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Number of items: 198.


Mauro, Francesco and Vassalos, Dracos (2023) The effect of the operational environment on the survivability of passenger ships. Ocean Engineering, 281. 114786. ISSN 0029-8018

Louvros, Panagiotis and Stefanidis, Fotios and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Komianos, Alexandros and Vassalos, Dracos (2023) Machine learning and case-based reasoning for real-time onboard prediction of the survivability of ships. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11 (5). 890. ISSN 2077-1312

Mauro, Francesco and Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2023) Evolution of ship damage stability assessment - transitioning designers to direct numerical simulations. Ocean Engineering, 268. 113387. ISSN 0029-8018

Mauro, Francesco and Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald (2022) Critical damages identification in a multi-level damage stability assessment framework for passenger ships. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 228. 108802. ISSN 0951-8320

Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald and Mauro, Francesco and Mujeeb-Ahmed, M.P. and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2022) Process, methods and tools for ship damage stability and flooding risk assessment. Ocean Engineering, 266 (Part 4). 113062. ISSN 0029-8018

Mauro, Francesco and Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2022) Exploring smart methodologies for critical flooding scenarios detection in the damage stability assessment of passenger ships. Ocean Engineering, 262. 112289. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald and Mauro, Francesco and Atzampos, George and Assinder, Peter and Janicek, Adam (2022) High-expansion foam : a risk control option to increase passenger ship safety during flooding. Applied Sciences, 12 (10). 4949. ISSN 2076-3417

Bolbot, V. and Theotokatos, G. and McCloskey, J. and Boulougouris, E. and Vassalos, D. and Twomey, Bernard (2022) A methodology to define risk matrices–application to inland water ways autonomous ships. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 14. 100457. ISSN 2092-6790

Mauro, Francesco and Vassalos, Dracos (2022) The influence of damage breach sampling process on the direct assessment of ship survivability. Ocean Engineering, 250. 111008. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, Dracos and Mujeeb-Ahmed, M. P. and Paterson, Donald and Mauro, Francesco and Conti, Fabien (2022) Probabilistic damage stability for passenger ships—the p-factor illusion and reality. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (3). 348. ISSN 2077-1312

Vassalos, Dracos (2022) The role of damaged ship dynamics in addressing the risk of flooding. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (2). pp. 279-303. ISSN 1754-212X

Kim, Sang Jin and Taimuri, Ghalib and Kujala, Pentti and Conti, Fabien and Le Sourne, Hervé and Pineau, Jean-Philippe and Looten, Thibaut and Bae, Hongseok and Mujeeb-Ahmed, M.P. and Vassalos, Dracos and Kaydihan, Levent and Hirdaris, Spyros (2022) Comparison of numerical approaches for structural response analysis of passenger ships in collisions and groundings. Marine Structures, 81. 103125. ISSN 0951-8339

Karolius, Kristian Bertheussen and Psarros, George Ad. and Astrup, Ole Christian and Liang, Qin and Van Welter, Clayton and Vassalos, Dracos (2022) Maritime operational risk management using dynamic barriers. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (5). pp. 1099-1113. ISSN 1754-212X

Louvros, Panagiotis and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Coraddu, Andrea and Vassalos, Dracos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos (2022) Multi-objective optimisation as an early design tool for smart ship internal arrangement. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (6). pp. 1392-1402. ISSN 1754-212X

Conti, Fabien and Le Sourne, Hervé and Vassalos, Dracos and Kujala, Pentti and Lindroth, Daniel and Kim, Sang Jin and Hirdaris, Spyros (2022) A comparative method for scaling SOLAS collision damage distributions based on ship crashworthiness - application to probabilistic damage stability analysis of a passenger ship. Ships and Offshore Structures, 17 (7). pp. 1498-1514. ISSN 1754-212X

Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Wennersberg, Lars Andreas and Faivre, Jerome and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan and Andersen, Pål and Pauwelyn, Ann-Sofie and Van Coillie, Antoon (2021) A novel risk assessment process : application to an autonomous inland waterways ship. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 237 (2). pp. 436-458. ISSN 1748-006X

Zhang, Mingyang and Conti, Fabien and Le Sourne, Hervé and Vassalos, Dracos and Kujala, Pentti and Lindroth, Daniel and Hirdaris, Spyros (2021) A method for the direct assessment of ship collision damage and flooding risk in real conditions. Ocean Engineering, 237. 109605. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, Dracos and Mujeeb-Ahmed, M. P. (2021) Conception and evolution of the probabilistic methods for ship damage stability and flooding risk assessment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (6). 667. ISSN 2077-1312

Yang, Renyou and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) CFD modelling and numerical investigation of a large marine two-stroke dual fuel direct injection engine. Ships and Offshore Structures. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1754-212X

Puisa, Romanas and Bolbot, Victor and Newman, Andrew and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) Revealing system variability in offshore service operations through systemic hazard analysis. Wind Energy Science, 6 (1). pp. 273-286. ISSN 2366-7451

Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) A novel cyber-risk assessment method for ship systems. Safety Science, 131. 104908. ISSN 0925-7535

Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald (2020) Reconfiguring passenger ship internal environment for damage stability enhancement. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (9). 693. ISSN 2077-1312

Yang, Renyou and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) Parametric investigation of a large two-stroke marine high-pressure direct injection engine by using computational fluid dynamics method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 234 (3). pp. 699-711. ISSN 1475-0902

