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Items where subject is "Geology"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 290.

Alcalde, Juan and Bond, Clare E. and Johnson, Gareth and Butler, Robert W. H. and Cooper, Mark A. and Ellis, Jennifer F. (2017) The importance of structural model availability on seismic interpretation. Journal of Structural Geology, 97. pp. 161-171. ISSN 0191-8141

Alcalde, Juan and Bond, Clare E. and Johnson, Gareth and Ellis, Jennifer F. and Butler, Robert W.H. (2017) Impact of seismic image quality on fault interpretation uncertainty. GSA Today, 27 (2). pp. 4-10. ISSN 1052-5173

Alcalde, Juan and Bond, Clare E. and Johnson, Gareth and Kloppenburg, Armelle and Ferrer, Oriol and Bell, Rebecca and Ayarza, Puy (2019) Fault interpretation in seismic reflection data : an experiment analysing the impact of conceptual model anchoring and vertical exaggeration. Solid Earth, 10 (5). pp. 1651-1662. ISSN 1869-9529

Allen, Deonie and Simonneau, Anaëlle and Le Roux, Gaël and Mazier, Florence and Marquer, Laurent and Galop, Didier and Binet, Stéphane (2020) Considering lacustrine erosion records and the De Ploey erosion model in an examination of mountain catchment erosion susceptibility and precipitation reconstruction. Catena, 187. 104278. ISSN 0341-8162

Amabile, Alessia and Pozzato, Annarita and Tarantino, Alessandro (2020) Instability of flood embankments due to pore water pressure build-up at the toe : lesson learned from the Adige river case study. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57 (12). pp. 1844-1853. ISSN 0008-3674

Ambraseys, N. and Douglas, J. (2000) Reappraisal of surface wave magnitudes in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Geophysical Journal International, 141 (2). pp. 357-373. ISSN 0956-540X

Ambraseys, N. N. and Douglas, J. (2003) Near-field horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 23 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0267-7261

Ambraseys, N. N. and Smit, P. and Douglas, J. and Margaris, B. and Sigbjörnsson, R. and Ólafsson, S. and Suhadolc, P. and Costa, G. (2004) Internet site for European strong-motion data. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 45 (3). pp. 113-129. ISSN 0006-6729

Amiri Tasuji, MohammadReza and Ghadir, Pooria and Hosseini, Amin and Javadi, Akbar A. and Korayem, Asghar Habibnejad and Ranjbar, Navid (2024) Experimental investigation of sandy soil stabilization using chitosan biopolymer. Transportation Geotechnics, 46. 101266. ISSN 2214-3912

Anderson, Iain and Ma, Jingsheng and Wu, Xiaoyang and Stow, Dorrik and Underhill, John R.; (2019) Assessing the stratigraphic variations in geomechanical properties of the United Kingdom Bowland Shale using wireline and seismic data : how could these guide the placement of lateral wells? In: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22–24 July 2019. SEG Global Meeting Abstracts . Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, USA, pp. 3390-3403.

Andrews, Billy J. and Roberts, Jennifer J. and Shipton, Zoe K. and Bigi, Sabina and Tartarello, M. Chiara and Johnson, Gareth (2019) How do we see fractures? Quantifying subjective bias in fracture data collection. Solid Earth, 10 (2). pp. 487-516. ISSN 1869-9529

Andrews, Billy James and Shipton, Zoe Kai and Lord, Richard and McKay, Lucy (2020) The growth of faults and fracture networks in a mechanically evolving, mechanically stratified rock mass : a case study from Spireslack Surface Coal Mine, Scotland. Solid Earth, 11 (6). pp. 2119-2140. ISSN 1869-9529

Annoni, Alessandro and Bernard, Lars and Douglas, John and Greenwood, Joseph and Laiz, Irene and Lloyd, Michael and Sabeur, Zoheir and Sassen, Anne Marie and Serrano, Jean Jacques and Usländer, Thomas; van Oosterom, Peter and Zlatanova, Siyka and Fendel, Elfriede, eds. (2005) Orchestra : developing a unified open architecture for risk management applications. In: Geo-information for Disaster Management. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9783540249887

