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Number of items: 154.


Han, Tian and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2025) Distribution of maxima and minima statistics on alternating permutations, Springer numbers, and avoidance of flat POPs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 213. 106034. ISSN 0097-3165

Bevan, David and Cheon, Gi-Sang and Kitaev, Sergey (2025) On naturally labelled posets and permutations avoiding 12–34. European Journal of Combinatorics, 126. 104117. ISSN 0195-6698

Lv, Shuzhen and Kitaev, Sergey (2025) On (joint) equidistributions of mesh patterns 123 and 132 with symmetric shadings. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 166. 102856. ISSN 0196-8858

Alshammari, Mohammed and Kitaev, Sergey and Tang, Chaoliang and Tao, Tianyi and Zhang, Junchi (2025) On 1-11-representability and multi-1-11-representability of graphs. Utilitas Mathematica, 122. pp. 29-40.

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2025) A note on Hameed’s conjecture on the semi-transitivity of Mycielski graphs. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory. ISSN 1234-3099

Burstein, Alexander and Han, Tian and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2025) On (shape-)Wilf-equivalence of certain sets of (partially ordered) patterns. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 32 (1). P1.7. ISSN 1077-8926

Kitaev, Sergey and Qiu, Dun (2024) On a family of universal cycles for multi-dimensional permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 359. pp. 310-320. ISSN 0166-218X

Han, Tian and Kitaev, Sergey (2024) Joint distributions of statistics over permutations avoiding two patterns of length 3. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 26 (1). 4. ISSN 1365-8050

Chen, Joanna N. and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2024) Distributions of statistics on separable permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 355. pp. 169-179. ISSN 0166-218X

Futorny, Mikhail and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2024) New tools to study 1-11-representation of graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 40 (5). 97. ISSN 0911-0119

Bonato, Andrea and Chiang, Michael and Corbett, Dom and Kitaev, Sergey and Marenduzzo, Davide and Morozov, Alexander and Orlandini, Enzo (2024) Combinatorics and topological weights of chromatin loop networks. Physical Review E, 109 (6). 064405. ISSN 2470-0053

Bonato, Andrea and Chiang, Michael and Corbett, Dom and Kitaev, Sergey and Marenduzzo, Davide and Morozov, Alexander and Orlandini, Enzo (2024) Topological spectra and entropy of chromatin loop networks. Physical Review Letters, 132 (24). 248403. ISSN 1079-7114

Huang, Sumin and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2024) An embedding technique in the study of word-representability of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 346. pp. 170-182. ISSN 0166-218X

Kitaev, Sergey and Sun, Haoran (2024) Human-verifiable proofs in the theory of word-representable graphs. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (RAIRO: ITA), 58. 10. ISSN 1290-385X (In Press)

Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2024) Non-overlapping descents and ascents in stack-sortable permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 344. pp. 112-119. ISSN 0166-218X

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2024) On semi-transitive orientability of split graphs. Information Processing Letters, 184. 106435. ISSN 1872-6119

Huang, Sumin and Kitaev, Sergey (2024) On ordering of β-description trees. Theoretical Computer Science, 982. 114273. ISSN 0304-3975

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey and Liese, Jeffrey and Potapov, Vladimir and Taranenko, Anna (2024) Singleton mesh patterns in multidimensional permutations. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 201 (C). 105801. ISSN 0097-3165

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey and Taranenko, Anna (2023) On five types of crucial permutations with respect to monotone patterns. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 30 (1). P1.40. ISSN 1077-8926

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2023) On permutations avoiding partially ordered patterns defined by bipartite graphs. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 30 (1). P1.27. ISSN 1077-8926

Iamthong, Kittitat and Kitaev, Sergey (2023) Semi-transitivity of directed split graphs generated by morphisms. Journal of Combinatorics, 14 (1). ISSN 2156-3527

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem V. (2023) On semi-transitive orientability of triangle-free graphs. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 43 (2). pp. 533-547. 4621. ISSN 1234-3099