Bolbot, Victor and Trivyza, Nikoletta L. and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) Cruise ships power plant optimisation and comparative analysis. Energy, 196. 117061. ISSN 1873-6785

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) Risk-based, sensor-fused detection of flooding casualties for emergency response. Ships and Offshore Structures, n/a. n/a. ISSN 1754-212X

McNay, James and Puisa, Romanas and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) Analysis of effectiveness of fire safety in machinery spaces. Fire Safety Journal, 108. 102859. ISSN 0379-7112

Paterson, Donald and Vassalos, Dracos and Atzampos, Georgios and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Luhmann, Henning (2019) Impact of drafts on the damage survivability of cruise ships. Ocean Engineering, 187. 106136. ISSN 0029-8018

Puisa, Romanas and Williams, Stuart and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) Towards an explanation of why onboard fires happen : the case of an engine room fire on the cruise ship "Le Boreal". Applied Ocean Research, 88. pp. 223-232. ISSN 0141-1187

Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Bujorianu, Manuela Luminita and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) Vulnerabilities and safety assurance methods in Cyber-Physical Systems : a comprehensive review. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 182. pp. 179-193. ISSN 0951-8320

Puisa, Romanas and Lin, Lin and Bolbot, Victor and Vassalos, Dracos (2018) Unravelling causal factors of maritime incidents and accidents. Safety Science, 110 (Part A). pp. 124-141. ISSN 0925-7535

Stoumpos, Sokratis and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos and Lazakis, Iraklis and Livanos, George (2018) Marine dual fuel engine modelling and parametric investigation of engine settings effect on performance-emissions trade-offs. Ocean Engineering, 157. 376–386. ISSN 0029-8018

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Vassalos, Dracos (2018) Tearing down the wall - The inclining experiment. Ocean Engineering, 148. pp. 442-475. ISSN 0029-8018

Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Sfakianakis, Konstantinos and Vassalos, Dracos (2017) Investigation of ship cooling system operation for improving energy efficiency. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 22 (1). pp. 38-50. ISSN 1976-3824

Vassalos, Dracos and Francescutto, Alberto and Neves, Marcelo (2016) Special issue on the stability of ships and ocean vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 125. pp. 349-351. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, Dracos (2016) Damage survivability of cruise ships - evidence and conjecture. Ocean Engineering, 121. pp. 89-97. ISSN 0029-8018

Ju, Lei and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2016) Numerical assessment of cargo liquefaction potential. Ocean Engineering, 120. pp. 383-388. ISSN 0029-8018

Cichowicz, Jakub and Tsakalakis, Nikolaos and Vassalos, Dracos and Jasionowski, Andrzej (2016) Damage survivability of passenger ships : re-engineering the safety factor. Safety, 2 (4). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2313-576X

Cichowicz, Jakub and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Vassalos, Dracos (2015) Dynamic energy modelling for ship life-cycle performance assessment. Ocean Engineering, 110. pp. 49-61. ISSN 0029-8018

Gao, Zhi Liang and Vassalos, Dracos (2015) The dynamics of the floodwater and the damaged ship in waves. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 27 (5). pp. 689-695. ISSN 1001-6058

Konovessis, Dimitris and Chua, Kie Hian and Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Stability of floating offshore structures. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9 (2). pp. 125-133. ISSN 1754-212X

Cai, Wenkui and Konovessis, Dimitris and Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Development of bayesian models for marine accident investigation and their use in risk-based ship design. Journal of Ship Production and Design, 30 (1). pp. 39-47. ISSN 2158-2866

Cai, Wenkui and Konovessis, Dimitrios and Vassalos, Dracos (2014) A new ship safety management approach - learning from the past, managing future risks. International Shipbuilding Progress, 61 (3-4). pp. 185-201. ISSN 0020-868X

Papanikolaou, Apostolos and Hamann, Rainer and Lee, Byung Suk and Mains, Christian and Olufsen, Odd and Vassalos, Dracos and Zaraphonitis, George (2013) GOALDS - goal based damage ship stability and safety standards. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 60. pp. 353-365. ISSN 0001-4575

Vassalos, Dracos (2013) Damage stability and survivability - 'nailing' passenger ship safety problems. Ships and Offshore Structures, 9 (3). pp. 237-256. ISSN 1754-212X

Konovessis, Dimitrios and Cai, Wenkui and Vassalos, Dracos (2013) Development of Bayesian Network Models for Risk-Based Ship Design. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 12 (2). pp. 140-151. ISSN 1671-9433

Vassalos, Dracos (2013) Maritime safety – to measure is to improve. Marine Systems and Ocean Technology, 8 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 2199-4749

Puisa, Romanas and Tsakalakis, Nikolaos and Vassalos, Dracos and Tuzcu, Cantekin (2013) A critical look at SOLAS CH II-1 with respect to floodable length of compartments in RoPax ships. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18 (1). pp. 50-62. ISSN 0948-4280

Gao, Zhiliang and Gao, Qiuxin and Vassalos, Dracos (2013) Numerical study of damaged ship flooding in beam seas. Ocean Engineering, 61. pp. 77-87. ISSN 0029-8018

Puisa, Romanas and Vassalos, Dracos (2012) Robust analysis of cost-effectiveness in formal safety assessment. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 17 (3). pp. 370-381. ISSN 0948-4280

Papanikolaou, Apostolos and Lee, Byung Suk and Mains, Christian and Olufsen, Odd and Vassalos, Dracos and Zaraphonitis, George (2012) GOALDS – goal based ship stability & safety standards. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 48. pp. 449-463. ISSN 1877-0428