Aochi, H. and Douglas, J. (2006) Testing the validity of simulated strong ground motion from the dynamic rupture of a finite fault, by using empirical equations. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 4 (3). pp. 211-229. ISSN 1573-1456

Aochi, Hideo and Douglas, John and Ulrich, Thomas (2017) Stress accumulation in the Marmara Sea estimated through ground-motion simulations from dynamic rupture scenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122 (3). 2219–2235. ISSN 2169-9356

Augarde, C.E. (2005) On preconditioning strategies for geotechnics. In: The 11th International Conference of IACMAG, 2005-06-19 - 2005-06-24.

Azarbakht, Alireza and Rudman, Archie John and Douglas, John (2021) A decision-making approach for operational earthquake forecasting. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 66. 102591. ISSN 2212-4209

Badanina, Inna Yu. and Malitch, Kreshimir N. and Lord, Richard A. and Belousova, Elena A. and Meisel, Thomas C. (2015) Closed-system behaviour of the Re-Os isotope system recorded in primary and secondary platinum-group mineral assemblages : evidence from a mantle chromitite at Harold's Grave (Shetland ophiolite complex, Scotland). Ore Geology Reviews, 75. pp. 174-185. ISSN 0169-1368

Balzano, Brunella and Tarantino, Alessandro and Nicotera, Marco Valerio and Forte, Giovanni and de Falco, Melania and Santo, Antonio (2018) Building physically-based models for assessing rainfall-induced shallow landslide hazard at the catchment scale : the case study of the Sorrento Peninsula (Italy). Canadian Geotechnical Journal. ISSN 0008-3674

Banks, David and Boyce, Adrian J. and Westaway, Rob and Burnside, Neil M. (2021) Sulphur isotopes in deep groundwater reservoirs : evidence from post-stimulation flowback at the Pohang geothermal facility, Korea. Geothermics, 91. 102003. ISSN 0375-6505

Banks, David and Steven, Jonathan K. and Berry, John and Burnside, Neil and Boyce, Adrian J. (2017) A combined pumping test and heat extraction/recirculation trial in an abandoned haematite ore mine shaft, Egremont, Cumbria, UK. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 5 (1). pp. 51-69. ISSN 2363-5045

Barrera, M. and Romero, E. and Sanchez, M. and Lloret, A.; Magnan, J.P., ed. (2002) Laboratory tests to validate and determine parameters of an elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils. In: PARAM 2002. Presses des Ponts, Paris, France, pp. 350-358. ISBN 9782859783631

Baziotis, I. and Asimow, P. D. and Ntaflos, T. and Boyce, J. W. and McCubbin, F. M. and Koroneos, A. and Perugini, D. and Flude, S. and Storey, M. and Liu, Y. S. and Klemme, S. and Berndt, J. (2017) Phosphorus zoning as a recorder of crystal growth kinetics : application to second-generation olivine in mantle xenoliths from the Cima Volcanic Field. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172 (7). 58. ISSN 1432-0967

Beaudoin, Nicolas and Hamilton, Andrea and Koehn, Daniel and Shipton, Zoe Kai and Kelka, Ulrich (2018) Reaction-induced porosity fingering : replacement dynamic and porosity evolution in the KBr-KCl system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 232. pp. 163-180. ISSN 0016-7037

Beauval, Céline and Bard, Pierre Yves and Douglas, John (2010) Comment on "Test of seismic hazard map from 500 years of recorded intensity data in Japan" by Masatoshi Miyazawa and Jim Mori. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100 (6). pp. 3329-3331. ISSN 0037-1106

Beber, Raniero and Tarantino, Alessandro and Becker, Patrick (2023) Climate change adaptation of Elbe River flood embankments via suction-based design. International Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (3). ISSN 1532-3641

