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Items where subject is "Literature (General)"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 111.

Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. (2014) George Moore : Influence and Collaboration. University of Delaware Press. ISBN 978-1611494327

Rodgers, Michael and Elizabeth Sweeney, Susan, eds. (2016) Nabokov and the Question of Morality : Aesthetics, Metaphysics and the Ethics of Fiction. Palgrave/Macmillan, New York. ISBN 9781137596666

Aiello, Lucia (2009) The quest for meaning: Necessity and plurality with references to Emily Dickinson. Imaginaires, 13. pp. 145-154.

Allan, J. and Ellis, S. and Pearson, C. (2005) Literature circles, gender and reading for enjoyment. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Andrews, Kerri (2010) New letters, new poems : Ann Yearsley in context. Women's Writing, 17 (1). pp. 185-195. ISSN 0969-9082

Andrews, Kerri; Blair, Kirstie and Gorji, Mina, eds. (2012) No more than as an atom ’mid the vast profound : conceptions of time in the poetry of William Cowper, William Wordsworth, and Ann Yearsley. In: Class and the Canon. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., pp. 95-115. ISBN 9781137030320

Andrews, Kerri (2010) Patronal care and maternal feeling : New correspondence between Ann Yearsley and Hannah More. Romanticism, 16 (1). pp. 43-59. ISSN 1354-991X

Andrews, Kerri (2011) A reluctant traveller : Robert Southey by stages. The Wordsworth Circle, 42 (1). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0043-8006

Bell, Eleanor (2008) Ian Rankin and the ethics of crime fiction. Clues - Bowling Green Ohio, 26 (2). pp. 53-63. ISSN 0742-4248

Bernstein, Sarah and Malone, Patricia; Rys, Michiel and Philipsen, Bart, eds. (2022) Common language : academics against networking and the poetics of precarity. In: Literary Representations of Precarious Work, 1840 to the Present. Palgrave Studies in Literature, Culture and Economics . Palgrave, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 129-143. ISBN 9783030881740

Blair, Kirstie (2018) Advertising poetry, the working-class poet, and the Victorian newspaper press. Journal of Victorian Culture, 23 (1). pp. 103-118. ISSN 1750-0133

Blair, Kirstie (2016) Children's literature and theology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Literature and Theology, 30 (2). pp. 125-130. ISSN 1477-4623

Boyle, James and Robertson, G.; (2003) Parental involvement in childrens reading: Does the frequency of paired reading sessions matter? In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society. British Psychological Society. ISBN 1350-7472X

Boyle, Karen and Jessie, Brenna (2020) How to report sexual assault trials responsibly. Gender Equal Media Scotland, Glasgow.

Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2016) Gender as trauma in Buñuel’s Un chien andalou. Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies, 5 (2). pp. 41-57. ISSN 2162-3627

Charley, J.H.; Edwards, Sarah and Charley, Jonathan, eds. (2012) Time, space and narrative : reflections on architecture, literature and modernity. In: Writing the Modern City. Routledge. ISBN 9780415591508

Colin, Beatrice (2017) Benmore and the history of Scottish plant hunters. Collected.

Colin, Beatrice (2012) Extract from Indian Ink (a novel). Gutter : the magazine of new Scottish writing (07). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2041-3475

Colin, Beatrice; (2014) Home. In: Stories of Home. Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh.

Colin, Beatrice (2016) How to make your stories exciting. Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh.

Colin, Beatrice (2011) The Suffragettes' Party : Three Shorts. BBC.

Colin, Beatrice (2018) The Vital Spark : The Driver's Seat. BBC, London.

Colin, Beatrice (2008) The luminous life of Lilly Aphrodite. John Murray, London. ISBN 978-0-7195-2071-6

Cooke, P.E. (1995) Romanze e racconti. Modern Language Review, 90 (1). pp. 219-220.

Cooke, P.E. (1996) The flavors of modernity: food and the novel. Modern Language Review, 91 (3). pp. 762-763.

Cooke, P.E. (1996) The red and the blue - the depiction of the italian partisan resistance in fenoglio il 'partigiano johnny'. Modern Language Review, 91 (2). pp. 365-381.

Côme, Pauline (2020) Translating Scotland's heritage : the impact of translation fluency on visitor experience. In: Fluidity, 2020-05-13 - 2020-05-13, University of Glasgow.

Edwards, Sarah (2012) 'Clad in robes of virgin white' : the sexual politics of the 'lingerie' dress in novel and film versions of The Go-Between. Adaptation: A Journal of Literature on Screen Studies, 5 (1). pp. 18-34. ISSN 1755-0637

Edwards, Sarah (2014) Nostalgia in the Twenty-First Century. Taylor & Francis Publishers.