Chen, Joanna N. and Kitaev, Sergey (2022) On the 12-representability of induced subgraphs of a grid graph. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 42 (2). pp. 383-403. ISSN 1234-3099

Kitaev, Sergey and Long, Yangjing and Ma, Jun and Wu, Hehui (2022) Word-representability of split graphs. Journal of Combinatorics, 12 (4). 725–746. ISSN 2156-3527

Fujita, Shinya and Kitaev, Sergey and Sato, Shizuka and Tong, Li-Da (2021) On properly ordered coloring of vertices in a vertex-weighted graph. Order, 38 (3). pp. 515-525. ISSN 0167-8094

Kitaev, Sergey and Mendes, Anthony (2021) The combinatorics of Jeff Remmel. Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 1 (2). S1H2.

Iamthong, Kittitat and Jung, Ji-Hwan and Kitaev, Sergey (2021) Encoding labelled p-Riordan graphs by words and pattern-avoiding permutations. Graphs and Combinatorics, 37 (1). pp. 139-149. ISSN 0911-0119

Cheon, Gi-Sang and Jung, Ji-Hwan and Kang, Bumtle and Kim, Hana and Kim, Suh-Ryung and Kitaev, Sergey and Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad (2020) Counting independent sets in Riordan graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 343 (11). 112043. ISSN 0012-365X

Kitaev, Sergey and Saito, Akira (2020) On semi-transitive orientability of Kneser graphs and their complements. Discrete Mathematics, 343 (8). 111909. ISSN 0012-365X

Chen, Herman Z.Q. and Kitaev, Sergey and Saito, Akira (2020) Representing split graphs by words. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 42 (4). pp. 1263-1280. ISSN 1234-3099

Chen, Herman Z. Q. and Kitaev, Sergey (2020) On universal partial words for word-patterns and set partitions. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (RAIRO: ITA), 54. 5. ISSN 1290-385X

Chen, Herman Z.Q. and Kitaev, Sergey and Sun, Brian Y. (2020) Lower bounds, and exact enumeration in particular cases, for the probability of existence of a universal cycle or a universal word for a set of words. Mathematics, 8 (5). 778.

Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. and Zhang, Xutong (2020) Distributions of several infinite families of mesh patterns. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 372. 124984. ISSN 0096-3003

Cheon, Gi-Sang and Kitaev, Sergey and Kim, Jinha and Kim, Minki (2019) Word-representability of Toeplitz graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 270. pp. 96-105. ISSN 0166-218X

Cheon, Gi-Sang and Jung, Ji-Hwan and Kitaev, Sergey and Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad (2019) Riordan graphs I : structural properties. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 579. pp. 89-135. ISSN 0024-3795

Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2019) Distributions of mesh patterns of short lengths. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 110. pp. 1-32. ISSN 0196-8858

Gao, Alice L.L. and Kitaev, Sergey (2019) On partially ordered patterns of length 4 and 5 in permutations. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (3). P3.26. ISSN 1077-8926

Cheon, Gi-Sang and Jung, Ji-Hwan and Kitaev, Sergey and Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad (2019) Riordan graphs II : spectral properties. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 575. pp. 174-215. ISSN 0024-3795

Cheon, Gi-Sang and Kim, Jinha and Kim, Minki and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2019) On k-11-representable graphs. Journal of Combinatorics, 10 (3). pp. 491-513. ISSN 2156-3527

Kitaev, Sergey and Potapov, Vladimir N. and Vajnovszki, Vincent (2019) On shortening u-cycles and u-words for permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 260. pp. 203-213. ISSN 0166-218X

Enright, Jessica and Kitaev, Sergey (2019) Polygon-circle and word-representable graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 71. pp. 3-8. ISSN 1571-0653

Gao, Alice L.L. and Kitaev, Sergey and Steiner, Wolfgang and Zhang, Philip B. (2019) On a greedy algorithm to construct universal cycles for permutations. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 30 (1). pp. 61-72. ISSN 0129-0541