Beke, Barbara and Fodor, László and Millar, Lisa and Petrik, Attila (2019) Deformation band formation as a function of progressive burial : Depth calibration and mechanism change in the Pannonian Basin (Hungary). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105. pp. 1-16. ISSN 0264-8172

Bense, Victor Franciscus and Shipton, Zoe Kai and Kremer, Yannick and Kampman, Niko (2016) Fault zone hydrogeology : introduction to the special issue. Geofluids, 16 (4). pp. 655-657. ISSN 1468-8123

Blöschl, Günter and Bierkens, Marc F.P. and White, Christopher, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) (2019) Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) - a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64 (10). pp. 1141-1158. ISSN 0262-6667

Bommer, Julian J. and Douglas, John and Scherbaum, Frank and Cotton, Fabrice and Bungum, Hilmar and Fäh, Donat (2010) On the selection of ground-motion prediction equations for seismic hazard analysis. Seismological Research Letters, 81 (5). pp. 783-793. ISSN 0895-0695

Bommer, Julian J. and Douglas, John and Strasser, Fleur O. (2003) Style-of-faulting in ground-motion prediction equations. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 171-203. ISSN 1573-1456

Bond, Clare E and Philo, Chris and Shipton, Zoe (2010) When there isn't a right answer : interpretation and reasoning, key skills for twenty-first century geoscience. International Journal of Science Education. pp. 1-24. ISSN 0950-0693

Bots, Pieter and van Veelen, Arjen and Mosselmans, J. Frederick W. and Muryn, Christopher and Wogelius, Roy A. and Morris, Katherine (2019) Neptunium(V) and uranium(VI) reactions at the magnetite (111) surface. Geosciences, 9 (2). 81. ISSN 2076-3263

Brehme, Maren and Nowak, Kerstin and Banks, David and Petrauskas, Sigitas and Valickas, Robertas and Bauer, Klaus and Burnside, Neil and Boyce, Adrian (2019) A review of the hydrochemistry of a deep sedimentary aquifer and its consequences for geothermal operation : Klaipeda, Lithuania. Geofluids, 2019. 4363592. ISSN 1468-8123

Bretagne, Eloïse and Wadsworth, Fabian B. and Vasseur, Jérémie and Humphreys, Madeleine C.S. and Dingwell, Donald B. and Dobson, Katherine J. and Mangler, Martin F. and Rooyakkers, Shane M. (2023) The permeability of loose magma mush. Geology, 51 (9). pp. 829-832. ISSN 0091-7613

Brooks, Christopher and Douglas, John (2020) Influence of the site-specific component of kappa on the magnitude-dependency of within-event aleatory variabilities in ground-motion models. Seismological Research Letters, 92 (1). pp. 238-245. ISSN 0895-0695

Burnside, N. M. and Banks, D. and Boyce, A. J. and Athresh, A. (2016) Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes as tools for understanding the sustainability of minewater geothermal energy production from a ‘standing column’ heat pump system : Markham Colliery, Bolsover, Derbyshire, UK. International Journal of Coal Geology, 165. pp. 223-230. 165. ISSN 1872-7840

Burnside, N. M. and Dockrill, B. and Shipton, Z. K. and Ellam, R. M. (2009) Dating and constraining leakage rates from a natural analogue for CO2 storage - the little grand wash and salt wash fault. In: 2nd International Fault and Top Seals Conference: From Pore to Basin Scale, 2009-09-21 - 2009-09-24.