Breinholt, Christian and Ehrke, Karl-Christian and Papanikolaou, Apostolos and Sames, Pierre C. and Skjong, Rolf and Strang, Tom and Vassalos, Dracos and Witolla, Thomas (2012) SAFEDOR – the implementation of risk-based ship design and approval. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 48. pp. 753-764. ISSN 1877-0428

Puisa, Romanas and Tsakalakis, Nikolaos and Vassalos, Dracos (2012) Reducing uncertainty in subdivision optimization. Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering, 2. pp. 18-27. ISSN 2159-5879

Gao, Z. L. and Gao, Q. X. and Vassalos, D. (2011) Numerical simulation of flooding of a damaged ship. Ocean Engineering, 38 (14-15). pp. 1649-1662. ISSN 0029-8018

Gao, Q. and Vassalos, D. (2011) Study of Froude and Hughes methods by numerical towing tank. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 153 (A2). A99-A104.

Whitfield, Robert and Duffy, Alexander and York, Philip and Vassalos, Dracos and Kaklis, Panagiotis (2011) Managing the exchange of engineering product data to support through life ship design. Computer-Aided Design, 43 (5). pp. 516-532. ISSN 0010-4485

Xie, Nan and Vassalos, Dracos (2011) A study of hydrodynamics of planing flat catamaran and prismatic hulls. International Shipbuilding Progress, 58 (2-3). pp. 115-139. ISSN 0020-868X

Gao, Zhiliang and Vassalos, Dracos and Gao, Qiuxin (2010) Numerical simulation of water flooding into a damaged vessel’s compartment by the volume of fluid method. Ocean Engineering, 37 (16). 1428–1442. ISSN 0029-8018

Guarin, L. and Konovessis, D. and Vassalos, D. (2009) Safety level of damaged RoPax ships : risk modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis. Ocean Engineering, 36 (12-13). pp. 941-951. ISSN 0029-8018

Xie, N. and Vassalos, D. and Jasionowski, A. and Sayer, P. (2008) A seakeeping analysis method for an air-lifted vessel. Ocean Engineering, 35 (14-15). pp. 1512-1520. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, Dracos and Xie, Nan and Jasionowski, Andrzej and Konovessis, Dimitris (2008) Stability and safety analysis of the air-lifted catamaran. Ships and Offshore Structures, 3 (2). pp. 91-98. ISSN 1754-212X

Simopoulos, G. and Konovessis, Dimitris and Vassalos, Dracos (2008) Sensitivity analysis of the probabilistic damage stability regulations for RoPax vessels. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 13 (2). pp. 164-177. ISSN 0948-4280

Konovessis, Dimitris and Vassalos, Dracos and Mermiris, Georgios (2008) Risk analysis for RoPax vessels. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 7 (1). 109–131.

Konovessis, Dimitris and Vassalos, Dracos (2008) Risk evaluation for RoPax vessels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 222 (1). pp. 13-26. ISSN 1475-0902

Vassalos, Dracos and Konovessis, Dimitris (2008) The thematic network SAFER EURORO : an integrated approach to safe European roro ferry design. Marine Technology, 45 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0025-3316

Vassalos, D. and Xie, N. and Jasionowski, A. and Lee, B.S. (2007) Dynamic stability of air lifted catamaran. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 221 (4). pp. 137-146.

Xie, N. and Vassalos, D. and Sayer, P.G. (2007) The effect of lift on the wave-making resistance of multi-hull craft. International Shipbuilding Progress, 54 (2-3). pp. 83-95. ISSN 0020-868X

Konovessis, D. and Vassalos, D. (2007) Risk-based design for damage survivability of passenger ro-ro vessels. International Shipbuilding Progress, 54 (2-3). pp. 129-144.

Xie, Nan and Vassalos, Dracos (2007) Performance analysis of 3D hydrofoil under free surface. Ocean Engineering, 34 (8-9). pp. 1257-1264. ISSN 0029-8018

Kara, Fuat and Tang, C.Q. and Vassalos, Dracos (2007) Time domain three-dimensional fully nonlinear computations of steady body-wave interaction problem. Ocean Engineering, 34 (5-6). pp. 776-789. ISSN 0029-8018

Kara, Fuat and Vassalos, D. (2007) Hydroelastic analysis of cantilever plate in time domain. Ocean Engineering, 34 (1). pp. 122-132. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, Dracos and York, Anthony and Jasionowski, Andrzej and Kanerva, Markku and Scott, Andrew (2007) Design implications of the new harmonised probabilistic damage stability regulations. International Shipbuilding Progress, 54 (4). pp. 339-361. ISSN 0020-868X

Xie, J.X. Nan and Vassalos, D. and Lee, B.S. (2007) Prediction of roll hydrodynamics of cylinders fitted with bilge keels with RANS. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 11 (6).