Akgün, Özgür and Gent, Ian and Kitaev, Sergey and Zantema, Hans (2019) Solving computational problems in the theory of word-representable graphs. Journal of Integer Sequences, 22 (2). pp. 1-18. 19.2.5. ISSN 1530-7638

Glen, Marc and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2018) On the representation number of a crown graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 244. pp. 89-93. ISSN 0166-218X

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2018) Графы, представимые в виде слов : обзор результатов. Diskretnyi Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsii, 25 (2). pp. 19-53. ISSN 1990-4797

Gao, Alice L. L. and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2018) On pattern avoiding indecomposable permutations. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 18. A2. ISSN 1553-1732

Chen, Herman Z.Q. and Kitaev, Sergey and Mutze, Torsten and Sun, Brian Y. (2017) On universal partial words. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 61. pp. 231-237. ISSN 1571-0653

Kitaev, Sergey (2017) Existence of μ-representation of graphs. Journal of Graph Theory, 85 (3). pp. 661-668. ISSN 1097-0118

Gao, Alice L.L. and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2017) On 132-representable graphs. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 69 (1). pp. 105-118. ISSN 1034-4942 (In Press)

Chen, Herman Z.Q. and Kitaev, Sergey and Mütze, Torsten and Sun, Brian Y. (2017) On universal partial words. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 19 (1). 16. ISSN 1365-8050 (In Press)

Collins, Andrew and Kitaev, Sergey and Lozin, Vadim V. (2017) New results on word-representable graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 216 (Part 1). pp. 136-141. ISSN 0166-218X

Glen, Marc and Kitaev, Sergey (2017) Word-representability of triangulations of rectangular polyomino with a single domino tile. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 101. pp. 131-144.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2017) A note on p-Ascent Sequences. Journal of Combinatorics, 8 (3). pp. 487-506. ISSN 2156-3527

Chen, Herman Z.Q. and Kitaev, Sergey and Sun, Brian Y. (2016) Word-representability of triangulations of grid-covered cylinder graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 213. pp. 60-70. ISSN 0166-218X

Gao, Alice L L and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2016) Pattern-avoiding alternating words. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 207. pp. 56-66. ISSN 0166-218X

Chen, Herman Z.Q. and Kitaev, Sergey and Sun, Brian Y. (2016) Word-representability of face subdivisions of triangular grid graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics. ISSN 0911-0119

Halldórsson, Magnús M. and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2016) Semi-transitive orientations and word-representable graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 201. pp. 164-171. ISSN 0166-218X

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey and Potapov, Vladimir and Vajnovszki, Vincent (2016) Gray coding cubic planar maps. Theoretical Computer Science, 616. pp. 59-69. ISSN 0304-3975

Gao, Alice L.L. and Kitaev, Sergey and Zhang, Philip B. (2016) Avoiding vincular patterns on alternating words. Discrete Mathematics, 339. pp. 2079-2093. ISSN 0012-365X

Kitaev, Sergey and Vajnovszki, Vincent (2016) Mahonian STAT on words. Information Processing Letters, 116. pp. 157-162. ISSN 1872-6119

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey and Tiefenbruck, Mark (2015) Quadrant marked mesh patterns in 132-avoiding permutations III. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory. ISSN 1553-1732 (In Press)

Jones, Miles and Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2015) Frame patterns in n-cycles. Discrete Mathematics, 338 (7). pp. 1197-1215. ISSN 0012-365X

Gent, Ian and Kitaev, Sergey and Konovalov, Alexander and Linton, Steve and Nightingale, Peter (2015) S-crucial and bicrucial permutations with respect to squares. Journal of Integer Sequences, 18. 15.6.5.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2015) (a,b)-rectangle patterns in permutations and words. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 186. pp. 128-146. ISSN 0166-218X

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey and Tiefenbruck, Mark (2015) Quadrant marked mesh patterns in 132-avoiding permutations II. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 15. A16. ISSN 1553-1732