Burnside, Neil M. and Naylor, Mark and Kirk, Karen and Whittaker, Fiona (2013) QICS work package 1 : Migration and trapping of CO2 from a reservoir to the seabed or land surface. Energy Procedia, 37. pp. 4673-4681. ISSN 1876-6102

Casarella, Angela and Tarantino, Alessandro and Richefeu, Vincent and Di Donna, Alice (2024) Evaluation and improvement of Gay-Berne interaction potential to simulate 3D DLVO interaction of clay particles. Computers and Geotechnics, 170. 106221. ISSN 0266-352X

Chambers, Rebecca M. and Johnson, Gareth and Boyce, Adrian J. and Gilfillan, Stuart M. V. (2023) Constraining the geochemical fingerprints of gases from the UK carboniferous coal measures at the Glasgow geoenergy observatories field site, Scotland. Earth Science, Systems and Society (ES3), 3. 10073. ISSN 2634-730X

Chen, Yu and Patelli, Edoardo and Edwards, Benjamin and Beer, Michael (2023) A physics‐informed Bayesian framework for characterizing ground motion process in the presence of missing data. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52 (7). pp. 2179-2195. ISSN 1096-9845

Colombier, M. and Scheu, B. and Wadsworth, F. B. and Cronin, S. and Vasseur, J. and Dobson, K. J. and Hess, K.-U. and Tost, M. and Yilmaz, T. I. and Cimarelli, C. and Brenna, M. and Ruthensteiner, B. and Dingwell, D. B. (2018) Vesiculation and quenching during surtseyan eruptions at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano, Tonga. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123 (5). pp. 3762-3779. ISSN 2169-9313

Colombier, Mathieu and Scheu, Bettina and Kueppers, Ulrich and Cronin, Shane and Mueller, Sebastian and Tost, Manuela and Hess, Kai-Uwe and Dobson, Kate and Ruthensteiner, Bernard and Dingwell, Donald (2018) Auto-granulation of particle surfaces during Surtseyan eruptions. In: EGU General Assembly 2018, 2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13.

Comerford, A. and Fraser-Harris, A. and Johnson, G. and McDermott, C. I. (2018) Controls on geothermal heat recovery from a hot sedimentary aquifer in Guardbridge, Scotland. Geothermics, 76. pp. 125-140. ISSN 0375-6505

Coppola, L. and Reder, A. and Tarantino, A. and Mannara, G. and Pagano, L. (2022) Pre-failure suction-induced deformation to inform early warning of shallow landslides : proof of concept at slope model scale. Engineering Geology, 309. 106834. ISSN 0013-7952

Coppola, Lucia and Reder, Alfredo and Rianna, Guido and Tarantino, Alessandro and Pagano, Luca (2024) Effects of Wooden Embers Cover on thermo-hydrological response of silty volcanic cover and implications to post-wildfire slope stability. Engineering Geology, 341. 107724. ISSN 0013-7952

Cordão Neto, M.P. and Lopes, B.C.F.L. and Mascarenha, M.M.A. and Romero, E. (2017) A microstructural cam clay model for hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. Soils and Rocks, 40 (1). pp. 3-16.

Corkhill, Claire L. and Myllykyla, Emmi and Bailey, Daniel J. and Thornber, Stephanie M. and Qi, Jiahui and Maldonado, Pablo and Stennett, Martin C. and Hamilton, Andrea and Hyatt, Neil C. (2014) Contribution of energetically reactive surface features to the dissolution of CeO2 and ThO2  analogues for spent nuclear fuel microstructures. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6 (15). 12279–12289. ISSN 1944-8252

Corson, Lindsey and Reid, Christopher and Lunn, Rebecca J. and El Mountassir, Grainne and Henderson, Alisdair E. and Henderson, Kenneth and Pagano, Arianna G. and Kremer, Yannick (2021) Field validation of a detectable, magnetic, cementitious grout for rock fracture grouting. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 145. 104853. ISSN 1365-1609

D'Onza, F. and Wheeler, S. J. and Gallipoli, D. and Barrera Bucio, M. and Hofmann, M. and Lloret-Cabot, M. and Lloret Morancho, A. and Mancuso, C. and Pereira, J. M. and Romero Morales, E. and Sánchez, M. and Sołowski, W. and Tarantino, A. and Toll, D. G. and Vassallo, R. (2015) Benchmarking selection of parameter values for the Barcelona basic model. Engineering Geology, 196. pp. 99-118. ISSN 0013-7952

