Items where department is "Law School"
- University Departments (73474)
- Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences (398)
- Law School (117)
- Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences (398)
Nicolson, Donald and Blackie, John (2013) Corroboration in Scots law : "archaic rule” or “invaluable safeguard”? Edinburgh Law Review, 17 (2). pp. 152-183. ISSN 1364-9809
Gillies, Lorna (2012) Jurisdiction for cross-border breach of personality and defamation : eDate advertising and Martinez. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 61 (4). pp. 1007-1016. ISSN 0020-5893
Barton, Karen and Westwood, Fiona; Maharg, P and Maughan, Caroline, eds. (2011) Developing professional character – trust, values and learning. In: Affect and Legal Education. Ashgate Publishing, pp. 235-256. ISBN 978-1-4094-1026-3
Agapiou, Andrew and Maharg, P. and Nicol, Emma (2009) Learning contract management and administration using a simulated game environment. In: Information Visualisation Conference 09, 2009-07-14 - 2009-07-17.
Halliday, Simon and Burns, Nicola and Hutton, Neil and McNeil, F. and Tata, Cyrus (2008) Shadow writing and participant observation : a study of criminal justice social work around sentencing. Journal of Law and Society, 35 (2). pp. 189-213. ISSN 0263-323X
Gould, Helyn and Hughes, Michael and Maharg, Paul and Nicol, Emma; Gibson, D and Kyun Baek, Y, eds. (2008) The narrative event diagram : a tool for designing professional simulations. In: Digital Simulations for Improving Education. Information Science Reference, pp. 101-118. ISBN 978-1605663227
Ruthven, I. and Elsweiler, D. and Nicol, E.; (2008) Designing for users : an holistic approach to teaching Information Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Teaching and Learning Information Retrieval. Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWIC) . British Computer Society, London.
Maharg, Paul (2007) Transforming legal education: learning and teaching the law in the early twenty-first century. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 0-7546-4970-9
Ruthven, I. and Azzopardi, L. and Baillie, M. and Bierig, R. and Nicol, E. and Sweeney, S. and Yakici, M. (2007) Intra-Assessor consistency in question answering. In: 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, 2007-07-23 - 2007-07-27.
Whitty, N. and Murphy, Therese; Morison, John and McEvoy, Kieran and Anthony, Gordon, eds. (2007) Risk and human rights : ending slopping out in a Scottish prison. In: Judges, transition and human rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 535-558. ISBN 9780199204939
Hamilton, Jenny (2007) Negligence in the corridor? The interaction between 'separate rooms' of regulation and the common law in financial services. Tottels Journal of Professional Negligence, 23 (3). pp. 134-150. ISSN 1746-6709
Poustie, M.R.; Whitty, N., ed. (2007) Environment. In: Laws of Scotland. LexisNexis Butterworths, Edinburgh, UK.
Blackie, John; Bussani, Mauro, ed. (2006) The torts provisions of the study group on a European civil code. In: European tort law: Eastern and Western perspectives. Stämpfli Publishers, Berne, Switzerland, pp. 55-80. ISBN 3727226420
Barton, Karen and Cunningham, Clark D. and Jones, Gregory Todd and Maharg, Paul (2006) Valuing what clients think : standardized clients and the assessment of clinical competence. Clinical Law Review, 13 (1). pp. 1-65. ISSN 1079-1159
Ross, J.M.; McFadzean, Dale, ed. (2006) Employment law. In: Introduction to law and legal obligations. Dundee University Press, Dundee, pp. 135-170. ISBN 9781845860141
Blackie, John and Reid, Elspeth (2006) Personal bar. SULI: Scottish Universities Law Institute . W.Green, Scotland. ISBN 0414014642 (Unpublished)
Barton, Karen and Westwood, Fiona (2006) From student to trainee practitioner - a study of team working as a learning experience. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 2006 (3). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1360-1326
Maharg, Paul (2006) On the edge : ICT and the transformation of professional legal education. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 3. ISSN 1360-1326
Hamilton, Jenny and Gray, Joanna (2006) Implementing Financial Regulation: Theory and Practice. John Wiley, Chichester, UK. ISBN 9780470869291
Cleland, A. (2006) The Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004: Exposing the punitive fault line below the children's hearing system. Edinburgh Law Review, 9 (3). pp. 439-448. ISSN 1364-9809