Akrobotu, P. and Kitaev, S. and Masarova, Z. (2015) On word-representability of polyomino triangulations. Siberian Advances in Mathematics, 25 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1934-8126

Ehrenborg, Richard and Kitaev, Sergey and Steingrimsson, Einar (2015) Number of cycles in the graph of 312-avoiding permutations. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 129. pp. 1-18. ISSN 0097-3165

Jones, Miles and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem and Remmel, Jeffrey (2015) Representing graphs via pattern avoiding words. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (2). P2.53. ISSN 1077-8926

Claesson, Anders and Kitaev, Sergey and de Mier, Anna (2015) An involution on bicubic maps and β(0, 1)-trees. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 61 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1034-4942

Kitaev, Sergey and de Mier, Anna (2014) Enumeration of fixed points of an involution on β(1, 0)-trees. Graphs and Combinatorics, 30 (5). pp. 1207-1221.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2014) The 1-box pattern on pattern-avoiding permutations. Journal of Integer Sequences, 17 (3). 14.3.3.

Kitaev, Sergey and de Mier, Anna and Noy, Marc (2014) On the number of self-dual rooted maps. European Journal of Combinatorics, 35. pp. 377-387. ISSN 0195-6698

Atminas, Aistis and Kitaev, Sergey and Lozin, Vadim and Valyuzhenich, Alexander (2013) Universal graphs and universal permutations. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 5 (4). ISSN 1793-8317

Kitaev, Sergey and Salimov, Pavel and Severs, Christopher and Ulfarsson, Henning (2013) Restricted non-separable planar maps and some pattern avoiding permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (16-17). pp. 2514-2526. ISSN 0166-218X

Kitaev, Sergey and Liese, Jeff (2013) Harmonic numbers, Catalan's triangle and mesh patterns. Discrete Mathematics, 313 (14). pp. 1515-1531. ISSN 0012-365X

Claesson, Anders and Kitaev, Sergey and Steingrimsson, Einar (2013) An involution on beta(1,0)-trees. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 51 (2). pp. 276-284. ISSN 0196-8858

Kitaev, Sergey and Niedermaier, Andrew and Remmel, Jeffrey and Riehl, Manda (2013) Generalized pattern matching conditions for Ck ≀  Sn. ISRN Combinatorics, 2013. 634823.

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey and Valyuzhenich, Alexander (2013) Avoidance of boxed mesh patterns on permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (1-2). pp. 43-51. ISSN 0166-218X

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey and Riehl, Manda (2013) Generalized pattern avoidance condition for the wreath product of cyclic groups with symmetric groups. ISRN Combinatorics, 2013. 806583.

Kitaev, Sergey (2013) On graphs with representation number 3. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 18 (2). pp. 97-112.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2013) Quadrant marked mesh patterns in alternating permutations II. Journal of Combinatorics, 4 (1). pp. 31-65. ISSN 2156-3527

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey and Valyuzhenich, Alexander (2012) Crucial and bicrucial permutations with respect to arithmetic monotone patterns. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 9. pp. 660-671.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2012) Quadrant marked mesh patterns in alternating permutations. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (68). B68a. ISSN 1286-4889

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2012) Quadrant marked mesh patterns. Journal of Integer Sequences, 15 (4). 12.4.7.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey and Tiefenbruck, Mark (2012) Quadrant marked mesh patterns in 132-avoiding permutations I. Pure Mathematics and Applications, 23 (3). pp. 219-256. ISSN 1218-4586

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2011) Enumerating (2+2) -free posets by the number of minimal elements and other statistics. Discrete Mathematics, 159 (17). 2098 - 2108.

Kitaev, Sergey and Salimov, Pavel and Severs, Christopher and Ulfarsson, Henning (2011) Word-representability of line graphs. Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 1 (2). pp. 96-101. ISSN 2161-7643

Claesson, Anders and Dukes, Mark and Kitaev, Sergey (2011) A direct encoding of Stoimenow's matchings as ascent sequences. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 49. pp. 47-59.

