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Sunny, Jaleena and De Angelis, Marco and Edwards, Benjamin (2021) Ranking and selection of earthquake ground-motion models using the stochastic area metric. Seismological Research Letters. 787–797. ISSN 1938-2057
Lanzano, Giovanni and Luzi, Lucia and Cauzzi, Carlo and Bienkowski, Jarek and Bindi, Dino and Clinton, John and Cocco, Massimo and D'Amico, Maria and Douglas, John and Faenza, Licia and Felicetta, Chiara and Gallovič, František and Giardini, Domenico and Ktenidou, Olga-Joan and Lauciani, Valentino and Manakou, Maria and Marmureanu, A and Maufroy, Emeline and Michelini, Alberto and Özener, H. and Puglia, Rodolfo and Rupakhety, Rajesh and Russo, Emiliano and Shahvar, Mohammad and Sleeman, knmi and Theodoulidis, Nikos (2021) Accessing European strong-motion data : an update on ORFEUS Coordinated Services. Seismological Research Letters, 92 (3). pp. 1642-1658. ISSN 0895-0695
Brooks, Christopher and Douglas, John (2020) Influence of the site-specific component of kappa on the magnitude-dependency of within-event aleatory variabilities in ground-motion models. Seismological Research Letters, 92 (1). pp. 238-245. ISSN 0895-0695
D'Amico, Maria and Felicetta, Chiara and Schiappapietra, Erika and Pacor, Francesca and Gallovič, František and Paolucci, Roberto and Puglia, Rodolfo and Lanzano, Giovanni and Sgobba, Sara and Luzi, Lucia (2019) Fling effects from near-source strong-motion records : insights from the 2016 M w 6.5 Norcia, Central Italy, Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters, 90 (2A). pp. 659-671. ISSN 0895-0695
Douglas, John and Ulrich, Thomas and Bertil, Didier and Rey, Julien (2014) Comparison of the ranges of uncertainty captured in different seismic-hazard studies. Seismological Research Letters, 85 (5). pp. 977-985. ISSN 0895-0695
Douglas, John and Jousset, Philippe (2011) Modeling the difference in ground-motion magnitude-scaling in small and large earthquakes. Seismological Research Letters, 82 (4). pp. 504-508. ISSN 0895-0695
Bommer, Julian J. and Douglas, John and Scherbaum, Frank and Cotton, Fabrice and Bungum, Hilmar and Fäh, Donat (2010) On the selection of ground-motion prediction equations for seismic hazard analysis. Seismological Research Letters, 81 (5). pp. 783-793. ISSN 0895-0695