Zheng, Y. and Aksu, S. and Vassalos, D. and Tuzcu, C. (2007) Study on side structure resistance to ship-ship collisions. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2 (3). 273 - 293. ISSN 1754-212X

Vassalos, Dracos (2006) Passenger ship safety: containing the risk. Marine Technology, 43 (4). pp. 203-212. ISSN 0025-3316

Ayaz, Zafer and Vassalos, D. and Turan, Osman (2006) Parametrical studies of a new numerical model for controlled ship motions in extreme astern seas. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 11 (1). pp. 19-38. ISSN 0948-4280

Ayaz, Z. and Vassalos, D. and Spyrou, K. (2006) Manoeuvring behaviour of ships in extreme astern seas. Ocean Engineering, 33 (17-18). pp. 2381-2434. ISSN 0029-8018

Nan Xie, J.X. and Vassalos, D. and Jasionowski, A. (2005) A study of hydrodynamics of three-dimensional planing surface. Ocean Engineering, 32 (13). pp. 1539-1555. ISSN 0029-8018

Kara, F. and Vassalos, D. (2005) Time domain computation of the wave-making resistance of ships. Journal of Ship Research, 49 (2). pp. 144-158. ISSN 0022-4502

Ayaz, Z. and Turan, O. and Vassalos, D. (2005) Manoeuvring and seakeeping aspects of pod-driven ships. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 219. pp. 77-91. ISSN 1475-0902

Letizia, L. and Vassalos, D. and Jasionowski, A. (2004) New insights into ship-floodwater sea dynamics. International Shipbuilding Progress, 51 (2-3). pp. 273-293. ISSN 0020-868X

Xie, J.X. Nan and Jasionowski, A. and Vassalos, D. (2004) A numerical method for predicting wash waves of SES. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 8 (6). pp. 31-44.

Vassalos, D. and Lee, B.S. and Sayer, P.G. (2003) A rational method of project selection by post-graduate students. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19 (6). pp. 847-854. ISSN 0949-149X

Vassalos, D. and Guarin, L. and Jasionowski, A. and Zheng, Y. (2003) A risk-based first-principles approach to assessing green seas loading on the hatch covers of bulk carriers in extreme weather conditions. Marine Structures, 16 (8). pp. 659-685. ISSN 0951-8339

Vassalos, D. and Oestvik, I. and Konovessis, D. (2000) Recent developments and application of a formalized design for safety methodology in an integrated environment. Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 108. pp. 419-442.

Svensen, T.E. and Vassalos, D. (1998) Safety of passenger/roro vessels: lessons learned from the north-west european r & d project. Marine Technology, 35 (4). pp. 191-199. ISSN 0025-3316

Vassalos, D. (1998) Physical modelling and similitude of marine structures. Ocean Engineering, 26 (2). pp. 111-123. ISSN 0029-8018

Vassalos, D. and Turan, O. and Pawlowski, M. (1997) Dynamic stability assessment of damaged passenger/ro-ro ships and proposal of rational survival criteria. Marine Technology, 34 (4). pp. 241-266. ISSN 0025-3316

Vassalos, D. and Huang, S. (1996) Dynamics of small-sagged taut-slack marine cables. Computers and Structures, 58 (3). pp. 557-562. ISSN 0045-7949

Huang, S. and Vassalos, D. (1994) Snap loading of marine cables. International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Proceedings, 2. pp. 304-310. ISSN 1098-6189

Huang, S. and Vassalos, D. (1993) A numerical method for predicting snap loading of marine cables. Applied Ocean Research, 15 (4). pp. 235-242. ISSN 0141-1187

Book Section

Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald and Mauro, Francesco and Murphy, Alistair and Mujeeb Ahmed, M.P. and Michalec, Romain and Boulougouris, Evangelos; Hinz, Tomsaz and Krata, Przemysław and Montewka, Jakub, eds. (2022) Aligning intact and damage stability in a multi-level-assessment framework. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Ship Stability Workshop. Gdańsk University of Technology, POL, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9788396198129

Maccari, Alessandro and Hirdaris, Spyros and Breuillard, Antoine and Conti, Fabien and Vassalos, Dracos; Rizzuto, Enrico and Ruggiero, Valerio, eds. (2022) Alternative assessment of passenger ship safety - early results from the EU project FLARE. In: Progress in Marine Science and Technology. Progress in Marine Science and Technology, 6 . IOS Press, Amseterdam, pp. 478-485. ISBN 9781643682976

Vassalos, Dracos and Atzampos, Georgios and Paterson, Donald and Cichowicz, Jakub and Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Konovessis, Dimitrios; Ruponen, Pekka, ed. (2019) Intact stability of passenger ships : safety issue or design concern? Neither! In: Proceedings of the 17th International Ship Stability Workshop. Aalto University, Helsinki, Finalnd, pp. 333-339.

Niotis, Athanasios and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Cichowicz, Jakub and Atzampos, Georgios and Paterson, Donald; (2019) Verification of damage ship survivability with computational fluid dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Ship Stability Workshop (ISSW2019). Aalto University, Helsinki, pp. 319-331. ISBN 9789526037677

Atzampos, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos and Cichowicz, Jakub and Paterson, Donald and Boulougouris, Evangelos; Ruponen, Pekka, ed. (2019) eSAFE - cruise ship survivability in waves. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Ship Stability Workshop. Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 265-274.

Bolbot, Victor and Trivyza, Nikoletta and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Rentizelas, Athanasios and Vassalos, Dracos; (2019) Cruise ship optimal power plants design identification and quantitative safety assessment. In: Proceedings of MOSES 2019 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems. University of Strathclyde, GBR, pp. 55-63. ISBN 9781909522510

Stefanidis, Fotios and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos; (2019) Ship evacuation and emergency response trends. In: Proceedings of RINA International Conference on Design and Operation of Passenger Ships. Royal Institution of Naval Architects, GBR.