Dukes, Mark and Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey and Steingrimsson, Einar (2011) Enumerating (2+2)-free posets by indistinguishable elements. Journal of Combinatorics, 2 (1). pp. 139-163.

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem and Valyuzhenich, Alexander (2011) On square-free permutations. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 16 (1). pp. 3-10.

Claesson, A. and Jelinek, V. and Jelinkova, E. and Kitaev, S. (2011) Pattern avoidance in partial permutations. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18 (1). ISSN 1077-8926

Kitaev, Sergey and Ehrenborg, Richard and Perry, Peter (2011) A spectral approach to consecutive pattern-avoiding permutations. Journal of Combinatorics, 2 (3). pp. 305-353. ISSN 2156-3527

Bousquet-Melou, Mireille and Claesson, Anders and Dukes, Mark and Kitaev, Sergey (2010) (2+2)-free posets, ascent sequences and pattern avoiding permutations. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 117 (7). pp. 884-909.

Claesson, Anders and Kitaev, Sergey and Ragnarsson, Kari and Tenner, Bridget Eileen (2010) Boolean complexes for Ferrers graphs. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 48. pp. 159-173. ISSN 1034-4942

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2010) On avoidance of V- and ^-patterns in permutations. Ars Combinatoria, 97. pp. 203-215.

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Glen, Amy and Halldorsson, Bjarni and Kitaev, Sergey (2010) On shortest crucial words avoiding abelian powers. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158 (6). pp. 605-607. ISSN 0166-218X

Heubach, Silvia and Kitaev, Sergey (2010) Avoiding substrings in compositions. Congressus Numerantium, 202. pp. 87-95.

Glen, Amy and Halldorsson, Bjarni and Kitaev, Sergey (2010) Crucial abelian k-power-free words. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 12 (5). pp. 83-96.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2010) Place-difference-value patterns : a generalization of generalized permutation and word patterns. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 10. pp. 129-154. A11. ISSN 1553-1732

Claesson, Anders and Kitaev, Sergey and Steingrimsson, Einar (2009) Decompositions and statistics for β(1,0)-trees and nonseparable permutations. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 42 (3). 313–328. ISSN 0196-8858

Deutsch, Emeric and Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2009) Equidistribution of descents, adjacent pairs, and place-value pairs on permutations. Journal of Integer Sequences, 12 (5). 09.5.1.

Kitaev, Sergey and Liese, Jeff and Remmel, Jeffrey and Sagan, Bruce (2009) Rationality, irrationality, and Wilf equivalence in generalized factor order. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 16 (2). R22. ISSN 1077-8926

Claesson, Anders and Kitaev, Sergey (2008) Classification of bijections between 321- and 132-avoiding permutations. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 60. B60d.

Kitaev, Sergey and Seif, Steven (2008) Word problem of the Perkins semigroup via directed acyclic graphs. Order, 25 (3). pp. 177-194.

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey (2008) On uniquely k-determined permutations. Discrete Mathematics, 308 (9). pp. 1500-1507. ISSN 0012-365X

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik and Seebold, Patrice (2008) Counting ordered patterns in words generated by morphisms. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 8 (1). A-3. ISSN 1553-1732

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik and Remmel, Jeffrey (2008) Counting descents, rises, and levels, with prescribed first element, in words. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 10 (3). ISSN 1365-8050

Burstein, Alexander and Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2008) Counting independent sets in certain classes of (almost) regular graphs. Pure Mathematics and Applications, 19 (2-3). pp. 17-26. ISSN 1218-4586

Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem (2008) On representable graphs. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 13 (1). pp. 45-54.

