Items where subject is "Religion"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (73553)
- Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (2161)
- Religion (64)
- Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (2161)
Nangia, Pranay and Ruthven, Ian (2024) A review of the literature on spirituality and religion in information research - 1990 to 2022. Journal of Documentation. ISSN 0022-0418
Patrikios, Stratos and Huhe, Narisong (2024) Neither religious nor rational : heterodoxy and institutional trust. West European Politics, 47 (2). pp. 255-279. ISSN 0140-2382
Porter, Andy and Albrecht, Jessica A. (2024) Nonviolent utopias : heroes transgressing the gender binary in The Matrix Resurrections. Feminist Media Studies, 24 (8). pp. 1863-1876. ISSN 1471-5902
Crangle, Jack and Harte, Liam and Dawson, Graham and Roulston, Fearghus and Hazley, Barry (2023) Northern Irish migrants in Glasgow and the Troubles in Great Britain : Echoes of conflict in a 'home away from home'. Journal of Migration History, 9 (2). pp. 189-219. ISSN 2351-9924
Kuźma-Markowska, Sylwia and Kelly, Laura (2022) Anti-abortion activism in Poland and the Republic of Ireland c.1970s-1990s. Journal of Religious History, 46 (3). pp. 526-551. ISSN 0022-4227
Tomazos, Konstantinos (2022) Angels of the night : exploring street-aid volunteer tourists and faith-based volunteer tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 49 (4). pp. 683-698. ISSN 0250-8281
Lewin, David (2021) Reduction without reductionism : re-imagining religious studies and religious education. Implicit Religion, 23 (3). pp. 193-217. ISSN 1743-1697
Richardson, Elsa (2021) Lentils beyond the veil. Spiritualism, vegetarianism and dietetics. Aries, 22 (1). pp. 136-154. ISSN 1570-0593
Higgins, Leighanne and Hamilton, Kathy (2020) Pilgrimage, material objects and spontaneous communitas. Annals of Tourism Research, 81. 102855. ISSN 0160-7383
Patrikios, Stratos (2020) Ideological traditionalism and organisational innovation in Greek Orthodox ecclesiastical governance. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 35 (3). pp. 415-432. ISSN 1353-7903
Samier, Eugenie (2020) Towards a model of Islamic policy studies for higher education : a comparison with Anglo-American policy studies tradition. Higher Education Governance and Policy, 1 (1). pp. 49-62.
Jafari, Aliakbar; Tadajewski, Mark and Higgins, Matthew and Denegri-Knott, Janice and Varman, Rohit, eds. (2018) Religious critiques of the market. In: The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing. Routledge, London, pp. 271-284. ISBN 9781315630526
Patrikios, Stratos and De Francesco, Fabrizio (2018) Churches as firms : an exploration of regulatory similarities. Socio-Economic Review. ISSN 1475-147X
El-Jurdi, Hounaida and Batat, Wided and Jafari, Aliakbar (2017) Harnessing the power of religion : broadening sustainability research and practice in the advancement of ecology. Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (1). 7–24. ISSN 0276-1467
Lewin, David (2017) Constructing God : educational implications of two framings of religion. In: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference 2017, 2017-03-31 - 2017-04-02, New College.
Lewin, David (2017) The hermeneutics of religious understanding in a postsecular age. Ethics and Education, 12 (1). pp. 73-83. ISSN 1744-9650
Taylor, Yvette (2017) Mediating 'aspirant' religious-sexual futures : in god’s hands? Sociological Research Online. ISSN 1360-7804
Jajdelska, Elspeth (2016) "Singing of psalms of which I could never get enough" : labouring class religion and poetry in the Cambuslang revival of 1741. Studies in Scottish Literature, 41 (1). pp. 88-107. ISSN 0039-3770
Meer, Nasar (2016) Sociologists, archbishops, and 'making a verb of a noun'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 (3). pp. 392-396. ISSN 0141-9870
Heimann, Mary; (2015) Medical and mystical opinion in British catholicism : the contentious case of Teresa Higginson. In: Sign or Symptom. KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society . Leuven University Press, KADOC, Leuven, Belgium. (In Press)
Heimann, Mary; De Maeyer, Jan and Margry, Peter Jan, eds. (2015) Victorian piety and the revival of material religion in Britain. In: Material Reform. Leuven University Press, Leuven, Belgium. (In Press)
Meer, Nasar and Modood, Tariq (2015) Religious pluralism in the United States and Britain : its implications for Muslims and nationhood. Social Compass, 62 (4). pp. 526-540. ISSN 1461-7404
Meer, Nasar and Uberoi, Varun and Modood, Tariq; Foner, Nancy and Simon, Patrick, eds. (2015) Nationhood and Muslims in Britain. In: Fear, Anxiety, and National Identity. Russell Sage. ISBN 978-1-61044-853-6
Taylor, Yvette (2015) Making Space for Queer-Identifying Religious Youth. Palgrave. ISBN 9781137502575
Jafari, Aliakbar (2014) Religion in Consumer Society: Brands, Consumer and Markets, edited by Francois Gauthier and Tuomas Martikainen. [Review]
McCorkindale, Christopher (2014) The Kirk's folly (or why we should say thanks but no thanks to the offer of reconciliation). Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum, Glasgow.