Bolbot, V. and Theotokatos, G. and Boulougouris, E. and Vassalos, D.; (2019) Comparison of diesel-electric with hybrid-electric propulsion system safety using system-theoretic process analysis. In: RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Power and Propulsion Alternatives for Ships 2019, Papers. Royal Institution of Naval Architects, GBR. ISBN 9781909024878

Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Stoumpos, Sokratis and Bolbot, Victor and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos; (2018) Marine dual fuel engine control system modelling and safety implications analysis. In: 14th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition. IMarEST, London.

Vassalos, Dracos and Atzampos, Georgios and Cichowicz, Jakub and Paterson, Donald and Karolius, Kristian B. and Boulougouris, E. and Svensen, Tor and Douglas, Kevin and Luhmann, Henning; UMEDA, Naoya and KATAYAMA, Toru and MAKI, Atsuo, eds. (2018) Life-cycle flooding risk management of passenger ships. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles. Osaka University, JPN, pp. 648-662.

Paterson, Donald and Vassalos, Dracos and Atzampos, Georgios and Boulougouris, E. and Cichowicz, Jakub and Luhmann, Henning; UMEDA, Naoya and KATAYAMA, Toru and MAKI, Atsuo, eds. (2018) Rebooting SOLAS – impact of drafts on damage survivability of cruise ships. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles. Osaka University, JPN, pp. 663-674.

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos; (2018) Risk-based positioning of flooding sensors to reduce prediction uncertainty of damage survivability. In: 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles. STAB2018 Secretariat, Japan, pp. 627-637.

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Vassalos, Dracos; (2018) Second generation calculation method for use in the inclining experiment. In: 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles. STAB2018 Secretariat, Japan, pp. 421-428.

Bolbot, V. and Theotokatos, G. and Vassalos, D.; Kujala, Pennti and Lu, Liangliang, eds. (2018) Using system-theoretic process analysis and event tree analysis for creation of a fault tree of blackout in the diesel-electric propulsion system of a cruise ship. In: Marine Design XIII, Volume 2. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 691-699. ISBN 9781138541870

Karolius, K.B. and Vassalos, Dracos; Kujala, Pentti and Lu, Liangliang, eds. (2018) Weight and buoyancy is the foundation in design : get it right. In: Marine Design XIII. CRC Press, FIN, pp. 727-736. ISBN 9781138541870

Gypa, I. and Boulougouris, E. and Vassalos, D.; Soares, Carlos Guedes, ed. (2017) Decision support tool for modelling security scenarios onboard passenger ships. In: Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources. CRC/Taylor & Francis Group, PRT, pp. 299-304. ISBN 9780815379935

Lin, Lin and Vassalos, Dracos; (2017) Aerodynamic performance detecting for floating offshore wind turbine using RANS-BEMT approach. In: 2016 Techno-Ocean. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., JPN, pp. 80-89. ISBN 9781509024469

Kwon, Seungmin and Chen, Qi and Mermiris, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos; Belenky, V.L., ed. (2016) Coupling of progressive structural failure and loss of stability in the safe return to port framework. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Springer. (In Press)

Vassalos, D. and Boulougouris, E. and Patterson, D and Liggat, J and Callen, J and Kanerva, M; (2016) An alternative system for damage stability enhancement. In: RINA International conference on Design & Operation of Ferries & Ro-Pax Vessels. Royal Institution of Naval Architects, GBR, pp. 93-105. ISBN 978-1-909024-54-0

Sfakianakis, Konstantinos and Vassalos, Dracos; (2015) Design for safety and energy efficiency of the electrical onboard energy systems. In: 2015 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, ESTS 2015. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., USA, pp. 150-155. ISBN 978-1-4799-1856-0

Vassalos, Dracos; (2015) Damage stability of cruise ships - evidence and conjecture. In: STAB2015: 12th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles. STAB2015 Secretariat, GBR, pp. 1185-1196.

Vassalos, Dracos and Stoumpos, Sokratis and Boulougouris, Evangelos; (2015) Stability upgrade of a typical Philippine ferry. In: STAB2015. University of Strathclyde, GBR, pp. 521-527.

SFAKIANAKIS, Konstantinos and Vassalos, Dracos; (2015) Alternative design of shipboard electrical distribution energy systems for passenger ships. In: Proceedings 12th International Marine Design Conference. UNSPECIFIED, JPN. ISBN 9784930966049

Lin, Lin and Vassalos, Dracos and Dai, Saishuai; Chung, Jin S. and Vorpahl, Fabian and Hong, Sa Young and Kokkinis, Ted and Wang, Alan M., eds. (2015) CFD simulation of aerodynamic performance of floating offshore wind turbine compared with BEM method. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, USA, pp. 568-575. ISBN 9781880653890

Guarin, Luis and Hifi, Yasmine and Vassalos, Dracos; Shumaker, Randall and Lackey, Stephanie, eds. (2014) Passenger ship evacuation - design and verification. In: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Springer-Verlag, GRC, pp. 354-365. ISBN 9783319074634

Shen, Liang and Vassalos, Dracos; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) Application of 3D parallel SPH to ship sloshing and flooding. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 709-721. ISBN 9789400714816

Jasionowski, Andrzej and Vassalos, Dracos; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) Conceptualising risk. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 47-64. ISBN 9789400714816

Puisa, Romanas and Vassalos, Dracos and Guarin, Luis and Mermiris, Georgios; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) Design for safety and minimum life-cycle cost. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 753-769. ISBN 9789400714816