Edwards, Sarah and Charley, Jonathan (2011) Writing the modern city : literature, architecture, modernity. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415591515

Ellis, S. (2003) Story-writing, planning and creativity. Reading, 37 (1). pp. 27-31. ISSN 0034-0472

Fabb, N. (2004) Review of Ian MacKenzie paradigms of reading : relevance theory and deconstruction. [Review]

Fabb, N. (2001) Weak monosyllables in iambic verse and the communication of metrical form. Lingua, 111 (11). pp. 771-790. ISSN 0024-3841

Fabb, Nigel (2017) Arbitrary innovations and literary universals. University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Fabb, Nigel; (2001) Language and literature. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 8282-8287. ISBN 0080430767

Fabb, Nigel; Aronoff, Mark and Rees-Miller, Janie, eds. (2016) Linguistics and literature. In: Blackwell Handbook of Linguistics (second edition). Handbooks in Linguistics . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. (In Press)

Fabb, Nigel (2015) Literature and linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Fabb, Nigel (2012) Poetic form as meaning in Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Journal of Literary Semantics, 41 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 0341-7638

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris; Jaén, Isabel and Simon, Julien Jacques, eds. (2012) Counting in metrical verse. In: Cognitive literary studies. University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 163-182. ISBN 978-0-292-73558-3

Fabb, Nigel A.J. (2002) The metres of 'Dover Beach'. Language and Literature, 11 (2). pp. 99-117. ISSN 0963-9470

Fudge, Erica (2022) Book Review : Loving Animals: On Bestiality, Zoophilia and Post-Human Love by Joanna Bourke. [Review]

Fudge, Erica (2006) Brutal Reasoning: Animals, Rationality and Humanity in Early Modern England. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. ISBN 978-0-8014-4454-8

Fudge, Erica (2012) Renaissance animal things. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 76. pp. 86-100.

Glass, Rodge (2022) Alasdair Gray & the transnational local. In: 3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures, 2022-06-22 - 2022-06-26, Charles University.

Glass, Rodge (2009) Hope for Newborns. Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571238224

Glass, Rodge (2023) Michel Faber : The Writer and his Work. Writers & their Work . Liverpool University Press, Liverpool.

Glass, Rodge (2006) Review: Paperbacks: Fiction: A Map of Glass, by Jane Urquhart. [Review]

Goldie, David (2015) Book review : Like Leaves in Autumn: Responses to the War Poetry of Giuseppe Ungaretti edited by Carlo Pirozzi and Katherine Lockton, translations by Heather Scott. [Review]

Goldie, David; (2016) George Gregory Smith. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Goldie, David (2007) Poetry and Gilian the Dreamer. ParaGraphs: The Neil Munro Society Journal (22). pp. 3-8. ISSN 1741-4865

Goldie, David (2010) Scotland and the fictions of geography : North Britain 1760–1830 by Penny Fielding. [Review]

Goldie, David; Plain, Gill, ed. (2016) Shades of Bruce : independence and union in First World War Scottish literature. In: Scotland and the First World War. Aperçus . Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg, PA., pp. 205-226. ISBN 9781611487763

Graulund, Rune (2006) Travelling the desert : desert travel writing as indicator species. Studies in Travel Writing, 10 (2). pp. 141-159.

Hammill, Faye (2015) Introduction: magazines and/as media : periodical studies and the question of disciplinarity. Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, 6 (2). iii-xiii. ISSN 2152-9272

Hammill, Faye; Seed, David, ed. (2005) Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. In: A Companion to Science Fiction. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 522-533. ISBN 1405112182

Hammill, Faye and Hjartarson, Paul and McGregor, Hannah (2015) Introducing magazines and/as media : the aesthetics and politics of serial form. English Studies in Canada, 41 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1913-4835

Hammill, Faye and Hussey, Mark (2016) Modernism's Print Cultures. New Modernisms . Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 978- 1- 4725- 7326- 1

Hammill, Faye and Smith, Michelle; Sugars, Cynthia, ed. (2015) Mainstream magazines : home and mobility. In: The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 352-368.

Heimann, Mary (2014) Notices of periodicals and occasional publications mainly from 2013 : East-Central Europe. English Historical Review, 129 (540). pp. 1273-1274. ISSN 0013-8266

Heimann, Mary (2013) Notices of periodicals and occasional publications mainly of 2012 : East-Central Europe. English Historical Review, 128 (534). pp. 1335-1337. ISSN 0013-8266

Higgins, Michael; Dale, Sotherton, ed. (2011) Governmentality. In: Encyclopedia of consumer culture. Sage, pp. 685-687. ISBN 9780872896017

Humphrey, Harvey (2022) Pink hair who cares? Gamut Mag, 2. p. 41.