Dai, Minhan and Luo, Ya‐Wei and Achterberg, Eric P. and Browning, Thomas J. and Cai, Yihua and Cao, Zhimian and Chai, Fei and Chen, Bingzhang and Church, Matthew J. and Ci, Dongjian and Du, Chuanjun and Gao, Kunshan and Guo, Xianghui and Hu, Zhendong and Kao, Shuh‐Ji and Laws, Edward A. and Lee, Zhongping and Lin, Hongyang and Liu, Qian and Liu, Xin and Luo, Weicheng and Meng, Feifei and Shang, Shaoling and Shi, Dalin and Saito, Hiroaki and Song, Luping and Wan, Xianhui Sean and Wang, Yuntao and Wang, Wei‐Lei and Wen, Zuozhu and Xiu, Peng and Zhang, Jing and Zhang, Ruifeng and Zhou, Kuanbo (2023) Upper ocean biogeochemistry of the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre : from nutrient sources to carbon export. Reviews of Geophysics, 61 (3). e2022RG000800. ISSN 1944-9208

Daly, Luke and Suttle, Martin D. and Lee, Martin R. and Bridges, John and Hicks, Leon and Martin, Pierre‐Etienne M. C. and Floyd, Cameron J. and Jenkins, Laura E. and Salge, Tobias and King, Ashley J. and Almeida, Natasha V. and Johnson, Diane and Trimby, Patrick W. and Mansour, Haithem and Wadsworth, Fabian B. and Rollinson, Gavyn and Genge, Matthew J. and Darling, James and Bagot, Paul A. J. and White, Lee F. and Stephen, Natasha R. and Mitchell, Jennifer T. and Griffin, Sammy and Willcocks, Francesca M. and Jones, Rhian and Piazolo, Sandra and Einsle, Joshua F. and Macente, Alice and Hallis, Lydia J. and O'Brien, Aine and Schofield, Paul F. and Russell, Sara S. and Bates, Helena and Smith, Caroline and Franchi, Ian and Forman, Lucy V. and Bland, Phil A. and Westmoreland, David and Anderson, Iain and Taylor, Richard and Montgomery, Mark and Parsons, Mark and Vasseur, Jérémie and van Ginneken, Matthias and Wozniakiewicz, Penelope J. and Burchell, Mark J. and Hallatt, Daniel and Alesbrook, Luke S. and Spathis, Vassilia and Worden, Richard, the UK Fireball Alliance (2024) Brecciation at the grain scale within the lithologies of the Winchcombe Mighei-like carbonaceous chondrite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement, 59 (5). pp. 1068-1100. ISSN 1086-9379

Damby, D. E. and Horwell, C. J. and Baxter, P. J. and Delmelle, P. and Donaldson, K. and Dunster, C. and Fubini, B. and Murphy, F. A. and Nattrass, C. and Sweeney, S. and Tetley, T. D. and Tomatis, M. (2013) The respiratory health hazard of tephra from the 2010 Centennial eruption of Merapi with implications for occupational mining of deposits. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 261. pp. 376-387. ISSN 0377-0273

Davidson, C.M. and Delevoye, G. (2001) Effect of ultrasonic agitation on the release of copper, iron, manganese and zinc from soil and sediment using the BCR three-stage sequential extraction. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 3 (4). pp. 398-403. ISSN 1464-0325

Davidson, C.M. and Gibson, M.D. and Hamilton, E. and MacGillivary, B.H. and Reglinski, J. and Rezabal, E. (2005) The long-term environmental behaviour of strontium and barium released from former mine workings in the granites of the Sunart region of Scotland, UK. Chemosphere, 58 (6). pp. 793-798. ISSN 1879-1298

Davidson, C.M. and Hursthouse, A.S. and Tognarelli, D.M. and Ure, A.M. and Urquhart, G.J. (2004) Should acid ammonium oxalate replace hydroxylammonium chloride in step 2 of the revised BCR sequential extraction protocol for soil and sediment? Analytica Chimica Acta, 508 (2). pp. 193-199. ISSN 0003-2670

Dempster, Tim J and La Piazza, Julie and Taylor, Andrew G and Beaudoin, Nicolas and Chung, Peter (2017) Chemical and textural equilibration of garnet during amphibolite facies metamorphism : the influence of coupled dissolution–reprecipitation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35 (9). pp. 1111-1130. ISSN 1525-1314

Desenzi Gesicki, Ana Lúcia and Sindico, Francesco (2013) Gestão das águas minerais no Brasil : panorama legal atual e perspectivas futuras. Revista do Instituto Geológico, 34 (2). pp. 69-88.

