic framework for managing the complexities of risks in megaprojects. International Journal of Technology and Management Research, 1 (5). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2026-6480

Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Psarros, George Ad and Hamann, Rainer (2020) A novel method for safety analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems - Application to a ship exhaust gas scrubber system. Safety, 6 (2). 26. ISSN 2313-576X

Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) Safety related cyber-attacks identification and assessment for autonomous inland ships. In: International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV), 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-20, Aalto University.

Bolger, Fergus and Wright, George (2017) Use of expert knowledge to anticipate the future : issues, analysis and directions. International Journal of Forecasting, 33 (1). pp. 230-243. ISSN 0169-2070

Boumghar, Red and Riccardi, Annalisa and Guzman, Cesar and Ameen, Shazhad (2023) Orbit decentralized autonomous organization using blockchain-based consensus mechanisms. In: SPACEOPS 2023, 2023-03-06 - 2023-03-10.

Bracke, S. and Backes, B. and Patelli, E. and Inoue, M. and Yamada, S. and Ulutas, B. and Hartl, C. and Dültgen, P. and Młyńczak, M. and Suel, G.; Fertsch, Marek and Stachowiak, Agnieszka and Mrugalska, Beata and Oleskow-Szlapka, Joanna and Hadas, Lukasz and Cyplik, Piotr and Golinska-Dawson, Paulina, eds. (2017) Challenges, trends and approaches of future reliability engineering in high precision manufacturing processes. In: 24th International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2017. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research . Destech Publications, POL, pp. 19-24. ISBN 9781605955070

Bradley, A. and Van Der Meer, R. and McKay, C. (2019) Cost effectiveness analysis of the management of potentially resectable pancreatic cancer. In: BMJ International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2019-03-27 - 2019-03-29, Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre.

Bradley, A. and Van Der Meer, R. and McKay, C. (2019) Cost-effectiveness analysis of neoadjuvant v surgery-first for resectable pancreatic cancer. In: BMJ International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2019-03-27 - 2019-03-29, Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre.

Bradley, Alison and Van Der Meer, Robert and McKay, Colin (2019) Personalized pancreatic cancer management : a systematic review of how machine learning is supporting decision-making. Pancreas, 48 (5). pp. 598-604. ISSN 1536-4828

Bradley, Alison and Van Der Meer, Robert and McKay, Colin (2021) TP6.1.3 Bayesian network meta-analysis of upfront surgery versus neoadjuvant therapy for potentially resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. British Journal of Surgery, 108 (Supple). TP6.1.3. ISSN 0007-1323

Broby, Daniel (2010) A Guide to Fund Management. Risk Books. ISBN 978-1-906348-18-2

Brown, Bodunrin and Liu, Bin and McIntyre, Stuart and Revie, Matthew (2022) Reliability analysis of load-sharing systems with spatial dependence and proximity effects. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 221. 108284. ISSN 0951-8320

Burns, C. (2007) Measuring the impact of a psychological contract for health and safety. People Management. p. 50. ISSN 1358-6297

Burns, C. and Conchie, S.; (2011) Measuring implicit trust and automatic attitude activation. In: Handbook of Research Methods on Trust. Edward Elgar, London. ISBN 9781848447677

Burns, C. and Mearns, K. and McGeorge, P. (2006) Explicit and implicit trust within safety culture. Risk Analysis, 26 (5). pp. 1139-1150. ISSN 1539-6924

Calderwood, Catherine Jane and Braut, Geir Sverre and Wiig, Siri (2024) What is truly informed consent in medical practice and what has the perception of risk got to do with it? Healthcare, 13 (1). 8. ISSN 2227-9032

Cha, Ji Hwan and Finkelstein, Maxim (2024) An advanced acceptance reliability sampling plan for heterogeneous items subject to external shocks. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 35 (2). pp. 197-213. dpad010. ISSN 1471-678X

Cheng, Hao and Burns, Calvin and Revie, Matthew (2022) Risky-choice framing and its null effect on integral emotions. Journal of Risk Research, 25 (4). pp. 453-467. ISSN 1366-9877

Chipulu, Max and Ojiako, Udechukwu and Vasilakos, Nicholas and Abdoush, Tony; (2025) Prudence risk culture : does it influence effective environmental sustainability strategies? In: EURAM 2025 Conference. EURAM Conference . European Academy of Management, ITA. ISBN 9782960219579 (In Press)

Clintworth, Mark and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Lee, Byung Suk (2018) Correction to : Combining multicriteria decision analysis and cost–benefit analysis in the assessment of maritime projects financed by the European Investment Bank. Maritime Economics and Logistics. ISSN 1479-294X

Colak, Gonul and Gounopoulos, Dimitrios and Loukopoulos, Panagiotis and Loukopoulos, Georgios (2021) Tournament incentives and IPO failure risk. Journal of Banking and Finance, 130. 106193. ISSN 0378-4266

Colson, Abigail (2021) Estimating the impact of a novel gonorrhoea therapy with structured expert judgement. In: EURO 2021, 2021-07-11 - 2021-07-14.

