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Group by: Publication Date | Item type | No Grouping
Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2013
Number of items: 10.


Azarbakht, Alireza and Douglas, John (2023) Variations in uniform hazard spectra and disaggregated scenarios during earthquake sequences. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 21. pp. 77-94. ISSN 1573-1456


Azarbakht, Alireza and Ebrahimian, Hossein and Jalayer, Fatemeh and Douglas, John (2022) Variations in hazard during earthquake sequences between 1995 and 2018 in western Greece as evaluated by a Bayesian ETAS model. Geophysical Journal International, 231 (1). pp. 27-46. ISSN 0956-540X

Azarbakht, Alireza and Douglas, John (2022) Decision support system for community earthquake drills and evacuation. In: Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09.

Haji Bashi, Sarvenaz Amini and Azarbakht, Alireza and Douglas, John (2022) Decision support system for earthquake risk mitigation for hospitals and health facilities. In: Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09.


Azarbakht, Alireza and Rudman, Archie John and Douglas, John (2021) A decision-making approach for operational earthquake forecasting. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 66. 102591. ISSN 2212-4209

Douglas, John and Azarbakht, Alireza (2021) Cost-benefit analyses to assess the potential of Operational Earthquake Forecasting prior to a mainshock in Europe. Natural Hazards, 105 (1). pp. 293-311. ISSN 1573-0840


Fadaei, Ebrahim and Shakib, Hamzeh and Azarbakht, Alireza (2020) Structural global performance assessment versus individual element-oriented performance-based assessment. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering, 44. pp. 141-150. ISSN 2228-6160


Alborzi, M. and Tahghighi, H. and Azarbakht, A. (2019) Numerical comparison on the efficiency of conventional and hybrid buckling-restrained braces for seismic protection of short-to-mid-rise steel buildings. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, 11 (4). pp. 439-454. ISSN 2008-6695

Azarbakht, Alireza and Ebrahimi, Mohammad Ali (2019) Incorporation of multivariate statistical distribution of magnitude-distance and Monte-Carlo simulation in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Annals of Geophysics, 62. SE570. ISSN 1593-5213


Kazemi, Hamid and Ghafory-Ashtiany, Mohsen and Azarbakht, Alireza (2013) Effect of epsilon-based record selection on fragility curves of typical irregular steel frames with concrete shear walls in Mashhad city. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, 5 (1). 23. ISSN 2008-6695

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