Douglas, J. (2002) Note on scaling of peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity with magnitude. Geophysical Journal International, 148 (2). pp. 336-339. ISSN 0956-540X

Douglas, J. (2007) Physical vulnerability modelling in natural hazard risk assessment. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 7 (2). pp. 283-288. ISSN 1684-9981

Douglas, John (2016) Comment on the paper 'A risk-mitigation approach to the management of induced seismicity' by J. J. Bommer, H. Crowley and R. Pinho. Journal of Seismology, 20 (1). pp. 393-394. ISSN 1573-157X

Douglas, John (2010) Consistency of ground-motion predictions from the past four decades. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 8 (6). pp. 1515-1526. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John (2012) Consistency of ground-motion predictions from the past four decades : Peak ground velocity and displacement, Arias intensity and relative significant duration. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10 (5). pp. 1339-1356. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John (2007) Inferred ground motions on Guadeloupe during the 2004 les Saintes earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 5 (3). pp. 363-376. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John; Akkar, Sinan and Gülkan, Polat and van Eck, Torild, eds. (2011) Investigating possible regional dependence in strong ground motions. In: Earthquake Data in Engineering Seismology. Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 14 . Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 29-38. ISBN 9789400701519

Douglas, John and Akkar, Sinan and Ameri, Gabriele and Bard, Pierre Yves and Bindi, Dino and Bommer, Julian J. and Bora, Sanjay Singh and Cotton, Fabrice and Derras, Boumédiène and Hermkes, Marcel and Kuehn, Nicolas Martin and Luzi, Lucia and Massa, Marco and Pacor, Francesca and Riggelsen, Carsten and Sandikkaya, M. Abdullah and Scherbaum, Frank and Stafford, Peter J. and Traversa, Paola (2014) Comparisons among the five ground-motion models developed using RESORCE for the prediction of response spectral accelerations due to earthquakes in Europe and the Middle East. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12 (1). pp. 341-358. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Aldama-Bustos, Guillermo and Tallett-Williams, Sarah and Davi, Manuela and Tromans, Iain J. (2024) Ground-motion models for earthquakes occurring in the United Kingdom. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 22 (9). pp. 4265-4302. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Aldama-Bustos, Guillermo and Tallett-Williams, Sarah and Daví, Manuela and Tromans, Iain J. (2024) Correction to “Ground-motion models for earthquakes occurring in the United Kingdom”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 22 (11). 5953–5954. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Ansal, Atilla (2014) Special issue in memory of Nicholas Ambraseys. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Aochi, Hideo (2016) Assessing components of ground-motion variability from simulations for the Marmara Sea region (Turkey). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106 (1). pp. 300-306. ISSN 0037-1106

Douglas, John and Aochi, Hideo (2008) A survey of techniques for predicting earthquake ground motions for engineering purposes. Surveys in Geophysics, 29 (3). pp. 187-220. ISSN 0169-3298

Douglas, John and Boore, David M. (2011) High-frequency filtering of strong-motion records. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 9 (2). pp. 395-409. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Bungum, Hilmar and Scherbaum, Frank (2006) Ground-motion prediction equations for southern Spain and southern Norway obtained using the composite model perspective. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 10 (1). pp. 33-72. ISSN 1559-808X

Douglas, John and Climent, Daniel Monfort and Negulescu, Caterina and Roullé, Agathe and Sedan, Olivier (2015) Limits on the potential accuracy of earthquake risk evaluations using the L’aquila (Italy) earthquake as an example. Annals of Geophysics, 58 (2). S0214. ISSN 1593-5213

