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Number of items: 39.


Torrance, Keith and Lord, Richard Alastair and Hamilton, Alasdair and Berry, Paul (2023) Repurposing dredged canal sediment for topsoil at Bowling, Scotland. Sustainability, 15 (12). 9261. ISSN 2071-1050

Watts, M. J. and Argyraki, A. and Barbieri, M. and Brown, A. and Button, M. and Finkelman, R. and Gibson, G. and Humphrey, O. and Huo, X. and Hursthouse, A. S. and Kaninga, B. and Marinho Reis, P. and Middleton, D. R. S. and Morton-Bermea, O. and Nazarpour, A. and Olatunji, A. S. and Osano, O. and Potgieter-Vermaak, S. and Prater, C. and Torrance, K. and Wong, M. H. and Zhang, C. and Zia, M. (2023) Editorial : the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH): 50 years and beyond. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45 (4). pp. 1165-1171. ISSN 0269-4042


Harrington, J. and Sulivan, R. O.' and Hamilton, A. and Lord, R. and Torrance, K. and Wijdeveld, A. and Debuigne, T. and Masson, E. and Batel, B. (2022) A downscaled economic model validated and applied to sediment management projects in Ireland and Scotland. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 22 (11). pp. 2900-2911. ISSN 1614-7480

Harrington, J. and Wijdeveld, A. and Wensveen, M. and Hamilton, A. and Lord, R. and Torrance, K. and Debuigne, T. and Masson, E. and Batel, B. (2022) The application of a downscaled economic model for sediment management projects in Ireland and The Netherlands. In: Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2022, 2022-08-25 - 2022-08-26.


Torrance, Keith W. and Redwood, Stewart D. and Cecchi, Alessandro (2021) The impact of artisanal gold mining, ore processing and mineralization on water quality in Marmato, Colombia. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 43 (10). pp. 4265-4282. ISSN 0269-4042

Sadok, Rachid Hadj and Maherzi, Walid and Benzerzour, Mahfoud and Lord, Richard and Torrance, Keith and Zambon, Agnes and Abriak, Nor-Edine (2021) Mechanical properties and microstructure of low carbon binders manufactured from calcined canal sediments and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Sustainability, 13 (16). 9057. ISSN 2071-1050

Torrance, Keith and Lord, Richard and Hamilton, Alasdair and Jakstys, Ignas (2021) A pilot study for the nature-based conditioning of dredged urban canal sediments and their beneficial reuse. In: Joint SedNet-Navigating a Changing Climate online Workshop, 2021-02-10 - 2021-02-11, Moved online due to Covid.


Torrance, Keith and Lord, Richard (2020) Geochemical aspects to reusing dredged canal sediment. Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, United Kingdom.

Torrance, Keith and João, Elsa and Lord, Richard (2020) Dredged sediment; waste or resource? ISDRS Newsletter, 2020 (Q1).

Torrance, Keith and Hagedorn, Birgit (2020) Designing a hands-on environmental sampling training course for students that meets the requirements of industry. The Professional Geologist, 57 (1). pp. 28-30.


Lord, Richard and Bertram, Doug and Cochrane, Neil and Hamilton, Alasdair and Jakstys, Ignas and João, Elsa and Robinson, Peter and Torrance, Keith (2019) Can dredged canal sediments be used for flood defence as part of the Scottish circular economy? In: 10th Annual Conference on the Advances in Land Contamination Assessment and Remediation, 2019-09-04 - 2019-09-04, University of Strathclyde.

Torrance, Keith and Hagedorn, Birgit (2019) Remediation challenges in the Arctic – lessons from Alaska’s North Slope. In: 10th Annual Conference on the Advances in Land Contamination Assessment and Remediation, 2019-09-04 - 2019-09-04, University of Strathclyde.

Watts, Michael J. and An, Taicheng and Argyraki, Ariadne and Arhin, Emmanuel and Brown, Anthea and Button, Mark and Entwistle, Jane A. and Finkelman, Robert and Gibson, Gillian and Humphrey, Olivier S. and Huo, Xia and Hursthouse, Andrew S. and Marinho-Reis, A. Paula and Maseka, Kakoma and Middleton, Daniel R. S. and Morton-Bermea, Ofelia and Nazarpour, Ahad and Olatunji, Akinade Shadrach and Osano, Odipo and Potgieter-Vermaak, Sanja and Saini, Sherestha and Stewart, Alex and Tarek, Moataz and Torrance, Keith and Wong, Ming Hung and Yamaguchi, Kosei E. and Zhang, Chaosheng and Zia, Munir (2019) The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) : building for the future. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. ISSN 1573-2983

Lord, Richard and Bertram, Douglas and Cochrane, Neil and Hamilton, Alasdair and Jakstys, Ignas and Joao, Elsa and Robinson, Peter and Torrance, Keith (2019) Can dredged canal sediments be used for flood defences as part of the Scottish circular economy? In: 35th International Conference on Geochemistry and Health, 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-05, Manchester Metropolitan University.


Torrance, Keith W. (2017) Characterization and remediation of sites contaminated by historical fuel spills in Arctic Alaska. In: American Society of Petroleum Geologists, Pacific Section Annual Conference, Anchorage, Alaska USA, 2017-05-22 - 2017-05-26, Sheraton Hotel.


Torrance, Keith W (2015) Arsenic speciation in surface water draining the golden zone Breccia deposit in central Alaska. In: Geological Society of America. Cordilleran Section Meeting, 2015-05-11 - 2015-05-13, University of Alaska Anchorage.


Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Redwood, Stewart and Corns, Warren and Osorio Bolaños, Monica (2013) Spatial variation of mercury in surface water impacted by artisanal gold mining in Marmato, Colombia. In: 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 2013-07-28 - 2013-08-02.