Burstein, Alexander and Kitaev, Sergey (2008) Partially ordered patterns and their combinatorial interpretations. Pure Mathematics and Applications, 19 (2-3). pp. 27-38. ISSN 1218-4586

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2007) Classifying descents according to parity. Annals of Combinatorics, 11 (2). pp. 173-193. ISSN 0218-0006

Kitaev, Sergey (2007) Introduction to partially ordered patterns. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155 (8). pp. 929-944. ISSN 0166-218X

Heubach, Silvia and Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2007) Avoidance of partially ordered patterns in compositions. Pure Mathematics and Applications, 17 (1-2). 123–134. ISSN 1218-4586

Kitaev, Sergey and Robbins, Jakayla (2007) On multi-dimensional patterns. Pure Mathematics and Applications, 18 (3-4). pp. 291-299. ISSN 1218-4586

Kitaev, Sergey and McAllister, Tyrrell and Petersen, T. Kyle (2006) Enumerating segmented patterns in compositions and encoding with restricted permutations. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 6. A34. ISSN 1553-1732

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2006) Classifying descents according to equivalence mod k. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13. R64. ISSN 1077-8926

Kitaev, Sergey (2006) Independent sets on path-schemes. Journal of Integer Sequences, 9. 06.2.2.

Kitaev, Sergey (2005) Segmented partially ordered generalized patterns. Theoretical Computer Science, 349 (3). pp. 420-428. ISSN 0304-3975

Kitaev, Sergey (2005) Partially ordered generalized patterns. Discrete Mathematics, 298 (1-3). pp. 212-229. ISSN 0012-365X

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2005) Linear recurrences and Chebyshev polynomials. The Fibonacci Quarterly, 43 (3). pp. 256-261.

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2005) On multi-avoidance of generalized patterns. Ars Combinatoria, 76. pp. 321-350.

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2005) Simultaneous avoidance of generalized patterns. Ars Combinatoria, 75. pp. 267-288.

Burstein, Alexander and Kitaev, Sergey (2005) On unavoidable sets of word patterns. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 19 (2). pp. 371-381. ISSN 1095-7146

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik and Vella, Antoine (2005) Pattern avoidance in matrices. Journal of Integer Sequences, 8. 05.2.2.

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik and Seebold, Patrice (2004) Generating the Peano curve and counting occurrences of some patterns. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 9 (4). pp. 439-455.

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2004) The problem of the pawns. Annals of Combinatorics, 8 (1). pp. 81-91. ISSN 0218-0006

Evdokimov, A. and Kitaev, Sergey (2004) Crucial words and the complexity of some extremal problems for sets of prohibited words. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 105 (2). pp. 273-289. ISSN 0097-3165

Kitaev, Sergey (2004) On multi-avoidance of right angled numbered polyomino patterns. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 4. A21.

Kitaev, Sergey (2004) The sigma-sequence and counting occurrences of some patterns, subsequences and subwords. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 29. pp. 187-200. ISSN 1034-4942

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik (2003) Partially ordered generalized patterns and k-ary words. Annals of Combinatorics, 7 (2). pp. 191-200. ISSN 0218-0006

Kitaev, Sergey (2003) Generalized pattern avoidance with additional restrictions. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 48. B48e. ISSN 1286-4889

Kitaev, Sergey (2003) Multi-avoidance of generalised patterns. Discrete Mathematics, 260 (1-3). pp. 89-100. ISSN 0012-365X

Kitaev, Sergey (2003) There are no iterated morphisms that define the Arshon sequence and the sigma-sequence. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 8 (1). pp. 43-50.