Douglas, John and Edwards, Benjamin (2016) Recent and future developments in earthquake ground motion estimation. Earth-Science Reviews, 160. 203–219. ISSN 1872-6828

Douglas, John and Gehl, Pierre (2008) Investigating strong ground-motion variability using analysis of variance and two-way-fit plots. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 6 (3). pp. 389-405. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Gehl, Pierre and Bonilla, Luis Fabian and Ǵelis, Céline (2010) A κ model for mainland France. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 167 (11). pp. 1303-1315. ISSN 1420-9136

Douglas, John and Gkimprixis, Athanasios (2017) Using targeted risk in seismic design codes : a summary of the state of the art and outstanding issues. In: 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and 2nd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 2017-06-14 - 2017-06-17, Technical University of Civil Engineering.

Douglas, John and Jousset, Philippe (2011) Modeling the difference in ground-motion magnitude-scaling in small and large earthquakes. Seismological Research Letters, 82 (4). pp. 504-508. ISSN 0895-0695

Douglas, John and Mohais, Rosemarie (2009) Comparing predicted and observed ground motions from subduction earthquakes in the Lesser Antilles. Journal of Seismology, 13 (4). pp. 577-587. ISSN 1573-157X

Douglas, John and Seyedi, Darius M. and Ulrich, Thomas and Modaressi, Hormoz and Foerster, Evelyne and Pitilakis, Kyriazis and Pitilakis, Dimitris and Karatzetzou, Anna and Gazetas, George and Garini, Evangelia and Loli, Marianna (2015) Evaluation of seismic hazard for the assessment of historical elements at risk : description of input and selection of intensity measures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 13 (1). pp. 49-65. ISSN 1573-1456

Douglas, John and Smit, Patrick M. (2001) How accurate can strong ground motion attenuation relations be? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91 (6). pp. 1917-1923. ISSN 0037-1106

Douglas, John and Strasser, Fleur O. and Aldama-Bustos, Guillermo and Tallett-Williams, Sarah and Davi, Manuela and Tromans, Iain J. (2023) Development of a suite of stochastic ground-motion models for the United Kingdom. In: SECED 2023 Conference, 2023-09-14 - 2023-09-15, Churchill College.

Dyer, M. (2006) Full-scale stimulation of reductive dechlorination using the LINER technique. Engineering Geology, 85 (1/2). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0013-7952

Edwards, Paul R. and Lee, Martin R.; Coulson, Ian M., ed. (2014) Cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging in geoscience. In: Cathodoluminescence and its Application to Geoscience. Short Course Series . Mineralogical Association of Canada, CAN, pp. 29-45. ISBN 9780921294559

El Mountassir, G. and Minto, J. M. and van Paassen, L. A. and Salifu, E. and Lunn, R. J.; Gadd, Geoffrey and Sariaslani, Sima, eds. (2018) Applications of microbial processes in geotechnical engineering. In: Advances in Applied Microbiology. Advances in Applied Microbiology, 104 (1st). Elsevier. ISBN 9780128151822

El Mountassir, Grainne and Sanchez, Marcelo and Romero, Enrique (2014) An experimental study on the compaction and collapsible behaviour of a flood defence embankment fill. Engineering Geology, 179. pp. 132-145. ISSN 0013-7952

El-Aassar, Abdel-Hameed M. and Hussien, Rasha A. and Mohamed, Faten A. and Oterkus, Selda and Oterkus, Erkan (2023) Appraisal of surface-groundwater anthropogenic indicators and associated human health risk in El Sharqia Governorate, Egypt. Journal of Water and Health, 21 (6). 719–739. ISSN 1477-8920

El-Hamalawi, A. and Hassanen, M. (2005) Using the scaled boundary finite element method to model 2D time-dependent geotechnical engineering problems. In: 13th UK National Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering, 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-22.

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