Vassalos, Dracos and Jasionowski, Andrzej; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) SOLAS 2009 - raising the alarm. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 103-115. ISBN 9789400714816

Gao, Qiuxin and Vassalos, Dracos; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) Simulation of wave effect on ship hydrodynamics by RANSE. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 723-733. ISBN 9789400714816

Jasionowski, Andrzej and Vassalos, Dracos and Guarin, Luis; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) Time-based survival criteria for passenger ro-ro vessels. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 663-687. ISBN 9789400714816

Jasionowski, Andrzej and Vassalos, Dracos; Neves, Marcelo Almeida Santos and Belenky, Vadim L. and de Kat, Jean Otto and Spyrou, Kostas and Umeda, Naoya, eds. (2011) New insights on the sinking of MV Estonia. In: Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 827-839. ISBN 9789400714816

Vassalos, Dracos; Papanikolaou, A., ed. (2008) Risk-based ship design. In: Risk-Based Ship Design: Methods, Tools and Applications. Springer, pp. 17-97. ISBN 9783540890416

Whitfield, R.I. and Duffy, A.H.B. and Conway, Alastair and Wu, Zichao and Meehan, Joanne and Vassalos, Dracos and York, Philip; MacGregor, S and Torres-Coronas, T, eds. (2007) A virtual environment to support the distributed design of large made-to-order products. In: Higher Creativity for Virtual Teams. IGI Global, pp. 299-320. ISBN 9781599041292

Ayaz, Zafer and Spyrou, K.J. and Vassalos, D.; Katebi, R., ed. (2002) An improved numerical model for the study of controlled ship motions in extreme following and quartering seas. In: Control Applications in Marine Systems 2001. IFAC Proceedings Volumes . Pergamon, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 27-37. ISBN 9780080432366

Vassalos, D. and Kim, H.S. and Christiansen, G. and Majumder, J.; Schreckenberg, M. and Sharma, S.D., eds. (2002) A mesoscopic model for passenger evacuation in a virtual ship-sea environment and performance-based evaluation. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer Netherlands, pp. 369-391. ISBN 978-3-540-42690-5

Vassalos, D. and Letizia, L.; (1997) Characterisation of the flooding process of a damaged Ro-Ro vessel. In: The Proceedings of The Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineer, Golden, Colorado, USA, pp. 523-532. ISBN 1880653281

Huang, S. and Vassalos, D.; Chung, J.S. and Maeda, H. and Kim, C.H., eds. (1995) Optimal control of the heave motion of marine cable subsea-unit systems. In: The Proceedings of the Fifth (1995) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 203-208. ISBN 978-1-880653-16-6

Conference or Workshop Item

Bae, Hongseok and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2022) Alternative design approach for ship damage stability enhancement based on crashworthiness. In: SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference, 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-30.

Vassalos, Dracos and Atzampos, George and Paterson, Donald and Mauro, Francesco (2022) Permeable volume – the forgotten "galaxy" in ship design. In: SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference, 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-30.

Mauro, Francesco and Vassalos, Dracos (2022) An area-specific survivability assessment for passenger ships. In: SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference, 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-30.

Vassalos, Dracos and Paterson, Donald and Mauro, Francesco and Murphy, Alistair and Mughadar Palliparambil, Mujeeb Ahmed and Michalec, Romain and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2022) A multi-level approach to flooding risk estimation of passenger ships. In: SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference, 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-30.

Mauro, Francesco and Paterson, Donald and Michalec, Romain and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) Damage stability of passenger ships : smart methods to identify critical scenarios. In: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11, Online.

Michalec, Romain and Mauro, Francesco and Paterson, Donald and Mughadar Palliparambil, Mujeeb Ahmed and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) A computer program for lifecycle flooding risk assessment according to the FLARE Framework process. In: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11, Online.

Mauro, Francesco and Paterson, Donald and Michalec, Romain and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) A damage sampling method to reduce A-index standard deviation in the probabilistic assessment of ship survivability using a non-zonal approach. In: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11, Online.

Lee, Paul and Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) Fault tree analysis of the autonomous navigation for maritime autonomous surface ships. In: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11, Online.

Komianos, Alexandros and Navas de Maya, Beatriz and Psarros, George and Astrup, Ole Christian and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2021) Fire prevention and mitigation measures onboard large passenger ships. In: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11, Online.

Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos and Stefanidis, Fotios and Karaseitanidis, Giannis and Karagiannidis, Lazaros and Amditis, Angelos and Ventikos, Nikolaos and Kanakidis, Dimitris and Petrantonakis, Dimitris and Liston, Paul (2020) SafePASS - Transforming marine accident response. In: Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, 2020-04-27 - 2020-04-30.

Stefanidis, Fotios and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2020) Modern trends in ship evacuation. In: Sustainable and Safe Passenger Ships, 2020-03-04 - 2020-03-04, Yacht Club of Greece.

Bolbot, Victor and Puisa, Romanas and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) A comparative safety assessment for direct current and direct current with hybrid supply power systems in a windfarm service operation vessel using system- theoretic process analysis. In: European STAMP Workshop & Conference, 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-20.

Bolbot, Victor and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) Safety related cyber-attacks identification and assessment for autonomous inland ships. In: International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV), 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-20, Aalto University.

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos (2019) Modelling of compartment connectivity and probabilistic assessment of progressive flooding stages for a damaged ship. In: 17th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2019-06-10 - 2019-06-12.