Colson, Abigail R. and Cooke, Roger M. (2018) Expert elicitation : using the classical model to validate experts' judgments. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 12 (1). 113–132. ISSN 1750-6824

Cooke, Roger (2010) Conundrums with uncertainty factors. Risk Analysis, 30 (3). pp. 330-339. ISSN 1539-6924

Cooke, Roger and Kousky, Carolyn (2010) Adapting to extreme events : managing fat tails. Other. Resources for the Future, Washington.

Cooke, Roger and Kousky, Carolyn (2010) Climate Dependencies and Risk Management : Microcorrelations and Tail Dependence. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.

Cooke, Roger M (2013) Model uncertainty in economic impacts of climate change : Bernoulli versus Lotka Volterra dynamics. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 9 (1). pp. 2-6.

Cooke, Roger M (2011) Response to Conundrums Letter. Risk Analysis, 31 (1). pp. 5-6. ISSN 1539-6924

Cooke, Roger M (2010) Response to reviewers. Risk Analysis, 30 (3). p. 353. ISSN 1539-6924

Cooke, Roger M (2011) A shapley value approach to pricing climate risks. Economics Discussion Paper (2011-1).

Cooke, Roger M and Goossens, Louis LHJ; Voeller, John G., ed. (2010) Experience with expert judgement : the TU delft expert judgment data. In: Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Bognor Regis. ISBN 9780471761303

Cooke, Roger M and Joe, Harry and Aas, Kjersti; Kurowicka, Dorota and Joe, Harry, eds. (2010) Vines Arise. In: Dependence Modeling. World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 37-72. ISBN 978-9814299879

Cooke, Roger M and Kousky, Carolyn and Joe, Harry; Kurowicka, Dorota and Joe, Harry, eds. (2010) Micro correlations and tail dependence. In: Dependence Modeling. World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 89-112. ISBN 978-9814299879

Cooke, Roger M and Ross, Heather and Stern, Adam (2011) Precursor analysis for offshore oil and gas drilling : from prescriptive to risk-informed regulation. Discussion paper. Resources for the Future.

Coulson, A.B. (2008) Organized uncertainty: designing a world of risk management. [Review]

Cummins, Mark and Gogolin, Fabian and Kearney, Fearghal and Kiely, Greg and Murphy, Bernard (2022) Practice-relevant model validation : distributional parameter risk analysis in financial model risk management. Annals of Operations Research. ISSN 0254-5330

Dairo, Modupeola and Adekola, Josephine and Apostolopoulos, Charalampos and Tsaramirsis, Georgios (2021) Benchmarking strategic alignment of business and IT strategies : opportunities, risks, challenges and solutions. International Journal of Information Technology, 13 (6). pp. 2191-2197. ISSN 2511-2112

Daneshkhah, Alireza and Bedford, Tim (2008) Emulation of Poincaré return maps with Gaussian Kriging models. Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

De Vreede, G.J. and Ackermann, F. (2005) Introduction to the special issue: International perspectives in group decision and negotiation research. Group Decision and Negotiation, 14 (4). pp. 265-266. ISSN 0926-2644

Derbyshire, James and Dhami, Mandeep and Belton, Ian and Önkal, Dilek (2023) The value of experiments in futures and foresight science as illustrated by the case of scenario planning. Futures & Foresight Science, 5 (2). e146. ISSN 2573-5152

Dietz, Simon and Morton, Alec (2011) Strategic appraisal of environmental risks : a contrast between the United Kingdom's Stern Review on the economics of climate change and its Committee on Radioactive Waste Management. Risk Analysis, 31 (1). pp. 129-142. ISSN 1539-6924

Dikis, Konstantinos and Lazakis, Iraklis and Turan, Osman (2014) Probabilistic risk assessment of condition monitoring of marine diesel engines. In: ICMT 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09, University of Strathclyde.

Doostmohammadi, Mahdi and Akartunali, Kerem (2014) A theoretical and computational study of two-period relaxations for lot-sizing problems with big bucket capacities. In: International Workshop on Lot-Sizing (IWLS) 2014, 2014-08-27 - 2014-08-29.

Dörfler, Viktor and Stierand, Marc and Chia, Robert (2018) Intellectual quietness : our struggles with researching creativity as a process. In: BAM 2018: 32nd Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06, Bristol Business School.

Eden, C. and Ackermann, F. and Williams, T.M. (2005) The amoebic growth of project costs. Project Management Journal, 36. pp. 15-27. ISSN 8756-9728

Eden, Colin and Ackermann, Fran and Page, Kevin (2011) Leading strategy making : Facilitating commitment to strategy. In: Academy of Management, 2011-08-14 - 2011-08-16.