Patrikios, Stratos and Curtice, John (2014) Attitudes towards school choice and faith schools in the UK : a question of individual preference or collective interest? Journal of Social Policy, 43 (3). pp. 517-534. ISSN 0047-2794
Taylor, Yvette and Snowdon, Ria (2014) Sexuality and religion : 'international' and 'early career' perspectives. Sexualities, 17 (5-6). pp. 509-511. ISSN 1363-4607
Irvine, Charlie (2013) Responding to Sectarianism : Evaluation Report. Place for Hope, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Meer, Nasar (2013) Racialization and Religion : Race, Culture and Difference in the Study of Antisemitism and Islamophobia. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-71501-0
Mwaura, Samuel and Kamaara, Eunice; Gundona, Sylvester and Falola, Toyin and Amutabi, Maurice Nyamanga, eds. (2013) Towards poverty alleviation and socio-economic justice in a globalized context : lessons from Kenya and the social teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. In: Africa after fifty years. Africa Research & Publications. ISBN 9781592219087
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2012) El concepto de excepcionalismo español en María Zambrano a la luz del capital espiritual de la Segunda República. Thémata : Revista de Filosofia, 45. pp. 85-102. ISSN 0212-8365
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2012) El pensamiento y aportación de José Luis López Aranguren. Cuadernos de Babel. Laboratorio de pensamiento: La filosofía española como horizonte, 2. pp. 32-38.
Finlay, Richard; Carruthers, Gerrard and Goldie, David and Renfrew, Alastair, eds. (2012) Exporting the covenant : Scottish missionary tales and africa, c1870 - c.1920. In: Scotland and the 19th Century World. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 159-189. ISBN 9789042035621
Rose, Richard and Nicholson, Amanda and Bobak, M (2010) Associations between different dimensions of religious involvement and self-rated health in diverse European populations. Journal of Health Psychology, 29 (2). pp. 227-235. ISSN 1359-1053
Hillis, Peter (2009) The Barony and the churches of late nineteenth century Glasgow. Journal of Religious History, 33 (3). pp. 301-327. ISSN 0022-4227
Patrikios, S. (2009) Religious Deprivatization in Modern Greece. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 24 (3). pp. 357-362. ISSN 1353-7903
Patrikios, Stratos (2008) American Republican religion? disentangling the causal link between religion and politics in the US. Political Behavior, 30 (3). pp. 367-389. ISSN 0190-9320
Patrikios, Stratos and Curtice, John and Shephard, Mark Peter (2008) Political identity and religious choice in the USA : a study in reciprocal causation 1972-2004. PhD thesis, University Of Strathclyde.