Puisa, Romanas and Williams, Stuart Mansfield and Vassalos, Dracos (2018) Systems approach to accident analysis : engine room fire on cruise ship "Le Boreal". In: The 7th International Maritime Conference on Design for Safety, 2018-09-16 - 2018-09-21.

Niotis, Athanasios and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2018) Numerical simulation of progressive flooding of a ship after damage. In: UK Fluids Conference 2018, 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06.

Paterson, Donald and Atzampos, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2018) Impact assessment of wave statistics on ship survivability. In: Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2018, 2018-04-16 - 2018-04-19, Reed Messe Wien.

Gypa, Ioli and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Vassalos, Dracos (2018) Quantification of the maritime security problem onboard passenger ship. In: Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2018, 2018-04-16 - 2018-04-19, Reed Messe Wien.

Atzampos, Georgios and Paterson, Donald and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2018) A new era of fishing vessel safety emerges. In: Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2018, 2018-04-16 - 2018-04-19, Reed Messe Wien.

Sfakianakis, K and Theotokatos, G and Boulougouris, E and Vassalos, D (2017) Probabilistic-based design of ship electrical energy systems for enhancing safety. In: Marine Electrical and Control Systems Safety Conference, 2017-11-22 - 2017-11-23, University of Strathclyde.

Bertheussen Karolius, Kristian and Vassalos, Dracos (2017) How to buy time following a flooding incident : intelligent quantification of emergency response measures. In: 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-07, Belgrade.

Paterson, Donald and Atzampos, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos (2017) Impact assessment of wave statistics on ship survivability. In: 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-07, Belgrade.

Atzampos, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Paterson, Donald (2017) A new era of fishing vessel safety emerges. In: 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-07, Belgrade.

Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Paterson, Donald and Kanerva, Markku (2016) Designing for damage stability beyond design level. In: Design for Safety Conference 2016, 2016-11-28 - 2016-11-30.

Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Paterson, Donald (2016) An alternative system for damage stability enhancement. In: 15th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-15, Stockholm, Sweden.

Vassalos, Dracos and Fan, Michael (2016) Risk-based design-realising the triple-a navy. In: 13th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition (INEC 2016), 2016-04-26 - 2016-04-28.

Hamann, Rainer and Olufsen, Odd and Luhmann, Henning and Papanikolaou, Apostolos and Eliopoulou, Eleftheria and Vassalos, Dracos (2015) Damage stability requirements for passenger ships : collision risk based cost benefit assessment. In: 12th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2015), 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19, University of Strathclyde.

Vassalos, Dracos and Bi, Yu (2015) Life-cycle risk (damage stability) management of passenger ships. In: 12th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2015), 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19, University of Strathclyde.

Ju, Lei and Vassalos, Dracos (2015) Potential assessment of cargo liquefaction based on an UBC3D-PLM model. In: 12th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2015), 2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19, University of Strathclyde.

Vassalos, Dracos and Guarin, Luis and Schroder Hinrichs, J (2015) Enhancement of safety of passenger ships engaged in domestic services in Philippines – fact finding and scoping study. In: Manila Conference on Domestic Ferry Safety, 2015-04-24 - 2015-04-24.

Vassalos, Dracos and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Guarin, Luis and Jasionowski, Andrzej and Garner, John (2014) Regulatory, design, operational and emergency response measures for improving the damage survivability of existing RoPax. In: The 14th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-01, UTMSPACE.

Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos (2014) 3D combustion simulation of large 2-stroke marine diesel engine. In: ICMT 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09, University of Strathclyde.

Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Design for safety, risk-based design, life-cycle risk management. In: RINA Annual General Meeting, 2014-04-30.

Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Design, operational and emergency response measures to improve passenger ship safety in flooding accidents. In: SEATRADE Cruise Shipping Miami 2014, 2014-03-11.

Sfakianakis, Konstantinos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos and Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Investigation of ship cooling system operation for improving energy efficiency. In: ICMT 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09, University of Strathclyde.

Lin, Lin and Vassalos, Dracos (2014) Numerical analysis of oscillating aerofoil aerodynamics by using CFD method. In: ICMT 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09, University of Strathclyde.

Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos (2014) Numerical simulation of the scavenging process of large 2-stroke marine diesel engine. In: ICMT 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09, University of Strathclyde.

Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos and Theotokatos, Gerasimos (2014) Numerical simulation of the spray-mesh interaction and droplet breakup models for evaporating spray. In: ICMT 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09, University of Strathclyde.

Vassalos, Dracos and Guarin, Luis and Jasionowski, Andrzej and Garner, J (2014) Regulatory, design, operational and emergency response measures for improving the damage survivability of existing RoPax. In: 39th Annual INTERFERRY Conference, 2014-10-04 - 2014-10-08.

Vassalos, Dracos (2014) The journey from rules-based safety to life-cycle risk management. In: TURKU BALTIC SEA DAYS: Focus on Maritime Safety, 2014-06-05 - 2014-06-06.

Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos (2013) Energy modelling of a large 2-stroke marine diesel engine using CFD. In: Low Carbon Shipping Conference, 2013-09-09 - 2013-09-10.

KWON, Seungmin and Chen, Qi and Mermiris, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos (2012) Coupling of progressive structural failure and loss of damage stability in the Safe Return to Port framework. In: International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2012), 2012-09-23 - 2012-09-28.