Eden, Colin and Gonzalez, Jose J.; Gjøsæter, Terje and Radianti, Jaziar and Murayama, Yuko, eds. (2023) The strategic management of disaster risk mitigation. In: Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . Springer, NOR, pp. 3-19. ISBN 9783031342073

Eden, Colin and Pyrko, Igor and Howick, Susan (2018) Risk systemicity : promoting interdisciplinary working in cities. In: EURAM 2018: 18th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-22, University of Iceland.

El-Moghazi, Mohamed and Whalley, Jason and Curwen, Peter (2008) Is re-farming the answer to the spectrum shortage conundrum? Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

El-Raoui, Hanane and Quigley, John and Aslan, Ayse and Vasantha, Gokula and Hanson, Jack and Corney, Jonathan and Sherlock, Andrew (2023) Design of a serious game for safety in manufacturing industry using hybrid simulation modelling : towards eliciting risk preferences. In: 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, 2023-12-10 - 2023-12-13, San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter.

Elidolu, Gizem and Ahn, Sung Il and Sezer, Sukru Ilke and Kurt, Rafet Emek and Akyuz, Emre and Gardoni, Paolo (2023) Applying evidential reasoning extended SPAR-H modelling to analyse human reliability on crude oil tanker cargo operation. Safety Science, 164. 106169. ISSN 0925-7535

Etakali, Alaeddin and Chen, Zhen and Agapiou, Andrew and Dimitrijevic, Branka; (2021) Convergence research into agile lean construction for major project risks management. In: 5th CU Construction Conference 2021. Coventry University, GBR, pp. 120-123. ISBN 9781846000614

Evans, Daniel and Horigan, Verity and Taylor, Rachel A. and Kelly, Louise (2024) A qualitative risk assessment of imports of animal feed as a potential pathway for Aujeszky's disease virus incursion. Microbial Risk Analysis, 27-28. 100314. ISSN 2352-3522

Evanschitzky, H. and Backhaus, C. and Michailis, M. and Schneider, G. (2009) Trust Me - I know what I'm Doing! The Impact of Salesperson Competence and Country Competence on Initial Trust in International Service Settings. In: Academy of Marketing Science – 14th Biennial World Marketing Congress 2009, 2009-07-22 - 2009-07-25, Oslo School of Management - Campus Kristiania. (Unpublished)

Faes, Matthias G.R. and Daub, Marco and Marelli, Stefano and Patelli, Edoardo and Beer, Michael (2021) Engineering analysis with probability boxes : a review on computational methods. Structural Safety, 93. 102092. ISSN 0167-4730

Fariya, Siti and Gunbeyaz, Sefer Anil and Kurt, Rafet Emek and Turan, Osman and Giagloglou, Eva and Ates, Aylin and Sunaryo, Sunaryo and Budi Djatmiko, Eko and Nugroho, Setyo (2021) An online risk assessment tool to improve the standards of ship recycling operations. In: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11, Online.

Farooq, Muhammad Umar and Hussain, Amjad and Masood, Tariq and Habib, Muhammad Salman (2021) Supply chain operations management in pandemics : a state-of-the-art review inspired by COVID-19. Sustainability, 13 (5). 2504. ISSN 2071-1050

Feng, Geng and Reed, Sean and Patelli, Edoardo and Beer, Michael and Coolen, Frank P.A.; Stefanou, George and Papadrakakis, M. and Papadopoulos, Vissarion, eds. (2017) Efficient reliability and uncertainty assessment on lifeline networks using the survival signature. In: UNCECOMP 2017 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering. National Technical University of Athens, GRC, pp. 90-99. ISBN 9786188284449

Feng, Yun and Huang, Binghua and Zhang, Hai (2019) Hedge fund seeding with fees-for-guarantee swaps. European Journal of Finance, 25 (1). pp. 16-34. ISSN 1351-847X

Ferrero, R. and Wu, C. and Carboni, A. and Toscani, S. and De Angelis, M. and George-Williams, H. and Patelli, E. and Pegoraro, P. A.; (2017) Low-cost battery monitoring by converter-based electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In: 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS). IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS) . IEEE, GBR. ISBN 9781538603437

Finkelstein, Maxim and Cha, Ji Hwan and Langston, Amy (2023) Improving classical optimal age-replacement policies for degrading items. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 236. 109303. ISSN 0951-8320

Flari, Villie and Chaudhry, Qasim and Neslo, Rabin and Cooke, Roger (2011) Expert judgment based multi-criteria decision model to address uncertainties in risk assessment of nanotechnology-enabled food products. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13 (5). pp. 1813-1831.

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