Murphy, Therese and Whitty, Noel (2006) The question of evil and feminist legal scholarship. Feminist Legal Studies, 14 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 0966-3622
Whitty, N. and Murphy, T. (2006) A question of definition: Socio-legal studies, feminist legal scholarship and debate on law and politics. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 57 (3). pp. 539-556. ISSN 0029-3105
Blackie, J.W.G.; Reid, E. and Carey Miller, D.L., eds. (2005) T B Smith as a legal historian. In: Mixed legal system in transition: T. B. Smith and the progress of scots law. Edinburgh Studies in Law, 1 . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 73-99. ISBN 0748623353
Blackie, J.W.G. and Farlam, I.; Zimmermann, R. and Reid, K. and Visser, D., eds. (2005) Enrichment by the act of the party enriched. In: Mixed legal systems in comparative perspective: property and obligations in Scotland and South Africa. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 469-497. ISBN 0199271003
Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2005) Virtual learning environments: the alternative to the box under the bed. The Law Teacher, 39 (1). pp. 43-56. ISSN 0306-9400
Maharg, Paul and Muntjewerff, Antoinette (2005) Editorial: Legal education and information and communications technology (ICT). The Law Teacher, 39 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0306-9400
Maharg, Paul (2005) Peripherals perish, but bits perdure : Professional legal education and ICT. In: CELTS Professional Legal Education Conference, 2005-04-18.
Baillie, M. and Elsweiler, D. and Nicol, E. and Ruthven, I. and Sweeney, S. and Yakici, M. and Crestani, F. and Landoni, M.; Voorhees, E.M. and Buckland, L.M., eds. (2005) University of Strathclyde at TREC HARD. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-14), 2005-11-15 - 2005-11-18.
Westwood, F. (2005) Moving towards the knowledge economy - do professionals provide models for the development of knowledge workers. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2005, 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-15.
Maharg, Paul (2004) Outcomes for the diploma, the diploma: to change or not to change? In: Conference paper Heriot Watt University, 2004-01-01.
Westwood, F. (2004) Accelerated best practice : implementing success in professional firms. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke. ISBN 9781403933348
Maharg, Paul (2004) Virtual firms: transactional learning on the web. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49 (10). ISSN 0458-8711
Maharg, Paul (2004) Legal Sims: from Everquest to Ardcalloch. In: State of Play Reloaded Conference, 2004-10-06 - 2004-10-08.
Maharg, Paul (2004) Authenticity in learning: transactional learning in virtual communities. In: 35th ISAGA Conference: Bridging the gap: transforming knowledge through gaming and simulation, 2004-09-06 - 2004-09-10.
Maharg, Paul (2004) Firm foundations. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49 (8). pp. 15-18. ISSN 0458-8711
Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2004) Presence, emergence and knowledge objects: user interaction in a virtual learning environment. In: Subtech 2004: 8th International conference on substantive technology in legal education and practice, 2004-06-21 - 2004-06-23.
Maharg, Paul (2004) Legal Sims: from Everquest to Ardcalloch (and back again). In: CALI Conference, Seattle, June 2004, 2004-06-17 - 2004-06-19.
Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2004) Talk about talk: are discussion forums worth the effort? In: Vocational Teachers' Forum III, 2004-01-10.
Maharg, Paul and McKellar, P. (2004) Virtual learning environments in action. In: 6th Learning in Law Initiative Conference, 2004-01-09.
Blackie, John; Mathews, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian, eds. (2004) Andrew MacDougall, Lord Bankton. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Blackie, John; Drobnig, Ulrich and Von Bar, Christian, eds. (2004) The interference problem in contract and tort in the United Kingdom. In: The interact of contract law and tort and property law in Europe - A comparative study. Sellier, München. ISBN 3935808208
Cleland, Alison; (2004) Child and Family Law. In: Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia. LexisNexis Butterworths, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 47-67.