Torrance, Keith W. and Rein, Guillermo and Switzer, Christine and Carvel, Richard and Hadden, Rory and Claire, Belcher M.; Stracher, Glenn and Prakash, Anumpka and Sokol, Ellina, eds. (2012) Chapter 20 - Self-sustained smoldering combustion of a coal-waste heap in central Scotland. In: Coal and Peat Fires : A Global Perspective. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 395-405. ISBN 9780444595119

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen (2012) The environmental cost of semiconductor elements. Compound Semiconductor, 18 (1). 47 - 51.

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, Leeann and Hagedorn, Birgit (2012) Arsenic speciation and mobility in surface water at Lucky Shot Gold Mine, Alaska. Environmental Geochemistry and Health.

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, LeeAnn and Hagedorn, Birgit and Chen, B and Corns, W T (2012) Arsenic speciation in waters draining historical alaskan mine sites. In: 9th International Synposium on Environmental Geochemistry, 2012-07-15 - 2012-07-21.

Torrance, Keith and Switzer, Christine and Rein, G. and Hadden, Rory and Claire, Belcher and Carvel, Ricky and Keenan, Helen (2012) Combustion emissions from a smoldering coal heap in north lanarkshire scotland. In: 9th International Synposium on Environmental Geochemistry, 2012-07-15 - 2012-07-21.


Torrance, Keith and Switzer, Christine and Rein, Guillermo and Hadden, Rory and Claire, Belcher and Carvel, Ricky and Keenan, Helen (2011) Spontaneous combustion of coal waste tips as a natural analogue for smouldering remediation methods. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2011-10-09 - 2011-10-12.

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, LeeAnn and Hagedorn, Birgit (2011) Arsenic speciation in surface water at Lucky Shot Gold Mine, Alaska. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2011-10-09 - 2011-10-12.

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, LeeAnn and Hagedorn, Birgit (2011) Mercury controls on arsenic speciation at the Black Butte abandoned Mercury mine, Cottage Grove, Oregon. In: 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 2011-07-24 - 2011-07-29.

Keenan, Helen and Torrance, Keith (2011) Can arsenic species be separated in the field? In: Scottish Environmental Technology Network Conference 2011, 2011-06-24 - 2011-06-24. (Unpublished)

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, LeeAnn and Hagedorn, Birgit (2011) Arsenic speciation in the field. In: Emerging Analytical Professionals RSC, 2011-05-06 - 2011-05-08. (Unpublished)

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Hagedorn, Birgit and Munk, LeeAnn (2011) Arsenic speciation at the Lucky Shot Gold Mine, Alaska. In: International Conference on Environmental Geology and Health SEGH 2011, 2011-04-11 - 2011-04-14. (Unpublished)


Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, LeeAnn and Hagedorn, Birgit (2010) Arsenic speciation at the Lucky Shot Gold Mine, Hatcher Pass, Alaska. In: 3rd Scottish Postgraduate Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-09. (Unpublished)

Assal, Antoine and Keenan, Helen and Bangkedphol, Sornnarin and Torrance, Keith (2010) Sources and releases of total mercury in the aquatic environment. An update on recent UNEP working group activities. In: Alaska Quicksilver Conference, 2010-11-10 - 2010-11-12. (Unpublished)

Udomchoke, V. and Sunthornranun, P. and Songsasen, A. and Phanwichien, K. and Jiwapornkupt, P. and Homchan, U. and Lauhachinda, N. and Sakultantimetha, A. and Bangkedphol, S. and Torrance, K. and Gibson, M.D. and Gaines, A.F. and Booth, P.H. and Keenan, H.E. (2010) The ecological complexity of the Thai-Laos Mekong River : I. Geology, seasonal variation and human impact assessment on river quality. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 45 (13). pp. 1661-1673. ISSN 1093-4529

Keenan, Helen and Torrance, Keith (2010) Co-remediation of hexavalent chromium and arsenic polluted groundwater using crab processing waste products. In: SEGH 2010, 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-03. (Unpublished)

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen (2010) Arsenic speciation in gallium arsenide semiconductor wafer processing waste. In: SEGH 2010, 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-03. (Unpublished)

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Munk, LeeAnn (2010) Remediation of groundwater contaminated by chromium and arsenic at sites in the UK and Alaska. In: Scottish Environmental Technology Network Conference 2010, 2010-05-07 - 2010-05-07. (Unpublished)

Torrance, K. and Keenan, H.E. and Hursthouse, A.S. and Stirling, D. (2010) Measurement of arsenic and gallium content of gallium arsenide semiconductor waste streams by ICP-MS. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 45 (4). pp. 471-475. ISSN 1093-4529


Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen (2009) Characterization of arsenic-rich waste generated during GaAs wafer lapping and polishing. In: 2nd Scottish Postgraduate Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry., 2009-12-09 - 2009-12-09. (Unpublished)

Torrance, K. and Keenan, H.E. (2009) Management of arsenic-rich waste streams in III-V foundries. Semiconductor Today, 4 (9). pp. 66-68. ISSN 1752-6639

Torrance, K. and Keenan, H.E. (2009) Characterization of arsenic-rich waste slurries generated during gallium arsenide wafer lapping and polishing. In: 2009 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor MANufacturing TECHnology, 2009-05-18 - 2009-05-21. (Unpublished)

Torrance, Keith and Keenan, Helen and Hursthouse, Andrew S. and Sefcik, Jan (2009) Characterization of arsenic-rich waste slurries generated during GaAs wafer lapping and polishing. In: CS ManTech 2009, 2009-05-11 - 2009-05-14.

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