Jajdelska, Elspeth; Rodgers, Michael and Sweeney, Susan, eds. (2016) 'Obnoxious preoccupation with sex organs' : the ethics and aesthetics of representing sex. In: Nabokov and the Question of Morality. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., New York, pp. 197-212. ISBN 9781137592217

Jajdelska, Elspeth (2016) Speech, Print and Decorum in Britain, 1600-1750 : Studies in Social Rank and Communication. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781472467256

Jajdelska, Elspeth; Huigen, Siegfried and de Jong, Jan and Kolfin, Elmer, eds. (2010) Unknown unknowns; ignorance of the Indies among late seventeenth-century Scots. In: The Dutch Trading Companies as Knowledge Networks. Intersections . Brill, Leiden. ISBN 978 90 04 18659 0

Jones, Sophie A. (2020) Minimalism's attention deficit : distraction, description, and Mary Robison's Why Did I Ever. American Literary History, 32 (2). pp. 301-327. ISSN 1468-4365

Kassabova, Kapka (2011) Twelve minutes of love : a tango story. Portobello Books, London. ISBN 9781846272844

Kawesa, Victoria and Knobblock, Ina and Vlachou, Maria and Koobak, Redi and Mehrabi, Tara and Tlostanova, Madina and Lykke, Nina (2023) Loving coalitions : seven texts on feminist resistance. Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies, 3 (1). pp. 28-63.

Kenklies, Karsten; Pfützner, Robert and Engelmann, Sebastian, eds. (2022) Der Traum von Macht und Ohnmacht : Eine pädagogische Phantasie nach Borges. In: Science Fiction Bildung. Tübingen University Press, Tübingen, pp. 37-51. ISBN 9783947251612

Kinloch, D.P. (2007) Lilies or skelfs: translating queer melodrama. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication, 13 (1). pp. 83-103. ISSN 1355-6509

Kinloch, David (2016) Akési ženy. FACE, Kosice. ISBN 9788089763085

Kinloch, David (2016) Ancestral Pastries. Atlanta Review, 22 (2). ISSN 1073-9696

Kinloch, David; Riach, Alan, ed. (2015) Full flourish : major collections of the 1960s and 1970s. In: The International Companion to Edwin Morgan. Scottish Literature International, Glasgow, pp. 40-58. ISBN 978-1908980144

Kinloch, David (2013) Out and About : 'Falls' and 'Memory'. Irish Pages: A Journal of Contemporary Writing, 7 (2). pp. 63-67.

Kinloch, David (2014) Some Women. Happenstance, Glenrothes. ISBN 9781910131107

Kinloch, David (2017) Visitation. Ambit, 228. ISSN 0002-6972

Kinloch, David (2010) The poet in the art gallery : accounting for ekphrasis. New Writing: The International Journal for the Theory and Practice of Creative Writing, 7 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 1479-0726

Kinloch, David (2015) A portrait of Walt Whitman. Glasgow Review of Books. ISSN 2053-0560

Mahn, Churnjeet (2012) British Women's Travel to Greece, 1840-1914 : Travels in the Palimpsest. The Nineteenth Century Series . Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 978-1-4094-3299-9

Mahn, Churnjeet; Lunan, Lyndsay and Macdonald, Kirsty and Sassi, Carla, eds. (2008) Romantic horizons : antique modernity in the guidebook to Scotland. In: Re-Inventing Scotland. Peter Lang Pub Inc. ISBN 978-3-631-55063-2

Mahn, Churnjeet; Kolocotroni, Vassiliki and Mitsi, Efterpi, eds. (2008) Sculpture in the harem : ethnography in Felicia Skene's Wayfaring Sketches. In: Women Writing Greece. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 97-112. ISBN 9789042024816

Mahn, Churnjeet; Thompson, Carl, ed. (2015) Travel writing and sexuality : queering the genre. In: The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415825245

Mahn, Churnjeet and Watt, Diane (2014) Relighting the fire : visualizing the lesbian in contemporary India. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 18 (3). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1540-3548

McGlade, Rhiannon (2024) Comic queens : Sofía and Letizia in Spain's graphic satire. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 101 (5-6). pp. 819-844. ISSN 1475-3820

McNair, B. (2009) Journalists in Film: Heroes and Villains. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0748634477

McNair, B. (2008) The future of journalism in the advanced democracies. [Review]

Meehan, Andrew (2022) Instant Fires. New Island Books, Dublin. ISBN 9781848408371