Cleland, Alison; Cleland, Alison and Sutherland, Elaine, eds. (2004) The child's right to be heard and represented. In: Children's Rights in Scotland. W.Green, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 179-199. ISBN 0414013492
Hamilton, Jennifer and Petty, Ross (2004) Seeking a single policy for contractual fairness to consumers: a comparison of US and EU efforts. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38 (1). pp. 146-166. ISSN 0022-0078
Maharg, Paul (2004) Curriculum design in the diploma in legal practice. Education and Training Committee of the Law Society of Scotland. (Unpublished)
Maharg, Paul (2004) Mind the gaps. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49 (9). p. 47. ISSN 0458-8711
Maharg, Paul (2004) Professional legal education in Scotland. Georgia University State Law Review, 20. pp. 947-976. ISSN 8755-6847
Maharg, Paul; Vedder, Anton, ed. (2004) Virtual communities on the web: Transactional learning and teaching. In: Aan het Werk met ICT in het Academisch Onderwijs - RechtenOnline. Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, Netherlands, pp. 75-90. ISBN 9058500659
McFadden, Jean (2004) Councillor's code of conduct. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2004) Local Government Law in Scotland: An Introduction. LexisNexis UK, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 0406959609
McFadden, Jean (2004) Ombudsman. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law. ISSN 1350-2808
Whyte, Bill and Buist, Maureen (2004) What works with children and young people involved in crime. Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre for Scotland.
Hamilton, Jenny and Gillies, Lorna E. (2003) The impact of e-commerce developments on consumer welfare - Information disclosure regimes. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 11 (4). pp. 329-348. ISSN 1358-1988
Kalin, R. and Hamilton, J. and McRoberts, C. and Keppler, F. and Harper, D.B. (2003) Chloride methylation by plant pectin: an efficient, environmentally significant process. Science, 301. pp. 206-209. ISSN 0036-8075
Blackie, John (2003) Review of J Edelman : Gain based damages - contract, tort, equity and intellectual property. Legal Studies, 23 (1). pp. 195-198. ISSN 0261-3875
Maharg, Paul (2003) Introduction. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 17 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 1360-0869
Blackie, John; Zimmermann, Reinhard, ed. (2003) Tort/delict in the work of the European Civil Code project of the Study Group on a European Civil Code. In: Grundstrukturen des Europaischen Deliktsrecht. NOMOS, Baden-Baden, pp. 133-146.
Blackie, John and Huntley, John and Cathcart, Craig; Huntley, John A.K., ed. (2003) Misunderstandings. In: Contract: Cases and Materials. W.Green, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 041401281X
Hamilton, J.A. and Wisniewski, M.; Rickett, C.E.F. and Telfer, T.G.W., eds. (2003) Economic appraisals of rule-making in the new society: why, how, and what does it mean? The challenge for the consumer. In: International Perspectives on Consumers' Access To Justice. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, pp. 196-227. ISBN 052182432X
Maharg, Paul (2003) Test of professional competence open-book pilot examinations, phase 1 and phase 2. Other. The Law Society of Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland.
Maharg, Paul and Anderson, S. and Murray, L. (2003) Minority and social diversity in legal education. Scottish Government.
McFadden, Jean (2003) Abolition of Quangos. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law, 96. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2003) Notes on legislation. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean and Lazarowicz, Mark (2003) The Scottish Parliament: an introduction. Butterworths, London, UK. ISBN 0406963584
Marshall, Kathleen and Cleland, Alison and Kay, E. and Tisdall, M. and Plumtree, A. (2002) Voice of the Child under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995: giving due regard to children's views in all matters that affect them. Volume 1 - mapping paper. The Scottish Executive Central Research Unit, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 075593346X
Croall, Hazel and Ross, Jenifer; Tata, Cyrus and Hutton, Neil, eds. (2002) Sentencing the corporate offender: Legal and social issues. In: Sentencing and Society. Ashgate Publishing Company, Hampshire, England, pp. 528-547. ISBN 0754621839
Maharg, Paul and Paliwala, Abdul; Burridge, Roger and Paliwala, Abdul and Varnava, Tracey and Hinett, Karen, eds. (2002) Negotiating the learning process with electronic resources. In: Effective learning and teaching in law. Kogan Page, London, UK, pp. 81-104. ISBN 0749435682
Maharg, Paul (2002) IT's progress: the gradual revolution. The Legal Executive, 2002 (2). pp. 8-13. ISSN 0024-0362
McFadden, Jean (2002) Local government law update. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 7.