Maitles, Henry and Gilchrist, Isabel (2006) Never too young to learn democracy!: a case study of a democratic approach to learning in a Religious and Moral Education (RME) secondary class in the West of Scotland. Educational Review, 58 (1). pp. 67-85. ISSN 0013-1911
Bourque, L.N. and Gayle, V. and Wright, R.E.; (2005) The decline of religion. In: Changing Scotland: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. Policy Press. ISBN 1861345933
Cooke, P.E. (2005) The correspondence of Roland H. Bainton and Delio Cantimori (1932-1966). An enduring transatlantic friendship between two historians of religious toleration. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 10 (2). pp. 257-258. ISSN 1354-571X
Heimann, Mary; Gilley, B. and Gilley, S., eds. (2005) Catholic Revivalism in Worship and Devotion. In: Cambridge history of christianity. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521814561
Hillis, Peter (2005) Fordyce and Portsoy: a case study into church and people in late nineteenth-century lowland rural Scotland. Innes Review, 56 (2). pp. 121-164. ISSN 0020-157X
McMenemy, D. and Poulter, A. and O'Loan, S. (2005) A robust methodology for investigating old firm sectarianism online. International Journal of Web-Based Communities, 1 (4). pp. 488-503. ISSN 1477-8394
O'Loan, S. and Poulter, A. and McMenemy, D. (2005) Old wine in new bottles: Scottish sectarianism and online communities. In: GOR'05 - International General Online Research Conference, Zurich, 2005-03-22 - 2005-03-23.
Pacione, Michael (2005) The geography of religious affiliation in Scotland. Professional Geographer, 57 (2). pp. 235-255. ISSN 0033-0124
Butler, Richard (2004) Geographic research on tourism, recreation and leisure: Origins, eras, and directions. Tourism Geographies, 6 (2). pp. 143-162. ISSN 1461-6688
Butler, Richard and Airey, David and Poria, Yaniv (2004) Tourism, religion and religiosity : a holy mess. Current Issues in Tourism, 6 (4). pp. 340-363. ISSN 1368-3500
Heimann, Mary; Matthew, H. and Harrison, B., eds. (2004) Charles Aylmer, 1786-1847. In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press, pp. 17-18. ISBN 019861411X
Heimann, Mary; Matthew, H. and Harrison, B., eds. (2004) David Jones, 1796-1841. In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press, pp. 464-465. ISBN 019861411X
Heimann, Mary; Matthew, H. and Harrison, B., eds. (2004) Herbert Thurston, 1856-1939. In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press, pp. 728-729. ISBN 019861411X
Heimann, Mary; Matthew, H. and Harrison, B., eds. (2004) John Le Brun, d 1865. In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019861411X
Heimann, Mary; Matthew, H. and Harrison, B., eds. (2004) Mary Ann Girling, 1827-1886. In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press, pp. 347-348. ISBN 019861411X
Heimann, Mary; Matthew, H. and Harrison, B., eds. (2004) Teresa Higginson, 1844-1905. In: The Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford University Press, pp. 71-72. ISBN 019861411X
Adams, Simon; Beider-beck, F., ed. (2003) England und die Protestantischen Reichsfürsten 1599-1621. In: Dimensionen der europaïschen Aussenpolitik zur Zeit der Wende. Innovationen 10/Berliner Wissen-schafts-Verlag, pp. 61-84. ISBN 978-3-8305-0384-9
Cowan, Paula and Maitles, Henry (2002) Developing positive values: a case study of Holocaust Memorial Day in the primary schools of one local authority in Scotland. Educational Review, 54 (3). pp. 219-229. ISSN 0013-1911
Heimann, Mary; Lamberts, E., ed. (2002) English Catholic Particularism in Piety and Politics. In: The Black International: L'Internationale noire 1870-1878. Kadoc Studies, 29 . Leuven University Press, pp. 447-463. ISBN 905867200x
Hillis, Peter (2002) Church and society in Aberdeen and Glasgow, c. 1800- c. 2000. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 53 (4). pp. 707-734. ISSN 0022-0469
Mills, James (2002) Colonialism, christians and sport : the catholic church and football in Goa, 1883-1951. Football Studies, 5 (2).
Moon, David; Eltis, D., ed. (2002) Peasant Migration, the Abolition of Serfdom and the Internal Passport System in the Russian Empire, c.1800-1914. In: Coerced and Free Migration. Stanford University Press, USA, pp. 324-357. ISBN 0804744548
Heimann, Mary (2001) Irish Pilgrimage: Holy Wells and Popular Catholic Devotion. [Review]
Heimann, Mary; Ditchfield, S., ed. (2001) St Francis and Modern English Sentiment. In: Christianity and Community in the West 1300-1900 (St Andrews Reformation Studies). Ashgate Publishing, pp. 278-293. ISBN 0-7546-0240-0
Moon, David (2001) The inventory reform and peasant unrest in right-bank Ukraine in 1847-48. Slavonic and East European Review, 79 (4). pp. 653-697. ISSN 0037-6795