Mitchell, Katharine (2021) Gender, Writing, Spectatorships : Evenings at the Theatre, Opera and Silent Screen in Late Nineteenth Century Italy and Beyond. Nineteenth Century Literature Series . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York. ISBN 9780429293511

Montgomery, Martin and Durant, Alan and Furniss, Tom and Mills, Sara (2012) Ways of Reading: Advanced Reading Skills for Students of English Literature, 4th Edition. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415677479

Nellis, M.; Goold, Benjamin and Neyland, Daniel, eds. (2009) Since Nineteen Eighty Four : representations of surveillance in literary fiction. In: New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy. Willan Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84392-363-3

Nguyen, Maryann (2022) Nostalgia in dark academia. East-West Cultural Passage, 22 (1). pp. 54-72. ISSN 2067-5712

Niland, Richard (2010) Conrad and History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199580347

Niland, Richard; Harrison, Becky and Raczynska, Magda, eds. (2017) Conrad, capital and globalisation. In: Conradology. Comma Press, Manchester, pp. 155-166. ISBN 9781910974339

Niland, Richard; Sassi, Carla and Stroh, Silke, eds. (2017) Nineteenth-century Argentine literature and the writings of R.B. Cunninghame Graham. In: Empires and Revolutions. Scottish Literature International, Glasgow, pp. 80-95. ISBN 978-1-908980-25-0

Niland, Richard (2011) '"Unfit for Action . . . Unable to Rest" : Goethe, Lermontov and Under Western Eyes. The Conradian : the journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK), 36 (2). pp. 70-84. 5. ISSN 0951-2314

O'Neill, E.P. (2009) Sharpening the factual edge : teaching journalism today. Wordplay magazine (2). ISSN 2040-6754

Pennington, Diane Rasmussen and Swanson, Andree and Akwaowo, Efiong and Zobisch, Paula; Auer, Michael E. and Guralnick, David and Uhomoibhi, James, eds. (2017) Faculty perceptions on publishing research. In: Interactive Collaborative Learning. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 544 . Springer International Publishing AG, GBR, pp. 75-87. ISBN 9783319503363

Rodero, Jesus (2015) Un inventario de enigmas : Los cuentos fantásticos de Julio Ramón Ribeyro. Insula, 826. pp. 22-25. ISSN 0020-4536

Rodgers, Michael; Leving, Yuri, ed. (2013) The original of Laura and Nietzsche : a zarathustran tool? In: Shades of Laura. McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 114-128. ISBN 9780773542648

Sawday, J. (2005) In search of the philosopher's stone: Montaigne, interiority and machines. Dalhousie Review, 85. pp. 195-220. ISSN 0011-5827

Sawday, J. (2007) The chief mystery of the seminall business: Andrew Marvell, William Harvey, Abraham Cowley and the politics of fertility in the Seventeenth Century. English Journal, 56 (215). pp. 107-126. ISSN 0013-8274

Sims, Rebekah and Tran, Phuong Minh and Banat, Hadi and Panahi, Parva and Dilger, Bradley (2025) Capturing nonlinear intercultural development via student reflective writing. Written Communication, 42 (2). pp. 371-404. ISSN 1552-8472

Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2020) Tough guys and little rocket men : @RealDonaldTrump's Twitter feed and the normalisation of banal masculinity. Social Semiotics, 30 (4). pp. 547-562. ISSN 1035-0330

Smith, Michelle (2009) “Hello Canada! It’s Fine to Have You Here.” : Canadian nationhood, women, and popular fiction during the second World War. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 44 (1). pp. 5-22. ISSN 0021-9894

Smith, Michelle (2012) dear Hermes ... University of Alberta Press, Edmonton. ISBN 978-0-88864-597-5

Soltysek, Raymond (2007) Do books still matter? Teaching Scotland, Spring (22). p. 12. ISSN 1469-3054

Soltysek, Raymond (2008) A hantle o verse. [Review]

Thorne, Alison (2012) Female captivity and the rhetoric of supplication : the cases of Lady Mary Grey and Lady Arabella Stuart. Lives and Letters, 4 (1). pp. 152-171. ISSN 2040-4395

Veerapen, Steven (2020) Blurred lines : the ever-decreasing distinction between fiction and nonfiction. The Historian.

Verdier, Caroline (2014) ‘La famille est une horrible blague' : Familles en crise dans les romans d’Elisa Brune. Australian Journal of French Studies, 51 (1). pp. 88-99. ISSN 0004-9468

Williams, Nik and McMenemy, David and Smith, Lauren (2018) Scottish Chilling : Impact of Government and Corporate Surveillance on Writers. Scottish PEN.

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