Blackie, John; Monteiro, S, ed. (2002) Tort law and a civil code for Europe - a United Kingdom perspective. In: Um Codigo civil para a Europa/ A civil code for Europe, Boletim da faculdade de direito, Coimbra, studia juridica 64 (2002). Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 227-242.
Cleland, Alison (2002) The tyranny of testing the evidence: The need for reform of Scots law on child witnesses. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 7 (4). pp. 232-248.
Hamilton, Jenny and Coulson, Andrea and Wortley, Scott and Ingram, Dave (2002) Business finance and security over moveable property. Other. Scottish Executive Central Research Unit, Edinburgh, UK.
Kay, E. and Tisdall, M. and Marshall, K. and Cleland, A. and Plumtree, A. (2002) Listening to the views of children? Principles and mechanisms within the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 24 (4). pp. 385-400. ISSN 1469-9621
Maharg, Paul (2002) Professional legal skills resources. Glasgow Graduate School of Law, Glasgow, Scotland.
Maharg, Paul (2002) Transactional learning: web-based simulations and legal education. Legal Information Management, 2 (4). pp. 8-16. ISSN 1472-6696
Maharg, Paul and Muntjewerff, Antoinette J. (2002) Through a screen, darkly : electronic legal education in Europe. Law Teacher, 36 (3). pp. 307-332. ISSN 0306-9400
McFadden, Jean; Black, Robert and Henderson, Hamish and Thomson, Joseph M. and Miller, Kenneth, eds. (2002) Constitutional law : framework of Scottish Devolution. In: The Laws of Scotland. LexisNexis/Butterworths. ISBN 040623700X
McFadden, Jean (2002) Ombudsman: Scottish public sector ombudsman act 2002. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law. ISSN 1350-2808
Ross, Jenifer (2002) Gordon's Criminal Law. Scots Law Times, News Sher. pp. 239-240.
Cleland, Alison; Scoular, Jane, ed. (2001) Children's Voices. In: Family dynamics: contemporary issues in family law. Butterworths, Edinburgh, pp. 7-28. ISBN 0406932395
Maharg, Paul (2001) Negotiating the web: legal skills learning in a virtual community. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 15 (3). pp. 345-361. ISSN 1360-0869
Maharg, Paul (2001) As we may learn. Web-based learning, teaching and assessment in law. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 15 (3). pp. 261-264. ISSN 1360-0869
Hamilton, Jennifer; Glover, Ian and Branine, Mohamed, eds. (2001) Anti-age discrimination legislation : the Australian experience. In: Ageism in work and employment. Stirling Management Series . Ashgate. ISBN 9781840141498
Blackie, John and Patrick, H.; Cleland, A and Sutherland, E, eds. (2001) Medical treatment. In: Children's Rights in Scotland (2nd ed). W. Green / Sweet and Maxwell, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 201-225. ISBN 0414013492
Whitty, N. and Murphy, T. and Livingstone, S. (2001) Civil liberties law : the Human Rights Act era. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780406555113
Maharg, Paul; Farmer, Lindsay and Veitch, Scott, eds. (2001) Imagined Communities, Imaginary Conversations : Failure and the Construction of Legal Identities. In: The State of Scots Law. Butterworths, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780406944528
Kalin, R. and Miller, L. and McCauley, S. and Hamilton, J. and Harper, D. and Millet, D. and Oremland, R. and Goldstein, A. (2001) Large carbon isotope fractionation associated with oxidation of methyl halides by methylotrophic bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98 (10). pp. 5829-5837. ISSN 1091-6490
McFadden, Jean (2001) Green's Scottish planning factbook. W.Green, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 0414013816
Maharg, Paul (2001) The Professional Competence Course. Other. Council of the Law Society of Scotland, Scotland.
Hamilton, Jennifer and Willams, J. (2001) The impact in the UK of the EC directive on the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 12 (2). ISSN 0958-5214
Blackie, John; Farmer, Lindsay and Veitch, Scott, eds. (2001) Old and foreign: history, historiography and comparative law. In: The state of Scots law: law and government after the devolution settlement. Butterworths, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 0406944520
Cleland, A. (2001) The challenge of antisocial behaviour: new relationships between the state, children and parents. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 19 (3). pp. 395-420. ISSN 1360-9939
Cleland, Alison (2001) Testament of youth: Scots law and children's evidence. Scots Law Times, 40. pp. 329-333.