Book Section

Kitaev, Sergey; (2017) A comprehensive introduction to the theory of word-representable graphs. In: Developments in Language Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, BEL. (In Press)

Halldorsson, Magnus and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem; Kolman, Petr and Kratochvil, Jan, eds. (2011) Alternation graphs. In: Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag Berlin, CZE, pp. 191-202. ISBN 9783642258695

Kitaev, Sergey and Salimov, Pavel and Severs, Christopher and Ulfarsson, Henning; Mauri, Giancarlo and Leporati, Alberto, eds. (2011) On the representability of line graphs. In: Developments in Language Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag Berlin, GBR, pp. 478-479. ISBN 978-3-642-22320-4

Kitaev, Sergey; (2010) A survey on partially ordered patterns. In: Permutation Patterns. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, pp. 115-135. ISBN 9780521728348

Halldorsson, Magnus and Kitaev, Sergey and Pyatkin, Artem; Gao, Yuan and Lu, Hanlin and Seki, Shinnosuke and Yu, Sheng, eds. (2010) Graphs capturing alternations in words. In: Developments in Language Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag Berlin, CAN, pp. 436-437. ISBN 978-3-642-14454-7

Glen, Amy and Halldorsson, Bjarni and Kitaev, Sergey; Diekert, Volker and Nowotka, Dirk, eds. (2009) Crucial words for abelian powers. In: Developments in Language Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag Berlin, DEU, pp. 264-275. ISBN 978-3-642-02736-9

Kitaev, Sergey and Mansour, Toufik and Seebold, Patrice; Martín-Vide, Carlos and Otto, Friedrich and Fernau, Henning, eds. (2008) Counting ordered patterns in words generated by morphisms. In: Language and Automata Theory and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, ESP, pp. 287-298. ISBN 9783540882817

Conference or Workshop Item

Ehrenborg, Richard and Kitaev, Sergey and Steingrimsson, Einar (2014) Number of cycles in the graph of 312-avoiding permutations. In: Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2014-06-29 - 2014-07-03.

Kitaev, Sergey (2014) Word-representable graphs and permutation patterns. In: International Permutation Patterns Conference, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-11, East Tennessee State University.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2010) Enumerating (2+2)-free posets by the number of minimal elements and other statistics. In: 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2010-08-02 - 2010-08-06, San Francisco State University.

Claesson, Anders and Jelínek, Vit and Jelinkova, Eva and Kitaev, Sergey (2010) Pattern avoidance in partial permutations. In: 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2010-08-02 - 2010-08-06, San Francisco State University.

Kitaev, Sergey and Liese, Jeff and Remmel, Jeffrey and Sagan, Bruce (2009) Rationality, irrationality, and Wilf equivalence in generalized factor order. In: 21st International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2009-07-20 - 2009-07-24.

Bousquet-Melou, Mireille and Claesson, Anders and Dukes, Mark and Kitaev, Sergey (2009) Unlabeled (2+2)-free posets, ascent sequences and pattern avoiding permutations. In: 21st International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2009-07-20 - 2009-07-24.

Avgustinovich, Sergey and Kitaev, Sergey (2007) On uniquely k-determined permutations. In: 19th International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2007-07-02 - 2007-07-06, Nankai University.

Kitaev, Sergey and Remmel, Jeffrey (2006) Classifying descents according to equivalence mod k. In: Permutation Patterns Conference, 2006-06-12 - 2006-06-16, Reykjavik University.

Ehrenborg, Richard and Kitaev, Sergey and Perry, Peter (2006) A spectral approach to pattern-avoiding permutations. In: 18th International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2006-06-19 - 2006-06-23, University of California, San Diego.

Burstein, Alexander and Kitaev, Sergey (2005) Partially ordered generalized patterns and their combinatorial interpretation. In: The Third International Conference on Permutation Patterns, 2005-03-07 - 2005-03-11, University of Florida.

Kitaev, Sergey (2004) Independent sets on path-schemes. In: Discrete Analysis and Operations Research (DAOR'2004), 2004-06-28 - 2004-07-02, Novosibirsk State University. (Unpublished)

Kitaev, Sergey (2002) Partially ordered generalized patterns. In: 14th International Conference on Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics, 2002-07-08 - 2002-07-12, University of Melbourne.


Kitaev, Sergey and Lozin, Vadim (2015) Words and Graphs. Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, Cham. ISBN 9783319258591

Kitaev, Sergey (2011) Patterns in permutations and words. Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series . Springer-Verlag Berlin. ISBN 9783642173325

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