Puisa, Romanas and Zagorski, Przemyslaw and Vassalos, Dracos (2012) Effect or revised damage stability formulation on ship design. In: International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2012), 2012-09-23 - 2012-09-28.

Cai, Wenkui and Konovessis, Dimitrios and Vassalos, Dracos (2012) A methodology of marine accident investigation for risk-based ship design. In: 11th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC), 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-14.

Puisa, Romanas and Murphy, Alistair and Mohamed, Khaled and Vassalos, Dracos (2012) Design customisation and optimisation through effective design space exploration. In: 11th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC), 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-14.

Vassalos, Dracos (2012) Damage stability of RoPax – recent developments and implications. In: INTERFERRY Meeting, 2012-02-01 - 2012-02-01.

Vassalos, Dracos and Jasionowski, Andrzej and Guarin, Luis (2012) Safety, damage stability and survivability of Ro-Ro passenger ships. In: Ro-Ro Shipping Conference, 2012-02-07 - 2012-02-08.

Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos and Jasionowski, Andrzej (2011) Experiments on a floating body subjected to forced oscillation in calm water in the presence of an-open-to-sea compartment. In: 12th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2011-06-12 - 2011-06-15.

Tsakalakis, Nikolaos and Puisa, Romanas and Mohamed, Khaled and Vassalos, Dracos (2011) A performance-based survivability assessment of regulatory frameworks. In: 12th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2011-06-12 - 2011-06-15.

Azzi, Camille and Vassalos, Dracos (2011) Fire safety onboard passenger ships. In: Design and Operation of Passenger Ships Conference 2011, 2011-02-23 - 2011-02-24.

Cai, W and Vassalos, D and Konovessis, D and Mermiris, G (2011) Safety (total risk) management for passenger ships. In: Design and Operation of Passenger Ships Conference 2011, 2011-02-23 - 2011-02-24.

Vassalos, Dracos (2011) Design for safety : risk-based design. In: 12th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2011-06-12 - 2011-06-15.

Azzi, Camille and Pennycott, Andrew and Mermiris, Georgios and Vassalos, Dracos (2011) Evacuation simulation of shipboard fire scenarios. In: Fire and Evacuation Modelling Technical Conference, 2011-08-15 - 2011-08-16.

Vassalos, Dracos (2011) IMO framework for passenger ship safety - risk-based design. In: International Workshop on Risk-Based Maritime Safety and Environment Protection, 2011-10-11 - 2011-10-12.

Vassalos, Dracos and Guarin, Luis and Jasionowski, Andrzej (2011) Safe return to port - an overview. In: Ro-Ro Shipping Conference, 2011-09-11 - 2011-09-12.

Vassalos, Dracos (2011) A framework for passenger ship safety and crisis management. In: Passenger Ship Safety Conference, 2011-01-27 - 2011-01-28.

Jin, Wei and Gao, Qiuxin and Vassalos, Dracos (2011) The numerical study of robotic fish hydrodynamics. In: UK Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference 2011, 2011-06-09 - 2011-06-10.

Gao, Qiuxin and Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Computation of wave diffraction by RANS approach. In: Workshop in Ship Hydrodynamics, 2010-12-08 - 2010-12-10.

Gao, Qiuxin and Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Prediction of KCS resistance and self-propulsion by RANS. In: Workshop in Ship Hydrodynamics, 2010-12-08 - 2010-12-10.

Gao, Qiuxin and Jin, Wei and Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Simulation of roll decay by RANS approach. In: Workshop in Ship Hydrodynamics, 2010-12-08 - 2010-12-10.

Puisa, Romanas and Tsakalakis, Nikolaos and Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Reducing uncertainty in subdivision optimisation. In: 4th Design for Safety Conference, 2010-10-18 - 2010-10-20.

Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Impact of SOLAS 2009 probabilistic rules on RoPax design and operation. In: Ro-Ro Conference 2010, 2010-05-18 - 2010-05-20.

Cichowicz, Jakub and Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Goal-based system design in marine applications. In: RINA International Conference on Systems Engineering in Ship and Offshore Design, 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-22.

Vassalos, Dracos (2010) Mass evacuation and crisis management in the marine industry. In: SAR Conference 2010, 2010-04-21 - 2010-04-22.

Vassalos, Dracos and Jasionowski, Andrzej (2009) How Estonia was lost - the forensic investigation. In: Annual Conference of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 2009-04-22.

Jasionowski, Andrzej and Vassalos, Dracos and Day, Alexander (2009) Physical verification of stochastic process of ship capsize. In: Tenth International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2009), 2009-01-01 - 2009-12-31.

Wu, Zichao and Duffy, Alex H.B. and Vassalos, Dracos and York, Phil and Whitfield, Ian R. (2007) Virtue integrated platform : holistic support for distributed ship hydrodynamic design. In: 16th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2007-08-28 - 2007-08-31.

Aksu, S. and Vassalos, D. and Tuzcu, C. and Mikelis, N. and Swift, P. (2004) A risk-based design methodology for pollution prevention and control. In: International Conference on Design and Operation of Double Hull Tankers, 2004-02-25 - 2004-02-26.

Vassalos, D. and Oestvik, I. and Konovessis, D. (2001) Development of an 'idea' for safety. In: 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 01), 2001-08-21 - 2001-08-23.

Huang, S. and Vassalos, D. (1995) Chaotic heave motion of marine cable-body systems. In: Proceedings of the first (1995) isope ocean mining symposium, 1995-11-21 - 1995-11-22.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 02:12:28 2025 GMT.