Cleland, Alison; Cleland, Alison and Sutherland, Elaine, eds. (2001) The child's right to education. In: Children's Rights in Scotland. W.Green, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 227-248. ISBN 0414013492
Cleland, Alison and Hall-Dick, Ann (2001) Child-centred family law practice. W.Green, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 0414013883
Cleland, Alison and Sutherland, Elaine E.; (2001) Child's right to care and protection. In: Children's Rights in Scotland. 2nd ed. W. Green / Sweet & Maxwell, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 131-158. ISBN 0414013492
Hamilton, Jennifer and Petty, Ross (2001) The European Union's consumer guarantees directive. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 20 (2). pp. 289-296. ISSN 0743-9156
Maharg, Paul; Juwah, Charles and Stefani, Lorraine and Westwood, Jenny and Gray, Craig and Drysdale, Jan, eds. (2001) Plans for action, time for reflection: an experiment with time, action and personal development. In: Personal Development Planning in Practice. PDP in HE Scotland Network, Scotland, pp. 1-6. ISBN 1901085627
McFadden, Jean (2001) Charity Scotland summary document : the report of The Scottish Charity Law Commission. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, UK.
McFadden, Jean (2001) The Law-making Process in the Scottish Parliament. Legal Information Management, 1 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 1472-6696
McFadden, Jean (2001) Local government law: the draft Code of Conduct for councillors. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 6 (2). pp. 161-162.
McFadden, Jean (2001) Ombudsman, Annual Report 1999-2000. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law, 83. pp. 19-20. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2001) Planning: Advice for Councillors dealing with Planning Matters. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law, 85. pp. 49-52. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2001) Planning: a power of community initiative and community planning. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law, 83. pp. 9-10. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2001) Planning: vacant and derelict land in Glasgow. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law, 84. pp. 25-26. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2001) Standards in Public Life : Draft Code of Conduct for Councillors. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law. ISSN 1350-2808
McFadden, Jean (2001) Tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areas. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law, 88. pp. 125-126.
McFadden, Jean (2001) The impact of the Scottish Parliament: a view from the outside. Scottish Constitutional and Administrative Law and Practice, 2 (3). pp. 2-6.
McFadden, Jean (2001) The modernisation of charity law in Scotland: the report of the Scottish Charity Law Commission. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 6 (3). pp. 251-259.
McFadden, Jean (2001) The public sector ombudsman system in Scotland. Scottish Constitutional and Administrative Law and Practice, 2 (1). pp. 16-20.
Westwood, F. (2000) Achieving best practice - shaping professionals for success. McGraw Hill. ISBN 9780077097493
Barton, Karen and Duncan, P. and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (2000) The paisley pattern: IT and legal practice in scotland. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 5 (3). pp. 217-239.
Barton, Karen and McKellar, Patricia and Maharg, Paul (1998) Situated learning and the management of learning : a case study. In: The Law in the Information Society Conference, 1998-12-02 - 1998-12-05. (Unpublished)
Barton, Karen and Maharg, Paul and McKellar, Patricia (1998) Learning from learning: the dialogue of virtual and real courts : the dialogue of virtual and real courts. In: BILETA '98 Annual Conference, 1998-03-27 - 1998-03-28.
Ellis, Sarah and Oppenheim, Charles (1993) Legal issues for information professionals .3. Data protection and the media - background to the Data Protection Act 1984 and the EC Draft Directive on Data Protection. Journal of Information Science, 19 (2). pp. 85-97. ISSN 0165-5515
Ellis, Sarah and Oppenheim, Charles (1993) Legal issues for information professionals .4. Attitudes to data protection amongst UK media librarians. Journal of Information Science, 19 (2). pp. 99-117. ISSN 0165-5515
McFadden, Jean; Black, Robert and Henderson, Hamish and Thomson, Joseph M. and Miller, Kenneth, eds. (1988) Constitutional Law: Local Government. In: The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia. Lexis Nexis/Butterworths, Edinburgh. ISBN 040623700X